8 Months until 2023 election – Political Battlefield Analysis Special

2023 NZ MMP Parliament

The next election is 8 m months away on Saturday, 14 October 2023.

The Right have gone from believing they were sleepwalking to victory to panicking over Luxon.

All National was relying on was people hating Jacinda, now Labour have changed leaders, National have no policy and no target to hit.

Add to this the manner Chippy has competently stepped up during this disaster and the Auckland Flood alongside his Bread and Butter policy bonfire, and National are struggling to woo back ACT voters and hold the middle.

Meanwhile the Greens slide into political irrelevance, the Māori Party strengthens, NZ First threatens and TOP could surprise.

When you consider that in 2020 the polls were overestimating National by an average of 5.8 percentage points and underestimating Labour by 3.7 points, the election is wide open.

The question is does Chippy have the courage to bring real solutions to the table.

Here is the current Election Battlefield 2023 as TDB sees it.

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LABOUR: 35%+

Bread and Butter Politics does two things, it puts delivery over ideology and because most middle class woke activists are gluten free vegans, they run a mile from Bread and Butter.

So Labour can redesign policy from ideology to delivery while freaking the woke to run away and stop alienating voters.

It’s a win win.

Chippy has thrown all the woke policy on a bonfire and is moving Labour from the cancel culture minefield of social justice towards the solidarity building economic justice.

Lifting minimum wage – This is economic justice.

Dumping TVNZ/RNZ merger – the delivery is more NZ on Air funding for content, the ideology was the merger itself, so the merger gets dumped.

PSA/CTU Gold plated Holiday tax – This was always a bullshit sop to the PSA to give their bureaucrats a 6 month taxpayer holiday. It was never going to fly.

Biofuels mandate – At a time of crippling cost of living crisis, anything increasing fuel costs gets dumped.

Hate Speech – this was always a culture war the Left could never win.

3 waters – will finally be focused on drains rather than an existential race war.

The woke be cray, but their alienating bullshit has made these course corrections necessary.

Labour’s Bread and Butter politics is about delivery of service over ideology.

Labour had become bogged down in believing bureaucratic changes in the  background was a means of delivering outcomes rather than actually raising taxes and paying for more social infrastructure!

Chippy has to understand that 2023 is a debate over State Capacity.

National and ACT want to amputate the State while Labour, Greens and Māori Party want to build State capacity!

The 30 year neoliberal experiment cut the NZ State to the bone and the political project for each National and ACT Government is to strangle off revenue to the State so the State can’t redistribute it. That way citizens don’t become ‘reliant’ on providing subsidy to every day living, because once people get used to having services that work, they demand it politically.

This story about Hospital capacity spells out we don’t just need more drs and more nurses, we need more hospitals!

We need more Nurses, more Drs, more hospitals, more police, more Army, more Teachers, more schools, more corrections officers, better public transport, better prisons, our own pharmaceutical industry, and we can only fund that by taxing the fucking rich!

Left Universalism is the way we bring electoral solidarity to beat National and ACT, alienating woke middle class cancel culture identity politics will only divide the Left and allow the most hard right Government this country has ever seen.

Poor people are not sitting around the kitchen table cancelling people for misusing pronouns, they are sitting around the table trying to work out how they pay the bills.

We must move towards Left Universalism if we have a hope of stopping ACT and National.

Now Chippy has burnt off all the unpopular woke policy, he has to actually deliver on free public transport, free dental, free breakfasts and lunches in schools and more tax from the rich.

The rebuild from the cyclone demands more than the usual.

A Ministry of Works must be back on the agenda!



Luxon is having a dreadful time.

He gained the leadership after Judith Collins rat fucked Simon Bridges and told her unhinged winged monkeys to block vote for Luxon.

National’s problem is ACT keep stealing their vote and while trying to win those voters back with raw meat policy, Luxon keeps terrifying the middle.

ACT demanded ankle bracelets on 11 year olds, National counter demanded ankle bracelets on 10 year olds.

ACT promise benefits sanctions, National counter promise to boot thousands off welfare.

ACT demand more punitive law and order policy, National counter promise counter productive Military Boot Camps.

This is great for feral fringe hard right voters but it scares the bejesus out of the middle.

Luxon’s u-turns and frailty under the high ball makes him look like a weak leader, and his promise to repeal all environmental legislation to pacify his Groundswell rednecks leaves him with no actual policy to challenge climate change.

His desire to cut 14 000 Government jobs at a time when people desperately need the State is the same deliver Simon Bridges faced with Covid.

The Political Right want to amputate the State, which isn’t a message anyone wants to hear while they are running towards the State to protect them.

National were relying on the toxic animosity towards Jacinda to win 2023 and still haven’t adapted to a new Leader or the new climate change reality.

I think Luxon has stalled and National will sink to the low 30s, and as National fade, right wing Voters will feel their vote will do more over with ACT.


ACT: 15%+

The incredibly incendiary speech David Seymour gave to a packed ACT State of the Nation meeting at the beginning of the year signals a rift on the Right unlike any seen in modern NZ Political History.

That ACT, a Party that was .7 in the polls 5 years ago, is now rating 13.5% in the Roy Morgan Poll shows a polarisation of NZ politics we simply haven’t experienced from the Right since Muldoon.

ACT refuse to toe any line with National and their certainty in articulating a negative appraisal of perceived Māori political privilege marks them out as a Party that is actively attacking National for their direct vote share.

It also clearly shows that David will dominate any relationship with Luxon.

This is deeply damaging to National. The polarisation of the debate is so extreme that National have to foam at the mouth in an attempt to win back ACT vote, the problem with that is it scares the bejesus out of the middle.

This makes Luxon look weaker and weaker which allows ACT to grow and it gives the Left the perfect target to paint the relationship out for what it is, an extreme Right wing Government.

The problem is ACTs policy is so off the planet extreme, they have no comprehension what it would actually entail in passing it.

Imagine the following:

National and ACT win the 2023 election.

Because David Seymour is vastly smarter than Luxon, David gets everything ACT wants including axing the Ministry of Māori development, Ministry of Women, Ministry of Youth, Ministry of Ethnic affairs, Ministry of Pacific People, the Human Rights Commission and rewrites the Treaty based on nothing more than a referendum.

A hikoi of quarter of a million incandescent with rage Māori plus their allies descends upon Wellington in furious protest that makes the foreshore and seabed protest look mild.

They angrily start to occupy Parliament Lawns.

A spooked David Seymour and frightened Chris Luxon order the army to shoot.

Which part of that evaluation of ACTs race relations policy won’t happen?

ACT are going to trigger extreme policies that will in turn trigger even more extreme protest and when that gets to Wellington, it will be met with a frightened Right utilising the full muscle of the State.

This is going to get out of hand very quickly, you can not strip the Indigenous people of their political rights and pretend that won’t have an enormously violent backlash.

ACT are such pure eyed acolytes they don’t see their cleansing as something people would fight against, because ACT have no idea of the value of what it is they are burning.

The addiction to cancel culture and deplatforming by the woke has meant instead of debating the issue and winning people over, the Left simply rely on attempting to win the debate by strangling off any speech they disagree with.

David is a 100 times better campaigner than Luxon, the ease with which he shut down conspiracy theorists compared to Luxon highlights this. As the realisation that National are fading becomes apparent, ACT will pick up even more votes.

They are now established as the Right Wing Values Party and represent an existential threat to National ion a highly polarised election.


GREENS: 7% (if they are lucky)

Two wokes don’t make a right.

The Greens have transitioned from being an Environmental Political Party (Ours, Us) into an Identity Politics Party (Me/Me) with all the alienating middle class smugness that comes with it. The Greens have amputated male voters in favour of diversity uber alles and have built Woke city states inside Wellington Urban Electorates that their fanatical followers can storm.

In election 2020, ACT got 7.6% and Greens got 7.9%

Last week the Greens are 8% while ACT have soared to 12%!

The Greens are barely above where they polled 3 fucking years ago!

ACT, who were .7% 5 years ago (until the woke started a free speech war we couldn’t win), are now 12%!

This as global warming and the need for radical environmental adaptation is more powerful and present than ever before!

How have the Greens managed to gain no support in 3 years?

Could it be the alienating woke middle class dogma cancel culture purges?

Of course it could be!

We still don’t understand the impact of social media in political polarisation and the woke who have been on a drunk with power social media lynching rampage since 2016’s MeToo movement have used ‘inclusion’ to exclude generating pure temple politics rather than Broadchurch solidarity.

The Woke’s influence however is waning because they have caused so much toxic discord on the Left.

Remember how the Auckland chapter of Climate Strike for Students cancelled themselves because they argued they were racist?

That level of Critical Race Theory nuttiness alongside Critical Gender Theory malice is a recipe for factionalism not cooperation.

This is seeing the middle class woke being pushed back, Chippy moving away from Social Justice towards Economic Justice shows he understands delivery is more important than ideology and that woke cancel culture is election poison.

It’s called ‘Bread and Butter’ Politics because most middle class woke are gluten free vegans who will run away from any actual bread or butter.

While the woke’s power is waning across the country, it is only solidifying in Wellington.

Tory Whanau’s surprise win, woke City Councillors and the machinations of the Wellington Central Electorate for an uber woke green candidate all makes Wellington a City State of Wokeness as the Identity over all movement becomes radioactive to the rest of the country

The power the Woke have in the Greens is spelt out by the candidacy of Stephanie Rodgers. Stephanie is one of the wokest woke wokesters on woke world. Her social media timeline will be a feeding frenzy of attention from National and ACT social media teams because all they need is “This is what a Green Party Candidate thinks about you” memes with her tweets as the evidence.

That someone as toxically woke as Rodgers can be a candidate shows the Woke’s dominance in the Greens and in Wellington.

The Greens are refocusing on electorates over Party vote because their brand has become so socially toxic they can only win in urban areas where their diminishing woke acolytes live.

If the Greens can’t gain more than their 2020 election result, there needs to be a serious reflection on how they and their members have actively alienated everyone who isn’t a mummy blogger.

Watching James rage against a problem he is part of is performance art for the stupid.

After the Auckland flooding and Cyclone Gabrielle, how pathetic does being Carbon Neutral by 2050 look now?

The Greens will be lucky to get more than their 2020 result.


Māori Party – 4 electorate MMP overhang 

The more feral the anti-Māori rhetoric gets, the more votes the Māori Party gain. They have a real shot at 4 electorates this year and their staunch policy like GST off food and military neutrality have a lot that left wing Pakeha will party vote for. They have a real chance of being the Kingmaker can could generate an MMP overhang making out more difficult for ACT and National to get a majority. Watch the way JT and David Seymour squared off on The Working Group last week to see there is no love lost between the two.

With Adrian Rurawhe under pressure to accept the Speaker’s expectation to stand down from their electorate,  Te Tai Hauāuru opens as a real possible gain for the Maori Party. This on top of their incredible party vote which hit 5% in the Roy Morgan Poll suggests a massive political change is occurring within Māoridom.

Tamaki Makaurau must be considered a real possibility as well.

Part of this surge in support is demographics, Māori are a decade younger than Pakeha, part of it is the reconnection with civics the vaccination drive provided and part is the grotesque racism spewed out over co-governance and 3 Waters.

Māori represent the highest proportion of non voters, and the race baiting rhetoric is dragging those non voters over to being engaged, something we haven’t seen in the past.

If the Māori Party can hold up their Party vote they will become the Queen maker and the relationship between Māori Party President JT and Willie Jackson will become the most important one politically.


NZF 5% – grim reaper vs MMP threshold

The question isn’t whether Winston can get NZF over 5%, the question is he well enough to campaign. His health and age mean this isn’t the Winston Peters of old, he is the Winston Peters who is old.

Wayne Brown hasn’t helped with branding for old people in leadership roles.

All the sub 5% antivaxers won’t get their own political parties into power, but they will get representation if they vote for Winnie. He’ll play the same Maaaaaaaarees getting too much shtick that ACT are playing but that song will seem disconnected to the reality of climate events and economics.

NZ First is an old tune that might not have a leader to whistle it.


TOP – Ilam + list Coat tail

The Opportunities Party leader Raf Manji has a chance of winning Ilam now Gerry Brownlee has stood down. Sarah Pallett won the seat in 2020 during Labour’s red wave, but Manji was competitive against Gerry back in 2017. If Manji can steal the seat off Pallett and against a weak National newbie, TOP could enter Parliament AND bring in 2 MPs off the Party list.

TOP are talking about Housing and the political tax impasses that prevent Housing from being built, if they can convince the public that he can win in Ilam, then a vote for TOP isn’t wasted. If National were smart they would consider talking to TOP and offering them an Epsom deal in Ilam.


Sub 5% Feral Antivax God Squad vote – NOTHING!

The good news is that Brian’s current umbrella of Sue Grey’s antivaxxers and his Destiny Church QGod squad aren’t nearly enough to get over 5%. However if they added Matt King’s vanity project and the anti abortion New Conservatives, that cavalcade of political circus freaks could get over 5%.

Thankfully they are all toxic narcissists who couldn’t work together if their lives depended upon it, if they do though, don’t underestimate how many feral Qanon antivaxers who have been brainwashed by social media hate algorithms there really are out there.




I think you will have so many people voting who don’t normally vote that the specials will be huge on the day, this, along with the unpredictable overseas vote this election could throw any election night result out the window when the specials and overseas votes are counted.



The MIQ over subscription by tens of thousands hints at the incandescent rage many of our diaspora felt trying to get back into their legal home country during the Covid lockout.

There is no way their torture won’t have political ramifications.

Last election Greens did poorly in their usually high overseas support vote because Ardern’s global stardom eclipsed the Greens, this election however the frustration is directly at Jacinda’s policies so I think the Greens will take that vote back and then some.

Our diaspora are furious and if the Green Party rhetoric is too moderate for their anger, ACTs throw-open-the-borders-and-let-the-freed-market-decide-death policy is for you.

ACTs policy has the whiff of judgmental vengeance to it that is the perfect cocktail of payback people locked out of their own home want to inflict on those refusing to open the door.

My guess is that our diaspora are far more motivated to vote in 2023 than we have ever considered and their anger at being locked out will be sharp.



I fear the combination of intense political polarisation, a steep economic depression and the explosion of disinformation via social media hate algorithms could generate political violence in the 2023 election.

The immediate threat of political violence comes from the far right. The QAnon movement in NZ is disconnected from this dimension of reality, they believe in Sovereign Citizen Sherifs who are ’empowered’ to hang enemies of free people. They are fucking lunatics who are capable and philosophically compelled to commit an act of political violence.  Add to them far right white supremacist bad faith actors and Alt-Right extremists and you have radicalisation combining with fear grifters to generate a febrile landscape of existential fears that can only be combated by justified political violence.

Out of this cauldron of self loathing and projected cultural hate is the possibility of a lone wolf actor or small cell group committing an attack on a Politician.


This will be the first election in NZ history where Millennials and Gen Xers are a larger numerical voting block than Boomers, because lockdown impacted so many, I think people who normally sit voting out will have a real passion to make their voice heard, even if that voice is an anguished scream of fear and nonsense.


Because the Political spectrum is so hung and the polarisation so extreme, nothing is being collectively done to solve the myriad of problems we are facing post-Covid from crime, to cost of living crisis, to climate change, to inequality and poverty. No big ideas and no real solutions to the challenges we are collectively facing as New Zealanders.

Our focus is on hating the person who offended us on social media. I just don’t think we comprehend what a distortion of reality Social Media generates and the new subjective rage it manufactures.

We will end up with a result both sides will refuse to accept if they lose.



The extraordinary rebuilding and adaptation costs NZ has to undertake in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle must not be borne by the poor, it must be borne by this who have profited most from the pollution that has caused this dystopia.

Two of the largest global warming emitters in NZ are Z Energy and Fonterra. Last year Z Energy made a $269million profit and Fonterra made $583million in profit – shouldn’t they get a special tax to help rebuild from the climate change damage these companies produce?

What about Forestry and the slash they produce?

ASB made $822 million in profit alongside other Australian Banks making Billions. Shouldn’t those who have speculated pay for the poverty and inequality their profit margins generate?

Shouldn’t people earning over $250 000 per year pay a new top tax rate?

Shouldn’t we look at a financial transaction tax, sugar tax and wealth tax while reducing GST and taking not off food?

For a very long time, climate change has been some theoretical future threat.

The scientists have screamed at us.

The polluters have lied to us.

The politicians have failed to lead us.

Despite our denial and refusal to acknowledge what was coming, the speed of the changing climate means the climate warming future is upon us now whether we like it or not.

For too long the climate change debate has had little to do with the overwhelming science and more to do with the culture war.

Those who enjoy the lifestyle generating the pollution that is killing us don’t want to hear they are part of the problem and they don’t want to believe environmentalists they despise are right.

We are beyond the culture wars now because the reality of the extremes that were warned are upon us and denial can no longer blanket the truth.

Vast investment into adaptation is the only game in town and a vast upgrade of our reliance infrastructure alongside an enormous upgrade of State capacity is the only political solution to the future we now face.

This investment into increased State Capacity must coincide with the resilience infrastructure upgrade  alongside the adaptation capital required.

We must look at more sustainable degrowth concepts because there is no more business as usual.

These weather events will simply get more intense.

The warnings are over, this is the age of consequences now.

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

If you can’t contribute but want to help, please always feel free to share our blogs on social media


  1. Some good observations in that analysis Martyn. I particularly liked:
    “Bread and Butter Politics does two things, it puts delivery over ideology and because most middle class woke activists are gluten free vegans, they run a mile from Bread and Butter.”

    Hipkins has done extraordinarily well since he took over. Sure, some of it is due to the typical ‘bump’ of favorability associated with a fresh face, but in addition to that he has begun to steer Labour back on to the track and out of the weeds. He’s looking a lot more like Mike Moore or Tony Blair than Ardern right now. (Sigh of relief!)

    It’s obvious that while Ardern was PM, he was looking on and noting all the bad ideas she promoted and considering how he’d right the ship given the chance. Now he has that chance. If anything, he’s even better than Ardern when it comes to communication because he’s clearer and sounds genuine (because I think he is)

    His biggest hurdle to victory is going to be in the details of the bonfire. Exactly what policies get thrown out and who in the party goes with them? I think he needs to remove every single scrap of race-based policy. Could he get that past his Maori caucus?

    • It amazes me that the Minister who has overseen Covid, crime and education is getting such an easy ride ..oh that’s right this is NZ, of course the media will give him an easy ride.

      • Are you really that limited and naive to think that a tory news media would give a labour pm a fair crack? He’s being well received because he has done well, and hasn’t given them anything to undermine him with.. I have actually been surprised at how well he’s conducted himself since getting the nod…
        Next time you try something like this, try doing a bit more thinking before exposing yourself as a shallow, reactive dittohead…
        Basing your opinions on assumption based on ignorance is not how intelligent communication works… It’s how wars start..

      • “Luxon should be in the Labour Party”.. Thanks for reminding me why I find political “debate” in NZ so childishly obnoxious… Nothing more than spoilt brats playacting at being “grownup” without the tools to pull it off… Even the Australians are better At this than kiwis… and that is so sad…
        This is what it looks like when people choose to live in a fantasy world rather than face reality, and NZ is fantasyland central when it comes to just how irrelevant NZ is to anything now… Three tiny little islands in the middle of nowhere, with a population of fantasists who actually think people give a shit what happens there, or what they believe about themselves.. Earth to local tories… They don’t even know where it is, or care if it exists or not.. The days when we made real contributions to global debates is long gone, and the people who were driving that aren’t being produced any more.. This place has lost it’s soul, such as it was… Nannas and grandads in training is all I’m seeing now..
        Am so looking forward to getting back to the real world… This one is so munted as to be beyond repair, thanks to the type of idiocy that is supported by half the population at the least… About the only thing I can say the kiwis are good at, is cutting off their noses to spite their faces… It makes for amusement outside the country, but is hell on Earth for the victims of that stupidity, bigotry, and greed…

  2. Lifting minimum wage – nice touch with out any impact as costs will outrise this increase before it ever gets realised on April 1st.

    Dumping TVNZ/RNZ merger – the merger will be back once L is in.

    PSA/CTU Gold plated Holiday tax – – this unemployment insurance courtesy of the taxpayer for the 10% and their they/them kids will be back once L is in. After all we can’t have the managarial class lose everything just because they lost their jobs. That is for the 90%

    Biofuels mandate – The Greens will insist that this comes back or else they throw a tantrum.

    Hate Speech – currently parked with the Law Society that is trying to get some proper English and legalese in it. Eventually they will find someone who is not Kris Fafoi or Kiri Allen who can explain this without looking like total idiots or ideologically driven beings.

    3 waters – If it were just about drains we could have done something a long time ago, but neither L nor N did anything. But hey, what ever one has to tell oneself in order to still believe.

  3. N.Z. First should be romping home to a huge result under these circumstances, but it isn’t happening.

    It seems Winston doesn’t understand the Trump voter. Trump got elected on the back of large numbers of working class ex-Dem voters — by promising to bring back manufacturing, return to tariffs, stop the use of cheap illegal labour, and stop wasting money on ridiculous wars.

    If you look at Winston’s website, there’s little to no mention of any of that. I don’t know who his donors are, but they may have something to do with this strange decision.

    Seymour is trying to be Rand Paul, but in the end Trump voters don’t want a libertarian who wouldn’t protect local jobs at all. He has a ceiling on his popularity because of this.

    • What many on the left failed to see regarding Trump was he was/is the anti-politician politician.

      There’s absolutely no comparison to Winston, Winston is the epitome of a snout in the trough grifter. He’s been on the tax payer tit since 1978 (yep coming up 45 years) and is very wealthy because of it.

      Perhaps the only thing that have in common is they lie, but when Trump lies the media wet themselves, when Winston lies the media run for the hills.

      Example: how can a person who tried to defraud the NZ tax payer by lying about his relationship on his pension form get away with still being considered for parliament? The screwed up thing is he blamed others for him lying, and got away with it!

    • NZ First’s policies are, more or less, the same as they have been; it is a party of consistent policy. You cite the following as the source of Trump’s (initial) popularity “promising to bring back manufacturing, return to tariffs, stop the use of cheap illegal labour, and stop wasting money on ridiculous wars.” Now, whether Trump actually stood for any of this, or delivered on any of this, is a separate question — and one I do not propose to pursue here. NZF supports the rebuilding of local industry, local business, regional deveopment and a strong farming sector. Tariffs? Now that is a good question; would they benefit NZ? Probably not. But a consistent, coherent trade policy would. NZF has long supported immigration controls and sensible, limited immigation — immigration targeted at what the nation needs at the time. It also favours an independent foreign policy, which includes not getting involved in wars (not that NZ does get involved in many of them anyway). You are right in one aspect of your complaint — the party’s website needs updating so that it ties in better to current issues. The party has a considerable number of donors, some large, some small, but what it doesn’t have right now is Parliamentary funds. It is reliant on volunteer help. Want to put your name forward?

  4. Imagine N and A winning.

    Imagine that for a large part of government L has had no impact other then the roads getting shittier,
    access to hospital care is nigh on impossible,
    education fucked beyond believe but then who wants an educated populace in the future,
    houseprices beyond reach for most, rentals beyond reach, unemployed spouses still don’t have aright to an unemployment benefit in their name, secondary tax still taxed with gusto, Winz still sanctioning people they believe don’t jump high enough when they yell jump, food parcels in demand at ever greater numbers and climbing, kids still having a mouthful of rotting teeth, never mind the ram raids, shootings, bashings, and just general increase in petty violence with a police overworked understaffed and certainly not appreciated government sanctioned castration and desexing of children via gender affirming healthcare, males being allowed into womens sports, changing rooms, awards, prison cells on the grounds of them chanting the sacred Green Party endorsed Mantra of ‘ I AM A WOMAN” and so on and so forth.
    If you imagine all of that you will understand that for anyone who is not a Labour enabler, who is not a beneficiary or min wage jobber, whose mortgage does not depend on a government income will have absolutely no fear of an N or A government cause it ain’t that different.

  5. Martyn Chippy was at the table when all those policies that he is now ditching were agreed upon. His u turns are really insulting to the people of this country. Labour is not only incompetent, it is untrustworthy

  6. The way I see it labour could conceivably win the next election on the backs of cyclone suffering. The crisis devil you know, is better than one you don’t and could easily prevail. Unfortunately those who think a re elected labour government will get on and start completing promises made six years ago are being naive. The tens of billions of dollars that will be needed to repair parts of the eastern North Island will add to our existing indebtedness and stop money going to social areas currently underfunded. Labour might be able to hide behind this debt just as National did with the South Island’s earthquakes but it won’t make anyone happy. Just more of the same with more debt. Lefties may rejoice at another Labour government but nobody’s situation will improve.

    • Yes New View, that is also my fear. Chippy won’t let a good crisis go to waste – if he makes the right noises and does even a half-decent job of responding to the flood damage, LINO may squeak a win in October. Then next year the woke agenda will come roaring back.

  7. TPM would be exceptionally lucky to get 4 seats. I believe they will retain Waiariki, Are in with a good chance to win Tamaki Makaurau, and will probably do well in Te Tai Hauauru.

    Where TPM will pick up more MPs from though is the party vote. Many Maori believe that their electorate MPs have performed well, but voting for Labour as a party vote is a waste as it does not guarantee any more Maori voices in parliament.

    It will be interesting to see what policies National come up with closer to the election, I have a feeling that there will be a few made up on the fly. But who knows, still a long time to go before they start anouncing policy, perhaps they have some new ideas?

  8. What is the source of your suggestions that Winston isn’t up to leading NZ First into this election? You hint at him being in poor health. This is news to me. Any evidence of it? I thought not. Just stock in trade rumour spreading and fear mongering.

  9. While neoliberalism is still embedded within our politics we have no choice in who we vote for because the pretence that is our political parties, no matter their ding a ling titles, are all the same thing. They’re all neoliberal.
    Neoliberalism is a psychiatric disease. A virus which becomes embedded within the mind and manipulates the media, our media. It’s like herpies. Once you get it, you got it. It’ll steal your time on Earth, it’ll steal your money and it ruins countries and the neighbourhoods within them, just like it’s done to ours.
    Look carefully at where neoliberalism is and you’ll only see social destruction. Here in AO/NZ, the UK. the USA , Australia etc. Where ever you see neoliberalism you see the destruction of broader societies and an increase in the 1% multi billionaire cult and that cult, like all cults, need members to survive but never to flourish beyond their susceptibility to being exploited.
    We desperately need a commission of inquiry to peel back the skin of the dreaded onion so we can see neoliberalism. We need to somehow become enabled to understand how neoliberalism’s soulless intent is affecting us all. Personally, I’m over being dragged down by banksters and billionaires to their septic level where they exploit us all for their greed but perhaps worst of all, I must bare powerlessly witness the handiwork of their greed.
    All of the above? The analysis? The pictures and stuff? It’s all guff. Puffs of pointlessness which pretend we, the people, have choices about how to secure our futures.
    We need to get the cleaners in. We need a remote system, an organisation that’s outside the influence of the crooks who make life hard for us for their wealth creation, to go through our politics and economics like a laxative.

  10. LINO is Dog Tucker!
    The Mowrees havent a chance with their brand of the elite middle class mowreedumb.
    The Gweens have run out of mental health money.
    Act, Nats and the Labour party should form a grand Coalition.

    A well Hung election is the best thing that could happen to all of us. Government/Governance by referendum is our only chance to break away from 30 years of neoliberalism and fuckwits in parliament.

    NZF can handle the Hung parliament negotiations for about 12 to 18 months!

  11. Labour is fast resorting to podium politics – Chris Hipkins was sounding very Ardern like yesterday – same speech writers, same podium!

    As bodies of our fellow countrymen are still being dug out of silt, James Shaw and Kiri Allan are trying to score ‘climate points’ – legacy media are the most revolting for this!

    Minister for Emergency Management, Kieran McAnulty, well.. he comes across as a sociopath.

    Bread & Butter my a**, the spectre of Jacinda Ardern is still floating round parliament and Kiri Allan is trying it imitate/invoke it!

    PUBLIC MOOD SHIFTS FAST! The only thing Labour and PM Hipkins have going for them is Christopher Cuckon!


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