Green renters policy, Labour’s ambivalence to implement it and why it says we need Maori Party


The Greens have put out a righteous Renters policy that only allows greedy landlords to increase their rentals by 3% maximum each year.

This is necessary because the obscene corporate property mangers are constantly pushing their client landlords to increase rents every 3 months because the more rent charged, the more money the Property Mangers get.

The backlash from the scum landlords highlights how much of a class war we are involved in.

There is an unspoken promise between the neoliberal State and the untaxed capital gains private landlord class that the neoliberal State never builds enough State Houses to alleviate housing desperation so that the untaxed capital gains private landlord class can exploit that housing desperation ON TOP OF getting a $1.5Billion annual subsidy in the form of the Accommodation Allowance EVERY SINGLE YEAR!

So the neoliberal State work hand in glove with the interests of the untaxed capital gains private landlord class to constantly keep desperation in the Housing market by never building enough State Houses WHILE handing taxpayer funded subsidies to the untaxed capital gains private landlord class!

This rigged casino where Landlords can constantly use their own debt to buy more property and out leverage first time home buyers just adds insult to injury.

On top of this, ACT and National want to give that same untaxed capital gains private landlord class the power to evict you at will so they can kick out the smelly domestic renters and exploit the new 100000 migrant workers coming into the country, remove all the healthy home and environmental regulations and put back in place the tax loopholes that benefit the untaxed capital gains private landlord class.

On top of this, the Real Estate pimps are donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Right and are dangling the promise of house prices jumping 20% if National and ACT win.

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The Housing Crisis is a political decision and you as renters should be incandescent with motherfucking rage at how this has been allowed to continue!

Labour’s gutlessness in challenging these landlord interests and the Green Party’s fecklessness in getting anything done highlights why the Māori Party’s staunchness is needed to get Renter Rights across the line.

When Labour says they will deliver, no one believes them.

When the Greens say they will do something, everyone laughs.

When the Maori Party say they will fight for something, the rich freak out because they mean it.


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  1. Sticks and stones… filthy renting bottom-feeding scum. Renting as a teacher, nurse or police officer? You’re a filthy bottom-feeder. Why don’t you own seven houses? Or at least four. Bottom-feeders.

  2. Still fundamentally misdiagnosing the problem here: it’s a housing shortage giving landlords the whip hand.

    The housing shortage was created by
    the Green’s hatred of for-profit housing development,
    the NIMBY-imposed planning restrictions (a bipartisan policy for decades, btw) that enrich those who already own a house,
    Councillors would want to remain on councils,
    and the woo woo concepts of view-shafts, heritage, character and amenity.

  3. For anybody to actually believe them, the N.Z. Greens would have to start acting like the Australian Greens, who surprised everybody by loudly threatening to sink the A.L.P. housing legislation entirely if their demands were not met.

    The N.Z. Greens housing policy is a pale imitation of what Adam Bandt came up with. They left out the scheme to lower mortgage repayments, the ban on no-cause evictions, and they’re no longer talking about a rent freeze. They are also only promising to build enough new homes to cover the state housing waiting list, which will not be enough — no overall surplus means no falling prices, and both major parties want mass imports of cheap foreign labour (i.e. they’ll be straight back to a shortage again).

    They then added in the black nationalist demand for blacks-only housing — which would reverse housing desegregation efforts even further, and actually perpetuate the resurgent slum ghettos that had previously been abolished.

  4. The party of Capital.

    The cartoon in Yesterday’s Herald July 7, 2023, is a must see. Drawn by Rod Emmerson, the cartoon depicts Grant Robertson sitting at the bottom of an oubliette with his back turned to the stairwell leading out of it.

    Robertson is lamenting “If only there was an obvious way out of this hole”.

    Emmerson sums up in one sketch, how Labour is alienating their support base, and why Te Pati Maori will never get their chance to influence government policy.

    P.S. Unfortunately I can’t provide you the link to this powerful cartoon because it is behind a pay wall.

  5. Great suggestion Martyn, to cap the Rents too no more than 3% & I agree with everything you suggested but the fecklessness of both Political Parties means nothing who be done to upset the Status quo? It’s becoming increasingly clear that this Country has become a Neoliberal, Failed State! There used to be a Social contract between the Govt & the NZ people back in the 40s-60’s & 70’s but that no longer exists! Even Left & Right is a misnomer Term as you highlighted, this is a Class War, those who are Housed & those who aren’t! The Haves & Have nots! But this isn’t just a NZ problems, it’s a Western problem, France is burning because of primarily economic reasons! All Western Leaders are hopeless, including in NZ! When the Social Contract is broken & when people have no Housing, Jobs or hope, people will violently Rebel, they have nothing left to lose & the shit hits the fan & societal collapse begins!

  6. Middle class welfare takes priority.

    As far as the pending election goes. The general public have been aneythetised. Put to sleep.
    With the hope that no one notices anything going on in October other than the Rugby World Cup in France if it goes ahead.

  7. They can please themselves while we must adapt or die.
    The reason why there are no violent uprisings against the tyranny of psychopaths is because They unleash world class control mechanisms against us. Our TV is bleached, our radio is a yap fest of brain farts, I mean Jesus! They even have Kim Hill reduced to a banal Saturday morning brain-fogging program. We, as a population of people living on a beautiful and rich few islands are staring into the Abyss and the Abyss is looking back and it’s wearing suit and tie while assuring us there’s nothing to see here. Now run along and work harder.
    AO/NZ reminds me of a TV show from the late 1960’s called ‘The Prisoner’ starring Patrick Mc Goohan. In effect, it feels to me like we’re all brainwashed. It’s like we’re locked into a kind of Zombie realm where lies are true and hardship is acceptable.
    I watched this just the other day and #A it reminded me of the book ‘The Paradise Conspiracy’ where it was discovered that rich people were stealing our money then hiding it in the Cook Islands and #B Along comes The Paradise Papers, a seemingly unconnected work by Vice Media liaising with some of the best investigative journalists in the world on exactly the same subject dated 2017.
    The Paradise Papers
    Now, tell me you want to go to work on Monday and earn your money to pay your bills while we now know there are crooks stealing your money while they steal your time on earth.
    Of course, you will be enraged but so what? What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it. Our politics is a global joke at the very least, at worst it’s a class in skulduggery for budding crooks.
    The bench mark for action is the answer to the question: What are our politicians doing to protect us from the above? If the answer is nothing, then action on our part is required. But what shape and form should that action take? Violence isn’t the answer, of course. Protesting, like slow tractor driving through cities is a fantasy pretence cynically marketed as ‘freedom’ and ‘Knowledge’ when in reality it achieves nothing other than further weakening the resolve to do something, anything.
    IN AO/NZ’s case, our farmers are the primary industry and I know from bitter experience that a farmer alone is as vulnerable as a blind chicken at a Fox party. But together, our farmers have all the power. All of it. So. Does that explain why politicians encourage the MSM to portray our farmers as useless greedy losers who are rich and lazy? I’ve sat across restaurant tables listening to rich people slam our farmers while they had food mashing in their designer teeth.
    ( As I write that, my heart sinks with the futility of my actions. I know most of you, perhaps all of you, have no idea just how you’re being manipulated and exploited. The scope of it all is all but incomprehensible. The wealth we create here is being stolen from under your noses and you’re being made to feel guilty for not working harder. They’re taking the concept of the criminal genius to another level and since the world is irreversibly heating and so as a consequence humanity will begin to dramatically run out of food and basic resources like fresh water and a survivable climate. We Kiwis should be at the cutting edge of human survivability but instead we have fat rich crooks paying the msm to throw us under a big dirty old bus.)

  8. Unbelievable that anyone would support the nonsense peddled by the Greens,there are no economists in support of their childlike policies
    Surely it politicking only appealing to people who have no knowledge of economics.


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