On denouncing medieval Islam while supporting people of Iran & avoiding WW3


The brutality of the latest appalling human rights abuse perpetrated by the medieval Theocracy of Iran is the beating to death of women by the morality police for not wearing  head scarfs correctly and for protesting at them killing her!

Let’s remind ourselves as we are all hopping onto our high horses that America kills people during arrest all the time and that there wouldn’t be a medieval Theocracy operating in Iran in the first place if the West hadn’t committed a coup to steal oil and set in motion a revolution against the Dictator we installed.

There has been a lack of criticism from the Left at what is happening in Iran because the Left aren’t sure if it’s racist to criticise Muslims.

You might get cancelled by the woke if your criticism of a medieval version of Islam is too mean.

I think the problem in the NZ context, particularly with Jacinda, is that the Christchurch Terror attack cemented her emotionally into protecting the Muslim Community in NZ and as such, any criticism of something as riddled with problematic problematics like Muslim head scarfs clashes with the Lefts desire to protect while promoting human rights.

The bigger issue I fear in Iran now is how desperate the regime has become because the West has continued to punish Iran economically with sanctions, despite them signing up to the nuclear deal.

Trump’s insane decision to shit all over Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran has forced Iran into nuclear production that could lead to a nuclear weapon. Iranian leaders could believe the only way out of the economic sanction death grip America has placed them under is to gain a nuclear weapon.

I warned at the start of the invasion of Ukraine that Putin could expand the war front by giving Iran nuclear secrets that would spark Israel into launching a dangerous strike against Iranian nuclear assets.

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That is exactly what its happening now.

The Iranians are selling Russia missiles and drones.

Israel has responded by threatening to start selling the Ukrainians weapons.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has responded to that threat by warning Israel selling the Ukrainians weapons would destroy its relationship with Israel.

The miscalculation here is that Russia gives the Iranians the final bits of nuclear tech they need for their nuclear weapons program which will incur a military strike by Israel, which will set the entire region ablaze…

Israeli military exercise to simulate attack on Iranian nuclear targets

The exercise comes as Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz alleged Tuesday that Iran was “just a few weeks” away from having enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb.

…if the Russians wished to cause real damage to America, it would provide the final technical specs the Iranians need and trigger an Israeli attack to cause wide spread damage to American interests throughout the Middle East.

The beating to death of an innocent woman for something as inane as a head scarf could be the least of our worries with Iran.


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  1. The irony is that there is a medieval theocracy trying to control the USA as well. Burning books, restrictions on curriculum, eroding established voting rights and the most vicious attack on the human rights of women that make the actions of morality police and mullahs in Iran and Afghanistan seem mild and petty.
    Our role in supporting economic sanctions is deplorable as was our action in sending troops to kill the citizens of Afghanistan.
    The complications of nuclear weapons and worldwide inflation/recession could make us in 2023 wishing we were back in the comfortably uncertain days of 2020 when all we faced was a rampant novel coronavirus.

  2. Iran is a military super-power it has the capacity to defend itself. Israel is mince meat if it believes that it can invade Iran. It’s proxy in Lebanon Hezbollah will attack its cities and target ‘Dimona’ its nuclear facilities in the Negev desert. As well Iran has sophisticated UAV and rocket technology as Ukraine military is finding out even when sanctioned by the collective west for over half a century. Iran has repeatedly stated that it is against its religion to possess WMDS such as nuclear weapons even though it has the ability to produce its own nuclear weapons and doesn’t need Russia expertise.

    • Stephen, Israel doesn’t need to invade Iran but it could wipe the Ayotollahs off the face of the earth and Iran’s nuclear project to boot. Mossad could hit any of the top commanders in Iran. As for Lebanon, rumours are that Israel was behind the mega explosion in Beirut. Israel wouldn’t care about its relations with Russia if Iran keeps supplying drones.

  3. Isreal may likely be scared that Russia give Iran thermobaric bomb capability. These bombs do the same damage as a small nuke, more than enough to demolish a large chunk of Jerusalem. Then the calculus changes, both sides have the deterent of mutually assured destruction.

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