Jacinda’s Bombshell Resignation: Political Winners, Losers & Predictions


New Zealanders are such a pack of whinging arsehole infants who have gone bitterly Post Covid feral with their abuse SO MUCH SO that we burned out Jacinda’s kindness chip!

Who is such an arsehole that it could empty the tank of compassion that someone like Jacinda had?


We are such a vicious pack of arseholes and we broke a Prime Minister.

Fuck every single one of us!

Now the nightmare scenario of a far right ACT/National Government  confronts us all as we mourn the end of an incredible legacy in just 5 and a half years.

There are of course political winners and losers.


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The exploiters of migrant labour – They will be thrilled that an ACT/National Government will reopen the mass exploitation of our low wage economy.

The exploiters of mass immigration – They will be thrilled that an ACT/National Government will reopen the mass immigration scam.

The property speculators – They will be thrilled that an ACT/National Government will restart the property speculation bubble.

Greedy Scum Landlords – They will be thrilled that an ACT/National Government will empower them.

ACT/National Far Right Government – Their desire to plunge NZ into

ZB Troll Farm – Their desire to destroy her has succeeded. They will all be dancing on Jacinda’s grave at the Northern Club this weekend.

Qanon feral antivaxxers – They won, they burnt out and broke our Prime Minister with their feral hatred.

Conspiracy Theory Farmers – They will be dancing and making love to their tractors.

Chloe Swarbrick – Now is the best time for her to launch a serious attempt at winning the Green Leadership.



Civil Society – We broke our Prime Minister

The exhaustion increasingly etched on her face from dealing with the most challenging times outside war plus the toxic vilification of her has worn her down as we ride rudderless as a political movement on an ocean of anxiety.

We were lucky to have her, she brought out NZs best & sadly our worst.

The radioactive bile that has been vomited up on her has been a shameful low in public debate.


Women of NZ – Every woman I love and respect walked two inches taller because of her leadership. Jacinda redefined leadership in very female terms without losing any of the power. Kindness, empathy and compassion once seen as weak became powerful because of her.


Children in Poverty – Critics will point to the lack of progress on Child Poverty, but Jacinda’s inaction on that front spoke to the enormity of power the Self Serving Public Service have as opposed to her not caring.


The Environment – Jacinda tried and the corporate farmers and polluters said, ‘Fuck you’.


Māori – They never had a political supporter like Jacinda and probably never will again.


NZ First – Winston has less influence now Jacinda has left.



There were two Jacinda’s, the one who inspirationally shone during a crisis and the cautious incremental Jacinda that failed to deliver on policy because she wouldn’t torture the Wellington Bureaucrats into action.

Her lack of traction on the neoliberal hegemonic structural reforms made her lack transformative change, but when it mattered in the face of a once in a century pandemic, she led.

My understanding is the final nail in the coffin of Jacinda’s decision was the news that she couldn’t serve the Waitangi Day free breakfast for security concerns.

She saved us from a pandemic, we thanked her with vicious hate.

We will all be diminished as a people by her choosing to leave.

I think Chris Hipkins with Kiri as his Deputy is the likely Labour leadership.

Jacinda was the best chance of Labour winning, even when she was running on empty she could knock Chris Luxon out, her leaving wipes all previous predictions.

I think on reflection Kiwis will be actually horrified at how we destroyed and burnt out our Prime Minister so expect a sharp rebuke and political backlash of the forces that fed that political hate.

There were very legitimate reasons to disagree with the Prime Minister, this blog did so on many occasions, but there is a difference between reasonable difference and that hate speech she and her family have been buried under.

Civil Society is the loser this day.

We are all a lesser people this week.

What a terribly sad goodbye.


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    • T.M.N.F.W – I disagree with you on all counts. Jacinda will be missed by thousands in this country. She is greatly admired and respected on the international stage too. She has delivered so much – protection during COVID; lower than expected unemployment; a better than expected economy especially compared to other countries; much reform including dismantling things that do not work; and overall – a leadership style that has inspired so many, especially young people and women.

      Sure, there have been her detractors but I sense they have been and are the misogynists of this world who cannot stand a young woman being in charge and doing great things. One of the worst of this category is the troglodyte who said he despised Jacinda because she had protruding teeth – goodness me, if he has a wife and daughters I wonder how he treats them.

      Also, I agree there have been missteps over the last few years and the government has failed in a number of areas but it seems that everything that has gone wrong is blamed on Jacinda. Next she will be blamed for creating and spreading the COVID virus itself.

      Last word goes to the troglodyte – no doubt you are jumping up and down with glee at the news that Jacinda has resigned, but be careful what you wish for.

      • youngsuffrajet. She proposed censorship of free speech to the UNO. Proposed increasing the WHO’s powers to over-ride NZ Govt decisions in the event of pandemics, thus impinging our sovereignty.

          • All this vitriol, bigotry, and hypocrisy which underpins these displays of triumphalism/bravado, is already spreading like a toxic cloud over the country…. And now we see that it’s all based on gossip? Or was that just the excuse used? I never imagined that I would witness such open demonstrations of such crass stupidity in the country of my birth..
            My personal view of the current government is that it is a bit of a curates egg. I’ll let you geniuses figure that out.. Hardly surprising though when one considers the circumstances of their election win… Taking on an entrenched, and historically parsimonious public services, still staffed with people who would gladly accept monetary bonuses for withholding adequate assistance to the victims of circumstance, and the outgoing governments policies…. That,, is a decade long fight at the very least..
            What is important, is that the next 5 years will most likely define what New Zealand really is, as a society… This whole scenario has been developing ever since the great traitor Douglas unleashed Thatcherism back into NZ… Which is more a doctrine than an economic policy…
            And so New Zealand faces the stark choices gifted to it by the deliberate sabotage of anything that could counter their mantras.. like properly educated school leavers (national standards).. Properly, and comprehensively trained tradespeople(apprenticeship scheme abolished 1990’s), to name just two of the many impediments put in the way of kiwis ability to make rational, forward thinking decisions that aren’t based purely on self interest…
            Nearly all the kiwi I met in my travels around the world made me glad I was one… I know why they are there, and not here.. Look around you… Is turning Auckland into Hong Kong for beginners really the way forward? Really? At least give it some bloody thought before waving your willies at us…

    • Misogynist prick.
      Hope you are in onanistic Nirvana.
      Happy in your mum’s basement?

      • Michael, Michael, is your misogyny something your mother spawned, or is it to toe the Dirty Politics line?

  1. Hipkins? Remember when he was sent to attack David Cunliffe, when they decided he was too much like Jeremy Corbyn?

    Any Labour advisor who thinks that smarmy brat is a world leader is a political dill. Bob Hawke would crush that oversized schoolboy with his little finger.

    • I hope they ram through a hefty CGT and all kinds of legislation which impact the greed of the right. Especially the offshore investors. Unfortunately John Key will remain unscathed as usual… but the cocky little bottom feeding Luxon may topple.

      • All gone by lunchtime when National get voted back in again.
        Never seems to be legislation that sticks that deals to such issues, just temporary bandaids

    • Wouldn’t be the first time that they’ve implemented fundamental taxation & constitutional policy changes with no electoral mandate.

      Then we voters will just say Yeah, nah & elect NACT to undo it & LabourMaoriGreens can stay in opposition for a decade or 2

      • Please do hold your breath RobbieWgtn.
        Hold it until you have something to contribute that isn’t racist, or misogynistic.
        We all know you’re a paid shill, that gets payment per comment, no matter what drivel emanates.
        Saw your high priestess of dirty politics, Judith Collins on One News last night.
        Front and centre, watching Chris Luxon’s hollow platitudes about Jacinda Ardern.

    • ” If there’s a shred of the Left in Labour ”

      I would say there is not even a slither of discernible left in this LINO government.

      If Jacinda had a real left wing program in mind in 2017 , 2020 then her authority should of allowed her to pursue that with policy as PM.

      The fact that she failed to achieve anything on the many crisis’s the neo liberal economy has created shows that as PM the incumbent has no authority at all except to be a figure head who panders to the forces at work that will not allow a more regulated capitalism of centre left policy direction.

      Jacinda standing down has shown all of us that there is no prime minister , no matter how well intentioned or popular simply cannot deliver what they promise.

      No job is worth the constant threat to your life or your child’s and in the end we can all accept that as a perfect reason to say ..no more.

      The contest of ideas in New Zealand is dead and personality , woke drama and character assassination has taken its place.

      That is when you can pin point when our country really died.

  2. “….there is a difference between reasonable difference and that hate speech she and her family have been buried under”.

    Nailed it Martyn. And some of those hate-filled right wingers have the gall to call others “feral”.

    • Jase you don’t have to go far to see the right wing hatred in action, there are many on this so called left wing blog who personalize the hatred and misogyny against the PM. Clarke Gayford also has been in the firing line. A successful person in his own right has been vilified by all and sundry with rumors allowed by the social media giants. When did any PM partner have too get a court order from the police to protect the innocent. They live their lives unscathed of public opinion and smile happily in their happy “women’s weekly spreads” with not a vile rumor mill against themselves to worry about . This was long before covid. Also the main street media have a lot to answer for the likes of newshub, herald ( with their dodgy opinion pieces of disgruntled ex right wing politicians with their dodgy personal attacks) . Even Luxon allows these vile people on his social media page.

      • To make my point all the drivelers are dishing out their right wing drivel as we speak, that feral” save the rail” Prebble has an opinion piece in mother herald. One wonders what the drivelers will write about now that Jacinda has gone. Certainly not the saintly but thick as 2 short planks Luxon, for certain he’ll cop no flack, he’ll be shined and polished by the press to the election and beyond.


      • Thanks Queeny, well-said.

        I saw a New Zealand Jacinda-hater “Karen” we’ll call her, being interviewed on BBC News today saying “No-one in their right mind would vote for Jacinda!”

        How ironical that “Karen” was right, on both counts.

        • people have lost the distinction between private conversation say what you like, and a digital notice board(which even if restricted to nutters) is a public noticeboard….try pinning a ‘the boss is a wanker’ note on your works notice board…public and private IS a thing and keyboard warriors should be made aware of that fact.

          as a side bar have you noticed how right wing ‘aryans’ /’white supremacists’ all look like the particularly unfortunate results of a nazi genetic experiments….juzz sayin loike

  3. I’m so grateful to have had Jacinda as Prime Minister. It’s one of those things to be so bitter at the political game and then lose someone with so much still on the table.

    I am very hopeful that someone with in The Labour Party can grasp this opportunity to make the Labour party their own in a way that Jacinda couldn’t command the whole ship.

    Confronted with 3 waters and pregnant people on top of regular prime ministerial duties the full might and potential must be redeployed onto building the best party machine that The Labour Party can be in loving memory of Jacinda’s star power that will be missed.

    Just while you are going through your petty political machinations and calculations, don’t forget all those who Jacinda inspired, pregnant, stoic, kind.

    Don’t wast it.

  4. Chris and Kiri sound like a good team. So my guess is Labour will choose Michael and Megan.
    National will win. Working class people who think they are middle class will love their $8/ week tax cut. House prices will follow a natural cycle, bottom out and then increase and Luxon will claim responsibility. Act will shit all over the poor and vulnerable (bloody dole bludgers) and so on and so on…

    • Andrew and David are right.

      This is a great day for the National Party, ACT, and NZ First (if Winston is needed to form a majority coalition).
      Hope not though, we’d rather save the economy and reward hard-working Kiwis with targeted tax cuts and .

      These little ram-raiders too need sorting out too, with ankle-braceleted and their parents fined for neglect.

  5. Martin I share your thoughts, apart from Mike H you’ve dragged out the cockroaches, none of whom seem to have the ability to comprehend what you’re saying.

  6. oh right it’s time to sanctify another identikit neo lib do nothing, yes she did get vicious abuse but achived little….sorry facts are facts

    • but Gagarin, surely you would agree that there’s justified criticism for lack of achievement (& most left wingers here would express that disappointment for sure), and then there’s out and out gutter abuse of a fellow human being.
      I don’t know about you, but I’ve had the misfortune to read some pretty foul comments made about her.

      Good on Martyn for supporting free speech. He allows a lot of stuff through. But no doubt TDB mods have had to filter out the vicious crap that other sites don’t seem to.

  7. From wsws – they can’t help mention TDB in their NZ articles:
    ‘ In New Zealand, the Labour Party’s middle class liberal and pseudo-left supporters have been thrown into despair. The “left-wing” Daily Blog editor Martyn Bradbury called Ardern “one of the best leaders Labour has had” and declared: “This is a terrible blow to the Political Left. We will be in shock for some time.” ‘

  8. Screwed us on medicinal cannabis.
    Screwed us at the referendum.
    Did nothing about poverty.
    Alot of important issues they would announce they were having a meeting to discuss it months down the track.
    talked the talk, but couldnt walk the walk.
    Did more to help rich people.
    Forgot who their voter base is.
    Got what she deserved.


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