Did the Ukrainian War Intelligence leak come from New Zealand? Where’s Andrew Little?


Interesting suggestion this morning from our Military Blogger Ben Morgan that the current leak of Ukrainian Intelligence has originated from a leak inside the 5 Eyes.

New Zealand being the weakest member of that 5 Eyes arrangement is now under immediate suspicion of being the leak.

Andrew Little staunchly told journalists that he had no worries bro over revelations that China had put spy cameras inside Australia because no worries bro, all good, yeah nah.

Then it turns out that the Chinese have 120 spy cameras inside State agencies and over 3000 of them in local council.

Yeah. Nah.

In October of last year a New Zealander was approached by the SIS at a cafe and told they were aware this New Zealander was passing in formation and dossiers of politicians to a foreign country.

TDB understands that country was Russia and that the individual is well known.

So was this intel leak from New Zealand or did one of the other 5 Eyes partners fuck up?

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Which begins todays question – who is more incompetent, out of Canada, UK, Australia and the Land of the Bong White Cloud?


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  1. It’s overdue time the head of the SIS was renewed.
    It should never be seen as a position for life.
    The Public Service Commissioner should be onto this.

  2. 5 Eyes slipshod protection of ‘our’ data from foreign hostile agents, is explained by the facts exposed by Edward Snowden that the main purpose of 5 Eyes is not to spy on Russia or on China, but to spy on us.

    While the clandestine activities of 5 Eyes may be kept opaque to us, they are obviously very vulnerable to the extremely sophisticated and powerful cyber warfare capabilities of hostile state actors.


      • Did you mix-up the memory stick with the Penthouse download on it, with the memory stick with the 5 Eyes download on it, while idly scoffing one of the meat pies in your briefcase, while on a stake outside Nicky Hager’s house?

        Review: A Briefcase, Two Pies and a Penthouse

        “A Briefcase, Two Pies and a Penthouse, explores blokery, inefficiency, and lethal idiocy in the upper echelons of the organisations charged with keeping you safe by reading your emails.

        The book opens with the explanation that an SIS agent really did misplace the eponymous embarrassments outside an Aro Valley house in 1981 — together with a Listener, three IDs and a notebook”

        • Actually we planted that to make the NZ SIS look stupid. Mission accomplished. Didn’t tell them about the Rainbow Warrior either (no nukes, no news), still the French screwed it up by being even stupider, killing someone & getting caught.

        • Are you for real Boomer, who buys Penthouse mags these days when the Internet is awash with free porn! Dimwit!

  3. The best way to defend our sovereignty and independence as an honest broker in the Pacific region. And to protect ourselves from the sort of intelligence breach reported here is to completely insulate us from 5 Eyes snooping. If we are asking Andrew Little to do anything, it should be that.

  4. You’ll know when we’re being spied upon. They’ll be the spies rolling about dying laughing.
    One sight of woolly socks worn with jandles and they’ll be done for. Or those blue sliders with the white stripes plus woolly socks. Football jersey tucked into track pants plus jandles. Mullets. Mullets plus neck pimples plus red gums plus four kids plus pregnant misses plus lowered shitter four door pick up with rear window sticker that features cartoon cow horns.
    The enemy wouldn’t stand a chance.

  5. First disseminated by 4 chan – so either a GOP isolationist, or posed as one (to cover another origin).

    • Yeah why did you miss out Pindosiya, Martyn? – “Which begins todays question – who is more incompetent, out of Canada, UK, Australia and the Land of the Bong White Cloud?” and are you off the weed now and a comrade of Kate of Waipori (see her comment below)?

  6. It came from within the White House and also the Ukrainians having a crack at disinformation and misinformation to confuse themselves and the public.
    The US are about to do a U-turn and bailout on Ukraine to leave it up to NATO to fuck this up some more. NATO is the Emperor with no clothes.


  7. Doolittle did such a good job of stuffing up the Health Ministery now he is having a go at our Military and overseas commitments .I wonder whose payroll he is on

  8. Having lived in Waipori Falls (fools) body corporate for 8 years. Having watched first hand what a bunch bong heads can get away with.
    Yep NZ is an Idiocracy to epic proportions, something to be so proud of.. It really is astounding how dumb this country is. Land of the long bong cloud for sure. What an achievement. Stoned dumb arsehole apes everywhere especially where I live. . Someone please take this country off the idiots. Maybe Ukraine can take this country? They look like really awesome people awesome culture. Most ‘kiwis’ don’t fucken deserve this country, they are only smearing their shitty arses all over it.

  9. wouldn’t be surprised if the technical nous of the IT guy I once dealt with at GCSB is anything to go by – was a fricken drongol. Tried to blame our part for the fact he couldn’t read/understand basic vendor instructions to configure it properly.

  10. Leaks grow with wails. Who let the cat out of the bag is a regular wail when we hear some unexpected facts? That Gareth Morgan cat-watcher might be on the ball now, not silly.
    If TOP got in, what would their position be on leaks and NATO!

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