Wait, WHAT? Dear NZ – I appreciate you are distracted by Fuck Boy Island, but we need a wee chat regarding Tom Fitzgerald quitting



I appreciate we are a shallow settler nation with all the cultural maturity of a can of day old coke-cola and that most of our attention is being spent pretending Fuck Boy Island isn’t a pus filled hate wound of exploitation, but I fear that an event has occurred that hasn’t really been given the due consideration that it perhaps deserves.

Tom Fitzgerald has quit.

I know, I know, I know.

I know you are going to respond, ‘Bomber, there’s no such contestant on Fuck Boy Island”.

I know.

Tom wasn’t on Fuck Boy Island, I’m not talking about Fuck Boy Island anymore, I’m talking about the real world and in the real world, Tom Fitzgerald quitting is turning my blood cold and as a citizen, you should deeply give a fuck about that.

Tom Fitzgerald is NZs top Police Detective and in the wake of the miscarriages of justice of Peter Ellis, Alan Hall  and Teina Pora, he has quietly quit.

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He has quit right after he had created a new police interrogation tactic that saw Police lie and manipulate false confessions out of criminals.

These false confessions have led to the Courts throwing the cases out.

Fitzgerald originally claimed it was the Police who had fucked up using his system when in fact Fitzgerald was present and monitoring the interrogations from a seperate room while they were occurring…

Top cop intimately involved in interviews that led to false murder confession

The architect of a controversial interviewing method had intimate oversight of its use in a case where a false confession was extracted from a murder suspect.

A High Court judge said detectives trained in the Complex Investigation Phased Engagement Model (CIPEM) misled the man, and “manipulated” him to make a confession that was “very flawed” and “not credible”.

Detective Superintendent Tom Fitzgerald, who is the officer in charge of the police’s national crime group, and who created CIPEM, previously said any issues were the result of mistakes by the detectives who questioned the suspect, not a flawed model.

He wouldn’t discuss the extent to which he was involved in the interviews, which were conducted as part of Operation Archer – the investigation into the 2016 murder of Upper Hutt woman Lois Tolley.

Stuff can now reveal that Fitzgerald helped plan the suspect’s interviews and watched them unfold from an adjacent room – offering advice and direction to the two detectives as required.

…look, if you want to have cosy fireside chats with criminals and that helps get information and prosecutions, hey, that’s smart Policing, but what we have here is a process that has clear breaches of good faith law, is in fact illegal and allows for huge periods of time where the fucking camera or recording devices are switched off.

How the Christ can we have any certitude that there isn’t something untoward occurring when the cameras and audio get switched off? The fact that Fitzgerald originally claimed his interview process wasn’t correctly followed by the Detectives and that was the reason the case fell over simply isn’t fucking true! Fitzgerald was there coaching the fucking Detectives the whole fucking time!

Look, you can’t have a Police interview process that generates false or illegal confessions! If all we are trying to do is set people up and convict them of crimes we force them to confess to, that’s not a fucking legal process, that’s a gulag! How have the NZ Police managed to get away with this with so little media attention and how often is this interview process now being used? Are we going to see a sudden spike of mistrials because the Police have adopted a rigged interview process?

BTW – you all know that Fitzgerald was the Detective in charge of the Scott Watson case right? The OTHER big legal case in NZ that most believe was also a miscarriage of justice!

You all know Fitzgerald used Prison narks to get that conviction right?

Why is it that our mainstream media can spend so much time on Aaron Gilmore, ram raiding teens and Fuck Boy Island, but almost no focus on a NZ Police force that are drunk on their own power and are consistently framing people for crimes they didn’t commit?

What the fuck is going on in this country?

If we had a functioning Fourth Estate, the cops would be getting chewed out nightly on Seven Sharp and The Project, what was Jeremy doing this week?

Why he was getting a manicure.

This is why we can’t hold the powerful to account, our fourth estate guard dogs are lap dogs to mediocrity.

You can all go back to Fuck Boy Island now you sheep, we are a nation of easily distracted imbeciles.

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  1. “How the Christ can we have any certitude that there isn’t something untoward occurring when the cameras and audio get switched off?” Short answer we cannot. Police has a toxic culture that makes it’s officers believe they are above the law, this frequently leads to the most toxic and destructive hubris in which the circumstances of an allegation are (re)shaped to fit an individual upon whom Police have made the moral judgement of guilt. The person who has faith in the New Zealand Police is a person who has had not direct dealings with them. Keep speaking truth to power Bomber.

  2. What do we do with a draconian police force?
    What do we do with a draconian police force?
    What do we do with a draconian police force?
    Early in late stage capitalism?

  3. Hasn’t this shit been happening since the Detective’s Hutton and Johnston shenanigans in the AA Thomas days?

  4. He’ll be sniffing around MBIE looking for a feed before you know it. And Ministers will be “comfortable” with it if and when he does

  5. We need more oversight on our Police, forget the Independent Police Complaints Commission, which is filled up with people almost in rest homes, with bugger all experience with front line Policing.
    Internal Affairs perhaps??

  6. Well that’s interesting. My neighbour is a disgraced senior Northland copper, who got pinged by IPCA for threatening a suspect with a beating if he did not cough, Mr plod thought he had turned the video off, heh, and he did, but not the sound recording function!

    And he has more recently been done for leaning on a prosecutor to drop an assault charge against his business partners teenage son.

    Nasty Macho culture still in the NZ Police.

  7. “NZ Police force that are drunk on their own power and are consistently framing people for crimes they didn’t commit”

    Isn’t that the truth, from minor traffic offences to murder investigations, the lie, or misleading police statement, is the most well worn implement in the policing toolbox.

  8. reminds me of..

    go find 6 irishmen
    which 6 irishmen?
    I don’t care just find 6 irishmen….
    but why?
    because we need 6 irishmen need to go down

    and that ended in the law being an ass too.

  9. Good work @ MB. To paraphrase: “Evil prevails where good people fail to act. ”
    The skill of any reporter must surely lie in the ability to present all the facts without wandering off into La La Land. (While I’m no reporter, like I do. ) A reporter must be concise, surgically accurate and unbiased, right?
    Yeah, fuckin right.
    The trick to reporting would be to get the message across without inducing eye rolling impatience, gape maw’d incredulity at a lack of facts added to assumptions or fucking things up generally so that one loses credibility. Or, has credibility taken from them accompanied by gales of laughter.
    If I was a ‘reporter’ this is what I’d write in relation to ‘Fuck Boy Island’ and the myriad other *Idiocracy-esque scandals raining down on our ‘ dumbasses’.
    1984. Roger douglas stole caucus and privatised our AO/NZ’s politics.
    Privateer business people AKA crooks, opportunists and elbow bending Gin slingers subverted we, the public’s steerage of what was once our politic and took over the show with the help of traitorous politicians from both sides of the sweaty bed that’s the meld of right and left politics and all aided and abetted by now all bought and paid for media personalities. ( Remember ETV? AKA ‘Educational Television’ on morning TV? Remember then how it was run down by squeaky little oil-hair mike hoskings? ETV shows were off, Little Mr Squeaky-Oily was up. That, happened at about the same time Kim Hill was removed from RNZ’s Nine til noon for, I believe, nailing that now dead crook roger kerr up. From that point on. From about 1984 to about 1990 our politics was in turmoil. Good people were being kicked out of the media, David Lange died and from about the late 1990’s to today, we’ve had no politics at all. We have now nine multi billionaires running their show. Our ‘politics’s is, amongst other things, a means of sating the curiosity of those left smart enough, and old enough, to question what the media tells us, or doesn’t.
    With now nine Kiwi-as multi billionaires in charge ( Otherwise we’d NOT have now nine multi billionaires would we? ) of your money and all your waking hours be extension, they wouldn’t be there would they! No! They wouldn’t.
    We no longer have politics. The scam you see and believe to be your politics isn’t your politics. It’s a facade. A carefully orchestrated stage production. It’s a script written by lawyers, accountants, members of parliament, the media and influencers lurking on the interweb, waiting and watching. They’re here too. Dripping poisonous doubt and deception into our exhausted minds.
    Let the facts sink in. We have no politic. We have a carefully selected crew of managers to create vast wealth in an on going manner for now nine multi billionaires.
    NB. House prices.
    Here’s a succulent little tit bit to chew on.
    House prices equal to imprisonment. You bought a house for hundreds of thousands or even millions? You just bought a prison cell. You’re in there for the long haul, especially now that house prices are dropping. ( Funny that. ) You’re in your polite cage and you must now work harder. In other words ; you’re fucked.
    There’s no point in writing a horror story without a happy ending.
    Solution to the multi billionaire infestation?
    Side with our primary industry. Strike with them. Drive the hyper rich into a renovated state house. Give them $400 a week to survive on. Chip them. Everyone has an ap to tells us where they are 24/7. Outrageous, you think? Well, it’s what they’ve done to us isn’t it?
    * Idiocracy. https://whatsnewonnetflix.com/new-zealand/17015/idiocracy-2006

  10. …the OTHER big legal case in NZ that most believe was also a miscarriage of justice!”

    I don’t know that “most’ people think there was a miscarriage in the Sounds murder case. Maybe some but not most, simply because “most” people don’t give a damn either way.

  11. Thanks Martyn. Cops need gopros on their vests 24/7 when on duty. Can’t get away with BS policing with sound plus audio. They’re the biggest gang in NZ and as such need monitoring. I’m certain there are countless wrong convictions. Police lie, bully and injure innocent people and get away with it. I’ve witnessed this myself. There are more than “a few bad eggs” in their gang and they need to sort their shit out. With the power they wield they need to sort the control freaks from decent people. Starting with a four year degree before the usual tiny term at police college. Ethics and people skills should be right up there in their studies. Bloody uneducated morons speeding around creating “better work stories” otherwise. Meh

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