New global warming report is way more grim than most understand – prepare for more disruptive climate protests


Climate change: Ocean warming could quadruple by 2090, study finds

Climate change will cause ocean warming to quadruple by 2090 if greenhouse gas emissions keep rising, threatening sea life and weather patterns around the world, scientists say.



The new report on sea warming is so fucking grim and I think pretending shit is going to get better if we recycle, ride a bike and become carbon neutral by 2050 is nothing more than vacant optimism.

I just don’t think the vast majority of Kiwis have any comprehension yet just how bad things are going to get from a purely scientific point of view.

To exemplify this disconnect between what is about to envelope us and our current state of ignorance is this rolling climate change protest action in Wellington that has interfered with traffic.

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Those complaining about this protest style better get used to it because the catastrophic and extreme climate we are about to witness will push protestors into more and more radical action.

The Sea warming report is so grim because it is now apparent the warming oceans will melt the frozen methane on the ocean floor causing enormous belches of methane that once triggered cascade pushing global temperatures up by 10 degrees in the space of a decade which would melt all the Greenland ice sheet, which in turn would pump fresh water into the Labrador Sea which in turn would shut down the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation off and plunge the Northern Hemisphere into an ice age.

It’s all the worst parts of Armageddon, but under water.

The rolling protest action that has been happening in Wellington all week is just the beginning of the response to our refusal to adapt to climate change and the protests are only going to get more and more disruptive because ever passing week there are more and more extreme climate events.

One of the reasons why your food inflation is blowing out is because of mass droughts and mass flooding events interrupting the agricultural calendar!

It’s impacting our food prices right now!

That’s why the hate speech laws and the new police surveillance powers that the woke are screaming for will be immediately used on environmentalists you clowns!

The climate catastrophe is only going to get more extreme as the years go by, our refusal and denial to do anything meaningful to respond to that reality will drive the protest movement towards more disruptive actions, disruption that the State will immediately use the very powers the woke are demanding they be given.

The woke believe the new powers they are demanding for the State will be used  to arrest the racists, transphobes and sexists.

The reality is the State will use them against those who threaten capitalism.

There is an inevitability to Fortress Aotearoa.


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  1. I am not the least bit concerned. In the 1990’s the UN climate change website had a list of all the things that were going to happen by 2010. One of them was Miami under water. Another was extinct polar bears.
    Miami has always had storm surges and is still above water. Polar bear populations have increased by a fair percentage over the last 50 years, Google it! These predictions have obviously been disappeared from the website since then.
    Kiribati is supposed to be drowning but if eco systems are kept in order it allows the coral to regenerate and support the land mass. There is a population of 100,000 and they have limited fresh water. They are asking for support. They have not one but two international airports and host more than 2 million tourists per year. Kiribati is not drowning.
    There is a whole world of science around climate variables. We have had much greater extremes over millennia. There are plenty of books written on climate by many scientists with good credentials who are not crying doom.
    I am not concerned.

    • MagIt I have a list of failed catastrophe predictions going back to the first Earth Day in 1970. It’s laughable. These people are just self-promoting publicity hounds.

    • So In your opinion the burning of fossil fuels the exploding of nuclear weapons not just the ones dropped on Japan in 1945 and the militaries around the world who are the worst polluters won’t affect our planet?

      • It’s pointless with some Stephen. They are deluded. Then there are those that will admit that we are stuffing the planet but there is not point in trying. The same f’wits who then turn around and go mental about government debt and future generations! Who f’ing cares if we are under water.

        • Im closest to your second category FW Wheel. However I do agree we should stop fossil fuel exploration and we should modify farming practices in a way that doesn’t fuck our ability to grow food. The world cannot stop the ice melting now or the oceans warming but can head in the right direction which may slow things down a lot quicker. NZ planting good farmland in trees at the expense of food production is pathetic. Forcing farmers to get consents for certain seasonal crops is really bright thinking, not. Let’s put our most valuable resources out of business so we can tell the world how clean we are. Pathetic.

    • Unless you lived under a rock in the 1990s there is no way that you would not notice the difference in weather events between now & then, the Insurance companies have noted the huge increase in claims & are considering what measures they can take to reduce their liability. You can mention as many failed predictions as you want but that will not alter the problems that are happening now.

    • This is a lie:

      ” In the 1990’s the UN climate change website had a list of all the things that were going to happen by 2010. One of them was Miami under water. Another was extinct polar bears”

  2. We need to pay vastly more for our petrol so that we’ll stop using it, and pay vastly more for our power so that we can have two systems running in parallel like Europe – the 24/7 system to back up the wind and solar when they fall short (or to pay for thousands of huge batteries if that’s the choice of backup).

    Sure, we’ll be poorer but since when has being wealthy ever protected us from nature, ammirite?

    • Of course, we should pay attention to an autistic high school drop-out! LOL

      But she’s correct about nuclear power: Her handlers have had a rude awakening as a consequence of Russian gas being turned off.

      One wonders where the NZ Greens are going to position themselves now that the narrative has changed: I expect there will be some dead rat swallowing in that group!

    • I understand there is a 50 -50 divide in Greenpeace in Europe as to the use of Nuclear power. They do not have earthquakes in Germany so from that point of view they are safe .

      • In certain countries that need a lot of power and can be far away from cities, and have low seismicity then nuclear makes sense. In NZ the demand isn’t there so renewable is the way to go.

  3. Maybe these guys should camp on the Lawn in front of Parliament. Maybe then the government would spray them with cold water, blast them with some shitty music, refuse to talk to them, and call them ferals, river of filth and so on and so forth.
    Oh yeah, thats not cool enough, gotta piss of some poor worker who might get in the shit for coming late to work. Well done idiots.

  4. Be prepared to be culled. As far as the planet’s rulers are concerned we’re a pest species so we’re going to have a can of fly spray opened up on our arses. Our only defense is to stop giving them our money.
    Russell Brand is right. Big corporations run by single-entity tyrants is extremely dangerous stuff.

  5. the basic issue is the scandi countries(homelessness in finland for example) are cured because their countries ‘patriotism’ is caring about their society, the kiwi model of ‘patriotism’ is sport and greed….next time someone waves a flag near you it’s a sure sign they’re full of shit.

  6. Politics, ay. This is WW ll times species death in my 56 year-old’s lifetime. More terror and discomfort for me. I’m resentful, but my youngers –stupid as piss actually . This is the only politics that matters and it is force and persuasion rather than surviving in neoliberalism. How did we do it in the Thirties? Like how my great grandfather disallowed himself from the upper house, force and persuasion. We can’t do it anymore apparently You get so few responses to your fundamental truth statements. Versus, passing tripe.

    Better to laugh, if only the payment wasn’t our pain to death, let alone our youngers.

  7. If every human committed Harry Karry in nz to save the planet it would not make the slightest difference. The BRICS countries decide our future, it’s out of our hands.

  8. personally I think it’s too late, as a species gone withing 2 generations….there that’s cheered everyone up.

    • That’s failure of the Left. Rationalism is central to that cause. Trotter was stupid bout that climatic reality. These polblogs re so silly.

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