MEDIAWATCH: Woke attack on Dr Bryce Edwards highlights dangers of activists alienating voters


The latest attacks on Dr Bryce Edwards by the woke highlights an important ideological fight occurring inside the NZ Left.

The Left have been over run with middle class woke Identitarians who see identity everywhere as opposed to class.

Many of the middle class woke Identitarians benefit from the neoliberal hegemony so they don’t want too much scrutiny on class.

Identity Politics is a far easier low hanging fruit to gorge upon.

The Outrage Olympics played out by virtue signalling woke lynch mobs is alienating as fuck and leads to Pure Temple politics over Broadchurch solidarity where exclusion is the new inclusion.

We are losing voters because the woke keep purging them for crimes against Identity Politics dogma.

Poor people are not sitting around the kitchen table debating who to cancel for misusing pronouns!

You can still not want to learn te reo and be a good person.

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Dr Bryce Edwards attempted to argue a class dimension to the Parliament Lawn protests, but acknowledging that means the woke have to front up to their own role in enflaming and alienating protestors they claim to care about.

The Wellington woke were frightened by the protests and got spooked and demanded the military beat the bejesus out of the Protestors. Remember, Clint Smith called on the Governor General to sack the Police Commissioner because Coster was refusing to set the dogs on the protestors.

Clint then demanded Jacinda create a new security council run directly by the PM to green light force used against any perceived threat.

The hop, skip and a jump from protestors to martial law was less than 72 hours!

Come on!

Calm the fuck down Clint.

For attempting to point out that Labour’s lack of transformative change has led to an angry mob being manipulated by far right fear grifters, woke activists contacted his University and attempted to have him sacked!

Bryce’s latest crime against the woke is pointing out how politically Chris Hipkins is consciously moving away from social justice to economic justice as Chippy sets a far less identity politics agenda (this is ironic because Carmel was selected because she ticked boxes).

There is a sudden realisation amongst the woke that they are losing ascendancy and that their rabid bullshit has finally forced the rest of the Left to step up and take the direction back because these puritans and their middle class virtue signalling is killing us here!

By being one of the first public academics to highlight this idealogical flashpoint in NZ, the woke need to relentlessly attack him personally so as to not engage with his actual arguments.

It will be a difficult election year for the woke as they are pushed from the debate for causing chaos with their cancellation and deplatforming purges.

Even they are appreciating how alienating they’ve become and that enrages them even more!

The woke will not voluntarily give away the sense of power they gained for the first time in their lives on Twitter, so expect a night of the long hashtags at some stage as they become less engaged with attempting to win debate and more focused on smothering voices they hate.

NZ Woke


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  1. Gawd strewth! When you delve into the likes of Clint Smith’s background [Before I did, I was asking myself – Who the Fuck is Clint Smith? ], you come to realise how the neoliberal/3rd way religion has infected our muddle class society and its economy. Not short of an over-exercised ego, comfy little lifestyle, shameless self-promotion, patronising I know best attitude, and no doubt a coterie of fawning fans. Look at moi, Look at moi! Today’s currency (until the shit really hits the fan)

  2. The actual political Left has not managed to expose “woke” demagogy for what it really is: a Wall Street funded, anti-socialist campaign of anti-scientific ideas, dressed up as “liberation”.

    In other words, Critical Social Justice has become a sophisticated propaganda campaign intended to destroy the Left.

    This only underlines the main problem: There isn’t a proper left-wing party “left” at all. They’ve either collapsed (the Alliance), or virtually all the left-wing people have been driven out by Blairite/Clintonite liberals (Labour, the Greens).

    So instead you have a situation where pro-war, Wall Street neoliberals are presented as “the Left” — a complete con, and of course it drives people away from real left-wing ideas.

    I keep reading articles claiming “Chippy” is from the right-faction of the party. Perhaps he will start claiming that the party is “too far left” — and go into full Tony Blair mode.

    • You’re right about the left.

      The left was cancelled in the English speaking world by the end of the Cold War and the move to the neo-liberal regime of the global market.

      What passes for the left (and its in both parties, more Labour than National) is merely resistance to libertarianism – collapse of 20th C public services/public provision, opposition to the establishment in the USA of an imperial Christian dominionism and security reich and placing some value on local and global environment before mammon.

      But why would Wall Street be promoting social progressive liberalism as a way to destroy a non existent left?

      Feminism questioned social and cultural patriarchy in the West over 200 years ago, for votes and then for empowerment. Capitalism does not see it as the threat that is all, social (and religious) conservatives do.

      Sure there are the woke/social progressive liberal and the non woke in Labour seeing each other as the agents of the neo-liberalism (society ordered around markets/capital) front within Labour. One because it takes away focus on the old order blokes dominance of what’s important – share of the economic pie to provide for family and the other because challenge to established privilege is not just economic, but to social and cultural hegemony.

      But its just two groups fighting over identity and marketing of (and to themselves) their party vs those in the other party. Tribalism.

      They have the RINO’s and the extremist – from the populists drawn to strong man to the Randians. Tribalism.

      • @SPC:
        The Left is certainly not non-existent. Wall Street felt very threatened by Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn — rather, the Left is mostly unorganised.

        The labour movement already was “socially progressive” and culturally transformative at all levels, and upon a scientific basis.

        The “woke” demagogy of the Poststructualists is the complete opposite: it is anti-scientific, promotes extreme individualism, and is incapable of producing a class analysis.

  3. LOL. Clint’s seat at the top table has been removed by the Chipster.

    Hipkins appears much smarter than his predecessor a couple of days in and would appear to be able to spot bullshit artists from a distance. Ardern never could and in fact was smitten by them.

    Bryce Edwards alt right bhahahahahahahahahahahaha

  4. Love how to the woke pointing out facts

    “Hipkins really presenting himself as non-woke in his first speech. Has cancelled the PM use of “Aotearoa” – has instead used “New Zealand” about ten times.”

    Bryce pointing out the facts, now makes him alt right to the king wokies.

    For the woke, truth is alt right – and more people have been forced to be labled as right just by being tired of the left held hostage by the woke, and tired of emperors new clothes woke facts aka pregnant person, chest feeding. Nevermind it is not possible for men to breast feed and give birth – in woke land everyone has to pretend it is and copious amount of resources that could be better spent in the health system are derailed into their fantasy land based on speech not actions.

  5. “Many of the middle class woke Identitarians benefit from the neoliberal hegemony so they don’t want too much scrutiny on class” – I’d bet that few under 40 even have any idea what the arguments around class are, so completely has the neoliberal “philosophy” taken over.

    • I’d agree anecdotally, having had many conversations with young politically minded LGBT. It’s a surprise how few have thought about this or have any working class friends.

      It’s telling to ask what’s causes more stress and anxiety. The idea of verbal/online abuse (which is not ok) or whether you can feed your kids, make the rent, pay bills next week?

      Yes it is not a zero sum game, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. However this helps to create a perspective that many seem to be missing.

  6. first define the term ‘woke’
    the nearest I can get is-
    I duzzna understand it so I dun loike it
    can anyone offer a better definition not some airy fairy rightwing snowflake vaguery but an actual working definition
    this is important because how can you be anti something you can’t actually define?

    • In case readers are wondering:

      ‘Woke’ is slang for the ideology of Poststructuralist Particularism. The academic movement promoting it is called Critical Social Justice.

      A short definition:

      Their beliefs are subjective idealist (i.e. reality consists of ideas, not physical matter), irrationalist (man is incapable of comprehending the world), relativist (there are no universal laws or truth), and social constructionist (the ideas of man entirely create reality; physical reality is constructed out of words).

    • Woke: Saying Aotearoa, failing to do anything for working class Maori.
      Woke: Supporting reservations on university faculties for people with some Maori ancestry, being OK with Labour failing to force unions on big employers of rural Maori.
      Woke: W**king on about co-governance, opposing Maori separatism.

    • ‘Woke’ IMO has a specific meaning in the contemporary context (the worldview of neomarxist ‘cultural’ conflict theory with postmodernist tools in a marriage of convenience with neo-liberal elitism), and is VERY distinct from genuinely progressive politics.

      Unfortunately for many opponents it has become ‘anything on the left I disagree with’.

      The backlash to woke excesses will likely throw the baby out with the bathwater, the bath and the rubber ducky making progressive politics unpalatable for a generation.

  7. Clint doesn’t give a f**k about Labour not having done ONE SINGLE THING for the working class in Ardern’s term.

    Daring to use the term ‘woke’ negatively though? That REALLY MATTERS to this cretin. Disgusting

  8. The left was cancelled in the English speaking world by the end of the Cold War and the move to the neo-liberal regime of the global market.

    What passes for the left (and its in both parties, more Labour than National) is merely resistance to libertarianism – collapse of 20th C public services/public provision, opposition to the establishment in the USA of an imperial Christian dominionism and security reich and placing some value on local and global environment before mammon.

    What this is about is the woke/social progressive liberal and the non woke in Labour seeing each other as the agents of the neo-liberalism (society ordered around markets/capital) front within Labour. One because it takes away focus on the old order blokes dominance of what’s important – share of the economic pie to provide for family and the other because challenge to established privilege is not just economic, but to social and cultural hegemony.

  9. I hope Bryce doesn’t get sent to Coventry and be asked to leave his job. Look what is happening to Jordan Peterson for speaking against woke. He has had his license to practice psychiatry revoked and has to do some brain training to get it back.


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