MEDIAWATCH: Stuff Kamahl coverage vs Herald Kamahl coverage


UPDATE: Newshub credited us and officially have more journalistic integrity than the other 4 put together!

Kamahl reached out to TDB and sent us his statement first.

The NZ Herald originally acknowledged TDB published it first, in their original version, but then cut us out of the story altogether.

Fuck you Tom Dilane.

Also no mention of TDB in the Stuff story, or on RNZ, or TVNZ.


Comrades, you can read it here first or you can read it on mainstream media pretending that we didn’t publish it first.

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  1. Very interesting topic — NZ Herald is dying out, how do I know?? They claim readership numbers — which is meaningless, and never give subscription numbers— the truth hurts

  2. Who? And the first person appears to be the person themselves on their own website.

    This is childish and unbecoming.

  3. Not the only mainstream story that the Daily Blog breaks.

    TDB is the new choice for people to use to break their story.

    That is because TDB is more rounded on a range of issues and commentators seem to be more rounded in many ways too.

    Some people are so woke and triggered now with allegations about bullying/sexual harassment etc, you can no longer work out if someone is a sexual predator or bully, or are the bully those complaining, or did the alleged perpetrator just read the room wrong, and all hail of allegations from years ago start raining in.

    Society is changing so that behaviour that used to be ok and considered harmless, (complimenting someone on their appearance) is no longer considered appropriate in the work place. It’s like a plague of wokies cancelling history and cancelling art, statues etc, because they can’t understand it’s place in history. Yes we get it, don’t compliment someone in the work place on their appearance! But was it sexual harassment if someone did it previously, in a different context.

    I don’t know whether Kamel is sexist or not, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt at this stage because we now have people who are so triggered they are knifing comedians, taking txts out of context, making up stories. Mis remembering didn’t work out well for Peter Ellis.

    What alarms me is that the woke focus so much on small mistakes and seem to be oblivious to serious criminal activity and injustice in the sexual crime space that also seems to be increasing.

    Focus on the worst cases first!!!

  4. On the issue of the woke virtue signalling equality and gender, yet surprisingly many of their changes seem to be taking womans rights and safety backwards.

    School defends ‘gender rights’ of trans teacher with giant prosthetic breasts

    If a trans woman to man wanted to create a giant fetishised penis sticking out in the classroom, would that be ok by the woke and teaching board? I don’t think a trans woman to man would be able to teach with a giant fetish penis like the way a men trans to woman can have giant fetish breasts.

    It seems that men seem to be able to do anything these days, even be better woman including being a woman with more rights in the wokeforce, and the cancellation of womans rights, language, sex and experience is at an all time high.

    Maybe Kamhal should become a woman and thus get off – easy to do now with self certification.

    We really do live in an age of sexual absurdity.

    • @SaveNZ it’s not a male-female thing it’s a top trumps game of woke intersectional grievance.

      Woke world is seen through a lens of cultural conflict theory of oppressor/oppressed across multiple domains.
      male/female, cis/trans, straight/gay, white/Black, colonial/indigenous (there are many others but these are commonly accepted). Oppressor class are sinners, oppressed class is sanctified.

      So woman trumps man (1 dimension of oppression), but trans-woman trumps cis-woman (2 dimensions of oppression). Unless you’re a women or trans-woman who disagrees with wokeism then you have less clout than the straightest-whitest-cis woke male.

      “It seems that men seem to be able to do anything these days, even be better woman including being a woman with more rights in the wokeforce, and the cancellation of womans rights, language, sex and experience is at an all time high.”

      That’s trans radical activism, it’s nothing to do with men, nor is it anything to do with trans people who are frankly fed up being used as a political football. It’s to do with Queer Theory ideologues (of all genders, sex and races).

      It is genuinely misogynistic but is also homophobic. For example homosexuality has been redefined as same-gender attracted not same-sex attracted. This allows the righteous wokeolyte to shame of lesbians who won’t sleep with trans-women as ‘genital-essentialists’ and transphobic. It also frames non-gender conforming kids as being trans, when typically they are gay. If a gay-male likes other males, make him a straight-female! It’s the kind of homophobia Iranian theocrats can get behind.

      To repeat this is nothing to do with trans people, wokism is ideologues (and useful idiots) leveraging political advantage off ‘oppressed’ identities as both a rhetorical human shield and battering ram.

      • Thank you Tui – agree 100% and you put it really well.

        The problem is, that a huge amount of people don’t care, let alone understand the subtleties of it all – the so called pro trans activists just echo chamber versions and enjoy oppressing people in the fake discourse of being oppressed themselves. It is also very career enhancing while is why many useless people with few skills are attracted to it.

        Also agree that

        “That’s trans radical activism, it’s nothing to do with men, nor is it anything to do with trans people who are frankly fed up being used as a political football.”

        But while it has nothing to do with men, it has now taken over woman’s experience into some fetishised version (a bit like the ginormous fake breasts), and now things like breast feeding and pregnancy are not considered a woman’s space. In my mind it is a big step back for womans rights. Funding etc, now have to allow men who identify as woman so as you say, are considered ‘better’ and more oppressed.

        The woke have taken over the left and green discourse in the same way the trans people have been taken over by the militant trans radical activism, who have most of it wrong and busy alienating everyone else. AKA Pride parade.

        Now they are banding together to refuse to engage with anybody else, aka the Greens not willing to debate anymore at university.


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