The problem for a National/ACT Government – would markets do a Liz Truss?


The policy difference between Labour and the Greens is almost 90% the same, but the policy difference between National and ACT are light years apart.

With ACT in double digits, they are a constant existential threat to National and because Luxon is so weak, he will agree to any of the crazy far right policy ACT want to implement and it is far right nonsense on meth.

  • A billion into more prisons and detention camps
  • Near flat tax fantasy
  • Amputation of 5 Ministry’s plus closing the Human Rights Commission plus billions slashed from welfare plus a referendum to rewrite the Treaty with no negotiation to Māori.
  • Destroy Gun register so gun fetishists can legally masturbate to their favourite guns again.

It’s libertarian gibberish with culture war dog trumpets thrown in for shits and giggles, but as we saw with Liz Truss when she attempted to implement the same types of free market bullshit in the UK, the Market itself revolted.

If ACT and National attempted to implement half of this policy platform it would lead to vast civil disobedience on top of the Markets doing the exact same thing to NZ that they did to the UK.

The reality is that the ACT agenda is so radical and the National Party so weak you understand why there is a serious attempt within National to get Shane Jones an Epsom Cup of Tea deal in Northland so as to put a hand break on ACT.

David Seymour and Winston hate each other, like despise each other so the idea that a Labour led minority Government with a supply and confidence arrangement with the Maori Party would be a ‘Coalition of Chaos’, totally ignores the ‘Alliance of Anarchy’ where Winston and David spend 3 years trying to kill each other off while Luxon sits crying in the middle like a stunned mullet.


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  1. Forget your speculations. This election will be about one thing and one thing only. CRIME! Because the thing that has fundamentally changed NZ for the worse is not left politics or right poltics that. It’s crime. Crime is rife. Crime is now normal. It never used to be. But now it’s in our face. And that’s where you lefties are fucking hopeless.

    • You are a fucking idiot Kraut. You righties let them into the country, you moron!

      • Who did the right let into the country?
        Long live free-speech…… now even I am not so sure free-speech should be protected.

      • Thanks Bert. Your nom de plume is a dead giveaway.
        Keep on tossing. Hope your wrist doesn’t break.

        • What on earth are you on about coward German? Anything I post will have you as a coward for that is who you are. As for your post to whom you are you referring, I see the real coward coming out now, very lewd comments.
          And as for your original comment “And that’s where you lefties are fucking hopeless.” well, it just shows your level of maturity. That is why no one can take you seriously.

        • Nah bro, not me because I would have used words like coward and evidence of which you are and have none.
          Your last sentence also shows your derangement and I suggest you see a GP urgently.

          • Mark Twain has good advice for you Bert,look up Mark Twain on travel.
            Broaden your mind.

            • I always find that those upset at me for telling the truth are those living a lie. That would be Bob.

            • I love your narcissism Bob. I note narcissists don’t change because they don’t want to change. They want to keep on using and abusing because it gets them the attention they so desperately crave.
              Keep on abusing Bob.

      • Unfortunately most of the young criminals are home grown the product of poor parents or parents driven to work long hours to survive in this Labour lead economy who have no time to be proper parents .The governments answer to his is to give them more money to pay someone to look after their children while they work more hours .

        • Oh Trevor what a silly comment. There have always been working parents, its not a new phenomenon over the last 5 years. It was Paula Bennett who ordered parents to send their children to child care. The NACT mantra is to get beneficiaries especially solo parents back to WORK , so who is going to look after their children . Teenage youth have always ( since time began ) been easily led and in their own minds bulletproof ( also not a 5 year phenomenon) . The biggest global issue is mobile phones and ticktock . Believe it or not Trevor you look at any overseas headlines and you will see a mirror image of NZ problems with youth crime. So Trevor get your head out of the sand and please get a bit of common sense .

        • Crime stats show todays criminals raised under National government. Unequivocal evidence.

    • The coalition of cuts repeating Ruth Richardson horrendous social mistke. The right wing parties and pathetic useless righties supporters just don’t learn and are fucking useless.

      • Current Labour Government worst in our history.
        Proof? Reference the last 5 and a half years,Captain Ardern abandoned ship and country,poorest New Zealanders now worse off.

      • NSC
        Gosh dreadful language not warranted,serves only to make your comments meaningless.(Which they are.)

        • Yes I sgree Krauts language is dreadful, oh I see you didn’t complain about his you fucking hypocrite.
          And you want to destroy out country completely, vote Nact in.

        • Bob the troll been away a couple of days I see. Good to see you back trolling away with meaningless, insignificant posts of which there are many.

    • Krautet Haus
      Gosh dreadful language not warranted,serves only to make your comments meaningless.(Which they are.)

  2. Peter’s and Seymour have a common goal – to get rid of current Government. So I think they would both be prepared to swallow Dead Rats to achieve that goal.

    Besides ACT are all puff and huff and won’t make most of those changes. They will just want line by line accountability of each Government Department.

  3. I’m sure they manage to work together more constructively than the coalition of chaos.

  4. they see liz and kwarzi, they know the outcome but because they’re ideologically bankrupt they plough on

  5. The more ACT bark out their neoliberal lunacy (ACT ignore the fact that the very folk they’re trying to peddle it too have experienced a full THREE DECADES of it’s miserable failings), and the more the Natz flounder in policy flip-flops and walk-backs revealing they have nothing to offer that’s not on Labours menu, the more the whole potential Right-wing circus looks unelectable.

    Spend that budget your rich donors gifted you, and keep digging your own grave Hayekian fucktards.

  6. Why do you bet on Winston joining national and act in a coalition?
    Will you shake on a deal with Winston and expect him to honour that deal?
    He will do what is right for Winston at the time me make his decision.

    Or maybe he will surprise us all!!

  7. Government buracrats getting the heave ho would go down well with lots of people .If N/Act were in power it would mean most of the working class had backed them so no comeback there . Some maori may be unhappy but what is new and those that work will not want to jeopardize their job by marching . With so many made hungry and home less by this Labour government there will be little to protest about .

    • Trevor the NACT will need to spell out what they will cut. The Nats have no counter budget, no costing, policies from the past. You could have probably called me a government bureaucrat last year , there were thousand of us employed for the covid response ( not many of us left now) so there is no cutting there. This pouring over line by line is a farce. Trevor you and I both know that NACT policies of borstal, boot camps, etc.etc. will be built and run by government bureaucrats unless of course they privatize and then it will be private bureaucrats receiving government handouts ( can’t see much savings there). Unfortunately people who consider voting for ACT have absolutely no idea what they actually stand for . Oh yes there is rhetoric from the sidelines scrap this and that , tax cuts, be responsible for your own life, trickle down theory ( whatever that means because we have never actually seen it). bla ! bla!. So Trevor from your very own Jonkey its time they put up, shut up or
      “ show us the money”

    • “With so many made hungry and home less by this Labour government there will be little to protest about .”

      Have you got the numbers made hungry available?

  8. Currently the union movement are facing a no strike bill effectively outlawing the right to strike in the U.K

    The TUC has accused Rishi Sunak of “attacking workers’ ability to win a fair pay deal at work in the middle of a cost of living crisis”. It added:

    whole strikes could be deemed illegal.

    The Bill will give ministers the power to impose new minimum service levels through regulation.

    But MPs have been given few details on how minimum service levels are intended to operate.

    With the anti-strikes bill back in the House of Commons on Monday 22 May, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) is calling on Tory MPs to “do the right thing” and oppose it. It’s also holding an ’emergency protest’ outside parliament on the same evening. Numerous UK unions are supporting the protest, including the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), and Unison:

    MPs, Lords and civil liberties groups are queuing up to condemn this draconian Bill. These spiteful new laws are an affront to human rights and are a deliberate attempt to restrict the right to strike – a fundamental British liberty.

  9. Meanwhile Liz Trusses replacement is planning draconian anti worker legislation.

    Currently the union movement are facing a no strike bill effectively outlawing the right to strike in the U.K

    The TUC has accused Rishi Sunak of “attacking workers’ ability to win a fair pay deal at work in the middle of a cost of living crisis”. It added:

    whole strikes could be deemed illegal.

    The Bill will give ministers the power to impose new minimum service levels through regulation.

    But MPs have been given few details on how minimum service levels are intended to operate.

    With the anti-strikes bill back in the House of Commons on Monday 22 May, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) is calling on Tory MPs to “do the right thing” and oppose it. It’s also holding an ’emergency protest’ outside parliament on the same evening. Numerous UK unions are supporting the protest, including the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), and Unison:

    MPs, Lords and civil liberties groups are queuing up to condemn this draconian Bill. These spiteful new laws are an affront to human rights and are a deliberate attempt to restrict the right to strike – a fundamental British liberty.

  10. Farm fence as always, how yey goin, compulsory unionism, what a knowing wage care, union its the law boss , have to be, gutless.. who you.

  11. Crime rampant,education lowest level ever,homelessness at record levels,poverty at record levels,etc,
    etc.Oh yes cost of living highest ever,division highest ever.
    That accurately describes the Labour Government.

    • Bahahahahaha!!!

      Lowest unemployment
      Highest incomes in the public sector.
      Greatest trade agreements in history.
      What a wonderful past 5 and a bit years.
      That accurately describes the Labour Government.

      • That shows how silly and simple you are Bert.
        Cost of living crisis not denied by the Labour Government which means the increases you reference lag behind the increase in costs.
        Trade agreements? You are kidding.

        • You are politically immature Blob.
          As an aside you will be mourning the death of your very dear friend Rolf Harris.

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