The Speech Jacinda needs to give at Waitangi Day 2023


Race relations are difficult in this country.

We have an entire generation of Pakeha Baby Boomers who grew up being taught NZ had the greatest race relations in the world and learning the truth that our colonial Government immediately abused the values of the Treaty of Waitangi and ended up taking 90% of Māori land in less than a century doesn’t sit well alongside our preconceived notions of egalitarianism…

Waitangi Tribunal report finds Crown breached treaty principles, should return all Crown-owned land in northern district to Māori

A major Waitangi Tribunal report has found the Crown’s interactions with Māori between 1840 and 1900 breached the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and caused “severe and lasting prejudice”.

…When Elizabeth Rata coined the phrase ‘Ethno-Nationalist State‘ to describe attempts to share power with Māori as promised by the Treaty, every right winger wanting to be racist found glee in the shielding of their bigotry by the pretence of intellectualism.

What is most hilarious about Rata’s claims of Ethno-Nationalist State is that she is 100% right, it’s just that she’s right in a way she doesn’t want to admit to, which is NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, it’s just a White Ethno-Nationalist State.

Our systems of power and control are all white, our dominant culture is white, our benefitting from colonialism is white, our purposeful laws aimed at taking more Māori land were white, our confiscations are white, our dominant narrative is white.

So sure, NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, but for white people.

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Any attempt to rebalance the damage caused by taking 90% of Māori land in less than a century and any attempt to live up to the promise of the Treaty must be denigrated and appallingly decried as apartheid.

The two pillars of the economic success story that is NZ, is in stealing Māori land and never ever paying the full cost of that confiscation back.


We are a shallow juvenile settler country with all the  cultural maturity of a can of day old coke, we are a low horizon people who lash out at others who see stars. Our imaginations are glued to cow udders, rugby and cars. To attempt a debate about identity when so many micro aggression trigger snowflakes are screaming is a feat beneath our collective dignity.

Co-Governance is the EXACT model that National and ACT developed, to now decry it because post covid stress has exacerbated economic anxieties isn’t leadership, it’s gutless capitulation to the lesser angels of our nature. What I find most hilarious is those screaming that Māori are taking over can’t name 3 councillors on their own local council.

3 Waters was an attempt to serve two maters, the Waitangi Tribunal ruling into water ownership triggered by Key selling 49% of the hydro assetsand the need to find a way for Local Councils to fund water infrastructure. The way it has been manufactured into a racial smear on Nanaia Mahuta and her family DESPITE DECLARING ALL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST is proof positive that the angry and confused trump any attempt at rational debate.

What its most egregious is how these small attempts at creating basic consultation between the dominant culture and the indigenous culture they signed a Treaty with is now portrayed as a giant attack on the values of Democracy!

We are too brittle a people for the challenges in front of us.

The issue of 27 000 on emergency housing wait lists, 200 000 kids in poverty and a million being spent daily to kettle beneficiaries into unsafe motels are still here begging to be solved. Our inequality, our damaging mental illness crisis, the underfunded health system and education systems  – all these things are demanding attention from Labour and if the price to advance those is to cut off 3 Waters and co-governance progress, then cut them off!

A National ACT Government will be the most extreme right wing Government this country has seen since Roger Douglas, Labour can not afford to lose if those policy platforms have become welded to a toxic race debate that the Ethno-Nationalist Right are winning.

To this end, the Labour Government have already singled they are pulling back on co-governance…

Co-governance plan kicked down the road to 2024

The Government has slammed the election-year brakes on New Zealand’s plan for upholding the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

…this immediately provoked a sharp rebuke from the woke who clearly want Labour to lose the next election…

Dozens of groups urge govt to pick up pace on co-governance

More than 60 organisations have signed an open letter calling on the government to honour the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

It comes after Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson earlier this month said the government’s co-governance work might be put on hold.

…the middle class activist woke’s desire to put ideology before material well being is a recipe for disaster and we are seeing this mentality soak into almost all Left wing decisions so far.

When you go to the Emergency Department you don’t give a flying fuck that the back room is centralised or run by Māori, all you care about is you will be seen quickly, you will be safe and you will ultimately be healed!

Attempting to redesign power dynamics on how resources are shared at a time of economic anxiety and fragility is a stupid concept that will only reap electoral scorn.

Part of the problem here is Labour’s refusal to front foot the issue which has allowed a vacuum that the Right have exploited.

As  Audrey Young pointed out this year, the only one attempting to debate and defend co-governance was Willie Jackson, the rest of Labour are too frightened to enter the debate because they don’t know how to balance the nationalistic desires of activist Māori who want a seperate Parliament and poor white people whose economic desperation sees everything they don’t get as separatism.

We constantly forget that there are numerically more white children in poverty than Māori, and we need far more universalism to bring everyone own board or these political attempts get hijacked by the Right as the end of Western Civilisation.

Jacinda MUST use Waitangi Day to put forward her actual vision and clearly define what co-governance is.

If she can’t draw a line under this on Waitangi Day, the Right will continue to dog whistle race baiting around the issue.

Jim Bolger has called for Jacinda to define what co-governance is to avoid this very threat.

I believe Jacinda must pivot from co-governance to co-operation.

We are one big family here, we do need a collectivist drive towards community values and I personally fear nothing from Māori having a strong identity with their own worldview, we must focus less on the injustices of the past and focus directly on the ongoing injustices here!

We need universal services that are fully subsidised that brings everyone along without generating resentment.

  • GST off food.
  • Free public transport.
  • Free breakfast and lunch in every school.
  • Free dental.

These ideas do more to counter the ongoing poverty and impacts of colonialism than giving Iwi more voting powers than white people.

We need to work together to overcome the challenges of the past, but that requires the courage to actually tax the wealthy more and redistribute that money.

If Jacinda can not clearly articulate a vision for moving co-governance forward and pivoting it to co-operation she will lose the middle and ACT/National will win.


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  1. Just out of interest, can anyone name a treaty between a European colonizing power and an indigenous population, that wasn’t broken within the first 10 years after signing and is still relevant today?

      • So I guess you can’t think of any actual examples of still valid treaties then? Thanks for clearing that up.

        • I doubt there are any treaties between any powers or groups at all anywhere, that are still adhered to after 180 years.

          How long was Hong Kong China Britain treaty? Pretty long and was honoured until the expiry date…

          WWII messed up, and created a few treaties.

          Mexico? That Texas, California Arizona etc was taken by force wasn’t it?
          The Louisianna Purchase was an outright deal not a treaty…

          History question.

          Aotearoa wins?

          • As far as I know, New Zealand is fairly unique in that not only is the Treaty of Waitangi still viewed as relevant to our modern society, which is significantly different from the time the Treaty was negotiated, it has been elevated to almost the status of a founding document and is still honored (to varying degrees) today.

            Most similar treaties were often used as subterfuge, allowing time for settlers to strengthen their positions and were often discarded or heavily modified, when the land/resources were later deemed valuable.

            “I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”

        • dick – act of union (though that’s looking shakey–ta brexshiteers) the EU treaty…
          but of course the EU are adults

          • Did you get some crack for Christmas? How is the EU/Brexit even relevant to treaties with colonized indigenous people? Unless you were referring to fair, ethical & moral way most of the EU nations treated those they colonized? Belgium was I believe, such a superb example, especially if you hold mass slaughter in such high regard (which you obviously do given your support for the “noble” acts committed by the Soviet Union).

    • Yes good point.

      Maybe 180 years ago the equivelant would be us signing an agreement with spaceship landing aliens with super Dr who star wars tech?

      I didn’t sign it. I don’t know anyone who did sign it. I don’t think I know anyone who is related to anyone who signed it.

      Maybe treaties reach a stage when they are no longer relevant?

      • ahhh richard ‘dick’ stroker…you clearly know nothing about me or my posts as you sit there in your semen and pizza stained swastika boxers as you strum to pictures of himmler—see it’s not that difficult if you wanna go there…though I do enjoy the rightard futile twisting when caught in a lie.

        For your information as well as being an HSU Gagarin was the 1st human in space and his flight took place around my yeah…kruschev era so nowt to do with stalin

        • OK Boomer, you’re so cute when you’re angry. But you’re not a successful Boomer though are you? Life hasn’t given you the gifts that many so called Boomers take for granted. Sad. Never mind, the Left will look after you, er well they would unless you’re pale, male & stale? Oh, right you are, aren’t you?

          Oh well, happy new year. It’s going to be a good one as the Apocalypse gathers speed. What will it bring? Nuclear war? Earthquake in Wellington? Volcanic eruption in Taupo? ACT/ National government? Storms, floods & fires? Peace & prosperity for everyone? Well maybe not the latter. Take care, stay safe and enjoy the end of days.

          • not quite a boomer but nearly but with plenty enough gifts Dick, one being the inate ability to rip the shit right out of knobheads… you now know sonny

            • “The generation is often defined as people born from 1946 to 1964, during the mid-20th century baby boom.”

              As you were born in 1961, that puts you clearly in the Boomer age rage. As to the other thing, I doubt you could rip a wet paper bag, you’re all “sound and fury, signifying nothing”, as Shakespeare put it.


        • Oh, and I try to avoid pizza boxes, as they may have unintended consequences. I did however enjoy a delicious breakfast of homemade waffles, homegrown berries and organic maple syrup with freshly made coffee, in bed with my wife, while we listened to the birdsong that fills our neighborhood, and gazed at the parkland and greenery that makes our home such a pleasant place to live, with not a single swastika in sight. How was your morning?

          • oh how idylic…good for you but being a right wing hippy is still being right wing…..and your swastika is probably as prominant as my picture of stalin ie-non existant…I was just showing a child if you sling shit you’re gonna get shit slung at you….
            now jog on…

            • Is the Green Party right-wing? That’s who I have always voted for (plus the Labour candidate, otherwise the split vote goes straight to National).

              Next election though, firearms issues will be the single determining factor on who I vote for, since the current bunch of clowns seem determined to wipe out (or price out) any right to legally own firearms.

    • And again.
      National-Act-Labour-Green-NZFirst-Maori Party = enduring neocon neoliberals therefore a big double meh.
      People? Yes, you. Our politics is a charade. A con. Our politicians are a gaggle of people playing games with us and umpired by non elected yet immensely influential rich cunts and by that I mean they get our money and we get fucked. Some of those aforementioned rich cunts are, in fact, so emboldened by their arrogance they skite about how they did that. I remember seeing that old hen faced micky fay jabber on about a stupid boat race. Creepy fucking kiddy fetishist brierly and self confessed money sniffer graham hart.
      People? Yes, you again. you’re actually and literally the politicians. Our politicians are merely management. It’d be advisable to remember that.
      Who is it that seems to think it’s ok for four foreign owned banks to steal billions of dollars out of our economy in net profits while having nine multi billionaires flouncing about with their dicks out while we have poverty, homelessness, chronic anxiety, lengthening hospital waiting times and artificially unaffordable basic housing. And let’s not forget the infrastructure the neoliberals stole from us then on-sold. Passenger rail, various government agencies including our banks and farms to foreigners.
      We let politicians do that to us. If we’d kicked up a stink they wouldn’t have been able to.
      The narrative is deliberately skewed to distance us from our politics and our responsibilities to maintain that same politic and demands that we simply work harder, nothing to see here. Well, this Public Political says FUCK THAT! and so should you.

  2. Personally I’m over politicians whose reason for being is race, their race. I cannot think of a positive example of this ever working out. Ever!

    And I’m over Maori being portrayed as ignorant backward imbeciles who need their hands held and their noses wiped according to their “representatives”. What an insult. The vast majority do fine, contribute positively and just get on with life like the rest of us without with the sniping and whining and shit stirring like some of their so called political leaders do.

    Like the rest of us mere mortals, life has it’s ups and downs and it’s tough at times. Few of us want nothing more than this just pull ahead in one direction and get on with it. But clearly there are a noisy few who don’t. It’s not about “boomers” or “Pakeha” being the usual whipping boys, being the evil here, they don’t have the time or the inclination to be that evil but that bullshit certainly helps the victim narrative and every culture has it’s problems.

    The never ending ratcheting up demands from the victim industry is a beast that cannot be sated and after 5 plus decades of it, the vast majority of us are over it. I see the Waitangi Tribunal has ruled that Northland Crown land must be returned, etc, etc, but don’t be fooled that that is an end to it because it ain’t. I see what Bolger means.

    By kicking co-governance down the road to 2024 rather than either committing or ruling it out and after 3 then 5 Waters, Labour have cemented the chances of being reelected to zero. Even a biblical miracle won’t save them with that spectre hanging over voters.

    • FFS Xray are you really that dumb?

      There has never been a settlement with the predominate iwi in Northland. This is not 5 plus decades you numb nuts, its over 160 years.

      Oh and wait the land was stolen, it’s how and why most indigenous people around the world live on or below the poverty line.

      Land is power, or does your limp dick racism making you blind to that also.

      But sure protect the greedy and blame the poor once again.

      You really are just a one trick pony.

        • He’s a publicist for the co-governace movement, and yet another reason why we’ll have a ACT/National government next year.

      • What the actual fuck are you on about? And while we are playing the race card, real early to shut down the debate, what is this subject about? Race, you tool! It’s never ending in this country.

      • Quiz question :
        What is the biggest business in the South Island
        Which organisation is the biggest landlord in the South Island and owns the most rental properties?
        The same group own the most land in the South Island.

        Who are they?

        Now look down the same size of group in the North Island.

        NZ Government not included.

        • Ngai Tahu does not have much land at all and I am ‘forgive me’ assuming this is what Alan M is driving on about.

          I think he needs to do a bit more homework.

          The facts are that the Yanks, Asians, Australian and Canadian companies own significant parts of the South Island. Way more than Ngai Tahu.

          Bloody foolish to flog our country off to other countries.

  3. Yes to integrationism and working class internationalism, and no to racialist chauvinism!

    The corporate donors and their lobbyists had a problem: rising strikes, a rejection of neoliberalism by angry workers, and strong anti-war sentiment.

    The Clintonite solution was to divide the working class by reviving racialist politics. Wall Street has spread this poison far beyond the Democratic Party.

    The inequality of the races must be solved by a return to integrationist policies: desegregationist housing projects, slum clearance, reversal of all state housing privatisations. Reinstate the Full Employment Policy, import substitution, free tertiary education, and zero-fee medicine.

    Resume elections to the Upper House, with the seats named after the native tribes. Abolish the Maori roll and seats.

    Each native tribe should be assigned to an existing province, with each province receiving an equal number of seats in the Upper House. The provinces may lobby Parliament for greater delegation of powers.

    Outlaw the appointment of any official based on race or native tribe. Ban segregated facilities, organisations and government agencies.

    Permanently conclude Native land settlements. Land to the tiller, regardless of race. Any funds for separatist government programmes to be diverted to historic building protection, and the promotion of the arts of the native tribes.

    Native tribal nobility should be granted local titles of nobility and related rights, until such time as the British Empire abolishes the gentry and peerages.

  4. Hey Martin, every time a Maori leader speaks and uses the term ‘our people’.
    Eg ‘this will benefit / improve conditions for our people’.
    There are many examples going back decades.

    Is that inclusive, or exclusive language?

    Does include my non-maori freinds, neices or nephews, or exclude them?

  5. “taking 90% of Māori land in less than a century”

    Does this figure mean 10% of land remains in Maori hands?

    Was 90% of land “taken” from Maori or was it sold, freely sold, sold by chiefs, sold by iwi, sold by individual Maori, sold by multiple Maori, sold by Maori with no claim to that land, sold twice, coercively purchased, compulsorily purchased, confiscated, freely given to pakeha friends, freely given for schools, given under duress, given for protection as national parks, taken for public and military works, simply claimed by the crown. No doubt there was duplicity and great unfairness but it seems a stretch to say 90% of Maori land was “taken” as if Maori had no agency whatsoever.

    • Not to lesson the impact of land confiscations but I always wonder the same thing when I hear that figure quoted as well.

    • “Preemption” caused confusion and colonial hacks acted as unauthorised agents for the Crown in trading land for profit that they had no authority to do so. Usually surveys come agents and then self appointed land agent who supposedly had the authority from Maori Land owners to act on their behalf in Land Court(s) throughout the country. = Scammers.

  6. Problem for Ardern, Labour, Labour’s Maori Caucus, The Maori Party, Maori Leaders, National or Act, etc. cannot define what co-governace actually entails and that is the reason it has been kicked down the road.

    Ardern cannot make a speech defining the indefinable.

    Perhaps the biggest barrier is that there is no longer a purely defined Maori and Pakeha populace.

    We have a melting pot of brown tinted people who have a genetic make up from every race under the sun. No longer is it Maori versus Pakeha boomers. The New Zealand people have moved on from your simplistic race divided narrative.

    Many New Zealanders are “born of this land” and my grand and great grand children are various shades of brown due to Maori, Indian, Vietnamese, Chinese, African and European genetic influences.

    This racial genetic divide is a falsehood being engendered to divide New Zealander’s. Certainly not going to unite them as Aotearoan’s.

    In my time left I wont see an Aotearoa emerge where (to quote Martin Luther King)

    “”I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.””

    Because even today that world famous and ideological pure statement is being debased for racial purposes by his own children.

    Seems like we simply cannot agree to be one people and as such there will never be co-governace or a vestige of what that entails. For co-governance must ensure it’s eventual own demise as the racial melting pot simmers to a buff coloured consistency.

    Will we ever achieve a colour blind society?

    • The divide is not so much between New Zealanders of Maori descent and New Zealanders not of Maori descent.

      Instead the divide between Iwi/hapu leaders (who aren’t necessarily in lockstep agreement) and the political leadership elected by all New Zealanders through a democratic processes – i.e. councillors and MPs.

      One way to look at it is heredity and mana, verses a democratic mandate.

  7. so ada I should get an extra vote because of my heritage and the cultural baggage that entails???

    ps ‘hereditary’ shit is exactly the bullshit the royal family rests on…all it gets you is weak chins, hereditary baldness and dumbo ears…no one has status as a result of which womb they slid out of in my book…
    when I got my 1st job here I worked with a few maori I was asking about moko(typically ignorant but hey you don’t ask you don’t find out) one day and he said ‘I’m the son of a chief so entitled to have it but I haven’t EARNED it yet….now that impressed my way more than any amount of moko for decoration.

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