MEDIAWATCH: AM Show’s debate about who should and shouldn’t have children escalated quickly didn’t it?


The AM Show this morning started flirting with social eugenics as one red neck banjo twanging listener angrily wrote in he didn’t want to pay extra tax for child care because if you chose to have the baby you have to pay for everything, fuck you very much.

Charming. AM Show’s descent into Disney Jr ZB Talking Points is complete.


We live in a progressive liberal democracy, and one of the joys of living in a liberal progressive democracy is that as citizens we all share in the harvest of civil society.

It doesn’t matter if you are a Garbageman, a road worker, a Dr, a Dentist, a Lawyer, Teacher, Plumber, Nurse, supermarket check out, retail worker, etc etc etc – if you don’t do the job you do, the complex system of a liberal progressive democracy collapses.

If all garbagemen stop, you get sick within a month. If all the dentists or Drs stopped people would die, if all the road workers stopped the roads would be impassable within a year!

No matter how high or low your role, if they all stopped the system would collapse   – we all participate to keep this liberal progressive democracy operating, and we all deserve to reap the harvest of that societal stability and that harvest is free child care, parental leave, public holidays, free health, free education.

It should be vastly more, it should be free under 5 childcare, 12 months parental leave, free public transport, free tertiary education, free lunches and breakfast at all schools.

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We should rejoice in the capacity of our system to be able to support the modernity of life and strengthen our families, not allow petty user pays bigotry to turn on our village.

We fund these things to make life easier for our citizens, not more difficult!

To allow the spite of envy to rob working parents of the ability to work by having child care paid for is malicious and we should be better than that.

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  1. So long as you’re raising productive members of society and not criminals then have as many children as you like, someone has to pay for my supported living benefit and later my pension.

    Without middle class welfare for children the only people we’re incentivising to have children are the least well positioned to do well by them, and while ideally we’d help their parents out of poverty/mental illness/disability for the betterment of children and all society the very least we can do is dilute the pool of no hopers.

  2. There are those in society who should not be allowed to produce another generation of the losers that they are .This has nothing to do with the job they do infact the fact they are working is a big tick to be allowed to have children.

      • Are you sure that’s how human rights work? If someone’s rights isn’t effected by a sizable chunk of the population who the hells going to fight to maintain human rights in most areas and progress them in some areas?

  3. Forced chemical sterilisation for all those who’ve been on a benefit for over one year?

    Or would that mean creating less new Labour voters.

    • well micheal I suggest similar for those below a certain IQ , your appointment is wednesday 10 o’clock please be aware it is compulsary

        • 146? why are you blogging here then rather than running the UN? what a waste of such dazzling talent..a talent that can only come up with the 3rd hand 19th century solution beloved of nazis everywhere…..all hail mighty brainbox

          side note the moment someone mention s their alleged IQ on a blog they lose…just a tip for the future micheal

          • Together with an ego the size of a bus, work-life balance, a huge cock and such humility, he should audition for ruler of the Whurl.
            I kind of wonder though with a brother that had a 150 rating, WTF happened

    • While you are at it, why not forced castration for every white collar criminal or tax dodger, or would that mean less Nat/Act voters?

    • This is a terrible concept. There are many reasons to be on a benefit. Illness of yourself or a member of the family .If you stop work and go on a benefit to look,after a family member you are saving the country heaps over and above any benefit paid. Being on a benefit in no way defines the person as there are many working people who should not take on being parents .

    • Sounds like a great idea, might affect a few of the readers here judging by some of the objections.

    • Michael, the counterfactual maybe that lower income females could be forcibly inseminated by billionaires, which makes just as much sense – anyway nice chatting to you, but this is my stop to get off the crazy train, so enjoy your ride to bonkersville!

  4. Ryan Bridge is 33. His parents would have been able to claim a Family Benefit for him (even if it was only for about 2 years until it got chopped by mummy Ruth).

  5. don’t care who the parents are but the the research shows 2 is the optimum number or you are consigning your beloved gods little angels to poverty.

    what does irritate me slightly (I hear the cries of eugenics already, genetic deseases are not racially motivated) but when people have had the tests showing that a featus has genetic defects they insist on birthing their little bundle of joy which will be at our expense…I understand that kids can bring joy and all that stuff and if you want to do it at your own expense go for gold….

    that should put the cat amongst the pigeona

    • Eugenics isn’t exclusive to race issues, disabilities, birth defects, mutations, and even mental illness are all well within eugenics purview.

      I agree by the way. Take race out of eugenic policies and and it’s full steam ahead for a quality humanity.

      I’m also ok with post-natal abortion, in limited circumstances.

      • Your ok with euthanising a new life because it’s disabled is what you mean? That’s repugnant.

        • a it’s not born yet fantail and I did mention if at their own expense go for it…why must we all pay for their indulgent sentimentality….we have enough kids who need those resources…and at the end of the day fantail if you are ok with abortion in general what’s your problem?

    • “consigning your beloved gods little angels to poverty”

      Or alternatively consign them to death. I’ll bet that most humans given the option of death over NZ poverty will opt for the poverty.

      • 2 kids fine, 3 ok anyone is entitled to a slip, 6 kids by 7 different fathers…you see the problem we have invented contraception you don’t have to have a kid everytime you fuck, if people are so pig ignorant they can’t work a condom,,,,wellllll…..

  6. State support for 2 kids after that, personal responsibility to pay for any additional children people may have in terms of health care and education.

    The world has too many people. Keep the population static or reducing. Those who think that the youth woke will be paying for their pension and looking after them in their old age, hmmmm don’t think that is going to happen. It will be more like Logan’s run.

    • “State support for 2 kids after that, personal responsibility to pay for any additional children people may have in terms of health care and education.”

      Agreed. There’s so much wailing and gnashing of teeth about “child poverdy” in NZ – the elephant in the room is the DPB.

    • I agree sN. The right to have two children should be without question regardless of the economic situation. After that the family’s private financial situation should replace the state. Those who will scream “but why should rich fucks be able to have more children just because they can afford it” should realise many people from all social groups manage to think it through and decide that to have a better life themselves they will limit the number of children they have. Some from the catholic faith might struggle with that concept but these days the church itself struggles to support living beyond one’s means. We live in challenging times.

    • Logans Run with a touch of Soylent Green is my preference. By all means bump me off if I’m useless, but then do something with the meat – I don’t want to take up space in the ground or become pollution.

      • My ramble.
        Talk of eugenics and how many children people can afford is the complete opposite of the way things used to be. Yet advancement of society and technology has not seemed to to have made people better of financialy overall to have large families, though there are a lot more people now with a lot more money.
        In the distant past, when it was an agrarian society and people lived in small villages, large familys was the norm, and work in the village was found for everyone whether they were able bodied or not, because everyone needed to pitch in for the village to survive. Nowadays with a much larger population and more individualism and a throwaway society mentality, workers are discarded at the drop of a hat, because you can always get more.
        Back in the seventys I recall some of the large private companies would even offer scholarships for tertiary study, not to gain anything, just to help the next generation, but you never see that happening now. Is this is progress, and many things are better, but many things are also worse. Society is more hollowed out now, and more people are falling through the cracks, when they can’t get enough income but still have big mortgages or rents to pay, and when widescale calamity strikes like a cyclone, things just seem to collapse more, because there is less resiliance than there was previously.
        If the govt wants to encourage saving, then why are they burdening so many with debt. Student loan and MSD debt is now in the billions. Is this really good for the country overall. If not, what is wrong with simply wiping this debt. Money was printed during the pandemic, to help the economy, but a lot went into speculation. Why not use it to get rid of debt instead? That will help people that need helping, more than sterilising them will.

        • large families where historically the norm because so many kids died in childhood hopefully leaving a few to carry on the family modern medicine negates this jo

    • Well, it still is @ C.H. But it’s just that we humans, as is our nature, have by our enduring and inbuilt kindnesses, allowed alien psychopaths to get in the way of the natural order of things. Money fetishists, power freaks, sociopaths, twitterists, anti-clitorists, bankster bosses, real esnake agents, perfect-garden maniacs, all store-bought-interior decorators, cat owners, flesh eaters, non swearers, hand wringers, nylon underwear wearers, The awful “Oh! That does look good on when they know it doesn’ters, the strange ugly car drivers driving strange ugly cars who never pass anyone else on the road but will happily drive up ones arse hole’ers…
      It’s the They, the Them, Those fuckers! The hideous take-ourselves-serious’ers, the coin counting, small penisers who sweat that they may have missed an opportunity to dip into your pocket’ers. Is there some kind of spray for them? We have sprays for everything else that’s fucking everything.

    • If you werent a state ward and were pedophile protected it was a great place to be a kid because there was great effort put into ensuring every family had a bread winner so there was mininimal adult poverty and consequently minimal child poverty. And because there was minimal abject poverty, NZ poverty was relative poverty and in that much more egalitarian society the wealth disparities were ten times* less than now. *conservative estimate.

    • I remember it well and growing up working class was awesome if you had semi decent parents. In those days, there seemed to be much more of them around.

  7. No fuck you. In order to have world class health care the medical fraternity require patients for educating doctors and nurses but most of all you need the numbers to give studies it’s proper weight so that. That means everyone gets timely healthcare so your wife can get hip replacement every time I blow her back out.

  8. Can I just say one more thing? The look on that guy’s face? That’s the look you get when you thought it was a fart.

  9. “We live in a progressive liberal democracy, and one of the joys of living in a liberal progressive democracy is that as citizens we all share in the harvest of civil society.

    It doesn’t matter if you are a Garbageman, a road worker, a Dr, a Dentist, a Lawyer, Teacher, Plumber, Nurse, supermarket check out, retail worker, etc etc etc – if you don’t do the job you do, the complex system of a liberal progressive democracy collapses.

    If all garbagemen stop, you get sick within a month. If all the dentists or Drs stopped people would die, if all the road workers stopped the roads would be impassable within a year! ”

    This is what the Chipster needs to sell, social unity, The Caring Society. After covid and cyclone destruction, the obviousness that everyone has a role to play in society, rather the dog eat dog NActWorld, resonates across the kiwi political spectum.

    • If all the Queer ideologist go no one will die, in fact children will not be sterilised and castrated by puberty blockers and wrong sex hormones and surgery to remove their re-productive organs. If all the Queer Ideologists go wandering Antarctica no males will be locked in female prisons. No males will pretend to be women in order to gain cheap cheater victories in sport. No males will demand access to the changing rooms, rape crisis centres, refuges for females.

      If Chipsters leaves the country, like Aunty Helen did, like Jacinda will do in the future, no one will actually care nor miss them as they are not really needed for anything. They will always be replaced by a hive minded clone cut from the same cloth.

      • You are truly obsessed with other people’s gender. And/or their sexuality. It’s a worry…

  10. There is a whole lot of people in this country that have never seen a dentist in their life and they are not dead, they are just toothless.
    If the AM crew dispeared tomorrow, no one would know.

  11. Farmy Army,six months mabee, more, come aid our recovery, friday barbi, suasage sizzel, two beers all, work tomorrow. Could farm fence like ,their working for the dole, under our rules of employment.

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