PODCAST: A People’s Protest Rises Within the PRC and Iran – Buchanan and Manning


In this, the 23rd episode of A View from Afar for 2022 political scientist Dr Paul Buchanan and host Selwyn Manning analyse the significance of public protests that have challenged authoritarian rule in both the People’s Republic of China and in the Republic of Iran.

Paul takes us through the causes of the resistance, and how, in each nation, the reasons differ, but the impact is the same.

In 2022, authoritarian leadership is being challenged by the rise of street protest and resistance to centralised control.

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  1. He Tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata

    A powerful protest movement in China is extremely good news for the world. And for world peace.

    Anyone thinks the Chinese populace are an inert mass that follow the dikat of the Chinese Communist Party without question, should be disabused of that notion by these protests.

  2. like any population they go along while their govt is perceived to be doing ‘good’ for the populous and there is no doubt that ‘industrialisation’ is perceived as a ‘good’…falun gong and other US backed groups have had little success stirring up dessent…now covid may have changed that but the only ‘movement’ I see is anti covid restrictions in some industrial centres

    by the way yes my name is chang and I am in the pay of the maoist chinese communist dictatorship…

  3. The Iran protests in Nz’s parliament grounds and outside the Iranian embassy featured the old Iran flag ,,,, representing either the Shah’s monarch regime ,,, with his infamous secret service and police state (female prisoners tortured, abused, raped) ,,,, or the flag represents MEK ,,, a despised Iranian terrorist organization which had assassinated their prime minister and half the cabinet ministers in the past ,,, as well as fighting for Iraq/Saddam killing thousands of Iranians, and Kurds…….

    Should genuine protestors for Iranian womens rights taking place in NZ be worried about their protests being hijacked/used by such types,,,, or can they be relaxed in the knowledge our media will never inform on such matters?

  4. What is happening in Iran is yet another example of US-led meddling/stoking of fires. What is happening in China is the result of erroneous policy more so than erroneous rule.

    • Hmmm not so much.
      Iranians are protesting the brutal killing by the regime of a girl who chose not to wear a scarf over her head. Nothing at all to do with the USA.

      One wonders how many Iranians today wish they hadn’t gotten rid of the Shah.

      • There was no killing, she keeled over and died without a finger laid upon her. Very, very unfortunate but crystal clear for all to see. The evidence is clear, but it is telling that this evidence has rarely seen the light of day, thus we have what we have now….

      • As usual Andrew misses out the impoverishment/siege sanctions that the Usa mafia state has inflicted upon Iranian people since they overthrew the Shah puppet …. the anti-democratic shah with his infamous CIA trained Savak secret police ,,,, who used to torture, abuse, rape and murder female dissidents/prisoners.

        Andrew the Zionist racist does not give a fig about Iranian women or democracy …. he’s the one who pines for the Shah.

        Actually he sounded smarter when he was quoting from Brenton Tarrents manifesto …. which he has done while trying to be a clever pommy dick here at TDB in the past.

  5. Popular protests in places like Iran are usually orchestrated by the CIA who even supply the tee shirts, hopefully the leaders of that country will see sense and ease up on their womenfolk. China would be harder for the US to do but I expect it will be brutally crushed anyway like Tianamen Square and other unrest so don’t get your hopes up.


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