Enact a High Trust Model at Work and Income so communities can prepare for Cyclone Gabrielle – AAAP


Auckland Action Against Poverty is calling for a High Trust Model to be enacted at Work and Income offices where Cyclone Gabrielle is predicted to impact so that families and communities can prepare for what might lie ahead.


“Warnings to brace ourselves and prepare for Cyclone Gabrielle from local and central government agencies and the extension of the state of local emergency from Wayne Brown in Auckland means that we’re all on high alert” says Brooke Stanley Pao, coordinator for Auckland Action Against Poverty. For families who have already been impacted by the floods, and our families who are already struggling on low incomes (in low wage work, people studying, our elders, people with disabilities) means we want Work and Income to provide unconditional support through a High Trust Model to ensure they can prepare.


The prime minister has asked people and families to stock up for 3 days and also made comments for our communities to expect more of these types of events – many of the communities we love and serve simply don’t have the means to do that. Especially given the aftermath of the floods, and now the potential of this cyclone which we’re certain is putting already stretched communities under pressure.


We’re asking for a High Trust Model to be activated, the same one that was activated during Covid so that people and families can prepare for the Cyclone. That means people can call up and be granted food grants and hardship grants with ease so they’re not put under further stress as a short term response to what we’re seeing on the ground. If this is what we’re to expect more of in the future, we need to look at building secure (as in money) communities with Liveable Incomes and Universal Services for all.


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