National candidates are boiled ham arseholes – BUT Labour has an Environmental Minister who caved into polluters – which one is worse?


Look – National candidates are boiled ham arseholes – BUT Labour has an Environmental Minister who caved into polluters – which one is worse?

Outrage at Stephen Jack is performance art for Twitter Feminists

Identity Politics is killing critical thinking.

Parker doing this is far more damaging than Stephen Jack liking a poem…

David Parker failed to stop NZ’s 11th-biggest emitter beating a climate law

Staff advised the Environment Minister to urgently step in to stop a major polluter getting ahead of a crucial law change. What he did next was “deeply disappointing” to some. Eloise Gibson reports.

One of New Zealand’s biggest climate polluters can keep operating until 2046, after Environment Minister David Parker rejected advice to stop a high-emitting factory beating a law change.

Parker was advised to step in “as soon as possible” to prevent Auckland’s Glenbrook Steel Mill getting consent to keep making air pollution for decades to come, without climate change being considered.

TDB Recommends

The mill’s owner, NZ Steel, applied for its permits after the Government announced it was changing the law so councils could consider climate change, but before the change took effect. Parker had the option to put the climate back on the table, but chose not to.

…just so that we have this straight regarding poetry.

Left wing poems where Pacific Islanders fantasise about killing Cracker?

All good.

Right wing poems comparing Ardern to Hitler?


Glad we worked that out.

Personally I thought both poems were crap.

Can we get back to Parker allowing a Polluter to get away with murder or do we still need to do the performance dance for angry feminists?

If we are damning National candidates for dumb shit they like, what about Green Party candidates for actual shit they’ve said?

Why can the media jump up and down about Jack but are weirdly silent on the Green Party candidates in the late teens?

ANYWAY – I don’t care about shit people like or dumb shit they say, (other than the hypocrisy of the news media coverage), I care about stuff that matters like David Parker, the Environment Minister allowing polluters to exploit a loop hole he refused to close.

Were any lobbyists – the same lobbyists that infect Labour, involved in Parker’s decisions?

Can we start focusing on this or do we need to kill Stephen Jack ‘s pets as well?


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  1. Doctor Sharma as a normal everyday person gave us an insight as to the character of candidates in Labour and National. ACT have the best behaved candidate s.

  2. It is unlikely that Parker made this call without labour caucus agreement.
    Depending on where you sit or stand:
    It shows “courage” and “cowardice” all at the same time.
    It shows hope and hopelessness all at the same time.

    At least Parker has honoured the democratic process and for that he should be commended. Whether he based his decision on principle or on one of the other values mentioned above may never be known.

    At least we can speculate. In contrast, twitter crimes are nearly always fatal for some and heroic for others, all at the same time. Another definition of wokeness?

  3. Parker can adapt to existential climate change by changing the name of the agency to Ministry for Pollution. Could be worse though, we could be slave mining cobalt to build woke renewables for the fantasy new world.

  4. Conflating two different things here.

    a) Natzos dodgy candidates
    b) Govt. Ministers whimping out and reinforcing the neo liberal state in favour of capital. Andrew Little is another classic whimper out–Cannabis reform–and just loves the wood panelled offices of the spooks and sucking up to military types.

    Both deserve opprobrium but not like with like however.

  5. At some point you need to consider strategic national interest. Surely the country needs a steel mill, an ali smelter, an oil refinery, enough oil wells, enough gas wells, windmill manufacturing, solar cell and battery manufacturing, large scale timber milling/processing …globalised supply chains don’t operate without disruption.

    • That’s too sensible Joseph for Labour and the Greens,remember “My nuclear moment.”
      I obviously agree with your sensible approach.

    • Exactly. Feeling so righteous while others freeze or can’t afford the luxuries of the elite, like petrol is the epitome of ” let them eat cake”

      • Dear Sinic. I am not sure what your argument is, but:
        The reality is one can actually do two things all at the same time. The either or argument is so divisive.

        The green transition can only occur if we have the material and energy to execute the plan.

        Surely, we can all agree that much.

  6. I think that somewhere in here is a hidden comment that it seems to be ok for left wing comments on the right or for brown comments on white but it’s an outrage if it’s the other way round.

    • I think that is the general rule of thumb for the twits who live in twitter and Martyn has an irrational hatred of National but at least he can acknowledge the uselessness of labour and see the hypocrisy of the media.

      I think New Zealand will be a better place when we start electing grownups and learn to work alongside each other rather than shout AT each other.

    • It’s considered an outrage and called out-as ‘punching down’, the stronger and more able picking on the weak.

      Criticism of the Left from the Right is considered a kind of bullying, as is white comments on brown as you describe it.

    • Re MFNz
      There you go. That’s the mentality that must be educated out of fashion.
      @ MFNz. You’re being manipulated by powerful old money and it has nothing to do with right or left. It only has to do with greed and opportunism.
      Example: It isn’t Left Wing / Maori who’ve dragged AO/NZ down this far into the gutter. It’s old, white, right wingers, *some of whom used to be farmers until they realised that better coin was to be made by the exploitation of their own kind.
      I was at a farm mortgagee sale in support of a friend just over 30 years ago when don brash’s interest rates were at 22%. The bnz manager scum falsified documents, lied and eventually stole that poor friend of mine’s family farm for his mates. The other cockies at the clearing sale only came along looking for a bargain from an extensive and hard earned range of equipment, implements and vehicles.
      The farmers enemy isn’t Maori or the political Left, if there’s such a thing now. It’s old, fat, red faced, arrogant white, right wingers who’ve pissed up with crooks and/or bribed their way into power, creeps most commonly found within the national party but now with ACT and NZ First etc so who’d really know where the fuckers are. I lay claim to arguing they’re in every NZ political party such is the scope of corruption within sphere of agricultural AO/NZ but more specifically within agricultural exports derived money. That’s why I’d urge a royal commission of inquiry into our politics and banking before we’re declared a republic then sold and bought by some rich Texan if for no other reason than to cover dirty little tracks.
      * That ‘Double Dipping Dipton Dribbler’ aka wee billy english also jimbo bolger and jenny shipley lumber to mind.

      • Bob agreed so we all know it’s a load of bullshit and judging by how the right wing comments outweigh the left wing comments I’d suggest MFNz get a d- on his political paper.

  7. Parker sold out NZ independence to international corporate dictates with the TPPA.

    I am under no illusions as to where he stands.

    • Seems you’re woefully wrong. Woke in fact. Nationals Stephen Jack has doubled down so is pretending he’s not an arsehole.

      • One is an arsehole for making an inappropriate comment or laugh at a funny joke!!

        Stephen is clearly not a suitable candidate for parliament at this point in history where the media his intend on driving a specific agenda. He has not convinced me that he is any better at being a comic, so I suggest that he keeps doing that what he is good at.
        Farming…. and supporting what he believes will make this country a better place.

        • “at this point in history where the media his intend on driving a specific agenda.”

          I remember a point of time in history during 9 years of Nationals government where the media pushed Nationals agenda.

  8. Because David Parker works with a lot of integrity in mind and from a legal perspective he often finds he cannot justify closing loopholes or, in some situations, because he runs through everything with a fine-toothed comb, it is simply left too late for the loophole to be closed.

  9. What worse? OK let’s see:
    You can easily fire a National MP for being a boiled ham arsehole. Rightfully so.
    But you can’t easily, if at all, fire Minister Parker for being one. And even if you could, nobody ever would.
    So that’s an easy decision then.
    It’s worse being a boiled ham Parkhole.

  10. So true. Bullshit distractions about dumb crap people say or have liked while people like Parker continue to destroy the environment. Pathetic.

  11. It’s why this woke nonsense has switched so many people off politics. Wokism is a curse on our body politic.

  12. We do still need steel here, right? So shutting down our comparatively clean steel mill and importing dirty steel from China/india will solve exactly nothing. In fact it will do a net harm, since China/India steel is far dirtier than NZ steel. But sure, do that. I really want to see a poll of how many people falsely think that reducing emissions in NZ will somehow directly benefit the local climate. I think (anecdotally) it’s >50% – and the only reason they are so poorly informed is due to the very deliberate disinformation that is being promulgated by sites like this one.

  13. ” Look – National candidates are boiled ham arseholes – BUT Labour has an Environmental Minister who caved into polluters – which one is worse? ”

    LINO because they don’t stand for or represent any of the founding principles of the NZLP that once stood against the evils of capitalist excess.

    I really don’t believe that Parker or any of the membership have a clue about what LABOUR in a historical context and why it was formed actually means.

    This LINO government is a fraud to all that the party used to stand for and they claim to be ” Labour ”

    They are so far from what the Labour movement used to represent.

    Sure the NACT boiled ham nasties have their own party…..that has never changed what it represents or moved away from its founding principles. Never been a real ideological war in the Natz because they are true to their founding principles and pretend to be the party that wants a better deal for the ” average kiwi while promoting their donors agenda of more and more greed and profit at the expense of the people National claim to have a better deal for .

  14. With a bit of luck, we get a hung parliament.

    Then we get a chance to force through Governance-Government by Public Referendum (s). Why? Because MMP is done. Not fit for purpose and neither is first passed the post.

    We need more public involvement in decision making and legislation because MPs and their parties don’t listen to the public unless they need a mandate come election time.

    Time to defang those wankas.

  15. I’m not outraged at Stephen Jack. I don’t think he should be an MP, but it’s hard to get too stressed about some off-colour jokes when the world is on fire. So, fair point Bomber.

    Main point about SJ isn’t about SJ at all, it’s that National wants to run the country but is apparently not organised enough to do very, very easy and basic candidate vetting.

  16. all 121 of those politicians are useless, they dont work for us, they work for all the businesses who donate to them or get lobbied for.
    Parliament has become incredibly corrupt as time has gone by.
    Used to be a place where standards where upheld and the common good of all citizens meant our country moved forward but since this capitalism model came along, they have become corrupt and lazy and the only people getting ahead are those who dont need help while the rest of us are dumped on the trash heap.
    Just stop voting, they just arent worth the effort anymore

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