MEDIAWATCH: When are we going to critique news media’s coverage of ram raids?


Ram Raid news stories make news producers orgasm.

They are cheap, easy to produce and present as live breaking news and the kids committing the crimes boasting on social media for notoriety guarantees a self feeding loop which terrifies the middle classes and sets the get tough on crime lynch mob off.

The number of serious repeat ram raiders is about 100, 80% of whom are already known to welfare agencies who are the kids from John Key’s draconian welfare reforms that saw kids in cars, state house tenants thrown onto the street for wrongful meth testing and whose parents were incarcerated in our private prison industry.

How will more draconian policies fix the problems the last set of draconian policies created and how much responsibility should the media be held accountable for sparking the latest moral panic?

Out of this panic we are demanding ankle bracelets on 10 year olds and counter productive Military Boot Camps.

The ease with which we are spooked and led by clickbait news is extraordinary.


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  1. Here’s one they could look into.

    What has happened to that PwC Conflict of Interest investigation into Auckland Councils eke Panuku and its chairman Paul Majurey? It was due in October this year.

    • Paul is a Top lawyer on Treaty and Maori issues. Dennis you must belong to the disgruntled Waikato faction who shouldn’t have mana whenua status in Tamaki Makaurau.

    • So who is responsible for the parents? While it might go against your fixed views to admit it not all families are treated equally or have the same ability to progress in life & since churches & religion are mostly a selfish exercise in self-righteousness it is left to the state to try to pick up the pieces. I support accountability as long as all the circumstances are considered before passing judgment.

      • Good call Bonnie. I think there will be some parents who are not present because they are both working full time to provide. Even I question why people have kids they can’t afford but if that number of kids is only one or two, I don’t think society has much longevity.

        • Wheel the problem with this is that this then becomes just another area of inequality. I think there are are lots and lots of families with 2 kids who will now be struggling because of the cost of feeding everyone and electricity etc.

      • the economic issues are real but if you stick it in and jiggle it about with no protection when you have 6 kids…that’s down to you not economics.

  2. The same thing is happening in the USA. Trying to ramp up hysteria about crime in order to erode civil liberties and expand police powers. They did the same thing 20 years ago after 9/11.

    They demonized young middle-eastern/Arab man as terrorists in the 2000’s now they are demonizing young brown and black men in the 2020’s.

    They want police to be able to just gun down anyone they like.

  3. “…Ram Raid news stories make news producers orgasm…” ( Ba ha ! )
    “Out of this panic we are demanding ankle bracelets on 10 year olds and counter productive Military Boot Camps.”
    Call me old fashioned if you must but doesn’t that sound fascist in its overtones? And if there’s one thing about fascism it’s the secret agenda’s.
    But does it really matter? After nearly forty years of T.V, alcoholism and mind-control / instant gratification media pulp forcibly injected into our exhausted amygdala’s we now don’t care do we. No, we don’t.
    We’ve become our own worst nightmare. We’ve become passionless pavlova people. Soft centered, sickly and would crumble under the slightest pressure.
    Imagine then, if a foreign power came here to take over? The Israeli military, for example, could fly here on a commercial flight, get off the plane and announce ” Alright you’s fuckers! This is all ours now but you can have the south side of Rakiura / Stewart Island at a reasonable rent. ”
    We’d be fucked. We’re in far deeper shit than we might imagine. What’s coming will make ram raids look like a soft gust of summer wind’s just blown the napkins off the picnic table.
    We’ve endured nearly forty years of roger the stunted moustache’s own version of fascism AKA neoliberalism, we’re significantly more powerless and in debt to foreign owned banking, we’re bogged down in mindless bureaucracy while urgent matters go unattended and now we’ve just given up. Our kids are ram raiding bottle stores for fucks sake. No Class dahlings. Adults mindlessly wander into massive debt re mortgages, professionals emigrate, idiots take up positions within local gubbimint just so’s they can get their little dicks out and get paid exorbitantly for laziness and the rest of us, the very, very few come here to let off steam which has as much of an effect on the way’s of things we’d be better off having a wank then growing a potato.
    We’re like the global weather. We’re nearly at a tipping point of no return.
    We need help. We need expert outside help. We’re like a wacky family where mum’s gone bonkers and dad’s a psycho and all us kids are addicted to porn and meth. Meanwhile, Grandpa’s in bed in the basement talking to his shadow while his shit mountain’s growing daily while a real estate agent’s upstairs fucking your sister because your sister said he could if he paid her fifty bucks and gave her a bottle of wine and a soft pack of Marlborough Lite’s.
    AO/NZ’s in deep shit. But worse still, most of us have no idea just how deep that shit is, and that, right there, is the problem. “Move along… nothing to see here…. we’ll take care of everything.”
    I wonder if jonky’s got a spare pony tail we could paste on Baldylocks?
    An urgent, open media Royal Commission of Inquiry please?

  4. Ram Raid news stories make news producers orgasm?

    Not quite as much as the robbery of an Ellerslie Jeweller recently had David Seymour getting off. Fortunately he was in the area on the day and he probably drove like a loon to get there and been yelling, “Yes! Brilliant! Manna from Heaven!” all the way. His media coverage about the incident suggested that. And of course even more so when he got to pointedly mention in Parliament something in the line of, “When I was on the scene…” (Sorry can’t make that bit in massive bold print.)

    • All media proudly brought, bought and sponsored by the Nact parties
      , Auckland chamber of commerce( Simon Bridges)and the business round table.
      David Seymours orgasm on the Ellerslie jewelry heist was a site to behold.

      • About time we got some raving Labour radio jocks and jills, left TV commentators to counter the fox news media works. Also the tory fox-herald. All that free NATZACT politcal party broadcasts.

      • Where have the government said that’s ok SK? All this talk about National having answers is just laughable. You are the first to point out wasteful spend and now you have a proposal from National which is exactly that…. and you are ok with it?

        It’s just like the truancy issue. National haven’t actually proposed anything. I guess that’s better than throwing a failed policy in the microwave and hope that the dinners won’t notice the main course is failed leftovers. The patrons at restaurant ZB certainly won’t.

    • Did Martyn say that’s OK? I think pointing out there is 100 repeat offenders out of 5.1 million people is adding some perspective. Sometimes you listen to media and it’s like a ram raid pandemic. I realise that’s of no comfort to a victim but is relevant.

  5. This is good. Insulin. Eli Lilly are charging 4000 times what it costs to produce.
    Russell Brand.
    “We beat Big Pharma! No you didn’t Joe. But ordinary people found a way of denting the profits of Eli Lilly – the pharma company making billions from life-saving insulin by charging 4000 times what it costs to produce. Let’s revel in this story.”

    • I really wish I could follow what tangent you get on Countryboy?

      Let me get this right?

      Martyn extols a possible media bias of ram raids in New Zealand, and you link it to the price of insulin in the US?


      • I believe countryboy is highlighting the hypocrisy of the media with their hysterical coverage about a few property crimes by dis-affected youth instead of going after the real gangsters.

        • Thanks for that, I still don’t get the connection though, they’re in the US?

          What about the connection between the blindness of salt workers on the alto Plano lake bed of the salar de uyuni? We don’t hear about that do we??

        • No CB is saying we have become dumbed down social morons who are lead by ambitious sociopaths and the only reason NZ hasn’t been invaded again is that at the moment no other country can be bothered. Because those who lead us have no social morals or responsibility neither have we. They are abusing us. Now we are the abusers. Can’t argue with him. The Media are no different and are just along for the ride.

  6. Making crime exciting and enticing. Good for ratings bad for us.
    and The Times wants you to sign up before you can read all this.
    and Reality TV star has name suppressed: (A teaser – star, tv, reality, name suppression – all creates curiosity.) Nov.10/22

  7. Well now a poor shop keeper in Auckland has been stabbed to death. O>k it its not a ram raid and maybe its not a youth offender, but maybe it is. Very sad.
    I don’t know what the solution is, but right now when I am feeling angry and sad about this, I am thinking lock the bastard up. (sorry, I know I shouldn’t think that way, but right now I do)

    People who run those dairies aren’t rick at all, scrape by and work all the god dam hours of the day and night.
    They don’t deserve this

  8. Person in a dairy this evening finds themselves in critical condition to to aggravated assault of said dairy business. But its all good, presumably no thief or assaulter was harmed in the committing of the assault.

  9. Update. That person who was critical after being assaulted in the dairy that they worked in is now dead. But then does the left care when a worker gets stabbed to death by some feral antisocial shitheel with a knife and no fucks to give? Chances are no. Chances are the left will complain about the media writing about a worker being stabbed to death by some feral antisocial shitheel cause when it bleeds it leeds. And the left will breathlessly repeat the mantra of nothing can be done, cause doing something would be hard work and deary, as success is not guaranteed its best to do nothing. Vote Labour, cause antisocial feral lunatics is us.

    • So the left don’t care because they don’t put in an initiative that was proven not to work? Or are you saying National wanted more people to be the victims of crime when they ditched their policy previously?

      RB hold ups for cash have been happening for an awfully long time. Are you suggesting that just wouldn’t happen under a National/right leaning government? Bollocks.

      • I am suggesting that the left are always bleating on about how hard tos been for these thugs and brats who don’t give two about the results of their actions. Lock them up, throw away the key. I am done caring about them.

        Ankle bracelets seem to kind at the moment

      • I am suggesting that the left are always bleating on about how hard tos been for these thugs and brats who don’t give two about the results of their actions. Lock them up, throw away the key. I am done caring about them.

        Ankle bracelets seem to kind at the moment

    • Interesting that every now and then reports that crime has gone down come out. Then reports of ramraids and dairy robberies and general thuggery and deaths from car chases imply that there is a lot of crime about. Confusion in people’s minds is the result. The sense of discomfort, wanting a strong leader – takes us back to the feelings of vulnerable children wanting a strong daddy and a reliable mummy.

      But that mindset isn’t in the Adult state where we work out how to lessen crimes, how to improve the situations for the crims-in-training. I’m referring to the three states adopted as our main thinking, feeling, states by TA – Parent (learned authoritative knowledge), Adult (using reason and decisions based on wide knowledge, logic) and Child (trying new ideas, impulsive, fun-loving).

      TA – Transactional Analysis has been around for some time, is easy and effective to understand and use, and yet is rarely heard of and expensive to train in. It seems to have been sidelined to sitting alongside crystal reading. Let’s get it off the shelf and make it available in small sessions travelling round the country available to interested people not just the cognescenti.. Not a religion, a mental art in bringing our clever selves to the fore, revising our long-held sureties for relevance and altering them slightly, and achieving better relationships, more honesty in thinking, harmony occurring more frequently and for longer, and so better group activity.

      • Will all due respect Grey I think CBT has the best evidence base in terms of effectiveness.

        I also go back to the Dunedin multidisciplinary study that showed out comes such as criminality, gambling problems poorer health and lower incomes can best be predicted by poor self control as young as three years old. They also found this was on a continuum (the more self control you had, the better you did). Also that good self control could be taught. Why the f more isn’t made of this finding I will never know. Very young kids need to be taught emotion regulation, perseverance and how to delay gratification

  10. The media coverage of the crime wave, especially in Auckland is relevant because we either see it in real time or see the aftermath of the walls of plywood in our shopping centres and the increasing wall of steel and mesh and concrete blocks as shops try to fortify their way out of the crime wave. It’s such a reassuring look to remind us that serious crime is thriving whilst little is done to about it.

    We got pointless useless Chippy as police minister after the Poto mega fail because Jacinda thought his used car sales pitch would get it out of the headlines, it didn’t. We get talk, then we get radio silence. We get the limp Andrew Coster and the jail emptying Kelvin Davis and his cabal of pointless judges keeping them empty. And every day, in retail nirvana we have to live with it, or die as in Glen Eden yesterday afternoon or Mt Albert last night.

    The coverage is an inconvenient reminder of Labour’s law and order failure! And I’m quite sure they hate it!

    • Consider for a moment that the societal environment could be an inconvenient reminder of the legacy of the likes of Roger Douglas, Ruth Richardson and John Key.

      Try it. I’m sure you’ll hate it

      • Hundreds and thousands of people suffered due to Douglas and Richardson. They don’t go around ram raiding or stabbing innocent workers.

        The blame lies with the people who commit the crimes

  11. Why bother with coverage of ram raids. Let’s just move straight to dairy murders. That wasn’t even the lead article in the Labour Newspaper…sorry Stuff. They focused on sportsmen starting a union.

  12. Most of the increasing crime in our area has not been reported at all, not even by our free, local rag. Two neighbour’s kids beaten up, couple of shops repeatedly hit, etc… We only see it because the local Facebook community group covers the stories, with photos too. The NZ Horrid and company don’t care.

    “We know this from speaking to offenders, that if they’re greeted at the door it has a large deterrent effect on them“ – statement from the new head of the Police Retail Investigative Unit, a cop with 16 years experience.

  13. I see no posts from the right about the attempted murder by firebomb of friendlyjordies..about the only decent aussie journalist is he too ‘inconvenient’ to be a victim?

  14. They have shown the alleged murderer of Dairy worker in Sandringham from CTV footage – does not look like a kid or youth! Government have turned a blind eye to rip offs from supermarkets/power/water/insurance/banking and many other essential areas that people need to use to survive, gangs are up and now members given proceeds of crime money, justice has now been slowed to a halt with the amount of lawyers delaying everything and sending the ‘junior lawyers’ to do their work and the system being allowed to be delayed constantly, more high needs people come into NZ that are dysfunctional requiring services or doing a terrible job working here, which then delays service for the existing dysfunctional people already in NZ and getting worse!

    See Golriz is as usual only concerned the Iranian refugees and situation – nothing wrong with that, but maybe actually leave parliament and focus on Iran so that another person who actually is focused on NZ can take her place. Woke need to open their eyes and look at what a shit hole NZ has become under their (lack of) watch which they spend their days worrying about themselves and other woke obsessions like terrorist rights instead of victim rights and pronoun abuse while cancelling woman’s language and experience.

  15. With regard to the media coverage of the Sandringham dairy operator’s killing, all of the iron grilles, fog cannon and bollards on the planet would have made zero difference to the outcome. Such defence strategies are pointless if you are going to chase an armed robber on the street.

    • Maybe, just maybe the never ending victims have had a guts full of being victims without the police or courts really caring and are fighting back.

      All the more sad to be fair that is got to this!

  16. The disgraceful Tory newspapers, radio (and Seymore) politicized this unfortunate sad occasion. TV said he was stabbed outside the dairy. He was killed 100m away. Why did he chase the killer? The dumb thief would have been easily caught – left a lot of clues. When did he ring the cops?
    The loser crim deserves life imprisonment with Mrs Palmer and big Ben.

  17. and nothing from TDB about the attempted murder of fellow blogger jordan shanks…c’mon martyn et al fingers out…if you are actually at some point effective it could be you next.


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