The Boomer King Wayne Brown’s reign is Game of Thrones level butchey and I love it

The Boomer King Wayne Brown surveys his new kingdom of Auckland

Let’s be honest.

We are all loving the chaos our new Boomer King Mayor has brought to the role barely a month after winning the rigged casino election that is the Auckland mayoralty.

With barely 15% support, Mr Burns has already promised to slash and burn $50million from head office while promising staff cuts, while threatening the CCOs and while warning Auckland of a terrible economic meltdown looming.

The hilariousness of the Saudi’s believing Auckland Port was ready for sale seems to have leaked before the domestic Comms team had their messaging ready.

The great privatisation of everything not nailed down is about to begin, like a city wide flea market.

Do I think our Boomer King can make things better in this city that I love?

No way.

Do I enjoy seeing people who have done so little to stop our managed decline getting their arses kicked by a cantankerous rich arsehole?

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Yes. Yes I do.

And really in an age of entropy, the only emotional pressure valve for politics is to elect wrecking balls who will hurt those you blame.

Mr Wayne Montgomery Burns is such a wrecking ball.

This is why you need civic engagement beyond the cheap subcontracted version of democracy we currently have.

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: Smithers never melted down the reactor the way Hooton did with Muller’s leadership challenge

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  1. Martyn. The woke(s) lost.

    Now. Auckland can be sold off to China!

    Just think of Silk Roads without potholes!

    3 Waters Dams!

    And Hotel BnBs called Hotels!

    We’ll all be living the dream! Forget about the $12b of debt!!

  2. Sometimes a wrecking ball is needed. When the house is moldy, shortly before crashing down on someone you might as well remove everyone alive, tear it down and rebuild. And what ever rebuild is coming it will be as useless to the public as was/is the ‘Supershitty’.

    • But Wayne doesn’t have to imitate a wrecking ball to the point where a large round mass of concrete might actually be more articulate! We don’t need an orator, but Wayne sounds like Jim Knox battling with a decision to undertake of a vow of silence. He is so defensive in front of the media that it appears he doesn’t believe he has a mandate.

      • Technically he does not have a mandate, if you believe that 50% plus one is the democratic way. But, much of NZ Local Govt. throughout the country does not have that kind of a mandate either thanks to the woeful turnouts.

        Browny is in on an amalgamated right vote, if the other candidates had stayed in, Efeso Collins would likely be Mayor not this clown.

        He is a backroom deal guy, and does not react well to scrutiny or public pressure. When he was FNDC Mayor, and on an overseas or other trip out of district, the local paper Editors were instructed to email him correspondence in advance of publication so he could reply to writers in the same edition that their letters to the Editor were published!

        The admin staff and Councillors need to take him on straight away before he has slimed up too many significant changes that will be presented in classic TINA mode.

  3. Imagine if Efeso Collins had won and did not do a formal press conference for three weeks! Aucklanders–you are being played like a Fender Strat here. Wife beater Wednesday Goodfellow’s missus as Deputy Mayor?…really, what could that signify…

    Disruption is all very thrilling and entertaining for a while, yes there is pay bloat at Council, and the CCOs need to be put up against the wall (figuratively, there are significant legislative hoops to jump to lessen their influence or get rid of them) but Browny and his Natzo backers are pissing all over the likes of Bruce Jesson and others like Mike Lee who kept POA in public ownership.

    Aucklanders did this to themselves, some more than others, the alienated and transient can be let off the hook, but not the rest of you lazy sods.

    The thing with walking cadaver Browny is that when he has sacked everyone, what is his next trick? Well in the Far North he transferred the rating burden from Commercial and Farming to Residential, so I predict whatever he does it will aid business and the Natzos, not the Auckland working class.

  4. I don’t think do because most of the *actual* work done by the council is already contracted out.

    What Wayne has to do is rid us of the bloat within the Council. There’s potential to half the number of people employed by the council, all while improving service.

  5. He’s a one-term Mayor about to get entangled in endless quarrels. It is going to be messy but thankfully short-lived. Sadly the South and West are going to be ignored. It will be interesting to see what Ken Turner can achieve for the west if anything.

  6. In Sao Paulo a decade or so ago they had a mayor that was so unpopular he had to helicopter everywhere for his own safety. The first thing that Wayne Brown did upon securing a 15% mandate, was take a helicopter ride over Tamaki Makaurau. Sao Paulo can be a very scary city. Auckland has massive social inequities that do not compare to a big city in Latin America, but the slide has begun, and Helicoptering Ignorant Bully Wayne CEO of everything Brown has no idea, or like most people, pretends to have no idea. He is a product of the anger, anxiety and hate that has emerged from governments’ attempts to preserve the health of their people, but unfortunately not many rabbit holes lead to such enlightening understanding. May we all take a deep breathe and concentrate on the Revolution? The hybrid road between growth based capitalism and equality based socialism. Cuba. In Aotearoa it has been too easy for too long, but with COVID the real world arrived, and most of us can’t handle it. I for one, my father for two, and sadly my kids will have even harder realities to avoid. Decolonise your mind and move forward!

  7. Given Wayne is Mr. Burns isn’t it appropriate that the deputy mayor has the surname Simpson.

    Desley must live and breathe politics. A national party member, her first husband was a National MP and then she ‘upgrades’ to the (kind of former) president of the party Peter Goodfellow no less!

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