The Scumbag Landlords National and ACT will protect


Week after week after week after week we keep getting these stories about abusive Scumbag Landlords abusing tenants…

Landlord owing over $11,000 to tenants says she doesn’t need to know the law

A Christchurch landlord ignored insulation rules, failed to lodge the bond or instal smoke alarms – and for three years refused to give her tenants the code for the front door lock.

Robyn Moffitt, who manages multiple Christchurch tenancies, was last year ordered by the Tenancy Tribunal to pay her Linwood tenants more than $11,000 in compensation and damages.​ To date, they have received only $200.

Moffitt told Stuff just because she was a landlord did not mean she was obligated to know the rules.


These are the Scumbag Landlords that ACT and National intend to empower and protect ion they are elected this year!

National has pledged to appeal interest deductibility, bright line extension plus the healthy homes legislation while freezing State House builds!

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This will empower these Scumbag Landlords.

Every renter must know their rents will go up if National and ACT are elected as the Government and the imbalance of power between Landlord and Tenant will be constructed to benefit the Scumbag Landlords, not the tenants.

There are good decent landlords and we need to celebrate them, but the Scumbag Landlords are where the problems are.

Sadly Labour refuses to protect renters. Let’s hope the Greens and the Maori Party can.


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  1. Then here are those that get 30 years of free rent after selling their house, but still want more compensation! You can’t please some people! Funny the woke media headline was they were ‘kicked out’ implying the renters were the victims!

    Still no compulsory healthy homes for those in state housing and community housing who should have been first to get their houses ungraded!

    Anyway not sure that renters are better off these days with Labour and Green policy living in over crowded emergency accomodation with high needs people who they are in fear of, no tenancy tribunal which has been referred to the human rights commission and somebody (probably taxpaying workers) paying the huge rents to business owners!

    Council Rates up, insurance up, maintenance costs up, interest rates up. Not looking good for many.

  2. Is the Landlord “Citizen Sherriff” that doesn’t abide by NZ Laws?

    Similar to the Kaikoura Cafe Owner fined for not following food safety rules:

    There are proven close links between right-wing agents like Steve Bannon and his Trump puppet Republicans. No different here in NZ now – National, ACT. Agents of anti-Democracy are out in force in NZ too.

    The Nuremberg site here in NZ has Republican nutter equivalent in US with Soloman Pena’s targeting of rival Democrats.


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