What Key voting for Trump says about National Party


Former New Zealand PM John Key says he would have voted for Trump and Bolsonaro

Influential National party figure said he had never voted ‘anything other than right’, but that some on the right were ‘getting pretty crazy’

Revelations that John Key would have voted for the orange fascist that is Donald Trump probably highlights two things.

The first is the need for John to suck up to America after he has been such an apologist for China recently and he needs to flag that while he is craven enough to suck up to an authoritarian regime like the Chinese Communist Party, he’ll also vote for American Fascism as well.

The second thing it highlights is the deeply problematic true values of many National MPs who like Todd Muller and his infamous MAGA Hat attests to.

Luxon and Key are the same class of rich prick and Luxon is a Handmaid’s Tale level anti-abortionist to boot so I’m assuming he’d also support Trump.

It’s important for voters to know these things, and while we are here, let’s remember that wonderful moment when The Daily Blog broke the ponytail pulling story…

TDB Recommends NewzEngine.com

…happy days.

The reality is the National Party are a lot harder right than we assume and their true political compass points towards American orange fascism and red China authoritarianism.

National claim they won’t do a Lizz Truss styled tax cut that spooks the market, but their tax cuts are un-costed and other than the promise to slash 14000 state sector jobs, it’s not clear how much to the bone their razor gang intend to go.

Because National are utterly dependent upon ACT to gain power, David Seymour will be able to demand brutal policy that National ill have no choice but to implement.

NZers are grumpy and angry with the Government, but let’s not pretend National have any actual solutions other than perforce art for ‘hating Cindy’.

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  1. The sad thing is as our brains devolve into 15 second tic toc awareness then “hate cindy; Hate Cindy; HATE CINDY” becomes all the policy statement you need.

  2. Yawn. I’m sure Ardern would have voted for Corbyn or indeed Maduro given half the option.

    At least Key is being honest.

    The establishment center right parties all have a difficult decision in the next decade – continue to move further to the center-left or go back to their values. If they choose the former they will be replaced.

    • she would never ever in a million trillion years have voted for corbyn…he’s a socialist..
      please do try a bit harder panzerboi

    • Frank he said of voting for Trump “I am not saying it would have been the right decision but I am saying that’s what I would have done”. Honest sure, but what a dick. So even though it is wrong I will do it because Trump or that Brazilian wanker are on the right. That’s despite these people being crazy as he even indicated.

      Thank god there is a centre in this country that votes based on what they think will work regardless of left or right. That’s where we should be.

    • Ha ha, The values of Trump and Bolsanaro sais it all really Frank, Septic.

      I feel you’re the type of guy who supports civilized western sanctions ,,, and regards the suffering, hardship and in some cases starvation (Afghanistan), as proof of how bad the targeted victims are.,,, ie, Maduro.

      Forgive me if I’m wrong ,,, but didn’t Septic Frank support Air NZ making money out of starving Yemen children to death?? ,,, or was that just Luxons corporate culture/values ,,, the price and opportunity s of being ‘in the club.

    • Assumption does not equate to thoughtful, intelligent comment, no matter how much you may wish it… Your comment is based on pure assumption, which simply compounds the pretense of knowing what is in another persons mind. One which you have had no meaningful interaction with, and are relying upon dishonest journalists(pundits in actuality) who write whatever suits their sponsors agenda… I honestly thought you were smarter than that…

  3. If the choice was Trump or Clinton and not knowing how bad Trump was going toturn out I would have chosen Trump. It would have been a bad choice but I am sure many who voted for Jacinda to get Labour back in power are feeling the same and are very let down.

    • Well if those that voted for Jacinda are now feeling let down how do you think they will end up feeling after they vote for Luxon/Seymour?

        • I just cant see how anybody, other than a selfish moron, would vote for Luxon/Seymour after listening to them and digesting what they stand for. Mind you a lot of morons have emerged from the bushes in recent years.

    • Problem is Trevor Key said he would vote for Bolsonaro in 2022. That’s already knowing what completely psycho c*nt he is. Key sounds like a tribal evangelical wanker. No matter how bad the candidate on the right is I will vote for them. Just like all those god bothering people in the States with Trump. He said things that completely went against their values but they voted for him anyway

  4. Scraping the barrel, Martyn. More likely it shows that Key’s starting to lose his marbles. Has he already forgotten that Trump was hostile to both immigration and “free” trade?

  5. Who fucken cares what that dickhead thinks he had his turn he left on his own accord if he wants back in then he can out his name forward the way his mates going (with Barbaras’ conflict of interest and the cows) they might need another sub soon. I thought he was spending more time with moonbeam and his wifey anyway.

  6. If this does one thing, it shows us all just how vulnerable we’ve been left to greater forces. Hyper rich psychopathic bully’s the world over will be fueling up their super yachts to come here and lay claim to what ever they like because they will know we’re nut-less cowards for not hunting jonky down and throwing the fucker into prison.
    And let me be clear, as a humble citizen of Aotearoa / New Zealand, my opinion applies to every grotesquely rich scum bag who thinks they can toy with is as they like. Aye Boys?
    And if you’re pondering a point of reference to my opinion, think about people who’re most vulnerable to bullies like jonky. How are they surviving and functioning? That’s what you must ask yourself.
    If the answer’s ” Not great” then things are deeply fucking wrong. Because the measure of any democracy-nuanced politic is of how the most vulnerable live.
    In Nu Zillind ” Bit a banter ” country, our most vulnerable are treated like that. Bullied and humiliated, and in public no less by a rich, dickless , hooked nose little man-thing with a sadistic streak. On a broader scale, our most vulnerable must live rough in the streets and parks and in poor health. Houses for them are nothing more than a fantasy. That’s how far down sadists like little jonky, and others, have dragged us to. Personally, I find it fucking sickening.

  7. Ah the halcyon days of the Trump administration!

    The low inflation, record employment, low crime and war-free days.

    Clearly the man must be a fascist! 😉

    • Andrew they were still in Afghanistan when Trump LOST and unemployment was not at record lows when he was dragged like a five year old away from a kids birthday party. Imagine Trump now. He would be going after the Fed for raising rates.

  8. I remember feeling depressed about how far our country had plummeted to such a basic level after listening to Key on a radio show talking about pissing in the shower and talking about David Beckham as being ‘as thick as batshit’ after he had gone out of his way to meet his son as just a couple of examples of this basic boring shallow human being…. FFS … Luxona’s no better ….he just as basic but it manifests itself in a different way…

    Can you imagine the uproar if Jacinda started talking anywhere close to that kind of rubbish!!

  9. I will never vote National because they are the least NZ focused of all the NZ parties.

    For many years now they have been the party of get rich quick and small business in NZ. Not productivity boosting, bigger businesses or the man on the street. No, their true demographic are upper working class, lower to middle, middle class grifters who know every tax loophole in the book and probably comprise about 40% of the total population.

    They are the tax avoiding property developers and small business owners where a couple claims 2 salaries of $70K, when only one works, buys 2 company promoting cars every few years, goes on regular foreign ‘business’ trips and get subsidised purchases and GST rebates for various expenses. I know a whole bunch of them, few went to Uni or were in top jobs but they all know how to work the system. They pay a fraction of the tax of salaried staff and National knows that if it keeps them happy, they will be voted in time and time again. Added bonus for the Nats is that through their policies, they too can avail themselves of these wealth creating opportunites eg: No of properties owned by Nats as opposed owned by Labour for example.

    I think Jacinda has trashed our country and I cant stand her manipulative and authoritarian behaviour. However, at least she had an ideology that she believed in (I assume) and went out there and did something. I will never vote for her again but I will certainly not vote for the Me and my Mates first party either.

  10. lol – – Trump the slumlord who’s only claim to fame was as head chump on a show for chumps – the guy is was and will always be a total douche bag – if it wasn’t for his old man he’d be nothing.

    As for Key – that quote above just shows what a brainless automaton he is – I’ll vote left, right or centre for whoever has the ideas with the chutzpah to back them up.

    Both Key and Trump are severely devoid in the ideas department as it is with most of the hoi polloi who vote like tribal lemmings.

    At least the current NZ government are trying shit instead of rolling out memes and platitudes – if they’ve got the tards baying then they must be doing something right.

  11. As i see it this is the problem for voters.
    Labour gave up on real socialism years ago.
    However compared to National (‘Worship the Rich’) and ACT they are the lesser of evils so if I want a government with any sort of social conscience at all I must vote Labour (forget the Greens – they moved to weirdsville).
    They have done nothing meaningful about poverty, housing, migration, health, the causes of crime and if they win the next election they still will not do anything and no-one can make them change.
    It reminds me of the way Labour ignored Maori voters for years secure in the knowledge that as little as the Labour government did to support Maori the alternative political parties were worse choices for Maori voters.
    Mana, New Zealand First and Te Pati Maori managed to dent that (but only dent it)
    So who has ideas for how to break out of the Labour voters deadlock? Please do not say vote National or ACT as altermatives – I may be old and depressed but I am not suicidal, nor do I want be euthanised but we need to find some way out of the dilemma.

  12. They’re all shallow. The only way to press the Right case with ‘honesty’ on their faces. Nothing going on with Key. Believing born again christianity as your main philosophy is all convenience re Luxon. Let alone the shallow others who do and have so been turned against reality.

  13. “get subsidised purchases and GST rebates for various expenses”

    Could you give more detail and specific examples?

    Asking for a friend.

  14. I see luxton style tax cuts are working well in the UK and jeremy hunt(typo) is another cardboard cut out tory, maybe just maybe luxton should think again.

  15. ” we’re nut-less cowards for not hunting jonky down and throwing the fucker into prison ”

    Pretend justice is only affordable to the rich.

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