The Daily Blog Open Mic – 5th December 2022

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Well there’s an hour I won’t get back!
    Watching the gorgeous movers and shakers, influencers, fashionistas et al on Newshub Nation. I feel utterly inadequate.
    I’ll take heart though seeing Toby. He looked like the greaser I imagined him to be. There’s hope for me yet

  2. Don’t be down even temporarily OwT. You are trying to Make NZ Great Again, and that is a powerful call sign. Have a Merry Christmas and get recharged.

    • Fear not @ Grey. The human form is not meant to be ecstatic 24/7. That’s why we were given a range of emotions. I’m never down for more than 5 minutes. I can’t take myself seriously enough and I’ve learned I can’t ever be the perfect specimen.
      It’s a shame so many others take themselves so bloody seriously (like all those gorgeous creatures on this morning’s Newshub Nation Xmas bash)

      • You sound like the very perfect example of a human then OwT. It all goes to show… And so it goes (Vonnegut).

      • I just found out I’m a year younger than I thought I was. Somehow I lost count along the way, no doubt a result of rounding up at some point. Apparently it’s not uncommon. Best laugh I’ve had for a while and have been sharing the giggle with everyone, Just for fun 🙂

        • Being 65 and able to retire can be like heaven and if mstaken and only 64 one might sing wistfully the Beatles song – Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When I’m 64.

  3. 3Waters+2Waters is a $485B+ “FIRESALE!”
    It’s a $485b+(est. cost to fix it) firesale of water services with 35 year contracts. Everything else being said is misdirection, suckers!

    Whoever controls the infrastructure controls the $$!

    Here is the architect, designer of the legislation for all of this.

    Paul Beverley, of Buddle Findlay, specialises in the RMA, co-governance design in Treaty settlement processes, and advising local authorities on Treaty and Māori law issues. According to the Buddle Findlay website, he has extensive experience collaborating and negotiating with Māori and advising on Māori law issues. His particular specialty is designing and negotiating co-governance, co-management and relationship frameworks between the Crown, local government and Māori.

    Anne Gibson, Property Editor of the New Zealand Herald, in an article on Beverley published 13 May 2017, “….in the past few years, the refrain sounding loudest in his life is redress for tangata whenua. That means addressing the wrongs of the past, helping Maori groups negotiate, then draft Treaty of Waitangi deeds of settlement as one of the Crown team representing the Justice Ministry’s Office of Treaty Settlements”.

    Further insight into the views of Beverley can be found in his involvement as a participant in the Constitutional and Legal experts’ hui held by the government to discuss Crown-Maori Relations (20 March 2018). Notes produced by the participants include the following points:

    There is a need to move beyond a consultation mind set to real partnership and engagement.
    The Treaty is clear that there are two peoples in a partnership, with roles and responsibilities.
    A concrete agenda/work programme should include the following: constitutional position of the Treaty; local government status; capacity and capability building – central and local government; institutional/systemic discrimination; water; shared outcomes; putting partnership into practice (e.g., the Department of Conservation has some useful approaches – local level solutions in particular).
    Māori representation on local authorities – if moving towards Māori wards then other changes also need to be put in place to support them and for substantive long-term change and community understanding. They will fail to make effective change on their own.
    A clear conceptual framework over the top is required, that defines local government in NZ and its roles and responsibilities in the Treaty/Māori space.

    The Government needs a plan to educate communities, including exemplars of how people are positively relating, how the Crown and Māori are relating, the benefits for communities and the nation, and that it is not racist for the government to prioritise results for Māori.
    Proprietary rights need to be defined with reference to two systems of law. There is a need to understand tikanga as law, rights and constitutionally.

    Undertake a stocktake by running a Treaty ruler over legislation, regulation and policies.
    Decolonisation required to allow a Māori lens to become first nature for government.

    And again, for clues as to what Beverley thinks, see his paper entitled ‘A stronger voice for Māori in natural resource governance and management’, which he presented to the NZ Planning Institute conference 2015 – ‘Back to the Future’.

    Paul Beverley claims that Māori have a deep and innate relationship with natural resources, saying that significant advances are being made to enable the expression of this relationship. In his paper he focussed on one of these advances – the arrangements delivered through Treaty of Waitangi settlements, giving the following four examples of Treaty settlement arrangements:

    the tūpuna maunga arrangements in the Tāmaki Collective settlement;
    the Waikato River settlement;
    the Tūhoe – Te Urewera settlement; and
    the Whanganui River settlement.
    Paul Beverley acted for Auckland Council in the negotiations leading to the new Tupuna Maunga Authority. According to Beverley the Tāmaki Collective settlement reflects a significant reconnection between the Iwi of the Tāmaki Collective and their tūpuna maunga, which includes a detailed set of arrangements that provide a prominent voice for those Iwi in the future governance and management of, and planning for, those tūpuna maunga. Beverley was quoted in the NZ Herald 13 May 2017, saying:

    “Those maunga are the embodiment of the iwi ancestors so the law now recognises that through the vesting of those volcanic cones back in the iwi, and the Tupuna Maunga (co-governance) Authority. It’s a really important point in the journey.”

    Paul Beverley acted for the Crown on the Waikato River claim, which resulted in the Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Claims (Waikato River) Settlement Act 2010 and other legislation, recognising the river as a tupuna or ancestor with mana, and in turn representing the mauri or life force of the tribe. The Waikato River arrangements provide for the establishment of the Waikato River Authority, a co-governance authority comprising five members appointed by the river iwi and five members appointed by the Crown/local authorities. The Waikato River Authority is responsible for the vision and strategy for the Waikato River. The Vision and Strategy is a planning document with very powerful effect, in fact it is incorporated directly into the Waikato regional policy statement, and it overrides an RMA national policy statement in the event of conflict. Decision-makers under a wide range of legislation are required to consider and give legal effect to the vision and strategy.

    Beverley is also active in spreading the co-governance net wider.

    He is one of the three authors of the Hauraki Gulf Forum Governance Review and Recommendations, presented to the HGF June 2016, which recommended the 50/50 co-governance model, with greater powers.

    He was also, from 2015, the ‘Independent’ Chair of the Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari (Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan) stakeholder working group. The Sea Change Plan also strongly pushes the ‘co-governance with iwi’ arrangement.

    Maori settlement lawyer Paul Beverley ….
    Beverley was in bands, singing and playing bass, guitar and saxophone. He and Wallace Chapman, now an RNZ National broadcaster, formed the band Soulminers, writing half their material, performing soul, jazz and funk and touring New Zealand.

    “My parents were migrants from South Africa who settled in Blenheim and my father was a professional musician, a jazz drummer, so there was always music in the house.”

    Paul Beverley’s father would have been Sandy Beverley, who was brought out from South Africa around 1963 to become Blenheim’s first-ever Public Relations Officer. In those days that was a pretty unusual appointment.

    So go and knock yourselves out.

    • Where would we get this info without you Denny. South African – it is interesting how we seem to be the new land for the beleaguered from there. And some good and some not so good and some bad, with their own twists of mind to add to those peculiar to us. But quite fast on their feet is the impression I get from what I learn.

      • And the person who has managed to understand all this work of Beverleys is Paul Majurey who has used much of this process and legislation for manipulating treaty settlements to favour himself.
        His ability to maximise this knowledge is reflected in his positions he holds at Auckland council as the chairman of eke Panuku who is under investigation by PwC by the council for all of his interests of conflict.

        Also his other gigs as chairman of the TMA, Tupuna Maunga Authority
        The Tamaki Makaurau Collective
        The Hauraki Gulf Forum
        and 3 Treaty major Treaty Settlements as self appointed negotiator for 12 iwi;
        Pare Hauraki Treaty Settlement(On Hold! Hehehe!)
        The Marutuahu Treaty Settlement(On Hold Hehehe!)

        And this is aside from his other side hustles in Development and in Finance, Investment & Property Developments with Ockham Ltd, 27+ other businesses.

        All of this while hes the chair of Panuku who’s primary role is to ‘manage & sell, purchase’ property for Auckland Council. And also his law company to, Adkin, Holmes & Majurey.

        Wayne Brown is dragging his knuckles with the PwC report that was due in October!

    • Ae Leftorium!

      So Wayne Brown wants to cash up $2b or 18% of Auckland ratepayers share of Auckland Airport to go on a spending spree!
      Selling at the bottom of the cycle when the immigration changes and the tourism handbrake effects havent kicked in yet tells me that this is a mistake.
      Share are at $8(ish) today and pre covid were at $10(ish).

      There is a bounce coming so we should hold on a bit to realise that gain and then sell if the GB agree.
      Lowballing the sale of shares will only benefit those with money to burn.

      Will he do a John Key and finance the sale of the shares as he did with the sale of 49% of NZ’s power generators? Free loans and you can take a dividend without having to pay down any of the loan!

      I smell a rat!

      Jeeez Wayne!

      • Whereas he could carve up some … “Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown wants to sell the council’s $2 billion stake in Auckland International Airport to cut interest costs by $88 million per year and try to fill a $295 million budget ‘black hole’.

        But he is ignoring the annual losses of over $160m a year to run the council’s 13 golf courses, which have a combined value of well over $2.9b. He also has made no case for emergency asset sales to deal with some sort of fiscal ‘crisis’, given Auckland Council’s blue-chip-level AA credit rating is stable and its interest costs are forecast by Standard and Poor’s to be around 10% of revenues for the next three years.” – Bernard Hickey.

        He could also cancel the 100 year contract with the 800 members of Remuera Golf Club who get their membership fees paid for by Aucklands ratepayers at $12k per head!

        So it looks like to me he doesnt want to change anything ‘structural’. All that is wrong within Ak Council ffs!!

        He just wants to milk every last drop from Aucklanders FFS! Whilst pretending to doing everyone a favour by selling off the valuable assets that make/deliver a return!

        Asset Stripping isnt the way to go!

        He could save us all $125m by shutting down Panuku!

        Jeeez Wayne!

  4. Janak Patel the young Indian man fatedly killed by an idiot robbing his dairy, parents want fast tracked permanent residency. I am not in favor of this as it sets a very bad precedent. They still have valid visas, and these can be extended further until they need but they should not get permanent residency, nor should it be fast tracked. How old are they? as we already have an aging population with very high needs costing us millions. We don’t need to add additional burdens on our overstretched health system and there are issues of fairness here. Yes, it is sad this young man lost his life, but we need to be careful. As I have said extend their visas by all means.

  5. I’m confused about something that happens on the TDB site. Today and yesterday when I have been at the start of getting onto the site, before I have started choosing posts, down the right hand side some eye-catching stuff comes briefly then flashes away.

    This morning there was a small square advertising some attractive female’s Protecting ‘Innocence Project’ then there was something about images that had been secret and two were shown, one of a woman at a bar and a man’s hand on her bottom, and the other of a person’s back skin apparently peeled away to show the flesh underneath right down to the cleft of the bottom. It had a young man in a white apron perhaps butcher-like at the side.

    I don’t know if it is my computer or not but I don’t dabble in sleaze as I think it just muddies the mind for properly realising finer things when they appear. Could I have some response to this so I know what to do. I have much of Adblock turned off – are these ads on TDB or have they broken through the cordon sanitaire?


    Labours Dog Tucker again in another poll.

    Kantar One News poll says theyre fuck’d again. Thats about the 40th poll.

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