We just hit 424.58 ppm while National, ACT and Corporate Farmers abdicate any responsibility for Climate Change


As National, ACT and Corporate Farmers walk away from any agreement on emissions as they play their usual game of deli and denial when it comes to doing anything meaningful on climate change emissions, we just hit a Co2 level of 424.58ppm!

The last time the planet was this hot was 5 million years ago.

We can now see the impact of this super spike in heat melting the planet in real time…

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There are mega fires burning in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, British Columbia, SIBERIA, Spain and Chile.

All in the past month.

Siberia holds one and a half trillion tons of carbon and methane in the permafrost, what happens when it burps all that enormous amount of gas into the atmosphere?

We know from the ice record this has happened in the past, 635million year ago and it caused catastrophically abrupt climate change.

We are seeing enormous craters of methane erupting already.

Look what is happening in Turkmenistan

The US is in negotiations with Turkmenistan over an agreement to plug the central Asian nation’s colossal methane leaks.

Turkmenistan was responsible for 184 “super-emitter” events in which the powerful greenhouse gas was released in 2022, the highest number in the world. One caused climate pollution equivalent to the rate of emissions from 67 million cars.

…singular events that produce the pollution of 67million cars?

What happens when these events get triggered?

There is just no plan to adapt to this new reality when it should be the driving force to begin immediate and radical adaptation for what is coming.

We have no comprehension of what is coming and we are simply not prepared for the age of consequences.

Watching National, ACT and Corporate Farmers use their economic and political muscle to avoid responsibility for what comes next can only be resolved by civil unrest and a campaign of civil disobedience against those interests.

This is the age of consequences.



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  1. We just hit 40% increase in retail crime. I don’t think the nation is interested in costly climate change stuff. We’re simply too small to save the planet. But we’ll quickly go bankrupt pretending that we can. While the big polluters sit back and laugh at us.

    • Michael Mann is currently working on fitting a hockey stick through the sea temperature data.

      • The best policy for a small country is to announce a plan that will only be implemented once every large polluter does so first.

        That said, the peak of cheap oil production will cause the economy to collapse regardless of pollution, if not replaced. This means production of coal, C.T.L/G.T.L. synthetic gasoline, and nuclear electricity are essential to maintaining rising living standards (and for achieving mass electrification).

        • The best policy, no. But it is a logical approach.

          Self correcting problem? Only problem is that we are not even close to peak oil. There is no scarcity of fossil fuels, just a scarcity of funding. All fossil fuels are not equal but they are all very productive compared to CO2 emitting fuels that we grow.

          We grow CO2 emitting fuels in great abundance and substitute efficient fossil fuels with high emission renewables. How stupid is that?

        • Peak oil was the trendy alarm call of the wishy washy a few years ago…it’s interesting how these trends come and go…being a vegetarian was very trendy , but now it’s being vegan, being openly gay was considered being very fab , and legal…nobody had a problem with that , but now the latest fashion trend is being trans , with men having babies and lots of women coming second in sports events , being beaten by ladies with a Y chromosome ….what next…flared trousers..??

    • KA just wait for the next big storm. I wonder who will demand handouts from the government and who always have their noses in the trough. Funny thing Douglas took all the subsidies away from Farmers in the day. I wonder how the ACT faithful farmer will apologize for that, or will it be hypocrisy as usual while the climate burns

  2. If only we had a government with a once-in-a-lifetime majority who wanted to do something about this.

    And more protesters than just privileged schoolkids taking a day off school!

    • Lol, “something about this”. NZ is 0.1% of global emissions. Even if we killed every single cow, sheep, and human, that is the maximum impact we would have.
      I suspect if we did a poll about climate change, we will (hilariously) discover that the majority of NZers believe climate change can be addressed in New Zealand by us locally reducing our emissions. The government, media and even “scientists” (I use the term “scientist” loosely when it comes to climate change which is mostly smoke, mirrors and fraud), are all incredibly disingenuous when it comes to this problem – i.e. there is nothing “we” can do about global emissions here, while global emissions is all that matters.

    • Interesting thought!!
      It is around 5m years ago that the climate was such that humans started to evolve.

      We are indeed at a pivotal moment in history.

      And who can we thank?

    • Shut down the economy. Abort all babies. Euthanize everyone over 55.
      It won’t make a jot of difference to the climate, but at least we “did our bit”

      • Andy Luxon’s answer to climate change “ have more babies” that is his speak for pay for contraception, more women being barefoot and pregnant and no abortions because “abortion is murder”. There in one sentence what will happen to women’s rights with Luxon as PM

  3. We need labour and the Greens to deal with this.
    Vote labour they have a track record of delivering.

    Climate change is real.

  4. I think I’ll return to South Africa. It’s a far safer country, and doing their bit for climate change and racism…

  5. It is not corporate farmers, it is family farmers. Have a look at Groundswell. Not recognising that is not understanding why ACT is so strong in the provinces.
    The corporate farmers (or at least the corporate processors) actually wanted He Eke Waka Noa. The family farmers revolted at the prospect. Hence the former President of Fed Farmers becoming an ACT candidate.

    • Exactly.
      TDB hosted Seymore and Simon Wilson on the working group last night.
      Bradbury is right, the greatest show on planet earth.

      Right as in correct.

      Simon Wilson acknowledges that Brown is right and that he is the best Mayor of the Super City to date. Granted, it is not difficult to beat the previous two.

    • True. And how can big corporate farmers get even bigger?

      By smilingly agreeing with every government law, rule and regulation that burdens family farms more than it does corporates, as is always the case with small vs big business. Result: the family farms sell out to the corporate farms, who thus grow even larger as the rely on wage labourers rather than the traditional owner-operator or the 50:50 profit-sharing share milking scheme.

      And who loves Big Corporate Farming? Why National of course. Folk like Wayne, both from an investment and a donor POV.

  6. Don’t worry about it Martyn? The Earth has been around for over 4 billion years & will be around long after we are gone? In it’s long History, the Earth has seen Mass extinctions, Ice Ages, Continental drift, Volcanism causing massive Climate changes & deadly Asteroids? To arrogantly believe we can save or control Nature is folly, we can’t even save ourselves! The Earth will be fine, it’s us Humans that are fucked, not Planet Earth!

    • TDB is spot on.
      Humans evolved from other organisms around 5m years ago. Coincidence?
      The evolution of man needed circumstances favourable for that process to take shape.

      Human history can be read from the rocks.
      Read “Otherlands” Thomas Halliday.

  7. We really have to calm down a little – I know NZ wants to do its part but we are only 0.01 aren’t we of the problem.

    Also with farming we never contra off with the CO2 they remove as well like with grass’s.

    Science in NZ is making massive changes as well – especially in Methane.

    Would help in Huntly used NZ coal instead of Indonesian rain forest clearing coal – this could be the first thing any govt could do.

    Plastics & Pollution is my issue we should be advancing quicker on for NZ & the planet.

    Just small opinions.

  8. What difference can New Zealand make? Zero.
    But we will die on the altar of sacrifice to make ourselves feel righteous?
    That’s insane.

    • I know Bob lets give our 16 year olds a chance to vote because ( unless your 16 of course ) it will be them on the altar of sacrifice. Lets give them the chance to save our planet not a swathe of grumpy rich p****s who only think of themselves and their personal weath.

    • Because tiny brain Bob some major buyers of NZ primary produce will one day say no thanks you guys ruin my targets.

      It’s funny idiots pedal the “we feed 40 million people” like we are major players and imagine if it were produced somewhere else. You won’t have to imagine some day

  9. “While National, ACT and Corporate Farmers abdicate any responsibility for Climate Change”

    Who is in government with a majority again? And who has overseen record coal imports.

    • I wouldn’t be too hard on Labour re the coal imports. All the power engineers are too scared of the results to close Huntly and since local coal & gas became verbotten, importing is all they’ve got.

      We’re also not unique:
      Analysts are projecting “a huge gas-to-coal fuel transition in power and industrial sectors” of Europe. Yes, not gas to renewables, but gas to coal. In fact, the European Union’s coal consumption grew 16 percent year-on-year for the first half of 2022. European countries imported 7.9 million tons of thermal coal in June, more than doubling year-on-year. Annual coal imports are expected to reach 100 million tons by the end of the year, the highest since 2017.

      Even in the most developed economies of the West like Germany and the UK, fossil fuels continue to dominate as the only dependable source of energy. Germany is set to become the third highest importer of Indonesian coal in 2023, ranked just below coal-guzzling China and India.

      Chuckle. Physics eh? The physics of reliable power generation beat the physics of CO2 emissions.

  10. Dear @ MB.
    I really wish you’d stop using the term ‘farmer’ in regard to factory-dairying. Dairying isn’t farming. Like feed lotting, it isn’t farming. Supermarkets *sell vegetables, fruit, milk, cheeses and meats but are they farmers? No, would be this farmers opinion.
    AO/NZ ‘Farming’ is an holistic, creative and frankly beautiful profession. The foundations of which should be a natural balance, sustainability, holism, regeneration and NO FUCKING CHEMICALS! Oh, nearly forgot. AND NO FUCKING SCUM FOREIGN OWNED FUCKING BANKSTER INTERVENTIONS EITHER!
    Sorry. A little spot of hysteria there.
    Of course, since there are only about 50 thousand people making their living exclusively from farming while the population of AO/NZ is 5.2 million there must be a few wee secrets here and there, right? A wee nudge, a crafty wink.
    You can’t get a population of 50K farmers farming to feed, clothe and money urban millionaires and billionaires without a little bullshit, right? A little demonising, a little belittling. A little financial impoverishment and disempowerment to maintain control of the CROOKED FUCKING NARRATIVE!
    * At mind bogglingly outrageous mark-ups I hasten to add. I’ve just bought a beautiful possum and wool blend jersey from a factory end-of-run shop. The 40% possum was possum. Possums don’t require much in the way of farming. The other 60% of my new jersey was wool. Merino wool. The worlds best wool. Period. Given the weight of my jersey there’d be about 200 grams of wool. That’s be about $1.50 to the farmers. So..? Who gets the remaining $240.00 ? The scourers, the shearers, the transporters, the knitters and carders and the retail margin.
    @ Wool farmers? You’re at the wrong end of the sheep mates.

    • (How long would it take your nana to knit that jersey) x (minimum wage). There’s your $240 gone. If you want the jersey cheaper, get nana to knit faster – or drop the minimum wage.

  11. “Turkmenistan is responsible for 184 super emitter events in 2022”. Russia, 120, US 154, plus dozens of other countries but several big emitters are authoritarian states. There is zero we can do about that! And the biggest emitters are farming and wetlands. So what do we do, become hunter gatherers?

    NZ can’t make an iota of difference nor will protests or civil disobedience. But if we do it for moral support this country will become uninhabitable anyway!

  12. Climate change is coming and what we are doing to exacerbate that is miniscule but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the consequences.

    The only thing that makes sense to me is to begin to plan for the consequences and how we adapt for the effect on our small islands at the bottom of the world.

    I think we are going about in the wrong way with respect to the farmers.

    We need them onside and involved in how we respond to the inevitable climate shifts because quite simply their way of life will have to change to meet the effects of the climate including drought.

    We need our agriculture providers to adapt as part of a national strategy.

    The current system will be changed by force through the climatic effects of the planet warming.

    Some of Bombers ideas around a national plan on response and how we will deal with the flood of refugees from the Pacific Islands and what part a massive enlarged Navy will play in facing these challenges.

    That means corporates who exist to create wealth will if they want to continue change their approach.

  13. I’ve got it! Let’s save the planet, go carbon zero even if we go bankrupt, do whatever it takes. Once we’re there, the atmosphere will magically create a shield the shape of NZ so that no more ozone can fry us. We’ll be the only country to survive. All the big polluters will die because they didn’t care. Sorted.

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