Chris ‘Old Testament’ Luxon goes ‘spare the whip, spoil the child’ and promotes revenge fantasies as social policy

Bash the parents, the schools AND the children!

National’s desperate need to steal voters any from ACT’s reactionary base has led Chris Luxon into a week of extraordinary attacks on schools and parents blaming them for rising youth crime.

Chris Luxon has gone all Old Testament and seems to be channeling spare the whip, spoil the child revenge fantasies masquerading as social policy.

Luxon is utterly ignoring the impacts of covid and alienation and deep social problems and is instead playing to the fear of voters which of course is manipulated by the news media’s clickbait journalism.

It’s good that we see who Luxon actually is and what National really are.

It’s punishment regardless of how effective that punishment is.

It’s Old Testament and it’s eye for an eye.

It’s stupid, dangerous and utterly counter productive and that’s the National Party of NZ for you.

A true leader sees responsibility beyond blaming the ‘bottom feeders’.

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Being lectured by a multimillionaire CEO with 7 properties on how to raise children shows how out of touch NZ political culture has become.

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  1. What is Labours solution to kids terrorizing their communities by driving stolen cars into shops to steal goods and thus endangering themselves, anyone working in these shops and anyone unfortunate enough to be around?

  2. So do we have a leader at the moment who is achieving anything ?Do we have a party in charge that is achieving a lot for their core voters the poor and repressed.

    • The thing is we didn’t have a leader 10-15 years ago when these people were born, who was doing anything for the ‘poor and oppressed either’. Hence, they grew up into angry young men.
      They have found a way to annoy the rich and get as much attention as they can.
      As for Luxon and his ideas…that’s just his evangelical side showing in all its glory. Punishment, punishment, punishment. They can’t get enough of it, as long as someone helpless or hapless is copping it.
      Look at Mitchell as he stands behind Luxon while they rant about this.
      He’s practically salivating.

      • Joy. These youth thugs may have been ruined by our neglect but helpless and hapless they aren’t. For the small group of 100 or so terrorising Auckland and other centres Luxon’s idea is the only solution to get them off the streets and to try some form of rehabilitation. To wait until our society is healed or for Labour’s ideas to kick in is doing nothing. But then that’s what labour does.

        • So we can only ever be the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff as that’s what National does, create the problem then place a bandaid on it.

          • SC. Think about it. Nobody new this was going to happen. This is a small group who have seen they can get away with this type of crime and are enjoying the notoriety. The rest of the families of low wages and unhoused don’t act in this way. So don’t blame this particular issue on the last government. You have to react to what is happening at the time. This government has had plenty of time to do something. It hasn’t.

        • I agree they are not personally helpless and hapless, but they come from families who cannot help them much. The skills were never learnt.
          There will be a family member somewhere who is at their wits end trying to help their child do better and making no progress, such is the attraction of their peers and the thrill and notoriety they are getting.
          Wouldn’t be much fun growing up in extremely wealthy families either. Often absentee parent/s with huge expectations.

    • Of course we don’t Trevor but political bias clouds the truth.
      The country is in an economic disaster zone, the country has never been so divided.
      That’s fact not opinion.

    • I’m right. Missed out “rivers off filth” because ace bovver boy diplomat Mallard created that river of filth by turning the sprinklers on, against the advice of the cops who he’d called in to sort out his shenanigans.

      That doesn’t mean that Luxon’s the greatest communicator himself; no way he could teach or even handle a classroom of good kids, let alone troublesome ones. If he’s trying to drive good teachers away and replace them with cheap immigrants with dubious language skills, and loads of relatives, then he’s going about it in the right way.

  3. It’s actually ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’.

    It comes from Proverbs “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him”. Which is as true today as it was 2,000 years ago because people haven’t changed.

    The western world is full of precious little darlings who need a rude awakening.

    • Well said Andrew but anything to do with religion even if your not religious is frowned upon by the Left.
      I’m not religious but if someone said something 2000 years it doesn’t mean it can’t be relevant today.

  4. I think you’re right, Martyn. New Zealand political culture has become out of touch.

    Christopher Luxon isn’t winning votes with Old Testament theology.

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