Why hasn’t Stuart Nash stood down as Minister for Forestry? Where are the woke Left when it matters?


The Nash slash cash must be shown the lash!

Where the Christ is the demand from the Left for Nashy to stand down as the Minister for Forestry???

If Stuart Nash had misused a pronoun, the woke would be screaming for his sacking, yet Nash takes slash cash and the woke are fucking silent because all they are good for is middle class identity politics persecution based on identity, never economics!

Nash has taken cash from the industry…

Stuart Nash also carries out much of his election fundraising in this sector. In the last three elections he declared large donations totalling $99,000, $27,500, and $49,504. In 2020 about half of it came from forestry and timber companies. One timber businessman explained his financial backing for Nash, saying “It is important to the economy that government has politicians who understand industry.”

..and he has previously said there needed to be no investigation into slash.

Now the damage from Forestry is so clear and can’t be hidden, he has been pushed into an inquiry.

If this was an ACT or National Minister with these types of close ties to an industry they are supposed to be regulating, there would be all hell to pay, but because our woke activists only see politics through the lens of identity, their singular issue with Nash is that as a heteronormative white cis male, he isn’t sharing his platform with marginalised voices and that he should have a POC trans sign language interpreter next to him.

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That is their only issue with the Nashy.

He pops a POC trans sign language interpreter next to him during his next interview and he can get as many donations from the absentee landlord Forest capitalists as he likes.

This is what we is now.

This is our politics.

A blancmange of spineless middle class virtue signalling that is as shallow as the Right are stupid and greedy.

Nash can’t be the Forestry Minister, and if you can’t see why not, perhaps you shouldn’t be commenting on politics?

Where are the woke Left when it matters?

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  1. He may be an incompetent monkey with a long history of failures, but he is the best incompetent monkey they have.

  2. Martyn, Nash is a graduate Forester. My understanding is that prior to entering parliament he ran a timber mill. Of course he has connections to forestry.

    If we want any sort of serious inquiry that isn’t going to veer off into insane directions- like recommending that forestry be replaced by sheep farms with topsoil washing into rivers instead of slash like Bridget Parker wants, or just banning all forestry unless it’s put on flat ideal dairy farming land and all exported to China like the corporate greenies want, Nash is a good choice to run it.

    Are there big problems with foreign ownership of forestry rights and afforested land in New Zealand? Sure. But Nash has done more to address that than anyone else in Labour.

    • You might need to provide more proof that Nash ran a sawmill than your understanding.

      A quick internet search confirms he has a tertiary forestry qualification but no specific mentions of him working in the sector. I think he was working in tertiary education management just before becoming an MP.

  3. The Left are tribal.

    Nash is in Labour, so while he disappoints, he is a member of the tribe. Just like Trevour Mallard was.

  4. Because his boss has not asked him too and he is arrogant enough to not give a shit. Also, who would replace him?

  5. Nash is to forestry as Fishing and Racing is to Winston Peter. Both protect their patch .I am sure it is the same with many other politicians but they are so obvious it is laughable.

  6. The Red Team of the corporate donor controlled Uniparty, playing the same game as the Blue Team.

    Considering the way a genuine, popular Labour leader like Jeremy Corbyn was hounded out of politics upon an avalanche of false accusations, it would seem Labour are doomed. They will eventually have to be swept away by a new party of Old Labour principles, that isn’t totally corrupted by Wall Street money.

  7. There is excellent Danish TV series “Borgen”. Denmark and NZ historically share the top two places “countries with lowest perceived corruption in the World” list.
    Mainstream media often “forget” to mention “perceived”.
    Media themselves are profoundly corrupt by their business model – advertising.
    My problem is that I have no chance of getting a ride on the gravy train.

  8. Financial corruption doesn’t register on the otherwise hairline trigger of woke outrage.

    The solution is to frame it in a narrative as the underserved benefit of white-straight-cis-male-colonial-neurotypical-righthanded-called-mike privilege or causing harm to the brown/black-lesbian-trans-female-indigenous-neurodivergent-lefthanded-not-called-mike minority.

  9. If you never spoke about ‘woke’ again you’d double your numbers here. Why work this around to that subject? That is the entire foundation of America’s Fascist Right’s argument.

    Nash was in forestry. There is a legitimate question to be asked. Let alone his right-wing background, despite being a kind guy in school, though annoying.

  10. We know what the problem is.
    In January Stuart Nash posed a rhetorical question; ‘What would an inquiry achieve?’

    Do you think there should be an inquiry into forestry harvesting practices?
    Stuart Nash: No I don’t.
    Stuart Nash: “What would that achieve?”

    A very good question.

    The answer Stuart Nash was positing with his rhetorical question, is obvious, in his opinion an inquiry would achieve nothing.
    And Stuart Nash is probably right.
    Because we don’t need an inquiry to tell us what the problem is, we can see it for ourselves in every TV News camera panoramic view of the damaged bridges and farms. It is not like it is some sort of Agatha Christi ‘Who-Done-it’.
    We don’t need an inquiry. What we need is the government to regulate the forestry industry to clean up their Slash.
    You make a mess, you create a hazard, then you must clean it up, you get rid of it, you must make it safe. The Forestry companies need to be ordered to clean up their Slash, before more property is damaged and more lives are lost. Simple as that. And if they have not been complying with the regulations already in place, the forestry companies need to pay full compensation for the damage they have caused.

    In January. Radio NZ interviewed Stuart Nash about the dangers of Slash.

    I don’t think there needs to be a government inquiry or any sort of enquiry

    Forestry Minister Stewart Nash, RNZ, Jan 16 2023


    Stuart Nash made several claims in this interview,

    1/ that this was all pre 2018 historical Slash.

    2/ That this pre 2018 historic slash was being washed out.

    3/ That it was his “understanding” that since 2018 the forestry industry had changed its practices and was complying with all government regulation in regards to tree harvesting.

    • Hav Nth back in the day. Stu had zero idea about the social democratic fight post Roge. Forestry career, where he didn’t notice slash or the mortality rates among workers. Norts where he sought advice from the right wing consultant in H.N., possibly forming his own party, Matt Hooten fund-raising for him. Labour accepted him back into the fold, in their version of National’s minister of racing: police, forestry, ag. Reflecting bad on both.

      The kindest guy, I think, from school — we were all ‘orrible egomaniacs as befits kids — he just never got ideas. Which, by his life, matters.

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