MEDIAWATCH: Well well well confidential Cabinet briefing paper shows Ministry of Truth will be free speech garrotte


Well, well, well.

What do we have here? The Confidential briefing paper that shows the true scale of the Department of Internal Affairs new ‘Ministry of Truth’…

…remember, woke defenders of this new ‘Ministry of Truth’ declared this was only a regulatory framework to counter social media networks to ensure consumer safety.

TDB argued it was far larger than that and was an outrageous over reach of State power to regulate free speech.

Turns out we were right.

This is well beyond changing the hate speech laws, this is an entire Bureaucratic Infrastructure upgrade that would allow the aggrieved to complain to the Ministry of Truth and the Ministry of Truth would demand the Network’s ‘Safety’ plan and would ‘audit’ the ‘safety’ plan to see if you as the Network owner are protecting the consumer safety of vulnerable people (as defined by the Ministry of Truth).

One of the fears of the change in Hate Speech Laws was that the woke would weaponise the process and demand investigations for every twitter fight since 2016, well this suggestion by the DIA codifies a means for which anyone can launch their latest lynch mobs from.

TDB Recommends

This is now focused on mis/disinformation (and we know how toxic woke warriors are inside those organisations),  unwanted digital communication??? (is that the Spinoff?), racism and hate speech.

Notice how that was all hidden from the public about the true nature of what the DIA have privately built here?

Under this new regime, the Ministry of Truth compels a regulation that requires ‘safety’ plans for ‘vulnerable’ people (as defined by the Ministry of Truth).

If a person complains about your content, you are required to show the Ministry your ‘Safety’ plan and if that ‘Safety’ plan is not good enough to deal with the lived experience of the vulnerable people who you have offended, you are in trouble.

It seems the vulnerable people will determine that.

If my safety plan is not robust enough, I don’t have one or if it doesn’t end up pacifying the vulnerable person, I get fined.

This is sold as a means to protect vulnerable people, it will immediately become a weaponised process that will inspire a billion new fights.

What we should be looking at, rather than a Ministry of Truth, is actual fourth estate journalism that consumers can trust, not a weaponised complaints procedure that will immediately become exploited by partisan activists masquerading as consumer safety.

What we need is a total rethink on public money spent on journalism. Currently it is handed out via a deeply invested NZ on Air who give their mates money to produce angry feminist mommy blogger podcasts no on watches.

The problem with the current model is that it is NZ on Air mates funding other NZ on Air mates to form an echo bunker of elite opinion that never has to dirty itself with reality.

All that is being generated by the current funding model is The Spin-off sharing their content with RNZ/Stuff/TVNZ etc etc etc. An endless social engineering campaign that promotes diversity over white cis male facts.

What we need is NZ on Air ‘Read between the Flags’ Kiwi journalism

In a world of disinformation, we need journalism we can trust. We all get the ‘swim between the flag’ model of surf life saving, NZ on Air should be given extra funding for ‘Read between the flags’ Kiwi Journalism. This money is to ensure plurality of voice for independent media, Māori media, specific communities,  news blogs and mainstream news media who become eligible if they agree to a set of Journalistic Principles.

These Journalistic Principles are fact checking stories, attempting to get comment and providing right of replies, protecting sources and attempts to hear the other side of the story.

If you do agree and sign up and can show a body of work that proves your journalism, you are entitled to funding and must have a Kiwi Journalism flag on your site to show you are obliged to follow the Journalistic Principles Code of conduct.

You would have an awareness campaign to urge NZers to ‘read between the flags’ for trusted information.

You can’t control the narrative by simply censoring it the way the Disinformation Project wants, and a ‘read between the flags’ campaign alongside a journalism fund would ensure Kiwis knew that whatever they were reading is at least base line journalistic standards rather than so much of the bullshit opinion masquerading as journalism.

We need to adapt our funding model if we want to have a media that can change to the realities of disinformation and misinformation while championing the importance of the values of journalism.

All NZ on Air funded journalism is now is an extension of elite opinion echo bunkers that only reinforces the privilege rather than challenges it.

What we are instead getting is an Orwellian Wellington Woke Bureaucratic Panzer that will crush anyone who the partisan activists turn it against.

We don’t need a Ministry of truth, we need better funded Fourth Estate Journalism funded by the State with a clear set of journalistic standards and a public campaign warning Kiwis to ‘read within the flags’.

We need smarter ideas, not a Ministry of Truth.



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  1. I can’t believe you guys want this govt back in power! LabourGreens are full blown autocrats. Next we’ll get a KGB.

      • People are dreaming if they think the Tories won’t be forced into implementing the same censorship department. The entire mass censorship regime was erected exactly at the time when the U.S. Alliance was gearing up for a direct war with Russia (and soon China). That cannot happen without unchallenged wartime propaganda and an eventual ban on disloyal speech. (Remember W.W.I?)

        Nobody wants to talk about the real reason why the press and electronic media consists of such poor quality information. If it was regulated like in times gone by, you wouldn’t have total domination by a tiny group of press barons and Silicon Valley moguls.

        In that alternate universe, there would still be several daily newspapers in every market. All radio and television would still be programmed by the Broadcasting Corporation, and angry viewers could simply vote out the Minister. (Try voting out Rupert Murdoch!) The Internet would still be controlled by the D.S.I.R., the Post Office and the public universities (on a network called ‘J.A.N.E.T’) — and the information services would still be produced by the Research Councils, the Science Foundation and the press agencies (with consumer services likely built on the previous, more secure model, i.e. probably a fibre-optic version of Prestel or Viewtron).

    • This is happening throughout the West, spearheaded by the US govt. In today’s world, certainly on the international front, at least, the Left V the Right is an illusion. The real problem is growing govt overreach, of which the Ministry of Truth is but one tool designed to silence criticism of this growing problem. But don’t be fooled, it does not matter whether it is Labour or Natz, Dems or Republicans, Labour or Tory, they are all in this together. When it comes to global issues, both political sides dance the same tune. Don’t be fooled, the problem is growing overreach…and guess who that serves, hint, hint, not we, the people!

      • AO Agree. Also the fact that the police unashamedly co-operated in shutting down the women in Albert Park shows it’s pretty entrenched here. Likewise shutting down the Commissioner for Children..

    • Kraut Haus. “ I can’t believe you guys want this govt back in power.” Me neither. I know nobody who does. Even the guy at the petrol station says that society is collapsing. That collapse isn’t trickling down from conspirators at the top, it’s crushing down full force from the haters in the Beehive.

      Criticise Little for disadvantageous health changes but consider how much is driven by brown Lesbian ministers who may make even man-hating Marama look a little less unreasonable. Consider the LBTQ brigade furthering their own interests by playing the victim better than a Victorian melodrama pronoun or Harry Prince of Slime Balls. Consider the immensely powerful, all over the world, extremist transgenderist network who are Bowen Street advisors, and know that we’re stuffed in the absence of smart ideas and politicians. Divide and rule is here, and it’s working just fine.

      Consider that the misinformation campaign against Kellie- Jay Keen was lead by politicians who publicly lied, and who now want to silence everybody else the way they succeeded in doing to women’s voices that day in Albert Park, aided and abetted by the MSM, and His Majesty’s misogynistic constabulary.

      Mostly, consider the sexualisation of school children, and how, even now, if you query it, you too can be guilty of a woke crime and liable to be imprisoned if you are a concerned carer of kiddies.

      Consider the, it may be the only way of registering a protest, safely. Check it out.

        • And this is the oldest trick in the book. Poor kids kept uneducated and unskilled. And with the New Zealand school system failing to teach the basics like numeracy and literacy, fewer factory jobs and nunneries closed down, becoming a politician or a prostitute could be the only job options. It can be cold down Karangahape Rd on winter nights. Better be a bottom warmer up Bowen street. Better perks too, without the horrifically demeaning penalties of being a pole dancer to entertain the gender benders of the Beehive, in joining them.

          • Amazing.. Not one of you “genius” have memories longer than a goldfish… I was here in NZ until 2014 on my last trip back, and it was falling to bits at a compounding rate then..
            The prisons were filling up with what can only be described as “Petty criminals with their training wheels still on”.. No worries there though.. By the time the large, and growing prison population had been in “training” for the last 4 years, so the numbers of hardened, and resentful ex cons were nearly ready to come out and ramp up the party.. Your collective amnesia, and, quite frankly, rank stupidity and ignorance makes me glad that I will eventually get back to the real world, and can forget NZ exists… The colonial descendants have done no more than prove their stupidity, bigotry, and utterly vacant “culture” is central to their world view, truncated such as it is… Too bad most kiwis can’t remember what happened last year, let alone ten years ago … God help us when they get challenged to remember the last 40 years, which is how long it has taken for Three tory governments, and one traitor (Roger Douglas) to completely hollow out the economy, social/educational/medical infrastructure, and flood the main city with half a million people without spending a cent on infrastructure… How about one of you flash harries say something that exists in the real world… Go on, I dare you..

              • It’s about time some one spelled out the lack of memory a lot of Kiwis have. They seem to think this government caused the problems we are dealing with now instead of the long history of mismanagement by the Natz and, as you pointed out, Rogernomics. We have to stick with the people trying to rectify the nine years the last Key/English govt ruined the country with their “rock bottom” economy. Well said Stephan

                • If this government WAS actually serious about rolling back neoliberalism, I might still be voting for them. But they have little knowledge of or interest in economics – they run on critical race theory, radical gender ideology and “feels”.

            • You stefan in addition to your obvious lack of education are silly.
              You live in a village of your own imagination where you will not and indeed cannot understand the real world.
              Please pause and think what have I stefan done to make the world a better place?

          • Plus Hollyhock up Bowen Street you are allowed to tell lies if you are a Labour MP.
            Lots of examples,Wood and Tinetti latest edition.

            • Bob the first. The liar’s role model was dirty John Key, pages online, only way he was going to get into the Guinness Book of records, but omg the quality of his lies lies between second year Bryndwr Primary School and first year Dulwich College.

        • Thought they already did RB,hence our children are illiterate in most disciplines.
          Wait who was the Education Minister?
          Perhaps New Zealand could become the world’s largest brothel.

      • “Mostly, consider the sexualisation of school children, and how, even now, if you query it, you too can be guilty of a woke crime ”

        Yeah try saying, drag queen story time is sex show men in dresses being around kids and its similar to priests, men in dresses being around kids and see if your comment is deemed immoderate by the moderator here.

        • Joseph. It’s pantomimes featuring blokes portraying Mother Goose which I think is terribly unfair on geese, and which cast shadows over food focused Christmas activities, especially in more northern climes. And just you wait until some unicorn hugger starts addressing the misinformation about reindeer landing on rooftops when they’ve just been painted, and Easter hate speech about bunnies laying eggs which is cultural appropriation from undeserving fowls who would never steal their carrots, their lettuces, or other.

          • yea nah. Pantomine is up on a stage. The theatre loveys and the children are kept at a physical distance.

            What you have here is men in dresses closely mixing with kids pressing biblical or gay idealogy on vulnerable minds. And then asking the kids to put their hand in his pocket to feel if there’s a lolly, etc.

            Parents be aware.

      • Sam Nor can “ safety plans “ save the truly vulnerable from politicians or other exploiters.

        One of things which concerns me about lesbian politicians is their possible contribution to the exploitation of other women when they have their girls’ nights out at eg.strip joints like “ Splash Cub.” Fair enough if that’s what turns them on, I used to think. Then I learned that clients are not permitted to touch the pole dancers. Fair enough, is what I thought.

        Then I learned that clients do touch these girls, and that if the girls ( or whoever they are) object, then they are subject to being fined by management for objecting to being touched by the pervs. That’s a complicated transgression all around, and a bit of a shocker.

        I’m not that enamoured of political leaders who function at such a low level, but while they’re down there, they could perhaps address the objectionable and objective things which are going on in the real world, rather than squandering time on subjective perceptions of hurt which can change depending on the direction of passing winds, or even the command of vocabulary.

    • Yet you want the right in to take us back 30 years Kraut. Lol.
      Nat/Act are dictators. Next we’ll get the Gestapo under Nact.

      • Bob te first is not me,something the thinking people on this site will have already worked out.
        Whoever it is and I have my suspicions,reflects a person of no character.

  2. It’s all for our own good*. People on the right side of history should get behind this advance of progressive thinking (sarc).

    *Good being defined as what a middle aged, upper middle class, knowledge worker Karen in the Ministry considers best for everyone and also doesn’t upset her values.

  3. You’ve gotta hand it to LINO and the Rainbow Party – they really are “truly transformational”.

    • Pope Punctilious 11. No they’re not, they’re bonkers. This is high school level functioning, but dished up by govt dept hacks who probably took more time, more paid group time, to produce it, than they’d ever have the luxury to spend on classroom assignments. It’s abysmal, and an obscene stranglehold on free speech and should be dumped pronto.

        • Pope Punctilious11. Not the way the Buddha or Zarathustra or Jesus or Muhammad or Truby King or Florence Nightingale or even Johan Strauss were transformational. This is the cartoon comic book brigade, and it’s growing up time right now.

    • Vote labour.
      Surely they cannot continue to be this bad for much longer!
      All the rotten apples have been removed….
      Surely, one should back them to do better in future.

  4. I really like the idea of a ‘read between the flags’ journalistic integrity based funding system. If you replaced the PIJF with something that allocated funding along those lines, I think trust in the media would increase, rather than decrease, which is the effect of PIJF.

    • “read between the flags” could be a good idea funding model if it upholds journalistic standards and values independent journalism. Of course whoever is on the committe can be subject to capture in the way they dish out blue flags and dollars. But better than truthmin.

    • Yeti Of course they hide things, they’re stupid bullies who don’t care what Kiwis want, only what they want. They should be called to account for the damage they’ve done, but we may have to settle for dumping them.

  5. Martyn, what I like best about your ravings is how you propose an option for better outcomes. I don’t agree with all of them but this is good. Like some others said, I think it is unlikely any government will pare this back as it’s a world wide agenda that our crazy and lazy pollies don’t want to recognize and traitorously accommodate.

  6. The concern is how subjective all this is getting and further away from tolerance and freedom of speech in NZ.

    Some of the people hired in the extremist groups are extremists themselves and under questionable circumstances!

    Academics are already no longer free to speak!

    Impediments to speaking freely in New Zealand academia

    “The second annual survey on academic freedom by the Free Speech Union is an eye-opening read for those of us who value ideas and solutions being openly debated in Kiwi universities.

    . . . Concerningly, this report shows that a majority of academics who responded at five of our eight universities disagreed that they were free to state controversial or unpopular opinions, even though this is one of the specific features of academic freedom as defined in the Education and Training Act 2020.

    Across all eight universities, only 46% of academics agreed they felt free to question received wisdom and state controversial and unpopular opinions.

    The rest disagreed. Men in particular, (59%), believed they were not free to voice these views.

    Claims that those who were more senior (and therefore supposedly more secure) in roles, such as professors, were freer to speak on controversial subjects did not play out.

    In fact, only 31% of professors agreed that they were free to state controversial or unpopular opinions. If those who have dedicated their careers to exploring specific subjects feel unfree to voice their views if they are unpopular or controversial, how can these conversations move forward?
    Not surprisingly, the degree of self-censorship was correlated with political affiliation: the Left is, of course, on the side of “indigenizing” education in the country, and wokeness sets the agenda for “acceptable” speech:”

    Just as concerningly NZ is losing expert skills as the burueaucratic woke manager is rising by ideology and bullying everyone others, rather than on expertise and talent. This creates a toxic culture, when the bullies and mediocre hire others who will not challenge them and those with expert opinions and expertise leave. Soon entire departments are full of those speaking the same unproven ideology (often they recently ‘invented’ the ‘science’ behind the ideology and silence those that question the research) with few interests in results and what is going to work.

    • According to its own methodology, the survey canvassed all academics whose email addresses they could find (was 17000+ in the 2021-2 survey, probably about 165000 now?); responses were 452. Likely very self-selecting – those with strong views, especially grievances.

  7. it happens with all media in their ‘vibrant and relevant stage’ 1st it was the printing press/theatre, then film and finally tv…once it becomes stagnant the desire to censor will fade…as it should but all rulers are always scared of the proles having a voice no matter how weak or ineffectual

  8. I have been amazed at what has happened in Britain, the so-called United Kingdom which is linked to the so-called United States of America, in an absolute frenzy of caring about individuals and name-calling or bad actions. This while USA can have a cop kneel on a black persons’s neck while the public feel helpless to physically intervene. Or are they linked in sliding back to moralistic authoritarian systems of the past that intellectually minded, educated people with goodwill towards each other were expecting us all to move out from. But where was the accretion of money and power allowed for in that system. Now the money system has been allowed to overreach, wrap around and envelop our simple human sysryms and we have new powerful toys AI being one of them, humans need to go to puppy school and be taught how to behave like good dogs, and be kept in order by bigger dogs.

    Commenters have talked about government over-reaching itself but in fact they have become tools of the vast system of the wealthy imperious (a word used in the 16th century – so in all that time we haven’t been able to turn away from the obsession). What now?
    It seems that the locusts are on us. The actors of Titus Andronicus Read the synopsis, it shows how our conflicts probably start.

  9. 100% Martyn

    You know the media are beyond repair when they campaign to get Sean Plunkett kicked out of the press gallery because he asked Hipkins an awkward question: What is a woman?

  10. 20.2, 20.3 & 20.4 are already illegal. As for the rest, the Department of Internal Affairs have obviously never heard of VPNs.

  11. I amnot sure Seymour supports this Truth regulator. He states openly he beiieves in free speach.

    Vote Act.

    And remember this is the woke left that are brining this in. Vote them out

    • Anker. What about NZ First ? I can’t imagine a smart experienced politician like Peters supporting the left’s determination to censor freedom of speech and to rob democracy of such an essential right.

        • Anker. Thanks. Freedom of speech has to be a bottom line. The pernicious Gender ID scenarios based only on ideology, and being pushed onto school children is another, and thankfully there are women mobilising to address it. The Platform interviews impressive Jill Ovens about the newly formed, which provides a good tactical outlet, and Hannah Tamaki has also been vocal about it. The horrendous censorship in universities, is the complete antithesis of what universities should be – Aquinas – the raison d’être of the university ‘ the intellect for the intellect’s sake ‘ – which is the last thing the reactive elitist global woke want, or could relate to. They must be biffed out of Bowen Street asap. Currently it’s Peters for me, depending.

      • NZF for me. Winnie might be untrustworthy in some ways but not about Free Speech and Democracy. I can cast my vote for him knowing that those 2 defining issues of what used to be part of our national character are safe with him. More than I can say about almost all other politicians in NZ.

        • Fantail I can’t see him putting up with the genderID ideology being inflicted on school children by the barbarians in the Educ Dept either.
          Peters has commonsense, and isn’t intimidated, or impressionable like the ignorami are. Has parented kids.

    • The only thing Seymour, or anyone else from Act, would disagree with on this is the action against child pornography.

  12. meh they can’t enforce shit already – unfortunately they’ll punish the lowest hanging fruit like the daily blog and kiwiblog but won’t make a shitload of difference to the meta alphabet bannon shit show.

    looking forward to the overt moderation to stay “safe” that will come from this – not!

    • dr.doom “ What then? “ Probably with the sort of totalitarian state the Ministry of Truth is seemingly trying to manufacture, the best option is to keep one’s head down, and trust that they don’t create any thought police. We do have the advantage of being able to access overseas news sources which function independently of governments and moguls, as far as I know, and one or two here, like this one.

  13. What started the misinformation issue was the problem of any information however well researched that might cause anyone reading or hearing it to give the covid vaccines a miss.
    D J S

  14. I hope the FSU make plenty of noise about this, we really need people to sit up and take notice. I was expecting something bad but that is awful. It’s also the kind of list that I can see them adding a few new categories onto before it gets passed, maybe causing cultural offence or offence to non binaries or the minor attracted?

    And for the few on here that equate Free Speech with being Far Right, think again.

    One of the Uni’s here in NZ has just done a decent bit of research on free speech and have found that it is the downtrodden and underdog that has the most to gain because of free speech. So those who believe right wing and elites drive Free Speech then know that those who benefit are not that profile at all – food for thought when you sit down to your vegan latte!

    • Fantail. Anything is possible with VU’s Professor Joanne Kidman having already gone ballistic about the name of a designer frock and the name of an Auckland University cat, but it’s quite ok for her to refer to other academics as shuffling zombies, presumably because Auckland zombies don’t have hurtable feelings, unlike tender Joanne and the Wellington extremist speechers advising the government about shutting others up, and ageism maybe being moveable feast to which she is shuffling herself.

    • fantail “…offence to non-binaries” has already been done, with anti-sexualisation of children and genderID school propaganda being misrepresented as anti- transgender by lying politicians and MSM alike. This was the pretext for violently silencing women at Albert Park without any biological women having spoken or getting the chance to. Current politicians joined in and publicly celebrated this.

  15. This could be informative here for those of us who don’t understand how easy or not it is for laws that end up making one puke get in.

    Earlier this month in Parliament the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee sent a report back to the House with an unprecedented extra.

    The committee put on record their concern that – and I am paraphrasing – some of the drafting instructions for the committee’s amendments to the Water Services Legislation Bill had not been what they expected. Some unidentified official had either made a huge mistake or taken it into their head that they knew better than the MPs.


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