Holocaust Foundation denies Zionist genocide


On 14 April, the Holocaust Foundation issued a Press Release denying that Israel’s imposition of military Occupation and population-control over the Palestinian homeland is genocidal. It was in reaction to statements by Dr Rawiri Taonui, suggesting that Zionist violations of international humanitarian law and the Third Reich Nazi persecution of Jews were equal examples of genocide in practise. To that extent, the Holocaust Foundation has a right to be critical. The Nazi regime, its racist ideology and the devastating World War it generated was the most irrational, horrific calamity our world has ever experienced. The Nazi regime focused its hatred on Jews in particular but its belief in a so-called master race also threatened many other people.

The Holocaust Foundation went too far, however, with its assertion that It is a straightforward falsehood to suggest that Israel has committed genocide against the Palestinians.” The evidence proves otherwise. As a United Nations UNISPAL document lays out: “Israel’s use of force against the Palestinian people in Gaza is one of the most serious violations of international law in recent times. It is aggression against a people who are illegally occupied that denies them their right to self-determination in manner that has been ongoing for more than sixty years. These actions are also significant evidence of the Israeli government’s intention to destroy Palestinian as a national group in whole or in part.” With regard to oppression of Gaza, the UNISPAL document notes the killing and maiming of thousands of Palestinians being held captive under an illegal and “inhuman occupation and embargo.”

Most important, as far as determining acts of genocide is concerned, the UN document reminds us, that Israel’s aggression is “very strong evidence of its intention to commit genocide”. The UN defines genocide as “acts committed when a state or an individual acts with intent to destroy whole or part of a national, religious, or ethnic group by killing, causing serious bodily or mental harm or deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life that are calculated to bring about their physical destruction in whole or in part.”

Failure to deal with the crimes committed by the Zionist enterprise challenges international law. It puts the very survival of respect for human rights in grave peril.


    • Israel gone? what is that supposed to meet?
      Israel, from the river to the sea, should be pressured by the outside world, to reform and become a State with freedom, equal rights for all the people. Instead the present Israeli government is the most vicious, the most cruel, most violent, most supportive of violence by ‘settlers’ ever.

  1. Remember Leslie Bravery, Apartheid Israel is the only democracy in the M.E. The Holocaust Foundation, is protecting the many myth that Israel is this progressive state and needs to use force to defend itself from an imaginary existential threat. It zionist hogwash hasbara BS.

    This colonial state is no different from other colonial states behaviour in its early inception’s. However I must add that when NZ, Aus, US, Canada, SA etc.. were colonised the indigenous population didn’t face F16 jets with bombs and military hardware sold on the international stage field tested on the people they militarily occupy.

    There something different happening in the M.E now that will change this direction for the Palestinians and that the reunification of Arab nationalism has returned after missing in action since the 1917 Balfour declaration & Sykes/Picot fiasco.

    The only reason Israel hasn’t been attacked is because of a fracture arab nations Israel military and the support by powerful country one being Russia beside its nuclear weapons station in the Negev desert or Dimona. However Hezbollah missiles can strike these facilities but chose not to in fear of affecting them with nuclear waste.

    Free Palestine.

  2. That is a very interesting take on this matter. I guess one can apply this argument universally. I cant imagine a place on this planet where this argument will not apply.

    Some events should be declared “sacred” as comparisons will not create better outcomes. Using the concept of genocide has better potential to create better outcomes.

    Like retiring the name of a particularly devastating storm event.
    It is an act of human decency.

  3. The great peoples of the modern world — I used to think the Irish were the best of them having never committed any wrong to anyone though I now favour the Germans, having addressed their great wrong. IF the Jews hadn’t gone on to Israel in the last lights of the old European carelessness about native peoples they’d be up there.

    They are the unique last post WW ll expression of conquest till Ukraine and last old European colonial conquest. But what a great people — Einstein wasn’t a zionist from memory and so many others objected to it. Clear crystal understanding truth matters above every thing. Though I understand that time for Israelis and their sympathisers.

  4. It’s sad when organisations set up for the right reasons aka Holocaust Foundation, then become too political and blind to the problem.

    They should be neutral, and condemn any non peaceful behaviour, including radical zionists killing Palestinians and seeking to eradicate others.

  5. Doing random posts on Wikipedia (yeah, I’m an idle oldness) I came across ‘Armenian Genocide Denial’. Israel is up there. Tells a truth.

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