How Jesus is going to make David Seymour the Finance Minister


Here’s the thing.

Chris Luxon is a prosperity theory evangelical Christian.

That means he sees his 7 properties as blessings from Jesus and proof positive Chris has Gods favour.

It’s like Brian Tamaki’s religious rort, but way whiter and richer.

If Chris Luxon becomes Prime Minister, it will be more evidence that this is Gods will, and if the only barrier to becoming Prime Minister is making David Seymour the Finance Minister and giving ACT everything they want, well who is Chris Luxon to deny Gods will?

If National and ACT are the Government in November, Jesus is going to make David Seymour the Finance Minister and Nicola Willis will be the sacrificial lamb.



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  1. Act will do well because neither the left nor the right have any coherent answers to the issues of today. They don’t have the answers more then the others, but at they are new, say the right things for a whole swath of the electorate that are neither represented by the traditional left or right, will pick up swing voters and those that might vote for them for shits n giggles.
    And fwiw, i would like to point out that Labour had a full majority at the last election and rather then use it to further their agenda they managed to piss of quite a few people, is seemingly governing for the few in expanse of he many, and is somewhat tone deaf to the unhappy noises of the masses.
    So really, no point shouting at us, its time for the supporters of Labour and the Greens to finally start shouting at their party/leadership and simply ask where the hell they are steering the country too and do you actually want to get elected?
    If Act wins big it is because Labour dropped the ball.

    • Sadly Labour isn’t listening to the majority and the Greens have lost their way, so ACT is what they’ll get for pushing such divisive politics. The push back at the next election will be brutal.

      • The widespread discontent needs to shift somewhere. There aren’t enough planes for everybody to simply leave the country.

        An Italian situation could be on the cards: when the institutions of organised labour are taken over and destroyed, there is no political alternative remaining other than right-wing populists.

        The problem for the libertarians is that they cannot simply be Trumpians — they want zero tariffs, so the big vote-winner of bringing back manufacturing (or promising so) is not an option.

        They also support mass immigration, which makes them look weak on border issues compared to the Trumpers.

        Their traditional anti-war position and support for expanded civil liberties is certainly popular, but the corporate political donors may squash this entirely.

        All that may be left over is a sort of George W. Bush style candidate: pro-war, pro-globalisation, pro-austerity, open borders, and just blames everything on some foreign country!

  2. I can’t see David Seymour as Minister of Finance and I can’t see Nicola Willis as a sacrificial lamb. Rather, I thought their plan was to do the whole gender equality thing and make Nicola the Minister of Finance, delegating another portfolio to David Seymour.

  3. Of course none of that is going to happen.
    Once the media start drilling down into the detail about what National and Act are going to do and how they will implement those vacant policies, most of the general population , ( obsequious Hosking sycophants and anti- vaccination nut jobs aside),the polls will change dramatically.
    I remember seeing Seymour interviewed by Simon Shepherd , (by far the best interviewer in the country), on The Nation during the Covid lockdown spouting forth his loopy ideas about throwing open the borders etc etc , but when all the proven counter arguments were reeled off, highlighting the thousands of deaths and chronic illness his policies would create he had no answer .Just a goofy laugh and muttered something about being taken out of context.

    The same thing will happen come election time. Seymour and Luxon . Tweedle dweeb and tweedle dumb!!

    • “Once the media start drilling down into the detail about what National and Act are going to do and how they will implement those vacant policies” …… Oh how you have such misplaced faith in ‘the media’. Wake up!!

    • Political Parties don’t win elections, the incumbent loses them.

      You have to admit that this govt is supposedly the most left wing govt since Muldoon (yes you read that right).

      Let’s see – a Labour majority with a leader who is the former international president of the socialist youth with support from a Green party, who do not hide their Marxist leanings. How more left wing can you get?

      Sorry guys, this govt will go down as leftist as NZ will become in modern times. Yet with all the power their only goal it seems has been to null free speech, create a seperate society and hold on to power for their elites (ie themselves)

      Don’t be surprised if the next govt goes hard right (for New Zealand). It’s Labours policies that have given Act their policy points. Don’t blame Act, blame Jacinda and her cronies.

      • We’ve already had a taste of Nact government, no thanks. As we have found out the damage left behind is irreparable. Don’t blame Jacinda, blame Nact.

    • Oh once the voters realize,,,

      What crap. What the voters realize is this govt, filled with ideologies such as CRT and gender ideology have focussed on identity politics created great division (by amongst other things smearing the anti vaxers) and have spent up large on projects that have come to nought.
      As a former party member, I will take my chances with National and Act

  4. Willis, with her Bachelors degree in English Literature, was never going to be Finance Minister.
    Everyone but her knows this.
    Instead, we’ll get Rimmer’s version of Milton Friedman unexpurgated.
    The EXACT OPPOSITE of what New Zealanders need.

    • I am often amazed how someone who is obviously not involved in the Naional Party can say they know how they are going to run things once in power. Martyn is believable as I am sure he has contacts that feed him information and then it is up to him write a piece that is slanted in the way he wants you to think.

      • Everyone writes the way they want people to think Trev. Just look at BG above. He uses language like ” sorry guys but” as if he’s right and everyone else is wrong.
        It’s an opinion without fact and it’s tedious, boring and only his right wing slant on life.

  5. Let’s hope all the consultants are looking g for jobs after the gravy train which is run by this Labour government is turned around after November .

    • Trevor are you under the impression consultants were not used when National were in power? Sure more have been used under this mob but you are dreaming if you think that will all go away

      • I am sure they will use consultants but are you aware that Labour changed the rules when they got into power to not need a report on how well the information provided was in actually getting a good outcome . The Wellington airport crossing is a case in point $2 .5 million total cost $500,000 of that was consultants fee.

  6. Without Catholic schools the education system in this country is rock bottom. They are the only decent schools in t entire country. Seymour would be better than Grant. I don’t think he would be as mean as you think

  7. Steven Fry, a devout atheist once said ” I don’t believe in a God, but if I’m wrong and I do get to meet Him I’m going to ask : ” Bone cancer in children. What’s that about? ”
    I think luxon and seymour are dull minded. They are just plain, old fashioned dumb. They’re cunning, sure, but that doesn’t make them intelligent. It does make them dangerous though because while being dumb they have no idea just how dangerous they’ll be once they start doing what they’ll certainly be doing if elected.
    Labour are in a dreadful position. They can’t tell the truth and they can’t keep lying. The truth is roger fucked Labour during roger fucking everything else. but what can Adern’s Labour to about that? To suddenly release all to the media? That’d create social and financial mayhem. We’d suddenly and immediately realise that we were far better off than we’d been lead to believe and we’d want to know where the fuck our money was/is.
    “We, as a country, were wealthy and now we’re not, so where the fuck’s the money” would be a difficult and complex question to answer, even if one were to lie, which our politicians do more reliably than night follows day. AO/NZ’s biggest problem has always been that we were far too beautiful, wealthy and gloriously fortunate to be left alone without a gun and a guard dog lest the vermin slither in, which they did, and so here we are.

  8. Remember the 1990s, with Mister Peter’s as Treasurer, and some non-entity as MoF?

    Could we see this again with Seymour & Willis?

    • Some non entity was Sir William Birch, who during the Bolger government had the reputation of being the Minister of Everything. All governments need someone like that. For the Clark government, sir Michael Cullen. For the Key government, Steven Joyce. For the current government, Chris Hopkins.

  9. Nicola Willis will be Minister of Finance because essentially, it’s a backroom job. David Seymour has far more important work to do.
    Maybe he’ll be called the “Minister of Shutting down pointless Ministries” 🙂

    • More like the “Minister for shut the fuck up”
      The guy is Rimmer, he’s a drone, never achieved anything in nine years and by far more work, you mean, not real work like the rest of us.

  10. More hysteria about Humpty Dumpty’s “religion”.

    Tell me Martyn, when Luxon was CEO of Air NZ, how much influence did his “religion” have on the airline’s policy? And which way did Luxon vote on the so-called “conversion practices” bill last year?

    Luxon is a woke-corporate windsock who’s afraid of conflict and doesn’t want to offend anyone. If the Nats get an outright majority, there will be no major changes to the country’s present settings – unfortunately.


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