I’m not saying ACT are fascist, but amputating Pacific, Ethnic, Māori, Women’s and Youth political voices make their shirts a shade of Sepia


Ministry for Ethnic Communities defended after ACT promises to abolish it

Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities Priyanca Radhakrishnan has claimed the interests of the ethnic community will be threatened if an ACT-National coalition wins this year’s general election.


Look, I’m not saying ACT are fascist, but amputating Pacific, Ethnic, Māori, Women’s and Youth political voices make their shirts a shade of Sepia doesn’t it?

A light chocolate? A bark?

Sepia, chocolate or Bark, whatever the shade of shirt colour, it is a brown though right?

Not over the top fascism, that takes too much effort and we are far too laid back a culture for goose stepping, but we enjoy a casual fascism in NZ.

A gun centric, public service mutilating free market level basic bitch bigotry we are talking about here right?

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Amputating the political voices of Māori, Women, Youth, Pacific and Ethnic Kiwis ON TOP of killing off the Human Rights Commission ON TOP OF ankle bracelets on 11 year olds ON TOP OF allowing the gun nuts to abolish the gun registry ON TOP OF  billions into prisons ON TOP OF vast cuts to welfare ON TOP OF sacking thousands of public servants ON TOP OF vast tax cuts to the rich ON TOP OF a referendum to redefine the Treaty and force it upon Māoridom which will spark a civil war.

These are extreme policies which will cause enormous social dislocation and a level of violence that will make the Parliament Lawn protests look calm and rational.

ACT are drunk on their own sense of power and are promising ever more radical change which they intend to implement, no matter how many riots it inspires.

They are wide eyes acolytes who are believers and I don’t think the vast majority actually understand their policy platform and how dangerous it will be to implement.

You’ve all seen how useless Luxon is, there’s no way he’s going to be able to stop someone as smart as David Seymour getting everything he wants in a post election negotiation.

We will get 100% ACT policy with no filters.

The country needs to understand what that looks like before they vote.




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  1. All that and bat shit economics. We don’t have a City of London Banking cabal in this country to stop the economic melt down act will unleash on NZ, if it gets even 1/4 of it’s economic program through.

    You think this is bad, act economic policies are going to tun us into a true banana republic.

  2. The country consists of one nation with a grand total of two languages, one of which is rarely spoken. Will anyone even notice if this department disappears?

    The Department of Education can teach languages. There is a Ministry of Culture (which could even be folded back into the D.I.A.) Who exactly demanded there be a Ministry of Dividing the Nation into Separate Unassimilated Racial Groups?

      • Awe, come on, they do great work.
        Just because you do not know the great stuff that they do, does not mean they have not been doing great things.
        They are sure to have greatly delivered on their mandates…..
        Trust government, they know what they do…

  3. Obviously we now observe the crisis of capitalism on a daily basis. Increasing poverty and absurd wealth chasms between the few and the many, the societal dysfunction that breeds, a collapsing ecosystem that is accelerating in terms of impact on humanity. Poverty. Disillusionment. Anger. The list goes on.
    Fascism is the last throw of the dice for Capitalism. The need to enforce the status quo to ensure it’s persistance. Selling “security” to a population desperate for answers, and seeking the restoration and/or maintenance of the abusive structures they’ve been trained to believe are “the natural way of things”.
    Hence, fAsCisT little liars, propped up by massive donations from elites, can find a stage for their failed ideology, and a desperate receptive audience, fuelled by fear & irrationality, who forget that those exACT same policies are what’s led them to this point!
    The fact that Cluxon, perhaps the most useless of the long line of leaders National has churned through, is so witless and lacking in fibre, means the threat of an ACT dominated far right government is very real. Were that situation to arise, then the chance for violence on the streets in little ol’ New Zealand will increase exponentially. This is NOT the “bright future” so many once voted for.

    • Jase, well said; and I would add ‘this is not the bright egalitarian future many fought for’.

      • Did we fight for equality?
        I though we fought for liberty and freedom.
        Shit, did I got that wrong!

  4. I arrived in NZ in 72 and I would say there is a bigger divide in wealth and race than I have ever seen . I am not saying all was well in 72 but great advances were being made towards all being included but now the balance has gone too far and resentment is setting in and kickback starting to appear.

    • Ackshully Trevor racism was very much alive when you arrived only it wasn’t spoken of as much, more hidden, so many pretended it didn’t exist as with the wealth divide, but it was there. It would be hard for you to fathom given your white.

      • I saw over the top racism in South Africa and it was pretty bad in Australia where Aboriginal people and any immegrant of any colour was dispised. I agree there were obvious racial comments made by some but it seemed to be on both sides as they grew closer ..I am sure being white made it easy for me than if I had been coloured .
        I think TV played a big part of opening pakeha eyes to the Maori way of life and then other nationality started to arrive and we came more diverse.

  5. David Seymour like Winston Peters taps into the fascist/side of mainly the white NZers. They use Maori as a political football because they know that the Majority of NZers have a significant amount of unsubstantiated hatred to a culture that welcomed, feed and protected their ancestors when they landed on our shore’s in the 19th century. This isn’t new but it still works so why abandon this dog-whistle type of politics. IMO the ACT party has fascistic tendencies so could rightfully be construed as a fascist party.

      • Actually I really couldn’t give a fuck who get in!! Maaori ain’t going nowhere in a hurry with either a left or right leaning political party.

        Sure Act with the Natzo play the race card for political votes but once in power they’ll stay as far away from any of the fascist policies that they’ve campaigned about so watch this space assuming that there is a change of govt?

        • Get Labour to throw out their registry & post 2019 firearms legislation, and remove the Police from firearms licencing NOW. Then I’ll vote Labour & the Greens, and all will be well in the world? Yes? No? The rest is of no interest to me.

        • Of course you care Stephen because you know you are screwed which ever major party holds power. You know that the game is rigged and all you’re likely to get is the crumbs that fall from the real players table. Is that not so?

  6. “no matter how many riots it inspires”.. One of the most common methods of any fascist power structure is to incite violent resistance from the targeted groups. This allows them to justify an acceleration of the militarizing of the police to the degree that they (police) become an arm of the military.
    This has proved an effective way of obtaining total control, and effectively exposes those who are to be removed from influence, however that is actuated…
    Does any person with an IQ over room temperature think the colonials wouldn’t go there if it meant revisiting their “glory days” as Mother Englands farm?

  7. Don’t know about Fascist but as silly as his face. ‘Envy’, my arse. Just requires a very intelligent good talker to support life’s continuance for our species. But with the shit of focus groups where would that come from in politicians?

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