Political Caption Competition


If Labour and ACT form a coalition


    • @ TMNFW.
      Exactly. I fail to understand what it is that’s funny or ironic or in some way quirky about wrecking our AO/NZ for the wealth creation of the disciples of self entitled, neo-liberal greed. Some things are simply not funny. Like child porn, the holocaust, animal cruelty, racism, sexism, etc.
      Labour is still unapologetically roger douglas’s neoliberalism and ACT is roger douglas’s mutating tag-team mini-me tumour growing off Labour’s heart and soul. roger douglas should be in prison and ACT should be under a rigorous tribunal inquiry or better still, being subjected to a royal commission of inquiry.
      All of our political parties now have mandates to serve which are grounded in greed. Greed, is their primary motivation and that motivation for greed is the very hallmark of neo-liberalism.

  1. You have that in Germany, they call it the Ample Coalition, Red, Green and Yellow. Beware what you ask for, and in saying that nothing can really be worse then the current shitheels.

  2. These two are marching in step – I couldn’t see Labour and Axe doing that, though maybe coalescing into the Mayhem Party. Ahem, I believe that may be the case – a nut case!


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