UN adopts meaningless Climate Change wet slap on wrist in League of Nations level irrelevance


UN adopt historic climate resolution to hold nations accountable

The countries of the United Nations led by the island nation of Vanuatu adopted what they called a historic resolution overnight calling for the UN’s highest court to strengthen countries’ obligations to curb warming and protect communities from climate disaster.

This is League of Nations level irrelevance.

Heat created by human pollution will cause the frozen methane on the ocean floor to erupt in a vast methane burp which will cause temperatures to dramatically jump melting the Greenland Ice Shelf causing a desalination of the oceanic pump in the Labrador Sea which will shut down the Atlantic Oscillation global current which will counter-intuitively spark a new mini ice age in the Northern Hempisphere. Those not burnt from the face of the planet will quickly freeze to death.

We aren’t going to change our addiction to cheap hyper consumerism to fill the existential grief manipulated by a billion dollar advertising industry that warps the essence of humanity into a meaningless consumption beyond our biosphere’s ability to replenish itself.

We are going to continue exploiting the planet and those rich enough will build cities underground and in space stations to avoid the mad max apocalyptic collapse of Civilisation into competing blocks of Autarky.

I’m waiting for Matthew Hooton to start advocating for the ‘Mole People’ and their right to burrow deep underground to avoid taxation.

The Opinion by the UN’s International Court of Justice isn’t binding so this is another toothless guard dog with a muzzle.

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When you consider the enormity of the existential threat climate change presents the human species, an opinion that isn’t binding from the International Court of Justice is w wet slap on the wrist.


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  1. Yet, mainstream media overhype the obvious. Surely, they are not ignorant and/or stupid.
    How can it be a common good to create fairytale outcomes. Marketing the brand of Vanuatu’s current leadership is not journalism.
    Alarmism based on flimsy scientific theories creates no real value for society.


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