Chippy’s “I can’t believe it’s not butter” Austerity Budget opens door to Greens, TOP and Māori Party


Hipkins rules out capital gains or wealth tax

PM says won’t impose flood levy to pay for cyclone damage and won’t do a capital gains or wealth tax in Budget 2023; Instead, Hipkins sees Govt like a household & will cut spending elsewhere


It’s a ‘I can’t believe it’s not butter’ Austerity Budget.

Normally that lack of imagination and vision would kill Labour this election, but Labour are standing in as a safe pair of hands while the Greens, Māori Party and TOP will do the heavy intellectual lifting on Tax.

Nothing changes, the same incremental mediocrity that has achieved sweet fuck all over 6 years is still there, the ‘No Frills’ Social Policy, but Chippy has noted that past the election everything is up for grabs.

This is an opportunity for TOP, the Greens and the Māori Party.

Unfortunately the Greens are utterly incapable of offering anything to the debate because they are too busy starting culture wars with whit cis males and are about to implode into internal warring factions.

The Māori Party has been incredibly staunch in calling for GST off food and a Financial Transaction Tax where as TOP are being revolutionary with their tax proposals.

Chippy’s economic cupboard is ideologically bare for Leftists, but a Labour/Green/Māori Party cupboard could be an indoor grow farm of Left wing delights.

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Chippy is promising vanilla until election day but be prepared to taste the rainbow after that.



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  1. All Luxon has to do is announce a higher tax bracket for over 10million in wealth, plus a starter CGT plus first 20K tax free! He’ll walk into the job laughing. Oh…and up the speeds on motorways to 120.

  2. “Chippy is promising vanilla until election day but be prepared to taste the rainbow after that.”

    He can promise the moon after the election, because he knows he won’t be in Government then.

    • You must be out of the country FP.
      Chippy will continue to be PM given Ye Pati Maori party will be king and queen makers. That’s a given.
      You can make all sorts of political statements however they will all be wrong if your post is anything to go by.

  3. Yep, 1 dollar toast and margarine, for the working class and business as usual for the well to do, and any of these suits that you promote sit at 200.00 – 300.000 a year, and thus are of the well to do.

  4. He wants to win the election at any cost.
    He knows where the votes are and they’re not with the poor.
    True Labour Leader full of principles?
    He’s an unprincipled career politician.

          • If you say it often enough you’ll start to believe it as you have done.

            Do better research .
            Hipkins was head boy, has a bachelor of arts majoring in politics and criminology and worked for Todd Energy in Taranaki.

            Now P.M. which none of your so called successful Nat or ACT MPs will ever achieve.

            Name an MP Labour Maori or Green who didn’t have jobs out of politics?

    • My god Bob. National and Act are pretending they care about lower to middle income people, if you want to talk about doing anything to win an election. Yes Labour are too National like (except Chippy doesn’t have an imaginary friend)

  5. Its a gamble either way, if they had a class left perspective, the Labour Caucus could go for broke and state the obvious–Tax the rich, public housing and climate disasters have to be paid for–and legislate now.

    If they do nothing in the hope of being re-elected, and state they will institute CGT etc. if elected, there will be a monumental right wing campaign spend and offensive pushing their narrative…“rich should be richer, sod you losers”.

    NZers need to drop their whimpish passivity and get politicly active again–and no that does not mean posting online more often!

      • They had an invitation to tax the wealthy more.
        Labour thinks very slowly.
        Maybe by the time the budget arrives they would have realised that a flood levy on earnings above $100,000 per annum will not draw the wrath of voters.
        National and Act will have to serve this up to them as they are to stupid to listen to economists. I guess Chippie believes that economists are conspiring against labour.

    • Isn’t posting in the comments section of political blogs the most effective form of activism that a person can undertake? Certainly less risk of being run over or arrested.

    • When an income of $70,000 denotes wealth the system is broken.

      My solutions are reduce pointless expenditure not increase tax. Why can’t those of you on the left acknowledge that. More welfare means more on welfare. More money while on welfare but limit those on welfare to genuine need I can agree with. Limit time on welfare like those “socialist” states like Norway, Sweden and Denmark that we here so much about

      Set targets for any agency receiving government funding so we don’t end up with each wallaby killed costing $153,000 and wasting money on “telling” people to stop smoking and gambling.

    • What they prolly need to do, in this space, going forward, is to pull the same shit as the neolibs did when they got elected in the ’80’s. Re-hijack Labour and redirect it to its rootings.
      Go for the muddle, get erected, and then do what is necessary (I.e. IMMEDIATELY given the3 yr election cycle)
      I suspect the Chipster might be up for it, as would be a McAnulty. Not so sure about the Grunter though. He’s got this weird idea that he’s centre Left – probably based on the era he grew up in and His life’s experiences.
      I find it hard to see Him as anything other than a bit if a comfortably off slob, but He’s a mate of a mate, so I’ll stand to be corrected. He’s exceptionally good in the art of bullshit though – for sure

    • “NZers need to drop their whimpish passivity and get politicly active again–and no that does not mean posting online more often!”
      So what would you suggest? Wave a placard? Shout angrily? Sneer?
      Personally I think communicating is a great activity whether it’s on-line or not. And what’s wrong with on-line anyway? Isn’t being on-line meaning we can more easily associate with like minded people? Isn’t that were direct action might rise from? Isn’t that then, by extension, power?

      • Or you may pay attention and find other opinions inspiring.
        At least make you inquisitive and get you to do sone research?
        There may be hope 4u.

  6. Nope not safe.

    I’m not the only left winger I know who will be voting for the opposition. Not just abstaining from voting but sending an even stronger message.

    Yes probably against our short term interests, but not much in reality. Lab/green really aren’t that different from Nat/act.

    We can’t afford to have Labour instead of (and blocking) a genuinely left wing party. Not anymore.

  7. The Maori Partys party vote 2020 1.33% or 35,000 votes.
    Gweens 6.9%.

    Will they score the same, better or worse in October?

    It’s looking much, much worse for the gweens. They might not even get 5% this time and as for the mowrees. Nah.

    So it doesn’t matter what they ‘believe’ ay?

    • Voters are fickle.
      But you may well be right……… or wrong.
      I have been trying to figure out how people of these islands behave and why, for 23 years. I will probably be compost well before anyone figures it out.

      Is it in the drinking water, the air, the soil…..? We know for sure it is not in their DNA.

    • British meaning or Australian slang meaning?

      I would argue that those who pay the taxes as per the rules does not fit either description.

      Those in government generally fit either description.

  8. I’m always amazed at the lack of imagination of politicians, senior civil servants and the comfortably off, completely wedded to the neoliberal/3rd way orthodoxy. Damien Grant at least has an excuse for being terminally stupid – he’s a contrarian with a big ego and must always be right. (Must be a bugger to live with as well).
    Most of the rest of them though don’t really have an excuse

    • Once was T. Briefly, yes. The lack of imagination and fear of innovation or doing things that haven’t been done before, is the hallmark of middle grade public servants. The politicians are quite devious, maybe the Dunning-Kruger Effect, but a clean out of the status quo is needed; their paralysis at the Parliamentary protest would be comical, if it hadn’t been so costly and socially injurious. Sack the PR’s and advisors and see how they swim alone.

    • If a family cuts there household budget it wouldn’t necessarily change Thier income but if a government cut the budget then the over all income of the nation falls.

      It doesn’t bother me you think this blogs is fanciful just know that government budgets don’t operate like a family budget.

  9. Hipkins needs to campaign on fair tax for the rich to create a Great Fair Society. He can’t campaign as a do nothing safe pair of hands during a cost of living crisis he’d be toast. This is the only time in a generation a fair tax increase is a saleable proposition.

  10. Yep Hipkins just thinks of his own political ego first, just like the other Chris. The best they can hope for is a four headed monster, with NZ First the controller and the overlord.

  11. You never know the Greens, Labour and Te Party Maori may get back in and you may have another 3 years of the Rainbow Parakeet.

  12. Josie Pagini hot take.

    “National continues to make itself the smallest target possible, worried Labour will steal its ideas, which is like worrying that Labour will steal Luxon’s comb.”

    • Hipkins will steal Luxon’s hair if that is what it takes.
      Luxon gifts ideas to Hipkins and Hipkins and labour know for sure it is a trap.

  13. the middle class need to understand…cannibal capitalism has picked the carcass of the poor, so to keep it’s arbitrary figures going up, they are coming for them and their assets, the banks will forclose and your house WILL be bought by a property corporation, your credit will be stopped….welcome to the world you created.


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