Political Caption Competition


Jacinda: “To be brave cheerily, to be patient with a glad heart, to stand the agonies of thirst with laughter and song, to walk beside death for months and never be sad – that’s the spirit that makes courage worth having.”

Clarke: “One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish, Black fish, Blue fish, Old fish, New fish.This one has a little car. This one has a little star.”


  1. Given the drivel that comes out of nasty bastards like Slater, are we to believe that’s Clarke being transported ‘Conair’ style between prisons?

  2. Shackleton’s jopurney from a seemingly hopwles position to a successful outcome on which a number of his group’s lives depended acts as a pilot light and a spur for our PM under such challenge in these difficult times.
    To the world, he was the hero who rescued the crew of the Endurance with “not a man lost.” But Shackleton himself was haunted by the fate of the men of his expedition on the other side of Antarctica, stranded for more than two years.
    Shackleton’s Voyage of Endurance | Shackleton’s Lost Men


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