It was always creepy allowing Shane Reti to drive along with Ambulances


Health NZ gives St John scolding after it let National MP Dr Shane Reti tag along on night shifts, enter facilities

Newshub can reveal St John is drawing up a new agreement with Health New Zealand after it let a National MP tag along in night-time emergencies for three months.

The ambulance service has had a telling-off for allowing Dr Shane Reti into hospitals without its permission.

I always thought it was creepy that Shane Reti was allowed to gawk at the most personal and traumatised moments of an emergency.

What if he turned up at your medical emergency?

Do you really agree to be political fodder to the Opposition spokesperson?

It’s ghoulish and intrusive and all to make political point scoring.

National have pledged to slash public services while pointing at how broken our underfunded public services are!

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It’s sophistry of the highest order to pledge slashing public services and then riding along to those undefunded services to denounce them!



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  1. At least he pretends to care about the terrible state of the Emergency Rooms and hospitals in general!

    The brand new public base hospital that I visit regularly is so understaffed that they are now charging General Practice fees to patients in the Emergency Room, cannot do basic surgeries because they do not hire enough surgeons, and cannot do the consultant specialist appointments they used to either. And it was already too small the day it opened, which was way behind schedule!

    • Saying you care and being willing to fix it are two very different things. National spent 9 years destroying it, so I won’t hold my breath believing promises that they would continue Labour’s efforts to rebuild it.

    • You are talking shit. No public hospital will or can charge for providing care to New Zealanders. Don’t tell fucking lies. You must be going to a private operator who is probably fleecing you and the government.

    • OMG are you KF this stupid? Reti belongs to the government that created this dire situation and he does not give two fucks. He is one creeeepy guy, just look in his eyes. Creepy creepy yuk yuk guy. No question. And if he turned up at my door when I called an ambo, wow, I would press charges. Disgusting. What a creep, to joy ride with the ambo crew up and down the land and a dick to think he would be appreciated for doin that. Planet Earth ? Na he a lizard from No. 9. ..or you know, wherever

      • Lone Comet. This man sickens me. My first ambulance trip was in the aftermath of a lengthy agonising miscarriage. Being eyed by a cold political bastard like him would have added massively to my distress.

        Seeing him now on television referring to patients like zoo specimens, is chilling. If he has been a practising gp, then I’d expect him to be more acquainted with the realities of life than he seems to be. God knows what he’s been doing. Occasionally one hears of politicians sitting quietly in an A&E observing the dynamics of what goes on there, but Reti’s is an unwarranted intrusion at a very personal level, which he had no right to be making. He’s another grubby opportunist using his doctorhood for political purposes, and he should be censured by the College of GP’s for grossly inappropriate behaviour.
        He alone would stop me ever voting National, were I idiotic enough to consider doing so.

    • Probably none. If you think that reality television is real life, it might be time to flush your pills down the toilet. One of Key’s ladies appointed head of the GCSB thought that their activities would make a good television program too. Fifty years ago Reti would have been horsewhipped by a good man from Gore or down the West Coast for his impudence here, but they can’t do that now. The Greens jump on bandwagons, and the tabloid scribblers were the original ambulance chasers, but this jerk has taken the exploitation of the health challenged to a new sort of low.

  2. Reti want to impose US style healthcare in this country. He said in the last election that doctors should be able to pretty much charge what they like, so look forward to it costing the same amount to go to the doctor as it does to the dentist.

  3. Reti’s actions embarrassed the Health officials who are usually excellent at hiding how bad the system is.
    So it needs to be banned.

    It is very Sir Humphrey Appleby-ese – not allowing a politician to talk to the front-line public servants enables the Secretary of the Department to manage the info flow.

    • Ada you miss the point altogether. Many of these patients would not have been able to give their consent. He would not have been able to be a doctor on these observation rides. There would be many people out there horrified at being on show at their most vulnerable only to be fodder for an MP. on a political crusade. Only certain people are even allowed behind the doors in ED’s and him being a doctor means diddely squat when he is acting as an MP. It’s shameful and if he portrays himself as the good doctor he should be ashamed of himself

      • Queeny 100% This is an appalling violation of patients’ rights, and Reti resembles a voyeuristic creep rather than a serious information gatherer. What’s more, any information gathered about the state of the health service as an ambulance chaser would be extremely limited, and so far from comprehensive as to be laughable, except that it’s no laughing matter for the patients in the ambulance, or anywhere else.

      • Queeny It’s surprising that the Human Rights Commissioner hasn’t piped up about this. On second thoughts, no, it’s not, he seems to be mighty selective himself. The Privacy Commissioner, hmmm.

  4. Only by getting out and about at the coal face will the most senior politicians ever realize what a basket case our country has become.

    • “Tag along in night time emergencies for three months…..”
      Clearly a publicity stunt.
      Reti must be bloody thick?

      Minister Verrall: “Night time emergencies? What’s that?”

    • Reti is a very sincere and intelligent man. In fact, his main flaw aas a Politician is that he doesnt care for political bullshit and tends to go off the reseervation ‘trying to make things better’.

      If National gets in (Anyone’s guess at the Mo) I do believe he will be the best Mnister of Health we have had in decades.

  5. At least he is a doctor and bound by code of ethics (as a doctor). Better than having some approved journalist or “prffssnl pblc srvnt” on board.

      • Maybe, but he is making a remarkably good point. And his actions allowed Health New Zealand to protect us all from another existential threat to our wellbeing.

        • The point being he is an MP of a party responsible for the decline of our health services for 9 years. Crying wolf on health therefore is pathetic.

    • Nope. Ambulances are often emergency situations with vulnerable distressed persons on board, both adults and children, and the last thing that they should have to worry about is having some politician sitting there too.

      The rest of the country knows what a dire situation our health service is in and Reti should know this without having to go ambulance stalking.

      After all, his lot did their damndest to try and privatise a once extremely good national health service and to reduce patients with health issues into being customers. Stuff him.

  6. No. He is a MD and as opposition health spokesperson he has every right to see the condition of our health sector.

    And where are the complaints outside of the embarrassing health executives?

  7. Ffs. He is a trained and registered Dr. I haven’t heard him reveal any patient details. He’s talking about staffing.

    Good on him. Having listened to hm being interviewed Twice, he will make an amazing health minister

    • “…he will make an amazing health minister.” Thank God you think so. I was worried there was no one with an unbiased, common sense approach to a ghastly and opportunist aberration of common decency and respect left in the national party.
      BTW@ Anker? Aren’t you missing a W? Serious question.

    • He will be amazing all right. Amazing at imposing US style health care. Every single National MP, member and voter see the US health system as a shining example of how health should be run in this country. They hate the idea of free healthcare, and want an insurance based system like what they have there. They are evil, and by extension so are you. You an evil woman Anker, and evil women who doesnt want people getting free healthcare.

      • LOL. After being in hospital recently I can say for sure under Labour these places have regressed to the third world. The only reason there hasn’t ben a complete collapse is the staff who are being forced to a gun fight with a blunt butter knife.

  8. Camera crews in ambulances for reality TV? No problem!
    MP travels with ambulance to get an ides what life is like at the coalface? outrage!


  9. The problem is that Shane is shedding light at the third world state of medical care that this Government has caused over the last several years.

    For example it now being routine that 111 services are requesting callers to transport themselves to hospital due to insufficient ambulances because they’re all still waiting at hospital A&Es as there are insufficient staff to accept the new arrivals.

    • Mr Nobody. There’s more to this than meets the eye. If a patient turns up at A&E under their own steam, they may or many not be admitted, and they can have a lengthy wait. If they arrive at hospital by ambulance, then they have to be admitted, and they get triaged promptly.

      • Do you think the minister of immigration will lay a complaint with the select committee so that Reti can be hauled over the coals?
        If this misinformation becomes public knowledge, who will want to immigrate here.

  10. I wonder how he would cope if a patient wanted to undertake a legal abortion or euthanasia or trans surgery?
    What would his stance or advice be?
    Would he be a tad uncomfortable perhaps?

  11. National didn’t cause the health care crisis, nor the other multitude of crises.
    Malibu Cindy and her name of incompetent fools did.
    NZ needs an honest, competent centre left party. They ain’t it and you can have no ethics if you support them.

    • Oh Jays don’t be so foolish this crisis has been years in the making and let’s not forget the small matter of a pandemic

    • “National didn’t cause the health care crisis, nor the other multitude of crises.”

      You.have fucking kidding!

      Korrupt Ponytail puller Assassin, the sole reason for underfunding health, give yourself an uppercut!

    • Stop trying to rewrite history Jay. The shortages have been decades in the making, exacabated by covid snd world wide shortages and National’s 9 year book balancing exercise being partcularly destructive. Yes, Labour should have done more, but don’t think National have any magic wand short of giving tax cuts so the wealthy can afford to go private.

    • It’s not a question of ethics, it’s more a question of what’s worse. A plump cadre of institutionalized liars who manipulate, abort and distort the truth to build 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires and have given four foreign owned banks an open door to exploit us while wrecking our primary industry and seeing 480 people now living in cars who are now in cahoots with ACT, the roger-gnome party who kick-started this entire nightmare spanning now 39 years, or the Labour party.

    • National hate the idea of free healthcare. Look at what they did to our health system in the 1990’s. They should never again be trusted with power in this country.

  12. What an arrogant virtue signaller Dr Reti is. Respect, privacy, confidentiality, Bill of Rights transgressions, transgression of so much of the established western medical tradition, and he knows that. Even hospital doctors ask their patients permission for non-participatory persons to be present, but not, it seems, cold Shane Reti.

  13. ” Newshub can reveal St John is drawing up a new agreement with Health New Zealand after it let a National MP tag along in night-time emergencies for three months. ”

    Did anyone from St John remind him that they aren’t funded as an emergency service and have to rely on donations ?

    St John should have refused until he could give a commitment to fund the service from general taxation as part of NACT’s commitment to better fund our health service !!!

    They really have missed a golden opportunity here but then they are to busy saving lives.

    This stinks to high heaven when any neo liberal representative MP is involved regardless of the token unregulated party trying to score political points to pretend they actually care.

  14. ” Newshub can reveal St John is drawing up a new agreement with Health New Zealand after it let a National MP tag along in night-time emergencies for three months. ”

    Did anyone from St John remind him that they aren’t funded as an emergency service and have to rely on donations ?

    St John should have refused until he could give a commitment to fund the service from general taxation as part of NACT’s commitment to better fund our health service !!!

    They really have missed a golden opportunity here but then they are to busy saving lives.

    This stinks to high heaven when any neo liberal representative MP is involved regardless of the token unregulated party trying to score political points to pretend they actually care.

  15. The national party are narcissistic sociopaths so it’s no wonder they don’t understand the nuances of propriety.
    Add ACT to them and you’re going to get a brilliant 3D horror film that produces itself as an on-going Twilight Zone reality series. If you enjoy watching people suffer while you laze about in plush furnishings getting a frisson out of suffering then you’re going to vote National.
    How utterly cheap and vile.

  16. Standard process for a competent chief executive to visit the shop floor out of hours and talk to staff. In Reti’s case he actually treated some patients as a qualified medical practitioner as well
    Given Parker is now doing a kamikaze run on the Labour party he will almost certainly be chief executive by November

    • I am all for better health care.
      Better choice and better health care goes hand in hand.
      Linear thinking is to blame for most of what is wrong in this country.

  17. Are you kidding me… ‘at least’ …. you REALLY need to check your dumb ass snobbery.
    Doctors are not very well educated beyond their expetise and these ‘filter down’ ignorant GPs have way too much power over aspects of their patients lives they have NO experience to administer.
    But administer they do.
    They are very powerful.
    Much more so than the police, who deal in the moment.
    But who has more power to decide the fate of a person’s life overall, over the long run?
    The doctor.


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