Maybe Harry Tam is a fiscal conservative concerned about Nationals uncosted prison empire?


First, this basic bitch attempt by National to conflate Gangs voting Labour as Labour supporting Gangs is stupid enough to appeal to National voters.

Secondly, National have seized upon Harry Tam endorsing Labour and the Greens as evidence of Labour’s cuddle-a-crim softness on crime policies but isn’t it more to do with the fact that National haven’t even bothered to cost their jail revenge fantasy and Harry is a fiscal conservative who doesn’t want National and ACT spending billions and billions and billions on a Prison Empire with orange jump suited chain gangs breaking rock singing “Old man river”.

Isn’t Harry right to demand fiscal accountability from National?

After announcing their Prison Empire at conference, Paul Goldsmith and Chris Luxon both claimed the cost of a prisoner was $100 000 each year when the real amount is $193 000.

If you are intending to throw thousands more back into prison, shouldn’t you have some idea how much it’s going to cost?

How is it that National can promise a counter productive draconian prison empire with no costings and still have the audacity to point to Gangs voting Labour as a policy position?

Why is Harry’s supposed self interest as a gang member voting Labour any different from Luxon’s self interest as a multiple property owner voting for National?

National are manipulating your fear and anger over crime and you are allowing them to manipulate you.

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  1. A better question would be why Labour isn’t pivoting towards 1990s-era Joe Biden: a full-on, mass incarceration “war” against “super-predators” that were “born out of wedlock”, as Joe and Hillary used to say.

    It would take away any ability for the Tories to attack them on the issue, with virtually no risk. One wonders if they are worried that it may expose their very poor record of improving living standards in the slums (which is certainly the case within the Democratic Party).

    • take a good look at us prisons kristoff, fine if you just want revenge go for it but that makes you as bad as them

  2. Why would any ordinary voter think organised crime supporting Labour Greens is a bad thing? That Harry Tam is a smart cookie though. Outed poor old Ingrid who just accidentally thought a gang convention was a boring old electoral commission do. Anyone could have. Done I myself so often I’ve lost count!

  3. And the rich listers ‘gang’ want Nat/Act. What needs to be highlighted is what the ‘rich’ require from Nat/Act in return for their megadollar donations.

    • In reply to Peter Kelly, they require a med school in the Waikato for their kids to attend as it is closer to their homes/farms and businesses. A med school in the Waikato is duplication, more bureaucracy and a waste of money to please the gentry.

  4. TikTok bans gang accounts because they are a criminal enterprise but neither woke NZ police HQ or the Labour Party have figured that out yet, it’s why crime is through the roof.
    Yep crims voting Labour says a lot, Labour MP lying about going to gang conference, priceless.

  5. The one problem I have with Harry Tam is he’s wearing a gang patch. This emblem represent a lot of unhealthy masculinity that ruins young men and women’s lives. There also unsavoury individuals that use this emblem to manipulate others into situations that compromises theirs and others wellbeing.

    The gang that he represents is one of the most notorious gangs in NZ that has a high population of Maori a people that have already been dispossessed. What he says rhetorically to the public and what actually happens in gang members lives is far from reality.

    He speaks about including gangs into society but there are many who are anti-social and don’t believe in the rule of law. Like the stop meth campaign by the Notorious/Rogue chapters yet a lot of gang members use meth for their nefarious means.

    There’s also a cult like behavior in these gangs that hypnotises the individuals to believe that they’re invincible in numbers as one would do when brainwashed by the gang culture. Its not a healthy lifestyle as gangs commit the bulk of serious criminal offending.

    Whats the answer? IMO stay the fuck away as far as possible from gang life and look after your own wellbeing first.

  6. Anyone who thinks that the ram raids will stop and the gangs will pack up and go home when National win the election is completely delusional.

    And Harry Tam knows that National and ACT’s economic and social policies will just drive more people into the arms of the gangs. As benefits and wages are cuts, and social services are reduced, people are just going to just say ‘fuck it’, I’m going to just take what want, because the money men will take it if they dont.

  7. We need a return to sensible gang policies. None of this nonsense about ‘stakeholders’ and cushy jobs for Wellington bureaucrats. We need to return to Muldoon. Some fellas are getting up to mischief. Give em jobs helping out the community instead.

    • While I hesitate to tar every job with the same brush but I do know one of Muldoon’s gang job cost 10 times the going rate for the fence job they did.

      • Now, some of these may not have been as efficient as say bringing in random Filipinno builders as is the current government policy, but consider the fact that these blokes are here, and if they’re not putting in fences they’re going to be doing something. Cheap at the price.

  8. Read a column about Swedish prison model which reduces redicivism on this very blog site. Rather than endless therapy, or in the case of labour bugger all rehab, they get prisoners doing apprenticeships or learning to read and write. Seymour has stressed his billion dollar spend on incarceration would include rehab

    We have to be tough on gangs. They are anti social and run criminal activities.

    Giving money to Harry Tan for his drug program is an insult to well trained evidence based practitioners. Last I hear Tam produced no results by which his programmes could be assessed

    • So you think that turning NZ into a police state is the way to go then. We just execute gang members in cold blood. You desperately want to be able to harangue queer people online, but you want the cops to go to town on Maori in broad daylight with their PR24’s. That’s a pretty sick definition of freedom.

  9. Harry is sharp. Agencies and politicians would do well to keep him in their court.
    Harry understands reality even if we generally sometimes can’t work him out.
    Go Harry!

  10. Why do you think New Zealanders even care how much it costs to house a prisoner when they desperately want the crims locked up so they can feel safe going outside the front door again?

    • well kwaga it’s gonna cost, how much of a tax increase are YOU prepared to pay? actual figure please

  11. Whats the difference between the gangs supporting the left and the multi million dollar capitalists voting and supporting the right. Do we seriously think these millionaires got their multi millions honestly. Who actually runs the drug cartels, who dodges taxes anyway they can . People who dodge tax and can afford to pay such taxes are criminals because the public framework of health and education is threatened with cuts and privatization. Its called blue collar crime and its hidden from the masses because they can afford the best lawyers. (Look how long James Wallace was allowed to keep his dirty secrets). Remember it was tax evasion that got Al Capone in the end. Look at the donations to the right wing from these capitalists, that should tell you something. Be very afraid of the ramifications of a right wing coalition where David Seymour will wag Christopher Luxon’s tail. Be careful what you wish for

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