This isn’t Dirty Politics, Espiner has exposed ‘Manipulative Politics’ and Chippy has to do something about it


Wow – the hits just keep coming for Neal Jones, Big Davey Cormack and Clint Smith don’t they?

The Wellington Woke have gone incredibly quiet over the last few days haven’t they?

How can they virtue signal any of their favourite Wellington Woke Cheerleaders now?

I don’t like Guyon Espiner and he sure as Christ doesn’t like me, but sweet Jesus his ruthless journalism on how compromised the Government has become to corporate influence via the worst woke Queens is just relentless…

How well-connected lobbyists ask for – and receive – urgent meetings, sensitive information and action on law changes for their corporate clients

Tech giants, Hollywood film studios, big pharma and multinational energy companies are using local lobbying firms to gain access to senior ministers and sensitive government information.

…this isn’t ‘Dirty Politics’, this is ‘Manipulative Politics’. These woke Queens are using their connections to run influence for corporations.

Chippy must urgently implement new restrictions which will be difficult because MPs and Consultants trade on there being none.

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The self interest to keep the system this open to corporations and their profit margin trumps democracy, you can tell that by the fact neither ACT or National have taken any glee in attacking Labour over this because they also benefit.

The problem for the woke activists is that most of their Twitter mates are the ones doing this so there will be no push back from them. As long as the chinless wonder from down under, the great Ruminator himself – Big Davey Cormack, the 2 tone beard colour self righteousness of Clint Smith and RNZ political commentator Neale Jones tweet about Trans rights, their acquiescence to corporate interests aren’t important.

So you have a system that doesn’t want to regulate, an activist movement who are mates with all the consultants doing it and an Opposition who also benefit from the status quo, that means nothing will change and the stank of corruption it leaves voters with will continue to erode faith in our democratic institution.

The one winner in all of this is Morgan Godfery who in comparison to the chinless wonder from down under, the great Ruminator himself – Big Davey Cormack, the 2 tone beard colour self righteousness of Clint Smith and RNZ political commentator Neale Jones looks like the last honest commentator.

Am I enjoying this?



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  1. Well, as I say a couple of times each year on a number of issues–the now 39 year neo liberal main party Parliamentary consensus is significantly what has led to this.

    After each election, who ever has the numbers to form a Govt. the monetarist legislation just rolls over unmolested. Reserve Bank Act, State Sector Act, devolved accountability, contracting out, penetration of public infrastructure by private capital keeps on truck’n.

    So inequality and the ‘Tale of Two Cities” that AO/NZ has become, matters not to the fifth columnists at the helm of the Public Service, or their thousands of weasels scattered about in flash offices.

    That is why the generational change emerging this year and set to break on through in 2026 is so important.

  2. “……………… you can tell that by the fact neither ACT or National have taken any glee in attacking Labour over this because they also benefit.”
    Not YET @Martyn. But you can be sure they will closer to the election when they’ll say they would have done something about it, if only they’d known the extent of it. No different from consultants and the use of PR spin meisters they doth now protest so much about.

    If the Chipster does decide to do nothing about it, Labour will probably get what it deserves.
    Some of this sort of shit can be remedied by Prime Ministerial edict. We’ll know just how he feels bout it all in this space, going forward, in the fullness of time.

    Lobbyists, contractors and consultants are costing a bundle just as the plebian natives, including worker bee public servants are doing it tough.
    And the plebs are starting to see through it all. It’s taken a while, but remember this is lil ‘ole yea/nah NuZull that punches above its weight

  3. ” Chippy must urgently implement new restrictions which will be difficult because MPs and Consultants trade on there being none. ”

    He won’t urgently implement restrictions that has worked so well for him and his neo liberal social democrat colleague’s a number of whom served in previous governments and are ” chipmates ”

    ” So you have a system that doesn’t want to regulate, an activist movement who are mates with all the consultants doing it and an Opposition who also benefit from the status quo, that means nothing will change and the stank of corruption it leaves voters with will continue to erode faith in our democratic institution. ”

    This will along with the childhood poverty report will be buried ahead of the general election as soon as the weekend when the next saga of identity politics and the protests distract away from the uncomfortable and inconvenient truth of LINO’s slap on the back and a beer for the chipmates that they can’t do without.

    According to the corruption perceptions report we have dropped in the ratings since 2018 with Denmark being on top.

  4. Thing is, there is no money in being woke per se. Unless you have a gig as the Race Relations Concilliator or HR Commissioner.

    Good intentions and ‘standing in solidarity with the comrades’ does not pay very well. And no one wants to go work in the purgatory of NGOs!

    So as former Lab staffers they have to monetise their connections by being hired contractors.

    For Clint, Davey and Neale, being visibly woke and actively backing every Lab/Green cause is the price they pay for keeping their ‘in’ with Labour Ministers.

    • Ditto for all the charities that are created in woke land, these too are not to provide charity to poor, vulnerable and marginalised people, but to employ these guys. I wonder where Jacinda and Tamati will end up? any guesses?

  5. This really is a scandal,so watch the Chipster put in motion,diversion tactics.
    As Minister of Education,didn’t the Chipster lead the spend on spin?


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