Political Roundup: 29 November 2022


Items of interest and importance today

Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Big money donors get access to PMs and party leaders – report
Anna Whyte (Stuff): Political donations: Identity over $1,500 should be disclosed, new report recommends
Brent Edwards (NBR): Research reveals influence bought through political donations
Jem Traylen (BusinessDesk): Reform political donations before we become like the US – report (paywalled)
Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Six MPs creaming $140,000 in perks (paywalled)
Chris Trotter (Interest): Moderation + warmth is proving to be a winning political combination
Teana Macdonald (Herald): Let rangatahi lead the way (paywalled)

Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Has Labour become a co-governed party?
Chris Trotter: If it ain’t broke, why fix it?
Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Labour moves to back down on Three Waters entrenchment clause, as advice shows MPs warned of constitutional problems a year ago
Thomas Manch (Stuff): The constitutional spat over a last-minute, controversial change to Three Waters bill
Amelia Wade (Newshub): Controversial Three Waters provision heading back to Parliament drawing board
Jamie Ensor (Neshub): Three Waters: Constitutional experts up in arms over ‘dangerous’ move supported by Government
Russell Palmer (RNZ): Cabinet to debate three waters anti-privatisation entrenchment – PM Jacinda Ardern
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Prime minister to discuss Three Waters entrenchment clause with political parties, due to constitutional risk
Herald Editorial: Three Waters reform hits a storm (paywalled)
Gordon Campbell: On entrenchment, and being ‘soft on crime’
Rachel Smalley (Today FM): Three Waters – Overturning ‘entrenched’ laws is much harder to do
Stephen Franks: How to repeal Labour/Green entrenchment of Water Services control by iwi elite
No Right Turn: Entrenching anti-privatisation
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Of course the Left have to ensure the Right won’t privatize the water

Lisa Marriott (The Conversation): As NZ workers and households tighten their belts, why not a windfall tax on corporate mega-profits too?
Dave Armstrong (Stuff): Kiwis, inflation is all your fault
Susan St John (Herald): No excuses for hungry children (paywalled)
Craig Renney and Diana Russell (Herald): Rebuilding Better: Time for a new Ministry and a state-owned investment bank (paywalled)
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): External member of Reserve Bank monetary committee says NZ ‘dodged a bullet’
Duncan Garner (NBR): Reserve Bank boss buries housing market (paywalled)
RNZ: Reserve Bank committee member addresses questions over role and OCR rise
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Four measures that will indicate inflation is softening
David Hargreaves (Interest): Reserve Bank ‘hell bent on hiking rates to hurt households’
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): Economist says Government might have ‘temptation’ to hike taxes as New Zealand tipped to plunge into recession
Duncan Garner (NBR): Reserve Bank boss buries housing market (paywalled)
Brent Melville (BusinessDesk): Home buyers paddle, as mortgage rates hit high water mark (paywalled)
RNZ: Depositors to benefit from end of funding for lending programme
Roger J Kerr (Interest): The monetary policy ‘penny-dropped’ in both Wellington and New York for the RBNZ and US Federal Reserve respectively last week
BusinessDesk: Retirement stocks jump after $200m govt funding boost
Rob Stock (Stuff): BNZ’s conduct code revealed: The consequences faced by naughty bankers
Daniel Smith (Stuff): What are your rights if you are asked to work over Christmas?
Janine Starks (Stuff): What is the ‘silver exodus’, and why is it happening?
Isaac Davison (Herald): Stuff journalists to strike after rejecting company’s pay offer (paywalled)
RNZ: Stuff staff to strike over pay
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Stuff journalists to take industrial action

Rob Stock (Stuff): Raising NZ Super age would cause financial misery for over 65s – Retirement Commissioner says
Felix Walton (RNZ): Retirement Commission review suggests more people set to retire without a nest egg
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Clearly inadequate: Retirement Commissioner calls for asset cap on accommodation supplement to rise from $8100 to $42,700
Nicholas Pointon (NBR): Retirement report: Superannuation ‘must remain’ at 65 (paywalled)
Ripu Bhatia (Stuff): Kaumātua saves for his own funeral to avoid burden on whānau

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Finn Blackwell (RNZ): Dairy owners protest for tougher punishment of offenders
Jane Nixon (1News): Dairy protest extends to PM, deputy PM’s electorate offices
Newshub: Sandringham stabbing: Dozens gather outside PM Jacinda Ardern’s office to protest, dairies close as new crime package revealed
Rachel Smalley (Today FM): This Government doesn’t know what to focus on
Gianina Schwanecke (Stuff): Hundreds of Wellington dairies, small businesses close in protest after Sandringham stabbing
William Hewett (Newshub): Business owner calls for Ardern, Hipkins to do ‘undercover shift’ to see how ‘scared’ workers are
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Government’s crime crackdown includes more funding for prevention tools, but not tougher penalties
1News: Govt’s retail crime package fails to address ‘crux of issue’ – National
Ella Morgan (Stuff): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she wants to keep dairy owners safe in the wake of Sandringham dairy stabbing
1News: Govt outlines multimillion-dollar package to help tackle retail crime
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): PM Jacinda Ardern announces new funding for dairies and shops needing crime protection
Herald: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says process of getting crime prevention methods into stores needs to be quicker
RNZ: Jacinda Ardern announces business support package targeted at dealing with crime
1News: Ardern rejects claims Government is ‘pro-criminal’
Andrea Vance and Iain McGregor (Stuff): A Crime of Convenience
RNZ: Police to broaden gang operation, revise policy on fleeing drivers – Commissioner Andrew Coster
Guyon Espiner (RNZ): Jerrim Toms inquest: Police say they had no other option than shoot and kill

Marc Daalder (Newsroom): Shaw successfully weakens own climate law
Jack Santa Barbara (Newsroom): The planetary emergency we must avoid (spoiler alert: it’s not climate change)
Ian Llewellyn (BusinessDesk): Govt moves towards owning a secondary carbon exchange (paywalled)
Brent Edwards (NBR): Act has plan to free up urban planning, protect environment (paywalled)

Simon Wilson (Herald): 50 days of Wayne and his focus is on the port (paywalled)
Tina Law (Press): Election complaint against Christchurch mayor Phil Mauger in the hands of police
Chris Lynch: Christchurch residents could face a rate increase of up to 9.5%
Rachael Kelly (Stuff): Gore mayor Ben Bell returns to work, stands firm on the decisions he has made
RNZ: Gore mayor Ben Bell resurfaces after week of ‘challenging discussions’

Newshub: Marama Davidson, David Seymour clash over what’s a ‘legitimate’ reason for kids to miss school
Joseph Los’e (Herald): Willie Jackson: ‘Bumper sticker politics’ does not make for good, sensible policy
Caley Callahan (Newshub): Teachers’ union gives Government an ‘F’ on new collective agreement offer
Herald: Clinical training for teachers to ID students with mental health issues

Nikitin Sallee, Pattrick Smellie & Andy Fyers (BusinessDesk): Free, frank and political advice: the state of the public service (paywalled)
Andy Fyers (BusinessDesk): Public service workers say focus is too short-term (paywalled)
Alison McDonald (BusinessDesk): Immigration NZ committed to improving

Torika Tokalau (Stuff): Housing strategy launched to boost home ownership for Pacific people
Andrew Bevin (Newsroom): Hash out intensification funding or risk under-servicing communities
LIz McDonald (Stuff): Smaller homes than ever for Christchurch as units replace old houses

Murray Jones (BusinessDesk): Health ‘worse than abysmal’ on contract transparency
Emma Hatton (Newsroom): Parents of disabled children take fight to Court of Appeal
Niva Chittock (RNZ): General Practice leaders hit out at being excluded from pay parity package
Aimee Shaw (Stuff): Think food prices are high? Spare a thought for people with allergies

Gavin Ellis: Hard call (but the right call) on hate speech
Anna Murray (Re:News): Hate speech laws: ‘It’s dangerous to leave queer people without protection’
Mandy Te Re (Re:News): Hate speech laws needed as attacks on queer community rise – advocate

Todd Niall (Stuff): Auckland’s self-inflicted public transport crisis has urgent lessons
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): How NZ can warm up the new cold war (paywalled)
Jamie Mackay (Herald): What reception will PM Jacinda Ardern and Labour get at Fieldays? (paywalled)
Jacqueline Rowarth (Herald): Where’s The Finance?
Jem Traylen (BusinessDesk): Act party wants to ‘demolish’ work visa rules (paywalled)
Ian Llewellyn (BusinessDesk): Making electricity retailers pay for power cuts an option (paywalled)
Kiri Gillespie (Herald): Progress for NZ Land Wars project: Tauranga’s Gate Pā reserve to be reclassified
Lois Williams (Newsroom): Top marks for ageism and sexism
Lois Williams (Newsroom): Grey and in the way: Creative NZ decision met with disbelief
Anna Cottrell (Newsroom): When we booted out the real boot camp