I support hungry people stealing food & why Ram Raiding youth are John Key’s legacy


Brown Buttabean says food bank theft feels like a ‘kick in the face’

Motivational speaker and gym founder Dave Letele’s food bank has been robbed in an incident he describes as “a kick in the face”.

The founder of Brown Buttabean Motivation said his community foodshare in south Auckland was broken into about 4.40pm on Sunday.

“Our food bank has been broken into, our food share. Who the f… breaks into a food share?” Letele said in a Facebook Live.

“All I can say is, to steal food you must have needed it. The crazy thing is if you asked us we would have given it.


I support hungry people stealing food in NZ.

That things have gotten to this level of desperation, that food banks are now being robbed, is an indictment on a neoliberal culture that sees success as private and failure as your public fault.

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We have done sweet fuck all in 5 years to be transformative on poverty and I support hungry people stealing food.

I think rich white people be forced to confront the children forgotten by capitalism.

Most of these ram raiding kids are from broken homes serviced by an underfunded welfare state that sees them as clients.

Shouldn’t that miscarriage of social policy be force fed to rich white people who vote in right wing Governments to get their juicy tax cuts?

Shouldn’t rich white Volk taste what an underfunded welfare system vomits up?

These ram raiding teenagers are the legacy of John Key’s draconian welfare program.

The media age of these ram raiders is 15 meaning they were children during Key’s time in office.

They were the ones living in Cars!

They were the ones thrown out of State Housing when Paula Bennett was Minister using false meth contamination levels!

They had their fathers taken from them during Key’s mass incarceration term!

They were the underclass Key used to get elected and then ignored once in power!

These Children grew up in the shadow of a right wing Government that ignored and compounded their misery, that they have become ram raiding teenagers should be of no shock to anyone.

We planted this harvest of spite and then balk at its burn.

These ram raiders were broken as children by a National Government who now have the audacity to demand more punitive measures!

The rub is that as desperate as things are right now, they are about to get far far far worse.

You reap what you sow NZ, you reap what you sow.

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  1. Easy out to blame Key but w’vee had 5 years of kindness now… ample time to address the drivers… sure as shit hasn’t happened has it.

    This govt is as culpable as every govt from Lange onwards, let’s not pretend a third term would make any difference.

          • They were less than chump change when MSD made deductions for unaffordable debt piled on to affordable debts incurred by having to ask for grants that have to be repaid and then that creates compounded debt and on it goes for many and don’t forget about the 27,000+ living in motels racking up $1m per day in debt.

            Of the $24b+ Welfare budget, less than $6b is actual paid in benefit. The rest is propping up the scam and $13b is Super Ann. So the shit chump change bert is insignificant to many.

            • Hey bring on more elderly migrant parents – our country and health system need them! Sarcasm. Who doesn’t want NZ taxpayers to grant around 1 million dollars in free benefits to newbies and that doesn’t cover the health and rest home care.

              There are now more Asian migrants on NZ pensions than Maori and Pacific Islanders, that’s how popular and easy it is to get NZ pensions!

              Amazing how many middle class wokies who are recent new NZ citizens advising government on the pensions issues who have aged overseas family members waiting in the wings to get NZ super and free health care.

              Free pensions for aged migrants and advocating means testing and paid Kiwisaver to youth. The ram raids are telling a story of NZ’s youth undermined constantly by government who fail to protect NZ citizens.

              Shouldn’t there be an enquiry on those with aged migrant relatives advising on pensions, immigration and social care, and their advice discounted due to conflicts of interest.

            • The beneficiaries in motels pay 25% of their benefit to be housed in these storage solutions for life human beings.

              • And the taxpayers pay 75% so clearly not in any ones interests to seriously think that housing people in expensive but tiny hotels, was a good idea and better than previously.

                Woke too quick to cancel while making everything much worse.

                Labour’s version of Nationals committee led, ‘meth’ level tests. Instead of scientists they used 30 groups like housing ‘charities’ and meth testing ex police instead of scientists to work out the meth levels.

                Same committees seem to be advising the Labeen government on cancelling rental houses in favour of business led hotels and housing, and by golly, more money is needed for those committee groups to ‘help’ all the growing poor people who are now mentally ill and more dysfunctional with all that woke ‘help’.

    • We have had 500 years since the reformation yet Christianity, in general, is more of an abomination than a movement to prepare people to be loving, joyful, peaceful, longsuffering, kind, good, and faithful to the extent that they are virtually the same as the general population. Expecting any government to fix our problems is only ever wishful thinking as the various vested interests seek to influence the decision-makers.

  2. Yeah, i don’t think that was a poor person stealing. That was a wanker robbing a Foodbank that provides food to the poor.
    Nah, throw the fucking book at that person/s and lock em up, that way they get three meals a day and they don’t have to go terrorising their communities and charities.
    Ramraiders, if nothing gets done by the state – and i don’t think this current state has a fucking clue about what to do – these dear children will be right wankers when they hit adulthood, and by then it will be too late to try fix a thing. But i guess we will hear lot’s of kumbaya in the future when the little dears stand in the brig for worse then ramraiding, as to how the state failed them, how there were not supported, received no help, blahblahblah.
    What needs to happen really before something happens? maybe a shopkeeper bashed to death? a ramraider that runs over some bystander?
    What must happen, before the left supporting this current lot in government will actually ask this fucking useless government to do the work they were tasked to and elected for. Namely govern this country on behalf of everyone, irrespective of their creed, race, ethnicity, sex. Or is that too hard, and so we make fun about other parties, or fear monger about other parties, that may simply will get voted in not for what they will do, but for what the others did not do. Namely assure the safety of all in any community. One of the many failures of Labour. We either have a law that applies to any or we don’t and if we don’t what will be the logical result of that lawlessness? Either someone taking justice in their hands or people voting for a strongman – real or not.

    • Labour introduced it into NZ though during David Lange’s regime (via what would later be ACTs co-leader Roger Douglas). That anyone still trusts “Labour politics/policy” is beyond me.

      • Yeeeaaahhhhh…..? Narp. Nopety nope nopie nope. Nah ah. No siree.
        Labour was parasitised by roger douglas who, himself was a willing host to the parasite we know of today as ‘neoliberalism’. roger was minister of finance for two terms within the unsuspecting Labour party prior to 1984 for a reason. He knew he had to introduce neoliberalism by stealth otherwise we, the public, and Lange and one or two others would have seen neoliberalism coming a mile away.( Or 1.6 km for you youngsters.) Lange, once realising what Big Strong Handsome roger the moustache man was doing/did he resigned as prime minister. I listened to him live on Radio NZ. He realised he was about to be stabbed in the back by roger ‘moustache warrior’ douglas and [its] acolytes of greed. I mean, when you think about it? roger must have been a secretive little pig torturer. He was able to gather about him a strong team of crooks to be able to pull the wool over a criminal defence lawyer as Lange. Remember Squiggly Quigley, mike moore and moore and moore and others etc?
        Put simply; they were a plump, well fed gangster clan who cooked up a scheme based on thatcher and regan’s neoconservatism which was the diseased snot that fell out of our-boy Milton Friedman. And the only reason our kiwi-as criminal scum did that was to liquidate state owned assets and pocket the money. Our money. Which they did. Aye Boys? Yes you! You scum. You now nine multi billionaires comprising of boat puddlers, panel beaters and trumpet farm owners etc. If you weren’t rich as fuck from stealing then selling our stuff and things you’d be useless and worthless.
        This interview is a good one. Between fabulous Kim Hill ( Swoon…) and David Lange about 2 years before he died.
        Face to Face with Kim Hill – David Lange
        “In this 2003 interview with Kim Hill, former Prime Minister David Lange is both candid and upbeat. Aged 60 and battling ill health, Lange talks mortality, being a loner, and how powerless politicians often are. But he also finds positives: in living in Māngere, being a better parent, finally embracing vulnerability, and not being “haunted by death”. Lange talks in detail about New Zealand’s relationship with the United States and the world, after going anti-nuclear. He also recalls someone mistaking him for Robert Muldoon. Lange died in August 2005, two years after this interview — just as his autobiography hit book stores. ”
        If you want a little bit of Sir Jonk E up your orifices, here’s the house he was pictured floating about in front of.
        Go and break into this instead.

  3. “I think rich white people be forced to confront the children forgotten by capitalism”. Ah, the evil white man. He’s never far away. Fair enough if they can confront them as they see fit!

    The woman shot by fuckwit young people in Mt Roskill recently for having the audacity to express her unhappiness at their burn outs in their stolen cars didn’t look rich to me. Quite the opposite. Nor the owners of many businesses laid to waste by them. Nor the staff who can be bothered to work in them.

    “I support hungry people stealing food in NZ”. Does the stolen bling go with that? I prefer to eat my stolen food wearing stolen 24 carat necklaces and rings, in stolen designer puffer jackets, in some working stiffs Prius Aqua I stole (before launching it through a shop front), whilst puffing on a premium stolen vape, thank you very much.

    Anyway, stop “stealing” the Labour/Green operating model of law and order. It not fair either! They need to copyright it! It’s just so damned brilliant!

    • I like the idea of helping myself to other people’s goods, as a catchy slogan for the high needs flocking to NZ or already here and encouraged to go further by more of the same neoliberal, global, capitalist policy.

      What an endorsement for NZ,

      Kim Snibson: Double murderer wants early release to ‘come home’ to New Zealand

      The Korean lady accused, also coming back to NZ to face trial for the deaths of two children found in suitcases years later, is also on their way back.

      so I hope the Green Party rush out to welcome their new celebs, convicted or on trial crims, & same sex partners. The holy grail of NZ’s Labeen led , virtue signalling, pro fucked up people who kill, who need help, immigration policy!

      NZ is now exporting the crims which could be bigger than coal fired milk powder exports, and they keep coming back!

  4. The political parties are as irrelevant to the cause as they are to the solution.
    Its just by degree.
    As long as we worship at the altar of hyper capitalist Neolberal trickle down exploitative dogma this shit will continue.
    The rich get richer the poor get the picture.

  5. Give every ghost home 3 months to sell or rent, if they refuse then confiscate it and give it to a homeless family. These grubs need to feel some of the pain they are happy to have placed on people who were not as protected by successive Reserve Bank scumbags.

  6. Most foodbanks make you grovel and plead for food. You have to present letters from WINZ saying they wont give you food before they even think of helping you.

    Food banks are run by National Party rotarian hacks who get a kick out of the proles begging and pleading for food,.

    • You are a terrible piece of crap to denigrate those that run food banks WHAT THE FUCK have you done for the poor except stand on the sideline and shout .

    • Try making a goods donation now, they are so swimming in money from government in the quasi charity mode, they don’t need any 2nd hand donations like clothes and are quite sniffy about excepting them. It’s only cold hard cash that they can pay themselves with, that counts.

    • Food banks are there for the truly needy Millsy, would you rather the food ran out for the needy when the ones who don’t really need it have taken some, essentially taken some from someone who does need it?
      You are indeed a nasty piece of work.

      • Everyone who needs to go to a foodbanks needs food. They should get it, no questions asked. It’s called living in a decent society, but you wouldnt know that would you.

    • Reason for that is WINZ will reimburse the food bank for the clients they send with letters. Otherwise the foodbank is reliant on donations to feed people who are in need but not seen as deserving by WINZ. They feed a lot of people without letters too. Someone is only meant to get two food packages per month. We are providing food to people who cannot get support from WINZ on a weekly basis. More of this Big community nonsense where charity was meant to take over from the government without any money to actually allow it to happen. There are also those out there who surf foodbanks and onsell the food in their communities. With limited food available there has to be some level of control to make sure those who need it get it.

    • millsy – you are probably too needy. I find that many social services in NZ seem to focus on those wanting a hand out rather than those in extreme need.

      People in extreme need are often ignored or overlooked as they can’t tell the right stories to the right people.

      Those who are good with cheating and can paint a powerful story of their need, get everything. I know quite a few of them, and also people who are not needy but being approached now in the street by do-gooders and hired charities to ask ‘do you need help’. Good to know the government money is going on wages rather than helping people in need.

      The people most in need often don’t ask for help and are embarrassed to seek it.

      • For what’s it’s worth, you wouldn’t catch me dead using a foodbank, even if I needed to (which I don’t). I just struggle to understand why foodbanks make people jump thru hoops to get help.

        • So if you have never used one how do you know how they operate . The only people I see turned away are abusive or offensive to staff .

          • Well, if the staff gave them food, no questions asked, like in a proper decent post scarcity society, they wouldnt be getting ‘abusive’ or ‘offensive’. When you squeeze every cent out of a person, its not suprising that things get a bit tense.

            • People are literally posting on social media all the time for money for rent and asking for home cooked meals (I’ve seen an actual order of what they wanted too). There are a lot of needy in NZ with our slave wages but also a lot of people who have given up or just don’t want to bother to work.

              Know someone who went to a free medical clinic on the North Shore of Auckland. They said they had never seen so many Mercedes in the car park. Too many free loaders who have no shame taking up free services meant for those who are poor.

              Time we followed Italy and actually checked up on those with assets on benefits and not paying tax everywhere in NZ and if they are driving around in flash cars and living in flash houses, needs investigation to why they are taking up resources meant for the poor.

              NZ have allowed a criminal and opportunistic culture to develop so that it is now unclear who needs help and who is successfully taking from others and faking poverty.

              • Ex gang member on news was saying gangs are recruiting with $20k and free Harleys, seems like business is booming, maybe have a check and see how many people are on benefits and receiving millions in proceeds of crime, who are then recruiting the next round of young criminals. Wonderful Ponzi if you can get government and agencies on board for funding your criminal recruitment and lifestyle. Gangs up 200% in some age groups.

                They can organise youth to join gangs and pay them bonuses but not local youth to train as nurses.

            • There is no squeezing as the food is not charged for so no cents are squeezed out of them . What is your contribution to helping your fellow person?

  7. Martyn, you hit on the main issue here: “Most of these ram-raiding kids are from broken homes”

    There is now a wealth of evidence gathered across several western nations that fatherless families are the key determinant for future criminal behaviour. A series of well-intentioned policy decisions over a number of decades have inadvertently incentivized the breakup of the nuclear family unit. The result is children who get abused in the home, are often undernourished, do poorly at school, become depressed and suicidal and too often finish up in prison.

  8. “I think rich white people be forced to confront the children forgotten by capitalism.”

    add to that

    I think rich Maori tribes be forced to confront the children forgotten by capitalism.

    Maori elites are as bad as Key, but get a free pass. Not much trickle down from Maori tribes, with commercial enterprises, down to the urban poor children.

    No blame on rich Chinese, Asian or other ethnicity?

  9. People in breadlines during the Great Depression were dressed really well. Did people take pride in their personal appearances and cities back then?

    I was driving round Christchurch earlier today, and I will confess, I felt rather depressed.

    I’ve had a number of friends leave NZ for Australia. They’re happy to help with Labour’s push towards decolonization by staying in Australia!

    I guess part for Te Pati Maori and Labour’s push for achieving “decolonization”, is getting people NOT keen to root their lives in He Puapua to leave NZ. Immigrates coming from Western Countries (anecdotally) are seemingly required to genuflect to He Puapua more and more.

    The above sounds miserable and boring, multi-level-nightclubs in Australia sound fun!

    So yeah, breadlines-and-crime OR multi-level-nightclubs..

  10. I do not know which food banks you talk about but the City Mission in Chch do not turn any goods away .There is a queue of cars dropping off food and others picking it up and their op shop only turns away rubbish that is an insult to try and pass on . Money is good though as with their buying power they get 2 tins of food for the amount an individual would pay at the supermarket. Many of the helpers are volenteers like me so I cannot say what wages are pad to those helpers that are working there .

  11. No problem with people who have no food, stealing food.

    Two dairies I frequently use have been ram raided. The lovely woman who ran one dairy sold up out of fear. The woman in the other dairy now serves you from inside a cage.

    Young Ram raiders are bagging cigarettes while prospecting for older gangsters to sell. Thats the economics of taxing addiction.

    Two members of the family who run the dairy where I buy lotto tickets were stabbed and nearly didnt survive.

  12. Theft from food bank!s, happens all the time, one you first who next freind from freindship,been happening for years. How the food banks have upped their social care and scaming has probably led to this. Maybe the culprits and their manipulators should go some rounds in the boxing ring with the proffesional boxer who runs this food bank. AS for Key, gutless to stand up in a boxing ring, six million upgrade to his home for security quarters for his protection, today that six million should be reinbursed back to the tax paying citezens of nz, when his old mansion, apparently he lives just up the road in the same street, as his then Prime Minester former home not his Welly government home,but his upgrade home is for sale as of not so late$22 million.

  13. Glamourising gangs, giving current/ex gang members prominent places on government committees and millions of dollars has helped legitimise gangs and led to them getting special treatment during covid – thus rise in gang membership and more crime from younger and younger people.

    Former Dunedin gang member’s role ‘untenable’ – campaigner

    Jacinda Ardern says she doesn’t need to trust Harry Tam for Mongrel Mob-linked meth rehab scheme to produce results

    New Zealand Mongrel Mob leader given essential worker exemption to help boost Covid tests

    Instead of putting youth into programs with non gang members and people who have no criminal records who are experts in psychology etc, to turn their lives around and be role models, Labeen have pursued a failed policy of providing funding and an open mike to gang members, which doesn’t seem to be working out in terms of reducing gangs and gang violence in NZ, quite the opposite.

  14. John Key, makes it clear where NZ politicians are going. Anything for money and donations.

    “The editorial article Sir John’s comments appear in boasts of the “historic achievements” realised in China over the past 10 years under Xi. That’s in contrast, it said, to the United States and the West which have become a “source of instability”. ”


    So much money to be made.
    “The former Prime Minister and his wife Bronagh pocketed $23.5 million for the house in 2017, although the sale didn’t settle until 2019. It was reportedly bought by a person in China.

    According to the NZ Herald, the new owner has never moved in and neighbours are concerned over the lack of upkeep on the sprawling property.”

    We all know that 2 Chinese are more valuable than 2 Indians! Pakeha are fucking useless and need to go from parliament.

    I guess gangs provide the support for NZ youths, after NZ policy cancelled it’s youth a while ago for being too lazy and drugged out.

    Quite a different scenario with OT and NZ justice for local kids vs migrant kids when parents are in prison.

    “Judge Mahon sought further information – which led to Oranga Tamariki sending two staff to the South East Asian country for 11 days to check Chu’s proposed home environment.”

    vs local situation

    Tauranga child killer who beat, burnt 5yo Malachi Subecz was his carer

  15. I have been singing this song for some little while now. John Key, Knight Erroneous is the author of a vast increase in homelessness and poverty and yes, a driver of today’s youth crimes. In tandem with his real estate promotions and open door policy for foreign squillionaires he closed vital police stations and effectively defunded the police. That many Kiwis appear to want more of this under a fathead, truly confounds me. What was I going to say? Oh yes…something Key something something Chinese Asset …


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