Marama Davidson is a lost Homelessness Minister


This is terribly painful and frustrating.

As a Minister, Marama Davidson has been missing in action beyond her bewildering decision to launch a culture war against white cis men.

Watching her attempting to answer why the Christ so little frontline poverty money simply hasn’t been spent is excruciating…

Minister defends lack of spending to tackle homelessness

Of the $12.6 million earmarked to help fight homelessness this year, just a tiny fraction has been spent – only $900,000.

Now, National says there’s an urgent need, and money needs to get out the door quickly, but the Government says there’s a process to get through.

In last year’s Budget, the Government allocated $75 million over four years to fight homelessness, with $12.6 million set aside for this year.

But so far, only $900,000 has been spent.

TDB Recommends

“A year ago, the Government announced $75 million dollars for homelessness services. Almost a year later, just a million dollars has gone out the door, about 1.3% of the money. It’s staggering incompetence,” National MP Chris Bishop said.

The minister in charge, Marama Davidson, says it’s on the way.

“I’ve spent the last two and a half years working tirelessly with them to plan to make sure we get the money to where it needs to go, and that is absolutely on track,” she said.

She used the recent announcement of $25 million for Māori support services as an example, saying the contract won’t be finalised until July.

She told 1News that some of the new initiatives need time to be designed.

“We have committed to doing things differently, and the community has been very clear about that, so all the money is on track to get to where it needs to get to, but we can only do that with the relationships with the community.

Bishop disagrees, calling it bureaucracy.

“I think the Government is obsessed with bureaucracy.

“There are all these programmes, all these forms that have to be filled out. We should be getting money to the front line.”

Those on the front line want urgency.

According to the Salvation Army, homelessness is becoming a real issue for an estimated 3000 Kiwi families.

“We’re seeing a lot of people under huge stress around housing,” Lieutenant Colonel Ian Hutson of the Salvation Army said.

“We’re finding people coming to us who are still sleeping in cars – families and particularly people who are having long stays in motels and hotels, which sometimes isn’t the safest.

“Sometimes it’s okay, but it’s definitely not where they should be at this point, and so we’re seeing a lot of that on the frontlines at the moment.”

He says help with food alone is up 30% compared to this time last year.

…a 30% jump in need and not even $1million of the $75million promised has even been spent?

The reason why there is no spending is because after all the Hui’s the the Minister has partaken in, the loudest most radical voices at these events (fronted as community ventures using Millennial social media marketers to get Ministry social media budgets), demanded more time to create programs that envisage diverse multicultural pronoun friendly vegan cycling organic hubs and because it’s ever so important to listen to these lived experience community groups (as fronted by the ultra woke ‘representatives of the community’ that don’t represent that community at all), we have not in fact simply boosted the immediate budgets of existing food banks and homeless direct service organisations, because ‘we have to listen to the community’.

There are huge amounts of groups in the community right now doing the hard fucking lifting! Surely we can put direct funding into those groups right now while the identity politics consultancy groups build a bureaucracy that can fund their next mortgage?

Isn’t there enough in that $75million to pay millennial consultancies AND Food Banks?

Why not as an immediate stop gap set up City Shelters right now?

We are spending billions on Motels, Central and Local Government have a lot of inner city space that is going to waste, why not reopen City Shelters and fund them directly from the $75million?

Surely there is enough money here to actually do some good while sating the thirst of the new breed of identity politics consultant class as well?

This is painfully embarrassing and highlights all the terrible weakness of Greens.

It is because Marama is so weak that the Uber Woke Clique inside the Greens can openly plot to over throw her and James with Dr Kerekere and Ricardo and get away with it!

At some point the Green membership have to ask itself serious questions about the current leadership and what the Greens actually want to achieve as a Party because the last 3 years has been a wasted opportunity and that responsibility is the current Leadership.


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  1. Any person with a shred of common sense could have spent the whole $75 million in a month. Call for tenders for 100 quality homes. Build the homes. Invite 100 homeless families to live in them. Housing First.

    • That’s patriarchy – Men building societies other men.

      It’s so stupid. I know. Takes an absolute genious level academically trained University professor of the humanities to be able to get 75 million and not spend a dime.

      But hey y’know. “Optics,” and “windows” and “overtone” form woke policy echo bunkers. And fuck weka.

  2. I don’t understand why Chippie doesn’t just pull her warrant???? She is an embarrassment.

    • We all know why, and this is exactly the problem with politics today.

      You are judged by who you are, not what you’ve achieved.

      The problem with MMP is that the public cannot actually get rid of poor performing MPs, they just continue to wrangle their way up the list and they’re set for life.

  3. Or perhaps that money should be put to whatever is needed to directly get someone out of homelessness, and bypass the non-profit industrial complex.

    • Window dressing attracts customers.
      Once the customer is inside the shop you still need to sell your product.

      One needs Shaw to counter balance Davidson. And the homeless needs Marama as much as they need more poverty.

  4. To be fair to Marama, yes, totally missing in action, but the big money promised in glitzy announcements by this government and the actual rubber hitting the road are two distinct things, the second if which rarely happens. Think mental health, think light rail, various transport projects, etc.

    When Grant claws back excessive taxes on fuel next month and doubles public transport fares to make everyone’s lives worse, just think of Chippys “targeted” assistance that replaces this to be just the same!

  5. To be elected to then get elected. You have to be an animal, mineral or a vegetable trans intersectional vegan non person of no colour or shade of white. Then you have to prove that you have been culturally nurtured and eunuched to fuck. Then you have had to have been bathed in a river of the purest of tears from the community of victims of perceived prejudice and believed offense that may have affected you in this life or any other life or life form(s).

    That’s just for the first round of voting to be elected!

    Whoever’s fucked up kids these are. Please pick them up from the asylum and take them home.

  6. While we know that Bishop’s idea of getting money to the front line means that the government would be paying landlords more at least he is working for his supporters, Davidson does not seem to have a clue about who she should be helping or the urgency required to get a result.

  7. It’s a shame we have to see all this ‘listen to minorities’ when we have so many on the front line just doing.

    Salvation Army, BBM Foodbank, Auckland City Mission, Wellington City Mission, Night Shelter Dunedin, Dwelling Housing Trust, Project Moroto, Everybody Eats.

    If I can find them in 5 seconds why can’t Marama give them something in over a year?

  8. Baubles, bangles, hear how they jing, jinga-linga
    Baubles, bangles, bright shiny beads
    Sparkles, spangles, your heart will sing, singa-linga
    Wearin’ baubles, bangles and beads…

    It’s all Kismet anyway.

  9. The Green Party, like the rest of the charade that’s mmp, is neo-liberal and neo-liberalism is all about the money.
    Until AO/NZ’ers come to understand that it’s not ok to be abused by the rapacious greed of neo-liberals the neo-liberals will continue to exploit our weaknesses, which are many.
    Analogy alert!
    Why do you think many families can sometimes end up in therapy? Dad’s, say, a drunk and an abuser. He beats his partner/wife and controls the money. This is what often happens; his abused family will rise to his defence if questions are asked by outside interests like therapists, Doctors, school teachers, friends of his partner and the police.
    We’re literally being abused by a group of political counter-evolutionaries who’ve risen up through the vile swamp that’s their corrupted politics and our stolen economy and there they are, floating about on the surface like greedy, rancid flies and unless we take back control of our Aotearoa / New Zealand we will lose our lands and our history to what I see as dangerous in-coming.
    Davidson’s as dumb as a plug of clay. That’s why she’s where she is as co-leader beside the all but invisible james shaw formerly of the hsbc bank and if you don’t know why The Green Party is so important then you should probably go on holiday with Marama because you’d get in swimmingly.
    Our economy is agrarian and it’s our only means of income and it’s quite the income. Farmers built our now nine multi billionaires and feed the bottomless greed of four now foreign owned banks. They also built AO/NZ and an entire infrastructure that gave us modern, first world living.
    The Green Party must make sure no one looks closely at the anomaly that’s our new farming business model; i.e. saturate the soils with toxic chemicals then speed-grow animals and plants to export because, dahlings, the Bentley’s getting up in the miles and one of the island resorts needs a splash of paint.
    Farmers. You must act, and no I don’t mean the vile hair ball that’s rogers ACT party.
    I mean, you must act in synchronised harmony with your city bound brothers and sisters and all LGBTQ+ people too. If you don’t? You will lose and you will lose big.
    And I’d like to caution you. No violence, no riots, no tractors fucking about in the middle of the road. None of that. All you need to do… is nothing. Nothing at all. Stay in bed, keep the rams in, stop the vet sticking bull sperm up the wazoo’s of poor old cows, no vegetables to the supermarkets, no meat to the works. Nothing.
    Then put the kettle on and wait. I promise you, you won’t be waiting long.
    This is what you do. Farmers-Market what you can or make your own private deals until we have a royal commission of inquiry heading up rogers ACT and the Natzo’s like some wee beasties which can go up your diddle if you pee in fresh water in the jungles of some countries.
    Candiru is a tiny Amazonian parasitic catfish reported to swim into urethral and other body openings of unprotected bathers. It is also known as canero, camero, and urethra fish, and is a member of the genus Vandellia.
    Over several weeks, the parasites migrate through host tissue and develop into adult worms inside the blood vessels of the body. Once mature, the worms mate and females produce eggs. Some of these eggs travel to the bladder or intestine and are passed into the urine or stool.
    I couldn’t find a better analogy for the Nat’s and Act’s. The dreaded Nactzis.

  10. Chloe was debating Seymour on the telly and she wants to tax the top 6% of the richest NZers $2500 each to go towards poverty. This equates to about a billion give or take. Apart from the fact that this would only pay for poverty motels for a few years, if a billion was spent at the same rate as the $75 million allocation quoted above, it would take a thousand years for the billion to be spent.

      • Yes that the answer let’s get more Consultants to advise Labour & the Greens and they will chew through the $75 Million in no time.

  11. Shamefully incompetent.

    Yes give it to the people already delivering.

    If Grant gave her the money, surely she had a plan?

  12. they’ve not done anything because they don’t want to do anything except try to find ways of funnelling money into the private sector…we may not ideologically agree with it but we all know a state builder following a nationwide programme is the only answer.

  13. Damn, I rad the headline too fast and thought at long last we may see some action.

    I thought it said ‘Marama Davidson got lost and found a Minister who could finally help the Homelessness’

    • You did read correctly.
      She is lost.
      Once she finds herself she will be forced to implement policy.

  14. ” At some point the Green membership have to ask itself serious questions about the current leadership and what the Greens actually want to achieve as a Party because the last 3 years has been a wasted opportunity and that responsibility is the current Leadership. ”

    And these are the people Bomber that are going… to quote you …..hold a gun to the head of the party of the managerial class , property millionaires and the top 1 % when National aren’t in government.

    This country is run for the elites and the rest are just horrendous human statistics they can read about in their Sunday papers or in the MSM when they want to invoke the fear of all those privileged and have money that will never have to experience what life is like for so many without a voice or representation.

  15. ” At some point the Green membership have to ask itself serious questions about the current leadership and what the Greens actually want to achieve as a Party because the last 3 years has been a wasted opportunity and that responsibility is the current Leadership. ”

    And these are the people Bomber that are going… to quote you …..hold a gun to the head of the party of the managerial class , property millionaires and the top 1 % when National aren’t in government.

    This country is run for the elites and property millionaires and the rest are just horrendous human statistics they can read about in their Sunday papers or in the MSM over their coffees and pastries and that top shelf drink or two at the end of a hard day making money and the MSM want to invoke the fear in all of those who are privileged and have money what will be waiting for them if they fail and are forced to experience what life is like for so many without a voice or representation.

    Poverty also is a great lead story to make you feel so lucky its not effecting you or the family in that warm cosy 21st century large home or mansion.

    Oh the deprivation they cry when they are momentarily moved with the confronting facts and reality for so many then change the subject because its all to horrible to think about and its just an exaggeration surely ? no this is New Zealand it can’t be that bad.

    But the truth when its allowed its limited time in the MSM news for purely entertainment and shock value is real life in New Zealand that so many are segregated from because of position , class and wealth.

    That’s unregulated neo liberal capitalism at its best that has no OPPOSITION in our parliament or beyond in these wonderful tax havens of Aotearoa NZ.

  16. Really very simple.

    Just like many in the Labour Party and the average armchair sportsmen.
    Very easy to stand on the sidelines and criticise.
    But given the spot on the team, or job of coach, what happens? They’re found wanting very quickly.

    Remember when a pipe burst at a hospital? I think Auckland. The giant fuss, the catastrophe, all Nationals making; what doom, oh the incompetence. Heads should roll.
    Labours had gods knows how many health ministers since. Every single measure has every single aspect of medical treatment in a significantly worse position today after 6 years.
    Of course none of it’s their fault. It’s still National’s fault, or COVID.

    Truth is they are incompetent idiots incapable of achieving FA.

    • To fix a pipe takes transformation.
      3 Water reform will fix our pipes! Yeah, right.

      • but johan why were the pipes not maintained….oh yea that’s right nat funding cuts and outsourcing

  17. You would think $75 million would be enough to get everyone out of homelessness, but unfortunately when it goes to certain woke causes, aka has to be identity based etc, then the money is not spent wisely and then more woke groups gets more taxpayer funded fortunes that they tend to spend on themselves or stupidly, and not actually getting any homeless off the street permanently.

    My friend who is Maori has people literally asking him if he is homeless and he is wearing a suit and drinking coffee in cafes! It is crazy, like they have all these people looking for Maori homeless but unable to identify anyone who is homeless (not generally in suits and drinking coffee in cafes!).

    Woke are paid to look for Maori homeless but don’t seem to have a clue! Other Maori I know, are not homeless because they always have their whanau and maraes, free dental and a lot of other health care, is included in their treaty settlements.

    Those who are homelessness on the streets are often because they are mentally ill or have major addictions and thus will generally be kicked out of accomodation if they are breaking the law with drugs or a problem to neighbours.

    I believe that many in state care become homeless, so that is something that the state should be working on as they seem to be doing a terrible job at looking after youth in their care.

    There are less homeless than people think, but there are many people at risk of homelessness aka living with relatives, in cars, floods etc but not much help for them if they don’t tick the identity box.

    The woke think money is going to do it, but skills and a workable approach is needed, not the woke impracticality and constant talkfests leading to stupidity.

    I posted how a 2 bed, 70m2 new build apartment in Auckland is 1.6 million dollars. This is the type of woke thinking that is completely out of step with the poverty they claim they are doing intensification for!

    Just like approaching random, well dressed, Maori on the streets and asking them if they are homeless! Woke cluelessness are an embarrassment to everybody and seems more racist than helpful – maybe they can offer them a new build 70m2 apartment for 1.6 million

  18. I’m sure you will find the rest will flow in a huge gush.
    Shortly before the election of course.

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