Blessed be the Luxon Fruit – why Gilead is a perfect meme for National’s desire to charge women for contraception prescriptions 


Oh watch National being triggered little snowflakes over the latest blunder Luxon has wandered into.

Yes, Labour are hypocrites for doing sweet fuck all for 6 years, but they have removed prescription fees, and Luxon being his usual Luxon self just rules out exempting women for contraception prescription charges because Luxon is clueless and doesn’t understand the political ramifications AND BECAUSE Luxon is an ultra right wing Christian who doesn’t believe in contraception in the first place!

THAT’S WHY the Gilead memes and Handmaid’s Tale references are perfectly legitimate here BECAUSE Luxon is an ultra right wing Christian and the only reason National are screaming foul is because THEY understand the bomb Luxon just detonated!

He’s just not very good at this.

He specifically ruled out women getting contraception prescription costs covered and drawing his conservative evangelical religious values as the conclusion why he’s decided that is perfectly legitimate!

Again, Labour – hypocrites for doing nothing for 6 years, but that doesn’t take away from the truth that what Luxon accidentally revealed about his conservative religious decision making values isn’t relevant going into the election!

His knee-jerk refusal to subsidise contraception for women was the exact same conservative certainty he had when he declared women didn’t get hassled much online.

He has history for saying this dumb shit and most times his first reaction is his most reactionary reaction which he then has to walk back 24 hours later!

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If you look at the swing voter National needs to win over, 50+ white women with tertiary education, they sure as fuck won’t tolerate his morality interfering with a contraception issue that is welded onto their identity!

It’s a bewilderingly stupid move by Luxon that just rubs every swing voter he needs to win over the wrong way.

I don’t think he can survive the ramifications of this latest blunder, he’s self mutilated himself with the very group he needs to win over!

The real winner here (other than people not having to pay for their prescription costs) will be Brooke van Velden in her drive to win Tamaki from God Boy Simon O’Conner.

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  1. Well to be fair, he’s true to his beliefs however warped they are. He’s demonstrating why he should not be PM.

    • Wheel,

      He may be true to his beliefs privately but he’s spent his entire time as the National Party leader disguising and softening his beliefs. Why? Because most kiwi’s recoil at them and he knows it.

  2. Luxon is “an ultra right-wing Christian”? Sure Martyn, an ultra right-winger who supports gay marriage and who voted FOR the abominably woke Conversion Practices legislation.

    He’s an insipid woke corporate womble.

    As for the “Christian” bit, I’m wondering how some progressives would react to a Muslim taking the same position.

    • I am not sure what label I would have, but I would prefer my PMs and politicians to park their faith, rather than have it dictate policy. There is no logic in Luxon’s means testing argument. The removal of fees was a response to the cost of living ( and you can question how much relief has been provided), so is he saying struggling people should not fornicate, or only the comfortable should?

      • Can we park the Gender Faith too? Cause that really has implications in the daily lifes of anyone not born a male.

          • rightards are aways throwing around ‘woke’ ‘marxist’ etc in connection with other pollies so they can just suck up ‘religious nutter’ but no they do the typical snowflake routine because that’s what they are SNOWFLAKES,

            • gagarin,

              Please don’t shoot yourself in the foot by approving of the gender fluid circus especially with children. Being right or left or just leaning either way is all good but somethings are just wrong. Self identifying your gender is bad enough for adults but with young children all it highlights is manipulation and abuse.

              • I made no comment on woke but just mentioned it as a rightard trope…don’t let yourself down by trying to put words in my mouth(another rightwing tactic) thinking

                • gagarin,

                  Having another bad day bro?

                  Does not being a Labour supporter automatically make me right wing or has throwing those tags around like confetti become your modus operandi ?

                  I voted Labour in 2020 as I despised Judith Collins and still foolishly believed in Ardern. That has since fallen by the wayside due to inept performance in numerous key areas and lack of faith in Labour. If “Chippy” eating sausage rolls is their best weapon, I along with a growing number of others will reluctantly decline.

          • No it’s not. It’s the usual launch counter measures approach The heat seeking missile is in the air so let’s throw out a bunch of flares and hope it hits those.

            • RB’s retort was entirely appropriate. Wokeism does have a quasi-religious character – and certainly has nothing to do with evidence or reason.

              • I don’t think gender is remotely related to this argument. Unless you mean scaremongering, as in ‘you are confused about your identity you must be grooming kids’ has no basis in evidence or reason? I get that

                • Seriously? The government shouldn’t be subsidising the lowering the birth rate. There’s an argument for contraceptives in high school cause a good chunk of them are fucking and teen pregnancy brings its own novel problems.

                  But adults trying to cope with accountability? They’re not children. What any of this has to do with tax revenue and funding government services only makes sense to the wonderfully brilliant managers of the economics universe community.

                  • People don’t stop having urges when they leave school. Taking contraception is being responsible/accountable. You should be doing everything you can to prevent unplanned pregnancies, and let’s face it the meds will be generic and cheap and chips.

        • The gender issue was parked. It is you who continues to keep it moving You really are triggered, let it go you silly Sausage.

    • This “progressive” would react similarly to any reactionary whose mores are governed by a book of fairy tales, whichever book that may be. I guess “progressive” is now being used in the same way that woke and liberal have been used by those seeking a bumper sticker slogan.

      • Do you believe that males become women by saying “I am a woman” and by this statement become one?

        • NO and I don’t belive fascists become xtians just by saying’ in jesus name’ and by that statement become one..bratty

        • Define Reactionary Bratwurst? Is it male, female, transgender etc etc etc or is it anything you want it to be?

    • The socialists are “quick” learners. They have latched onto the woke approach very quickly. …… Hmmm…. That’s is right…… that is where the woke originated.
      If you fail in argument you cancel by any means.

      Watch out, the boogieman is coming for you too!

    • Oh for heaven’s sake Pope, stop being so polite. The bloke’s a male chauvinist pig. He looks like a pig ( God forgive my unkind tongue) he talks like a pig, ergo…

      We need some real men in Parliament, men who will look out for women and children they way they’re meant to, that’s why they have all that testosterone in them, and number 8 fencing wire, and concreting genes. Luxon used a power tool wearing jandals, and that’s not what I call a man. Or maybe he’s transitioning, and that’s ok, they start at primary school now, but it’s still no excuse for behaving like a swine.

      If he’s keen to see accidental or unwanted children brought into this shonky world, then he should be making provision for them, but he’s looking as mean and cold-hearted as the Wellington Mayor unbelievably doling out a pathetic $500 each to the traumatised survivors of the horrific Loafers Lodge inferno.kk

      And with due respect, can I remind you that the Wombles of Wimbledon Common were goodies, and they should not be dragged down to the level of politicians. Thanks.

  3. This “progressive” would react similarly to any reactionary whose mores are governed by a book of fairy tales, whichever book that may be. I guess “progressive” is now being used in the same way that woke and liberal have been used by those seeking a bumper sticker slogan.

  4. Contraception access is really a human rights issue.
    Yet Luxon, the born to rule, pale stale male human bowling ball, wants to bring back prescription charges on the pill, which will be hard to swallow for the 50% of the population, who have a womb.
    Perhaps the only time Luxon even thinks of wombs, is when he gets womb service at the Hawaiian hotels he frequents, or when calculating the rent he gouges on his 7 mansions by womb rate, or while enjoying the great leg womb, in his black Mercedes.

    And he’ll probably be relaxing in his sitting womb this Friday to watch his favorite movie, Aloha, at 7.30 pm on Bravo. Luxon could easily picture himself in this movie, starring alongside Bradly Cooper, if only he had more hair and personality. Maybe a little prayer is in order here.

    User pays is fair enough, but there are also biological imperatives that shouldn’t be ignored, and contraception is one of them, so keeping no prescription charges for the pill, does makes sense.
    Just as females have a longer average life expectancy than males in this country, so if you were to apply Luxon’s favorite word “targetting”, and his wanting to debate the future affordability of super, then he should raise the qualifying age of super for females, but maintain or reduce it for males.

    • Really??? So where have been the marches for free contraceptives been recently? Well since it’s a human right.

      BTW you are paying for contraception right now! Where’s the outrage…there is none.

    • Womb service lol.

      But no, contraception is not a human right. Human rights are fundamental things that any government with good will can guarantee to all its citizens. The right to free speech, the right not to be detained without trial, the right to a fair trial, the right not to be tortured or “disappeared” etc.

      How many governments can guarantee free contraception to all their citizens?

      On the other hand, the first human right on the list above is under serious threat in this country. That’s what the media should be all over, rather than the Nats’ flip-flopping about $5 prescription charges.

      • “Human right” is a weasel term.
        They are all simply “rights”. Some take precedence or priority over others. All are granted by human societies to humans, unless you want to trivialise the discussion by insisting on including animals.
        They don’t come from a god or a magic fairy and they don’t come packaged in some cosmological theory of everything.
        As with all ethical constructs created by humans, they are mutable.

  5. To be fair on Luxon, he probably sees contraception aids as a matter of consumer choice rather than medical necessity; but that’s probably a grey area.

  6. $5 prescription fee or loss of democracy, hate speech laws and a stazi unit to police online wrong think.
    It’s sure a hard decision.

  7. There have been many comments on twitter ( some very personal towards Megan Woods ) supporting this stance by the National party and headlines showing Willis upset with the tweet and the rhetoric. Also this morning Erica Stanford quoting Jacinda Ardern would never have done this etc.etc.. How come National can throw this sh**t around willy nilly yet as soon as the government responds they are in the gutter. Did nobody tell these politicians that politics is a blood sport you give you have got to take. Why all the angst from the Nats. Yes its a late policy from Labour but its there and it will be there in July and if NACT gets in it will be gone in October, there is no getting away from that no matter which way you spin it.

  8. The 50 plus house wife/ coporate spinster is way smarter than the media make out. They just want a competent manager to run the country.

    • a middle man dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. is this the standard some people hold for themselves. how mediocre. may as well get an AI with all weightings on bland. At least Key could make a decent joke and Ardern a cutting jibe. Luxon is the joke and the only gybe he’ll be delivering will be in response to a knife in his back.

  9. The pill is not only prescribed for contraception purposes. It’s prescribed for endometriosis and other conditions.

  10. The timing is about right for the tories to do a “Jacinda” on us.. Eggbert(Luxon) is making far too many basic blunders for his team not to be feeding him chicken feed…
    I’ve noticed the Herald presenting some Nickola woman in a series of carping, petty whinges about not much the last few weeks as someone with something useful to say..

  11. Luxon is treating all drugs the same . Singling out the OC is an invention of the left and to then use that to justify The Handmaids Tale is nuts
    If Labour wanted free OC’s they are 6 years late. Sounds similar to their usual level of competence

  12. Luxon is treating all drugs the same . Singling out the OC is an invention of the left and to then use that to justify The Handmaids Tale is nuts
    If Labour wanted free OC’s they are 6 years late. Sounds similar to their usual level of competence

  13. It is interesting to see those on the Left saying how National supporters want to replace Luxon. They would love to see the carnage this would cause .Most National supporters I know are happy with Luxon as a leader and are happy for him to become PM and save us from 3 more years of going backwards . He may not be the polished politican that Hipkins is but he is a better leader for the bulk of the population who just want to get on with their life .

  14. No, no, no, don’t replace Luxon! He is Labours greatest gift and your definition on “bulk” is seriously misguided by any polling measure.

  15. Yes Trevor I agree.
    The choice is simple, Chippy a career politician who’s never had a real job and has failed in every political post he has held, or Luxon.

  16. luxton who was a ceo of a state funded business that wouldn’t be allowed to fail and was apparently unaware of a multi million dollar saudi deal….that the luxton your talking about ‘bob the lefty’?


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