Why the silence?


In a Press Release on 13 June, the Act Party Leader, David Seymour, criticised changes made to Radio New Zealand reports on the Israeli military Occupation of the Palestinian West Bank and East Jerusalem, as well as its cruel and unrelenting blockade of Gaza.

In his complaint that the description of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah as ‘militant’ groups had been changed to ‘resistance’, Seymour appeared to reject the UN-recognised concept of a people’s right to resist foreign military occupation. The Palestinian people are forced to live under daily alien oppression that includes, for example, being forced to destroy their own homes or face extortionate fines to pay the invader to do it. Radio New Zealand’s silence is depriving the public of what should be major international news stories when it comes to Palestine.

Here is just one more example of the unreported horrors the Palestinian people are forced to face: On 6 June at 13:45, Israeli Occupation forces fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards a funeral gathering near the entrance to al-Nabi Saleh village, causing stomach wounds for one mourner, Maher Mahmoud al-Tamimi. Israeli troops also severely beat up another mourner, leaving her with a head injury and broken nose. The funeral was for a two-and-a-half-year-old child, Mohammed Haitham al-Tamimi, who died of wounds sustained during the storming of the village on 2 June. The child and his father, while sitting in their car, had been shot and wounded by Israeli Occupation forces. The child was the youngest of the 27 Palestinian children killed in Gaza and the West Bank so far this year.

Why the silence? Covering for Israel can only serve the Occupying power. Silence is complicity. Hiding the truth serves not only to prolong the cruel injustices but also undermines the already severely threatened principles of universal human rights.


  1. We should indeed condemn violence.
    But we should also propose alternative solutions where state sanctioned violence is required to keep citizens safe.

  2. A privileged “arrogant prick” as the ex PM called him in an unguarded moment–will have little idea of the concept of international solidarity with oppressed/occupied peoples. His support is for international Finance Capital and US Imperialism.

    • Nabatean, It’s coming to an end as we know it for the only democracy in the M.E. Apartheid Israel Abrahams accord with the Gulf nation has been nullified with Iran & Saudi Arabia peace agreement thanks to China. Syria has also been accepted back into the Arab league which the Israeli can’t stop. The Palestinian will prevail with a powershift in the region as Iran will ensure that all colonial power will be eviscerated from their region forever.

      Free Palestine.

    • Neihana, you’re clearly are out of your debt when discussing apartheid Israel!! Hamas was created by apartheid Israel. You do know that apartheid Israeli mossad agents were caught in NZ stealing NZ citizens identities are you OK with that?

      • Tipene – Hamas was not created by Israel, it was formed, and funded by Iran. And yes, I am aware of 3 incidents of Israel getting NZ Passports for their assassins…hence why the NZ Government is currently rejecting visits from Israel President, and Prime Minister…knowing all this, I still reject supporting Hamas, Fatah (Syria funded and developed), and Islamic Jihad (supporters of 9/11, and other outrages)…please start thinking for yourself

        • Nehana, again out of your depth and preaching hasbara BS. Even a bias CIA Washington Post wrote an article about Israel existence and support helped turn a bunch of fringe Palestinian Islamists in the late 1970s into one of the world’s most notorious militant groups?

          Former Israeli officials such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”)

          Segev reiterated that “the Israeli government gave me a budget,” the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government gives to the mosques.”
          “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,”

          Israelis helped build up a militant strain of Palestinian political Islam, in the form of Hamas and its Muslim Brotherhood precursors; then, the Israelis switched tack and tried to bomb, besiege, and blockade it out of existence.

          Free palestine

          • Tipene – No…Israel turned a blind eye to Hamas who were (not anymore) undermining the PLO…Israel did not fund, or support them…that would be treason against Israel…Segev stated this…you missed this.

            Muslim Brotherhood started in the 1930s in Egypt…please, please start thinking for yourself

            • Neihana, this is Israeli propaganda they call it hasbara BS you really don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. The US Council for foreign relation spews this type of garbage! remembering the zionist have deep influence globally and you sir have been hooked lined sinkered peddling their lies. You are another apologist for apartheid Israel treatment of the indigenous Palestinian defending the indefensible

              Free Palestine.

              • Tipene – Name calling is not a good look, especially from an pro Palestine supporter…just because you cannot accept ideas, does not mean it is garbage.

  3. Answer A: because no-one else cares.

    Answer B: because everyone else recognises it’s a shitshow with right and wrong on both sides, and nothing will change until the two parties agree to that change, and there is no prospect of that.
    So we get on with our lives.

    • You are correct. This is exactly how “we” behave.

      But, we do care and some are eager to understand what store the options to deal with the situation humanely and others do not care because they “understand” the problem and expect others to care. Woke!!

      • Johan, you often misunderstood other’s comments.

        The key point is that Israel / Palestine won’t be resolved by outsiders, no matter how much the outsiders ‘care’ or not care.

        Therefore most people focus on problems they can help solve.

        • Ada:
          Correction to my comment.

          But, we do care and some of us are eager to understand the options available to fix/deal with the problem.
          Those who unapologetically support the “Palestinian” cause offer no solutions other than more destruction and more violence.

    • In general people detest killing woman and children the question is why does the vast majority of people like about killing woman and children and the answer is because they hold a little bit more of Hitler than anyone would care to admit.

      People think that fascism is top down but it isn’t. You can’t get those kinds of woman and children killing policy if it isn’t supported by a mass of population believing in the lies, telling there friends and co workers that the world is so far gone we need to normalise the killing of woman and children. The same could be said about normalising abortion and sterilisation of kids.

      It requires a sympathetic public, and sympathetic politicians believing the lie that woman and children just aren’t worth it.

    • You, my dear little thing, are a dangerous wee thing indeed. Logical fallacies are the cheapest form of Machiavellian control and akin to war.

  4. Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by the USA so there’s that -it’s not being mean to call them “militants”.
    Jesus wept.

  5. Speak for yourself ,,,, Ada ,,,, you are a nobody who speaks for yourself.

    Why do you constantly lie?. ,,,,

    Why does our media constantly lie?.

    • Ada was probably speaking in the Royal “we” and was not speaking on your behalf.
      Watch out for the outrage! It is a dead giveaway who you are and what you stand for.

    • Is it lying or not telling both sides of the story? Of course say anything against Israel and you are meet with the usual bullshit ( similar to let’s do something about primary sector emission..,’oh you hate farmers you communist’)

      • Or is it endlessly muddying the waters and turd polishing the government, eh wheel?
        Gosh it all seems so complicated.

        • Gosh Keepcalmcarryon is Bob the first! Adding more of your right wing excrement to TDB.

  6. Its well known that Far-right, neo-Nazis groups support the state of Israel and its fascism. The likes of ‘Stephen Yaxley Lennon’ aka ‘Tommy Robinson’ a neo nazi muslim hater venerates the apartheid state of Israel apparently securing funds by the apartheid state to push anti-muslim sentiments in the UK. Sure it’s a strange bedfellow but the apartheid sentiment resonates with these groups values and beliefs.

    And Hamas was created by the Israel. Israel’s main enemy at the time was the late Yasser Arafat’s Fatah party, which formed the heart of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). Hamas was supported by Israel to compete against the PLO and as usual there’s always a blowback because of Israel short-sightedness.

    The Uyghurs of Xinjiang is also problematic in the western discourse as independent journalist have been to the region and have not found the concentration camps depicted by western MSM. However the region does have oil & gas.

    I’m at a loss why Dave Seymour didn’t research his accusation properly?

    • Bro you need to do your research.

      “Its well known that Far-right, neo-Nazis groups support the state of Israel and its fascism. The likes of ‘Stephen Yaxley Lennon’ aka ‘Tommy Robinson’ a neo nazi muslim hater venerates the apartheid state of Israel apparently securing funds by the apartheid state to push anti-muslim sentiments in the UK. Sure it’s a strange bedfellow but the apartheid sentiment resonates with these groups values and beliefs”

      The neo-nazis are in full support of Palestine just go look at their social media pages. The neo nazis hate Israel and the jews so why the heck would they support these very same people?

      Many neo nazi bands like the major German neo nazi band, DST (deutsch Stolz and Treue) have pro Palestine songs

      On this album there is a song called “free Palesdtine”


      Tommy Robinson is not a neo nazi. never has been. Patriot? Maybe. Nazi no.

      Neo nazis think Robinson is a turd. Robinson is funded by Israel for sure which just makes him a right wing knob but not a nazi. Israel uses Robinson as just another useful idiot to push an anti muslim pro israel agenda. Robinson in turn sees his followers as useful idiots to fleece so he can live his fancy lifestyle.

      • So I take it that you’re a Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Yaxley Lennon fan? And who the fuck speak German but the Germans?

        You have to understand that Far-right & Neo-Nazis values & beliefs share similar values.

        For instance Tommy Robinson founded the English Defence League, a far-right Islamophobic group, in 2009. It has since fractured and declined. He frequently complains of being smeared as a racist, insisting he does not care about skin colour and that his objection is to Islamist political ideology rather than people.

        However, he has been filmed saying things like: “Somalis are backward barbarians”; British Muslims are “enemy combatants who want to kill you, maim you and destroy you”; and refugees are “raping their way through the country”. Blah blah blah.

        Your venerated Idol beliefs & Values collude with neo-nazis it just a fact.

        • Bro you’re stretching lmao

          “So I take it that you’re a Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Yaxley Lennon fan?”

          Nope I can’t stand him, next question.

          “And who the fuck speak German but the Germans?”

          whats that got to do with the price of fish? Are only maori allowed to speak maori?

          Look I just gave you some real time proof that legit neo nazis support Palestine and not Israel and this is your response?! ffs man what is wrong with you

        • Bro you’re stretching

          “So I take it that you’re a Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Yaxley Lennon fan?”

          Nope I can’t stand him, next question.

          “And who the fuck speak German but the Germans?”

          whats that got to do with the price of fish? Are only maori allowed to speak maori?

          Look I just gave you some real time proof that legit neo nazis support Palestine and not Israel and this is your response?! ffs man what is wrong with you

          “Your venerated Idol beliefs & Values collude with neo-nazis it just a fact.”

          My venerated idol? Now you’re putting words in myself. I repeat again: I can’t stand Robinson

          Also using your logic Hamas and Neo Nazis are the same due to shared views on Israel and jews,

          As usual your argument is just emotive and can not be substantiated by fact

          • “Also using your logic Hamas and Neo Nazis are the same due to shared views on Israel and jews,”

            Wrong!! Hamas issue stem from European colonisation in to their homeland. Neo-Nazis just hate anyone that isn’t white simple.

    • You may have hit upon some outliers in the hierarchy of hate Stephen but the majority of the far right groups in the US hate the jews amongst others. And TBH, going after jews and synagogues in the States will (unsurprisingly) get you more time and more likely jail time than going after Muslims. if there has been a change in some Far Right Groups hierarchy, this will most likely be the reason.

      • Fantail, The US isn’t the only country that has neo-nazi supporters we have them in good ole Aotearoa NZ even. Apartheid Israel literally decorated a decorated ‘Nazi ss soldier’ Otto Skorzeny I mean how fucking mind-boggling is that? You can’t make this shit up.

        Apartheid Israel roots are from british imperialism a racist colonial power that has breed hatred and discontent globally.

        Free palestine

        • “Apartheid Israel roots are from british imperialism a racist colonial power that has breed hatred and discontent globally”

          Actually for Jews Israel/Palestine history goes back thousands of years and the British part is just a side note.

          As for the 2nd half of you sentence, jeez man you need help! Show me any race on this planet that has NO blood on its hands.

          Likewise there is evidence of the fact that many races and cultures expanded and conquered other people, heck the Moors even were in Spain for a long time, so why just select the Brits as your target. The Zulus, the Aztecs, you name it: they are expanded and conquered.

          Do you think that when the first maori arrived here in NZ that if they found another race already living here they would have said “sorry to bother you” and turned around and headed home?

          • Genuine chocolate Face, what about the fact that apartheid Israel employed the services of a decorated neo-Nazi? which you clearly haven’t addressed but picked the low lying fruit

            “Actually for Jews Israel/Palestine history goes back thousands of years and the British part is just a side note.”

            No ones disputing that and the Jews, Christian, Muslim communities lived for most part in peace however when one of the monotheistic religion has been nationalised into a racial status de-indigenizing an indigenous population with the help of british imperialism & the bible which is the problem discussion that’s you just haven’t addressed but deflected into supporting european colonization.

            “As for the 2nd half of you sentence, jeez man you need help! Show me any race on this planet that has NO blood on its hands.”

            Unlike most nations with blood on there hands british imperialism has significantly more, and the subject discussion is about contemporary issues of apartheid Israel supported by the western politicians like Seymour, which you’ve detoured from. And british imperialism produced maniacs like Canadian politician Duncan Campbell Scott in 1910 quoting the “final solution” to the Canadian indian problem that was admired by Hitler and acted upon 30 years later against a defenseless european jewish population.

            “Do you think that when the first maori arrived here in NZ that if they found another race already living here they would have said “sorry to bother you” and turned around and headed home?”

            What the fuck does that have to do with Seymour support of an apartheid state?? And just curious by your last paragraph about Maori finding another race? That sentiment has been peddled by european settler in the late 1800s after they gain control of NZ/AO making false claims that Moriori were here before Maori? or more recently claiming that the Celtic race were here before Maori?

            You sound like an imperialist apologist defending the indefensible’

            Free Palestine.

    • Well said Ada, as if speech and grammar are your expertise…Bob?

      “National for a thriving New Zealand economy and all the benefits that bringe to everyone.” Bob the first.

      What is a bringe Bob?

    • Bob the last, Jews aren’t a race they’re an ethno-religious group made up from a variety of races. Ever heard of Arab Jews? African Jews? Chinese Jews?

  7. ” The Palestinian people are forced to live under daily alien oppression ”

    While Seymour , his donors and list MP’s are advocating extending the economic oppression we have here through the applied plutocracy neo liberal approach begun by his mentor and creator of the ACT party Roger Douglas.

    Seymour like all the other ” frauds ” in parliament are totally insulated and privileged from the horrors of their policies that inflict such serious damage and carnage to so many of our people that it is probably better he stay silent.

    Its less damaging for his real plans come post October 14th.

  8. The nano second vile little seymour and his Nest Cavity ACT manipulate the exhausted and disconnected into sleeping in while we lose sovereignty of our British Commonwealth connected Aotearoa / New Zealand the israeli’s will be swarming to here like flies to stink.
    @ Maori. Be prepared to be manipulated, cajoled and bribed then sabotaged and *gaslighted.
    “Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.”
    Which is precisely what national and now it’s understudy ACT are doing to agriculture.
    See? There you go.
    Blaming Kiwi cow farts for global heating is exactly and precisely ‘Gaslighting’. National Party Gaslighters are trying to cover their blood drenched tracks by creating a logical fallacy head-fuck. And when I write National Party I also include what ever the rancid skin of old Labour covers over it’s maggot infested meat and guts.
    Farmers? Unite with Maori and strike. It’s come to this and only you can do it.

    • Battlefield Earth, the farmers hate maori because they’re the occupiers of stolen Maori land and wheeled enormous amount of clout over our politicians and economy. Their industry needs restructuring and both political parties keep kicking the can down the road but can’t face the inevitable.

  9. Why the silence?

    Because people are aware that if they are ever critical of Israel they will be labelled anti-semites and maybe even lose their job or status in society. Just look at what happened to the Labour Party in the UK.

    Israel have people who’s full time job is to scour the world for critics of Israel and then work to destroy these peoples lives. Al Jazeera had a good doco on this.

    Just look at what NZs own zionist, Rob Berg, gets up to. Total weasel who likes to ruin peoples lives if he thinks they are anti israel, Hell he even went after a dead man, Willie Huber, and harassed Huber’s family. What a drop kick.

    Let’s face it, Israel wields huge power and influence and also has some strong friends like usa, nato etc. People are too scared/weak to call israel out for her crimes, even our own government says nothing.

    Its a shameful situation and honestly bros, birthing people and non-men, we all have to grow some balls and take Israel on for its terrible behaviour

    I for one are sick of Israel harping on about the holocaust while israel simultaneously genocides the palestinians

  10. The silence is because our govt recognizes, Bravery, that your unhinged obsessive demonization of Israel and defense of proscribed terrorist groups is on a par with the RNZ distortions. BTW, writing occupation with a capital O doesn’t make it less of a lie.

  11. Israel is the opaque South Africa of our day, except of course for the champion Minto.

    I’m fond of the aggro and unpopular speaking for truth first and last. You are on the level of Sanders, Corbyn and Reich.

    Those who go off down side-roads just because of confronting (wrong) power and subsequent loss of personal advancement I don’t care for.

    I’d go on but the 2 Leftblogs don’t like me criticizing them.

  12. Until you have had an education on this area concerned I think opinions are just like arseholes – everyone has them.

  13. When you put ‘why the silence’ with his dumb-arse face below I thought you were referring to his tweet about ‘subhuman actions’ by Gangs in Opotiki. No MSM report of that. I thought he was over with that but just mild echoes among the Left. Something is wrong in my book.


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