3 Water reset: Chippy saves Labour again: how did pipes become an existential race crisis says something is wrong in NZ


Chippy has saved Labour again by doing what TDB has been arguing – move 3 Waters from the co-governance hate fest and make it about what it was always about – bloody drains!

You know what the most clever trick in the 3 Waters Culture War is?

It’s not how commercial agricultural interests have funded culture war groups to denigrate the debate into ‘Maaaaaaari is stealing da water’.

It’s not how Iwi had a whole bunch of fish hooks added into the guts of the legislation that give them veto powers in the The Te Mana o Te Wai statements.

And it’s not how Chinese Business Banks led delegations to Scotland to copy their water structures which ultimately make them easier to privatise.

Oh no.

It’s none of those tricks (although those tricks are neat), No. The pure genius of 3 Waters is the total focus on pipes and drains which amount to 1% of water ways. All the streams, lakes, rivers that are heavily polluted aren’t really part of this.

This won’t make those water ways safer.

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We have 10million cows in this country.

Each cow shits the same as 14 humans.

That’s 140million humans pissing and shitting into every water way we have throughout NZ.

3 Waters focuses only on the existing infrastructure of water in this country, that does jack shit to stop the agricultural industry from polluting everything else.

We have been tricked into arguments over water infrastructure ownership without dealing with the current waste being pumped into our waterways.

Which is the way the corporate agricultural industry wants it because they don’t want to be held responsible for 45% of our rivers being too polluted to swim in.

The way 3 Waters has been twisted into some racist attack on democracy is remarkable.

When Elizabeth Rata coined the phrase ‘Ethno-Nationalist State‘ to describe attempts to share power with Māori as promised by the Treaty, every right winger wanting to be racist found glee in the shielding of their bigotry by the pretence of intellectualism.

What is most hilarious about Rata’s claims of Ethno-Nationalist State is that she is 100% right, it’s just that she’s right in a way she doesn’t want to admit to, which is NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, it’s just a White Ethno-Nationalist State.

Our systems of power and control are all white, our dominant culture is white, our benefitting from colonialism is white, our purposeful laws aimed at taking more Māori land were white, our confiscations are white, our dominant narrative is white.

So sure, NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, but for white people.

Any attempt to rebalance the damage caused by taking 90% of Māori land in less than a century and any attempt to live up to the promise of the Treaty must be denigrated and appallingly decried as apartheid.

The backbone of the economic success story that is NZ, is in stealing Māori land and NEVER paying the full price back!


We are a shallow juvenile settler country with all the  cultural maturity of a can of day old coke, we are a low horizon people who lash out at others who see stars. Our imaginations are glued to cow udders, rugby and cars. To attempt a debate about identity when so many micro aggression trigger snowflakes are screaming is a feat beneath our collective dignity.

Co-Governance is the EXACT model that National and ACT developed, to now decry it because post covid stress has exacerbated economic anxieties isn’t leadership, it’s gutless capitulation to the lesser angels of our nature. What I find most hilarious is those screaming that Māori are taking over can’t name 3 councillors on their own local council.

3 Waters was an attempt to serve two masters, the Waitangi Tribunal ruling into water ownership triggered by Key selling 49% of the hydro assets and the need to find a way for Local Councils to fund water infrastructure. The way it has been manufactured into a racial smear on Nanaia Mahuta and her family DESPITE DECLARING ALL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST is proof positive that the angry and confused trump any attempt at rational debate.

What its most egregious is how these small attempts at creating basic consultation between the dominant culture and the indigenous culture they signed a Treaty with is now portrayed as a giant attack on the values of Democracy!

The way the right have framed 3 Waters as an attack on democracy is a masterclass of propaganda that would make your average Qanon Fear grifter blush.

The reason we have a vast under investment in water infrastructure is because Local Government won’t upgrade a system put under immense stress by Central Government’s open door immigration policy and low wage economy addiction.

Suburban home owners are fine with this mass immigration policy and infrastructure gridlock because it pushes up the untaxed house valuations they have gotten used to gaining year in and year out.

Neither Central Government nor Local Government want to have an honest discussion with voters about higher water rates and higher taxes.

Someone has to come up with the $150billion over the next 30 years to keep up with the expected population growth from the mass immigration policies of both Labour and National.

20% of our water is lost between the tap and its source!

Christ we can’t even debate taxing the fucking banks windfall taxes without the Right clutching their pearls and fainting on behalf of the free market.

The way this refusal to debate the cost of mass immigration policies and the political power of middle class property speculators has been twisted into a racist debate about co-governance and Māori ethno nationalism is gasp inducing in its dog whistling audacity.

3 Waters isn’t about Māori taking over the fucking water, it’s about Local and Central Government refusing to pay for the mass immigration policies that are enriching the property speculating middle classes.

Yes there are issues about possible water privatisation, yes there are issues about how we arrive at Māori voice in these decisions, but ultimately this is all about no one wanting to pay for the mass immigration that is enriching property owners.

I don’t see the Co-Governance issue as the great bogeyman that the Right do. I see it as a simple extension of the Waitangi Tribunal ruling into water rights that was sparked by Key selling 49% of our Hydro assets.

That ruling said Māori water rights existed and that it was up to the Crown and Māori to negotiate that.

That’s what Labour has attempted to do but the way it has been maligned and miscast as Māoris stealing da water is utterly misreading what this is all about.

This hasn’t been helped by a Government (Willie Jackson aside) who seem too scared to actually try and explain how this will work to the public so that can be brought along with this reform rather than seeing it as existential threat to them (despite the vast majority of those complaining unable to even name a local councillor, let along their Māori representative).

Co-Governance is our strength in NZ, not a betrayal of Democracy.

Unfortunately, Labour were too cowardly to make this argument when 3 Waters was first released and it’s ended up as an existential race war.

The manner in which this debate denigrated into a racial slanging match says an awful lot about white cultural fragility and the engrained fear every white settler descendent has in a colonial post state that those we have oppressed will one day seek vengeance (because that’s what we would do).

There are still major issues with 3 Waters, the funding and debt side of this has yet to be reviewed, because water privatisation would be an abomination, especially if the very same Chinese Business interests that led the NZ delegation to Scotland in the first place also involve themselves in the borrowing of the debt.

Co-governance with Māori isn’t our problem, it’s the co-governance with the Banks, the Billionaires and the property speculators that is fucking up our country!

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  1. Given the constant attacks by the opposition, media and councils on 3 waters, would it not be in the interests of the government to just walk away. Let the councils and rate payers pay the burden of poor water quality and infrastructure. The councils want that or do they just want the government to be the bank. One thing is for sure, the mess water is in today is no fault of the government or the previous government, the fault lies squarely at the feet of the councils. Sadly, it is us ratepayers who suffer.

    • What is your evidence of poor water quality? I’ve spent over 4 decades of my life in NZ, and have not once got sick from drinking the water. And not once have I seen green water coming out of the tap – as depicted in the government ads.

      • Havelock North, have you been there.
        Have you seen the latest environmental report on water quality? You need too.
        I am into my 7th decade, water was once pristine, no longer.
        95 to 99% of rivers in pastoral, urban and non native forested areas are contaminated.

        • Well then the govt can support Havelock North to restructure their water directly, why use this example as an excuse to take all water assets off all councils?

          It’s like saying ‘well the Tauranga council needs governance support, so we’re going to take over all councils’

        • Yes, been to Havelock North. And yes I know dairy is making a mess of too many of our rivers. But have you ever seen green water coming out of the tap?

          • Spot on.
            It is surprising how few people understand risk. Travelling to Havelock, north or whatever, exposes one to more risks than drinking accidentally contaminated water.
            Not saying that the bastards who were negligent should not be chastised.
            Implementing a model that will cost more and do little to reduce the average risk to NZers is plain stupid.
            Spreading the risk is not the same as reducing average risk.

        • You’re suffering from rose tinted glasses Charles, because NZ has a long history of filthy water. Not just the dioxins in all the streams back in the 60’s and 70’s (causing far more harm than nitrates), Auckland only got its first sewage treatment plant in the 1970’s. Up until then all the shit was pumped out to Browns Island (note ironic name) with the faint hope of it all going out with the tide.
          When I started kayaking on the North Shore in the 1990’s, in winter there was regularly raw sewage from overflows along the east coast bays: All of which have been sorted by Watercare.

          Interesting technical note: A significant proportion of the nitrates in our rivers comes from gorse infestations. It’s a nitrogen fixing legume!

          • Water quality is better now than when Charles was in his youth.
            Drinking water quality is much better today than what NZ community was used to in the days that Charles is dreaming of.
            That does not give us licence not to address pollution. We are now more aware of these issues and should take action to improve water quality.

            • I am alive because of the water quality I grew up with. Why is it so bad today genius? The councils don’t agree with you Johan but keep convincing yourself otherwise Your era have a sense of entitlement about you.

    • I think the motivation by Labour is two-fold: cross-subsidies to small poor rural communities from the urban centres, and secondly paying for water services through charges rather than rates makes it easier for the water entities to subsidise households’ prices (i.e voters) by overcharging commercial users for their use.

      • The motivation by Labour is about unelected racist control via Te Mana o te Wai. No matter how much lipstick is on the pig.

      • You are correct. It is about winners and losers.
        Labour will determine who the winners and the losers are.
        If you believe that the losers are going to be those who can least afford the cost of water services you have not studied the reform proposal or even paid attention to what is happening around you.

        If you read anything along the lines of others will do worse without explaining why you are deluded.

        One authority is better than four and six is worse than four, but here we are at 10, why is that? Has anyone explained that to us? It is arbitrary.

    • That’s very true Charles but it shouldn’t provide opportunity for the Labour Government to deceive us.

  2. Martyn – So, they (Labour) gave back the power to Regional Councils again?How is that saving Labour?

  3. These four water assets are as close to human rights as the air that we breathe.
    Create 10 crown entities and let the wealthy pay for the upgrades through tax.
    Why insist that the poor must pay at the same level for these services as the rich?

    This is an opportunity to redistribute wealth and everyone will come on board as even the wealthy will support the crown funding these human rights.

  4. You do your readers a huge disservice by simply believing that the opposition to Three Waters and specifically co-governance is a right wing thing. The overwhelming majority of kiwis in every poll I have seen do not want Three Waters or co-governance and that includes many on the left.

    Chippy hasn’t saved anything. Co-governance remains, but now what was Three Waters is now ten and the benefits of the initial policy have been greatly reduced.

    This decision will cost the left the election. Kiwis don’t like the policy and you damn well know it.

    • Was it satire rolled into a mystery.
      I agree with you. I am sure he confuses many and that he plays to his group. I find his rants informative but we must all own our thoughts and speech. A bit like popular poetry.

      Maybe this is comrade Bradbury’s real message.

      • Most people dont think “democracy has evolved” as Jacinda and Willie Jackson have said. Giving an ethnic group the ability to stack an Infrastructure Utility board, and all local Iwi the ability to demand ANYTHING they like (including directly contradictory demands to neighbouring Iwi) at the expense of water users, which this legislation still does, is not going to save the election.

        • Yes Si agree it’s another piece of sneakiness by this dishonest Labour Government.
          We now have the Chipster trying to deceive us by changing the name.

    • Agree MB. Dont know whether it will cost them the election or not. Chippie has been dodging some well aimed bullets for weeks now and the Labour vote has gone up so who knows if the silent minority really care about water as an issue. They should but I am not convinced.

      I think 70% of Labour voters (and some on the right too) think that hard times are coming so we will be better off voting left and much as I wish it wasn’t, that is what will drive the next election I think.

      • All the “growth” that we have seen was debt funded.
        Not much of the “growth” was productive assets, much of it was wasted. Like buying covid vaccines that we never used because who did not like the flavour of that what we purchased on the advice of “scientists”. This resulted from fear and misinformation shared by “scientists” with our politicians.

        The 3Waters egg dance shows us the substance of the current government.

      • If Chippie and his side can explain and demonstrate that consumers of public services will be better off they will win the election hands down.

        Easy to explain and demonstrate. Here is one argument: If you do not like the Four Authority 3Waters system then how about a ten Authority system … really! That argument is not very convincing. But it is the best they can come up with.

        Report card:
        Chippie is a good boy but he needs to improve if he wants to progress to the next grade. ….. then again we (the woke) have mandated that no-one should be held back.
        Recipe for success. Yeah, right.

    • Co governance, like when the Maori went into co governance with Key’s National party, shhhh?

      MickeyBoyle is a sad little right wing troll where his mummy stopped breastfeeding him at 28.

  5. He wanted to save Labour, he knew the co-governance aspect was unpalatable and a vote loser but in the end he couldn’t change it without breaking apart the Labour Party, and his government. Too late to walk back his predecessors legacy, and he knows it!

    So what next? The brand new completely different but just the same but even worse, even more bureaucracy in the form of 10 district sub layers instead of 4. Oh, and the timeless, it wasn’t well explained before. How do you explain turd polishing any better than before?

    Take out the deeply negative issue of boards of being selected on race and water buyers (us) being unable to remove 50% of the governing boards because there’s no democratic model working here, the actual governance model sucks. Its horrendously thick in oversight and with half been there by the virtue of what they are, it can only strangle any hope of this thing flying. I cannot think of a worse outcome other than straight privatisation. Both stink.

    What was announced yesterday was the status quo. Chippy just gave Nationals chances of forming a government a major boost because its Labours 3 Waters ot Nationals cancellation of it. Luxon or not, Nats have Labour to thank for this gift.

    Given Labours track record on reforms not to mention it’s abysmal health reforms that seem logical in comparison, this abomination will be the mother of Labours failings!

    • So what next? The brand new completely different but just the same but even worse, even more bureaucracy in the form of 10 district sub layers instead of 4. Ahem – wasn’t the earlier recommendation for 4 – down from the current 78. Then adoption of 10 rather than 4 is also rather than 78!

      At least you have it right that privatisation over democracy stinks!

  6. This is the same Chippy making a fool of himself on the world stage by extending the covid emergency?

  7. Nah, he did nothing of that sort, he just changed the name of a controversial policy and hopes that everyone is too hungry, too unhoused, too overworked, to overburdened and too tired/busy to realise that. It is still the same pile of shit it was yesterday, and they still can’t explain it to the public.

    Btw, then there is this: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/131766415/extra-water-entities-in-three-waters-plan-will-cost-some-households-2300

    The pig covered in lipstick is still only a pig covered in lipstick.

  8. Te tiriti o Waitangi Article 2 signed by ova 500 chiefs in 1840 only a handful signed the Pakeha version and within the Maori interpretation promises “Tino Rangatiratanga” continued control ova their lands and resources that not a Maori legal construct that belongs to Pakeha.

    The Nats and Labs have a bipartisan approach to applying Te tiriti to current pakeha construct noticeably I haven’t used the word “principles’ because article 2 in the Maori version spells out exactly what it meant which is why the majority of the chiefs signed Te tiriti instead of the Treaty.

    That the genesis of Co-governance.

    • Steve…how many chiefs could actually read Maori or English when they signed….The pile of blankets and tools they received was probably the incentive to scratch an X on the document…Most probably had no idea what the document meant in either language….It’s an historic document and should be treated as such…All references to the treaty , should, and will be removed from law in the next six years as the country swings
      to the conservative right….

      • The Maori version specifically used language that was different to the English version. If the chiefs (or their literate translators, if they themselves couldn’t read) had read rangatiratanga was to be signed away, most likely they wouldn’t have signed & may have been a little unhappy.

        When the Maori version was written, kawanatanga was used instead of rangatiratanga, as this was considered to be more acceptable to Maori, since its meaning of “governance” is more vague.

        Not that it really mattered, once masses of settlers started arriving & the Maori population was significantly reduced, the balance of power shifted and New Zealand came solidly under British dominion.

      • TRB, Regardless its an international document and its been recognized internationally even in trade agreements. Even Queen Elizabeth apologized 170 years later back in the 1980s.

      • “All references to the treaty , should, and will be removed from law in the next six years as the country swings to the conservative right….”

        If you believe that then you’re dumber than the comment you’ve sprayed out of your trap!

        Thinking that a conservative govt is going to erase an international treaty without repercussions is fanciful thinking.

        And you really wanna see our country have a civil war? Luckily even the ardent conservative aren’t that stupid!! Be careful what you wish for Te Robs Mob, you and your ilk mighten like the end result.

        • Steve….The treaty is a surrender document….a very good one for the loser , as their standard of living and future were guaranteed…..They gained protection by the British Crown, became British citizens and stopped the tribal infighting…..The modern world had caught up with Maori and all the modern technology of the time was introduced to them…The world was their oyster if they wanted it….it still is if that’s what modern Maori want….you just have too seek it out….Unfortunately gravy trains rely on someone else’s money and as normal the money will run out….Trade skills, uni education, tech skills , will save and advance Maori…not Waitangi tribunals , hand outs and gravy trains…..

        • Steve…I wish for little Maori babies to not be beaten to death by step fathers, and go on to live prosperous childhoods, gain good qualifications and life skills, and live decent law abiding happy lives like most citizens of New Zealand do…Unfortunately the stats show young Maori mums as the highest tobacco smokers, percentage of maori in jail per population, unemployment rate per head of population is the highest….Steve the system that Iwi leaders are promoting is broken…..It’s not working…Gravy trains don’t work for poor uneducated Maori kids…..I’m sure we both want the same thing here…It just needs a responsible Māori leader to stand up and take charge….not just take the money…

    • Unfortunately the Treaty of Waitangi specifically signed away Maori sovereignty and that is why New Zealand has been ruled by the British Crown & it’s representatives for over 180 years now, in case you didn’t notice. It doesn’t matter which people signed what, the result was New Zealand passed into British hands and no amount of crying will change that.

      More recently, New Zealand passed in to the hands of different overseas stakeholders and that’s where we are now. Everything else is noise & distraction.

      • King Charles has decided to investigate the role played by the British Monarchy in the slave trade.
        One would think that he knows the answer. If he does not know the answer he will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome of this project.
        Our own history reveals the answer to that question.

  9. I don’t believe anything will save Labour from being dumped now.
    This country is so screwed on just about every level you care to look regardless of 3 waters.
    That being said Act and National will propel this country down the toilet even further into the sewer.
    We need a cultural revolutionary shift to overthrow neo liberal capitalism, wokeism and environmental neglect.

  10. Opposition to 3 Waters, and co governance, is not a right wing thing. I have been a life long Labour voter, until now. There is no democracy or accountability within tribes about appointees to these positions which are recipes for obstruction over goodness knows what grievances. Nor do the new entities make geographical sense – Canterbury is lumped in with the West Coast but their water systems have nothing in common. Christchurch where I live has excellent water infrastructure apart from some inevitable leaks. The only enthusiast for 3 Waters mega bureaucracy is the mayor of Wellington where councils have failed to invest for years and now see the golden opportunity for all taxpayers to bail them out

  11. Crisis! I am getting a phalanx of ants again and have Gisborne (fromport coming from furin parts) cockroaches occasionally. My friend has had an invasion and a confrontation with her landlord before fixing. The local Council blandly has no assistance to offer – get somebody private – I would like to get some of these authoritative people in the privates. Our port has ushered in Argentinian ants that are as determined as financial nazis – beware. And just thinking about blind people. Who looks after them and fights their battles against the encroaching pests of many sorts that they can’t even watch out for? Now what was the crisis that this post was about, they are ongoing as we sink …glug.

    Leave our kids alone*… I mean leave our water alone you circular political types. In the old days they used to sing Ring aring arosie which was connected to the appearance of deadly disease on the body, those round circles showed danger. Perhaps it was bad cess to build a circular government building – too easy to run around and miss the right door where real power stands. There it faces problems, defines and decides the best alternative with money being spent wisely for best effect to match need. And each meeting starting with a karakia and then a reading of ‘If’ from Rudyard Kipling. God is good, gave us all the skills and brains needed so we don’t need to pray for more, and hope for intercession in our unholy schemes, we’ve skills enough and should get on with using them in good will and practicality and caring for each other.
    (End of rant – but let’s get out of this pit of wriggling snakes and go forward.)
    *PF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IpYOF4Hi6Q
    Live with lighting 6mins – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9vqgq5gtjU

  12. Maybe instead of co goverance we have democracy?

    Seems a farce when in the dome valley case, a few members of iwi can change their mind and vote for a dump while getting incentives in a flood prone, low lying area that feeds the Kaipara river …….

    Backflip by iwi shocks groups opposed to Dome Valley dump

    “For Mikaera Miru, from Te Uri o Hau, the settlement trust’s backflip is a bitter pill to swallow.

    “It has been a huge surprise. We feel like our throats have been slit by Ngāti Manuhiri. This is not Ngāti Manuhiri people – this is a statutory board.”

    In exchange for the settlement trust’s support, Waste Management has agreed to several conditions, including a return of 1060ha of Waste Management landholdings once the site is no longer required, $2m to construct six homes nearby, and a $10m environment fund should the river be exposed to risk.

    It is also promising jobs at the landfill for Ngāti Manuhiri descendants.”

    Not sure that system is better than democracy, in fact it is much worse and why NZ is failing in practically every environmental factor now.

    Inch by inch successive governments have removed democracy from NZ and our resource consents and now we have more dumps, laughable recycling, more floods, more droughts, dangerous mines, killing people, polluting the environment and destroying flora and fauna, creating poverty through poor legalisation – many flood victims for example have no insurance, and alienating communities, with no end in sight.

    • Democracy is over rated.
      Freedom is over rated.
      Freedom of thought is over rated.

      Still beats anything else that we have tried in the past!!

  13. “All the streams, lakes and rivers that are heavily polluted aren’t really part of this”.

    That’s my understanding. Pipes, drains and infrastructure, particularly that under the watch of urban councils. What irks me then is whenever this topic comes up on msm TV we get shown images of pristine streams, lakes and rivers, never a rusty leaking pipe or images of suburban leakage. Simply a lazy association or is there a hidden agenda, akin to the manufacture of consensus through misassociation?

  14. I think that this is a very telling sentence.
    …the angry and confused trump any attempt at rational debate.

  15. Still has ridiculous mana-o-te-wai statements in it. How does co-Governance (note the word governance there) require Maori iwi to interfere in Operational decisions of water entities? Hint – that’s not fucking governance.
    For all you class warriors not well versed in corporate-speak here’s an explanation:
    – governance – the oversight of the strategic direction of an organisation. Responsible for setting this direction and monitors progress / achievement towards that direction. Is not involved I operational decision making
    – management – the day-to-day realisation of governance direction. Responsible for ensuring that operational activities are aligned to the strategic direction
    – operations – day to day execution of tasks under supervision of management, designed to collectively deliver outcomes that support the strategic direction of the organisation.

    By allowing Iwi to make mana-o-te-wai statements at the Operations level, there can be no coherence in the water entities. It would be entirely possible for these worst-case scenarios to play out:
    – water entity starts to implement its strategic plan and build some underground pipe or treatment assets (think billions of dollars) and one Iwi makes a MOTW statement that forces them to stop or move this asset, costing us all millions or billions
    – two Iwi make conflicting MOTW statements forcing a water entity to stop everything, so nothing gets done

    This is so fucking badly thought out it’s amateur hour and a recipe for disaster.

  16. So this 10 Waters lark got me hooked on this tune.

    Who can make it work?

    “I have a band of men and all they do is play for me
    They come from miles around to hear them play a melody
    Beneath the stars my ten guitars will play a song for you
    And if you’re with the one you love this is what you do
    Oh, dance, dance, dance to my ten guitars
    And very soon you know just where you are
    Through the eyes of love you see a thousand stars
    When you dance, dance, dance, to my ten guitars
    Guitars are made for love my band of men will always say
    So give each one a pretty girl and they will start to play
    Beneath the stars my ten guitars will play a song for you
    And if you’re with the one you love this is what to do
    Oh, dance, dance, dance to my ten guitars
    And very soon you know just where you are
    Through the eyes of love you see a thousand stars
    When you dance, dance, dance, to my ten guitars
    Ooh, let me tell you now
    Dance, dance, dance to my ten guitars
    Hmm, come on, everybody,
    Dance dance dance to my ten guitars..”

  17. There’s so much support for the latest edition of 3 waters now AW, it’s heartening and encouraging. I’m very excited and I’m sure with 10 entities governing and directing the works, all our infrastructure problem will be solved very soon.
    Bert, we haven’t heard your support for this?

    • I would respond but I simply don’t know who I’m responding to anymore. Is that you coward? Or is it Blobby the Last?

      Either way, school is back in a week so enjoy your last week of holidays bahahahahaha .

  18. Probably the funniest thing you will read in media today. Worth visiting Granny.

    Steve Braunias: The secret diary of a Three Waters policy adviser



    Gathered my team of assistant advisers, sub-advisers, consultant advisers, media advisers, HR advisers, Te Tiriti O Waitangi advisers, and advisers manque to work through alternative names for Three Waters.

    “Two and a Half Waters. Like the sitcom.”

    “That doesn’t make sense.”

    “Water 4 You.”

    “That’s like a licence plate.”

    “Water Solutions.”

    “That’s good. But something more…personal.”

    “Your Water Solutions.”

    “Good. But we need something that speaks to a government that acknowledges Kiwis are doing it hard and wants to lighten their load.”

    “Budget Water Solutions.”

    “Budget’s a bit Homebrand.”

    “Affordable Water Solutions.”

    “Yes! Yes, that’s good. But maybe the ‘Solutions’ part isn’t quite right.”

    “Affordable Water 4 You.”

    “Could you please leave?”

    The adviser manque left.

    “Okay,” I said. “We’re nearly there, people. Affordable Water – what, exactly?”

    “Affordable Water Whakamāramatanga.”


    “It means ‘explanation’ or ‘clarification’.”

    “Right. Yeah. But maybe something less…”


    “No, I didn’t mean that. But you have to admit there are a lot of syllables in ‘Whakamāramatanga’. Plus I think we need something that speaks to a government that has changed tack and is longer so, you know, Jacinda.”

    “Affordable Water Directions.”

    “Good. Keep them coming.”

    “Affordable Water Solutions.”

    “I think we’ve been there.”

    And that’s when one of the youngest consultant advisers – a recent graduate of political science at Victoria University, whose father had been a policy adviser in the Clark administration and whose mother had been a press secretary in the Key administration – rose to her feet in a kind of trance.

    She said, “Affordable Water Reforms.”

    The room went quiet. It’s at times like this that you realise you have the best job in the world. When there are moments not just of clarity, but a kind of genius. We all stood up and applauded. Some people shook hands, others hugged. A few wept openly.

    I set up a Zoom with Prime Minister Hipkins. He loved it. “This,” he said, “is the kind of thing that wins elections.”


    Spent the morning fiddling around with the actual reforms in the Affordable Water Reforms.


    Prime Minister Hipkins announced the Affordable Water Reforms. We all watched it on the big screen at Parliament’s 3.2 bar and then drank low-alcohol craft beer way past our bedtime. I got home at 10pm.”

    • And labour continues to explain that people are just too stupid to understand that 3Waters is good for them.
      I have now heard labour loud and clear.
      I am too stupid to understand it.
      Now that I have been convinced that I am stupid…

      Please reform our water into 10 Authority or whatever you think is cool and get on with the job. Good job Kieran McAnulty.
      “Stupid is as stupid does.” Forrest Gump’s mum

  19. Enjoy your longer posts. I’m up in the air about this one re co-governance. I don’t know.

    Those grand projects they announced, but not about the main things like poverty, housing and climate change like their first election. When you’re guided by focus groups but yet want to be seen as going forward. Everything but reality — religion and politics.

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