To attempt a wealth tax as Grant Robertson has done via the official channels he did was always doomed to failure.
The detail of how Nicola Willis ordered her OIAs screams internal leak.
What Grant failed to appreciate is that attempting to take money from rich powerful people is almost impossible when Treasury are some of the rich powerful people he wants to take money away from!
Giving everyone the first $10000 tax free and limiting the wealth tax on those with over $4million was a glorious attempt.
An attempt that was always going to be sunk by those Professional Managerial Class who are tasked with ensuring the wealthy are always saved from the democratic wrath of the poor.
Ginny Anderson claims Chippy, ‘read the room’, by ruling out a wealth tax, oh really Ginny?
And what fucking room was that Comrade?
A room full of landlords?
Chippy was spooked by the late night knock on the door from some Treasury Nazgul preaching the end of Western Civilisation if Grant’s wealth tax was green lit.
Chippy is frightened of losing to the most right wing conflict Government ever imagined in the form of ACT and National, Chippy is not some malicious neoliberal LINO.
Talking of fear, there was James Shaw huffing and puffing and saying he was very disappointed but would effectively do nothing.
He was a fart in a blizzard.
Don’t get me wrong, misuse a pronoun, mispronounce te reo, suggest female comedians aren’t funny or Mummy Bloggers are over rated and they will burn your eye lids off and make you watch them skin your pets alive, they are great at cancel culture performance art, not so good at the actual bear pity of politics and changing the neoliberal hegemonic economic structure.
The Greens are soft and weak and as much threat as a vegan powerlifter.
They are virgins at an orgy.
You know it.
I know it.
The voters know it.
John Tamihere on the other hand is the Hammer of God!
Chippy can make as many Captain’s calls as he likes.
He can say any Labour led Government he leads won’t bring in a Capital Gains Tax or Wealth Tax and good for Chippy because Chippy can make those demands WHILE he has an MMP majority, however he ain’t gonna have an MMP majority post October and while he is safe in the knowledge James Shaw can’t and won’t do jack shit, John Fucking Tamihere brothers and sisters is a very different kettle of fish.
This is the man who sued Mike Hosking for defamation and gave the money to the Māori Party!
This is the man who backs down to no one.
This is the man who wakes up early each morning to start a fight with his own shadow!
This is the legend, the master, the bover boy of the Working Class Left who will lay the demands down for Supply and Confidence votes from the Māori Party and Chippy either accepts them or goes right back to another election ’cause JT ain’t for turning.
This is why the progressive left who want actual transformative change must party vote Maori Party NOT Greens!
You could give the Green Party a red van, call them Pat and they still couldn’t deliver!
JT will deliver and as Debbie’s comments today points out, those bottom lines will be for universal left policy that lifts white people in poverty out of that poverty alongside their Māori and Pacifica brothers and sisters…
“Marae are the first to open their doors.”
Key policy planks would be around protecting the environment, oranga whenua, and the people, oranga tāngata.
The party has already been pushing specific policies to remove GST from food and to ban seabed mining, with more policies to be revealed over the coming months, particularly around the redistribution of wealth.
Ngarewa-Packer believed their surge in support was because of their focus on Māori and tāngata whenua solutions and “staunch” environmental kaupapa.
…if we want to see GST off food, if we want to see a tax on the wealthy and if we want to see real reform of Capitalism so the State has the resource to provide for the people, and we want all of this in the first 100 days, forget Labour or the Greens, the Māori Party are the solution because Chippy will laugh at demands from James, but he won’t pull that shit with JT.
As The Daily Blog has been ceaseless in pointing out, the only way we get Labour to be progressive is learn the lessons of the Laila Harre School of Politics which states; anytime you want to get Labour to something meaningful, you need to smash their head into a wall, put a gun to their face and scream “do it”.
By snookering Labour and the feckless Greens with a knee capping pipe hitting working class bover boy like JT into forcing through the most progressive agenda since Mickey Savage, we have something that can finally leverage Labour into doing more than managing the interests of the Professional Managerial Class.
Chippy is a good man, he just needs friends like JT to help steady his nerves when he takes all that money from rich people.
The Daily Blog was the first to push Labour/Green minority Government with Supply and Confidence from Māori Party as our way forward while the Woke have played cancel culture games and the reactionary Right have lost their shit over bilingual signs.
The Daily Blog called it first and we will be calling it all the way up until the election as News Producers scramble to comprehend what is happening.
You can either read to first here on The Daily Blog or wait for the News Producers to read it on The Daily Blog.
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It’s immaterial because neither Labour nor the Greens will be in the next government.
Andrew the pic of the Chipster looks like a startled budgie.I think he’s beginning to realise he’s mucking things up.
He’s definitely not Prime Ministerial.
Grant sitting in the wings ready to pounce.
That’s an understatement!
Even tribal Labour are now reluctantly walking away, because this is the worst government in NZ history.
Another MP with a conflict of interest, another MP hiding from the media and another Dairy owner attacked. The revelation that government debt was way higher than forecast, the news of half a billion dollars on expired RAT tests being stored in a warehouse, youths on roofs being handed KFC again, court waiting times stretching out to years. A nation divided against itself. All sectors of education in crisis and a health amalgamation that has achieved nothing other than waste yet more money.
Oi Troll – out!
Is Martyn related to John Tamahere?
Bomber, you really need to clean out the blocked S Bend of TDB, John Tamihere’s name is spelt TAMIHERE.
A classic tory troll technique is to miss spell names.
JT has certainly had some sort of epiphany in the direction of class left from what I can gather, and will indeed be an asset in this years election as will Debbie and TPM.
That’s if he can drag himself away from the buffet table at the swanky resorts he chooses to spend his recreation time in on our dollar!
@ yada yada yada ada . Are you related to Benjamin Netanyahu ?
Are you related to the human species?
That, or a really strong crush on JT.
Ada. Who had a really strong crush on the late Roger Kerr, hmm ?
Is Ada related to Bob and Kraut?
For Labour it doesn’t matter whether its sensible or just: its entirely about virtue signalling its envy “othering” of those who aren’t part of its dependency voter base.
RobbieWgton it’s clear nothing matters to this Labour bunch but to win the election.
Labour Party has worthy principles but the current scurry are not Labour people.
I wrote months ago here that it was between TPM and Greens as to party vote, as a pākehā am going with Te Pāti Māori this time just as I voted Mana before.
The strategic task for the working class is clear in this Parliamentary General Election: keep Natzos and Actoids well away from office, and deal with the rest after October 14 result is in. A strong Green/TPM turnout will sit the neo Blairists on their arses.
NZ’s only practicing “Gonzo” blogger, Bomber Bradbury, is correct that the public sector leaks and undermines big time in the interests of capital. If even “Robbo” is now supporting some form of wealth tax/CGT, wtf is going on with Chipkins response? It is “dark energy” that is what, finance capital have kneecapped the PM.
So I can party vote Te Pate Maori…. Excellent news!! I’m in Chlöe Swarbricks electorate, and want to party vote TPM as a pakeha… Thanks for that..
“wtf is going on with Chipkins response?”.. I think there is a clue in the phrase “any Labour led Government he leads”… Or, “any government he leads” if one prefers…
Problem with TPM and Tamahere is that he wont answer if Maori wealth will be taxed. His close friend in the Labour party says;
“Jackson said the Māori economy has grown from $16 billion to $70 billion in 20 years, and with a projected growth of 5 percent per annum, that’s expected to reach $100 billion in assets by 2030.”
1.5% wealth tax on that $100B will be $1.5B per annum.
Chur bro !!
Of course Gerrit TPM will take their orders from the elite Iwi.
That’s a certainty.
Not only will I be voting for them, I will have a billboard and I joined the party last year. The Greens, too busy with all that bullshit he she it they…………..
Since Martyn brought it up: Where is Laila Harré? Where is Matt Robson? Where are Hamish MacIntyre and Frank Grover?
None of the current parties have popular policies, or popular leaders, or even many competent politicians. Sure sounds like the perfect storm for the launch of a new Third Party (or two).
If not now, then when?
Asking the electorate to trust two ol’ Clintonite hitmen like J.T. & Chippy just won’t cut it any more. That con worked from 1979-2014, but no longer — and more toxic identity politics won’t save them.
How many of us are thinking about new ways – must be thousands. When the time is right for the left and both Labour and Greens can’t get onto the matters that they are uniquely placed to attend to, and have held themselves out as being the Good Pollies of NZ/AO – and they were found to be MIA when required, well they can limp along in the rear of a new party with verve and practicality.
Not for the best people though, they can change their curtains, put up some of those sun screens ready for next year, supposed to be hotter, and spend their time effectively. We others need to step up and put in whatever we have available to fill the holes in the fabric of our society.
Martyn – Hipkins call is another reason to vote Labour out
I am no expert and my information may be wrong but I understand only 3 countries have a wealth tax .One of those is Norway who is fighting hard to stop money vanishing overseas.
A wealth tax would be hard to police and return little in return .GST off food has been debunked by all tax reviews since it came in .We have one of the best and easy GST type scheme in the World why stuff it up for little reward .If an one thinks removing gst of food would mean a 15 percent drop in prices know little about how business operates.
I can only talk from a limited group of friends and what I gleen from the papers and google but I wonder how many Pakeha would vote for the Maori Party. How many Maori have lost faith in the system and will not turn out to vote like they avoided the cencus and vaccinations .
The Greens are woke and weak
And National govern for their donors and farmers only, that’s separatism.
Both Labour and National will always back down on any “transformative” policy that is an election loser – and almost all “transformative” policy is an election loser (i.e. people by and large hate radical change). This is sort of a good thing, since radical transformative policy is almost always highly destructive to both the economy/society and thus will (almost) always be rejected. Robert Muldoon’s National and David Lange’s Labour are exceptions. Neither of those Governments are fondly remembered.
I think the major parties have a responsibility to rule out some of the things their support parties want. They owe that to the electorate.
The small parties do not have the power that is represented here. The reason being that they have no other option. None of them are middle parties able to swing either way. In short they can’t force fundamentally unpalatable things onto their major party. As with the Greens and TPM, so with Act.
The major party provides the PM and the majority of the Cabinet including Finance. Any policies of the coalition have to be owned by the PM. He/She is the primary advocate of the government and also has to defend the government on radio and TV. They can’t effectively do that on policies they fundamentally don’t believe in.
The term ‘traitor’ is not used often enough.
Whether one considers an American-loving neoliberal dog like Hipkins or Anderson just a standard ‘traitor’, a class traitor, a people’s traitor, or whatever- it cannot be disputed. These dogs are all traitors to this country. They deserve the highest justice.
What I always love about these schemes is the way that rich, powerful people just sit around and let Lefties take their money off them via taxes. Why it’s almost as if they don’t have access to lawyers and accountants – or planes.
BTW, those rich, powerful people will include the Ngāi Tahu’s and other property-owning iwi, correct? And especially the ones with Trusts?
Good. Glad to see we’ll all be in this together.
Compulsory Unionism, diction in John boys mind. eH.
Is Ada related to Bob and Kraut?
All good and well, but we also have to have people who make, grow, and sell stuff to maintain or grow our wealth as a nation. Any ideas on how to do that Martyn? Or does wealth just appear out of thin air?
John Tamihere is great in this interview. The Maori party certainly has the best foreign policy.
I know what the problem is!
I bet you no one has.
If Grant tried to get important tax changes through (well any), and got blocked that’s a sorry thing. And I must say sorry to Grant as I didn’t think he had the guts to try.
We already have a party that will do the things that Labour is to frightened to do.
Te Pati Maori, they will launch their tax policy in the next few weeks and it will be a cracker, and if people are concerned about the poorest and disenfranchised in our society then people need to vote for Te Pati Maori.
Neither of the main parties are appealing to many many people the transformational government that did shit all. and those nasty nasty people on the real right who believe that everyone should simply be responsible for themselves and live on the streets if need be.
I am a 74 year old Pakeha living in a small Waikato town. I will be voting TPM. The current Labour Party government claims it cares about the impoverished. They are as convincing as a Rugby League scrum
If the answer was John Tamahere, then the question was crap.
Maori party will implode if they ever got into power as they have soooo many bottom lines and urgent policies that they cannot all be implemented which means some white felluhs have to say NO to them…then the shit will hit the fan! Lol popcorn time.
The question was, who did Mike Hosking with his hard right wing opinions have to apologise to for his abuse of media position and was forced to pay out libel costs? John Tamahere. Seems the white felluh thought he was above the dark felluh, just like history! Lol popcorn time!
We fool ourselves if we believe that one can form political parties based on values.
Plato said it was all about form! How can values be form?
Race on the other hand……
I watched a film titled ‘Vice’ last night about hideous dick chaney and his sycophantic hangers-on, on their rise and rise to unhinged power in the events leading up to, and beyond, 9/11.
If you haven’t watched this then give it a go. Brilliant acting by Christian Bale as Chaney, Steve Carell as Donald Rumsfeld, Tyer Perry as Colin Powell, Sam Rockwell as Gee Dubja Bush and Lily Rabe as Liz Chaney. Produced by Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Kevin Messick and Will Ferrell.
We need to re acquaint ourselves with the notion that WE are the one’s in control of our politics, not our political admin. *When we’re all comfy, at peace and well fed we should be at our most vigilant.
Hipkins went out to tax the rich and instead he comes back looking like he’s seen a ghost. The truth, Chris Hipkins, can take on many terrible forms but it will **set you free. Paraphrased thus * and ** are neither mine.
True Thomas Ginny Anderson could not read a room on anything. She is after all FOURTH choice as labour Police minister, behind Nash, o Connor , potu and someone else I can’t remember. Been so many useless minister s .
Ginny Anderson is a 100% Jacinda clone – smile and spin. Whatever possessed Chippie to give her the Police portfolio…fuck what a wrong decision! Calling Dekker, we have a replicant problem!
The main problem is the profits of all if not most of corporation being dubiously shipped ‘off-shore’ ,,,,
That’s the problem,,, and Act/National are against fixing it.
Uber and Google – how PwC got them to dud Australia of billions
Act/National get ‘donated’ money not to fix it….. Labour less so.
I still don’t know about Tamihere. Seems a tearaway rather than a working class hero. I know that describes the original Lefties. It would be a guess to vote for Te Pati Maori.
You are right, the Greens finally have a steely policy for the poor, but their longtime steely policy for the climate hasn’t worked out. Soft.
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