Wayne Brown The Boomer King surveys his realm to slash & burn

The Boomer King Wayne Brown surveys his new kingdom of Auckland

The Boomer King Wayne Brown has beaten the Gen X voice of a new political generation Efeso Collins in a rigged casino of an election in the last gasp of the boomer generation to hold onto their priviledge and power.

Born with a cradel to the grave subsidisation of their entire lives, Boomers once again fuck over the first user pays generation, Gen X and deny us our rightful leadership of local government!

I say rigged casino because it is.

Right wing pundits claim suggesting that the election process is rigged is just sour grapes – that is bullshit!

Most journalists and political commentators were not even aware that a private company runs our local elections. In the end there were barely 10 polls where people could cast special votes for a city of over 1.2million!

The land lord class get to vote for every property they own in different electorates, the poor who are marginalised and bounced from rental to rental and who haven’t updated their home address become more and more marginalised.

We are such a bullshit cheap arsed nation we sub contracted our democratic obligations out to the lowest cost operator!

How very Wellington Professional Managerial Class of us!

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The postal vote is the cheapest method that robs the poor of access and the paltry 35% turn out proves that.

The Boomer King is already threatening a slash and burn campaign on Auckland that will have those who voted for him scream, ‘we didn’t vote for this’, except of course the huge Chinese-Auckland electorate of 200 000 who were so quietly instrumental in the Boomer Kings win.

Wayne Brown may be the Mayor of Auckland, but he’s also Beijing’s man about town!

To my dear Gen Xers and Millennials watching the boomers destory our cities again, I say this.

Remember Comrades, next year for the first time in NZs history, Gen Xers plus millennials will be a numerically larger number than the boomers, and then, and only then, do we get our revenge on the vested interests of a generation who had their existence subsidised while we had to pay for everything!

Don’t let you rage dissipate Comrades.

Now here’s Tom with the weather.

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  1. Yes voting system is broken. Has been for decades. But it only became an issue our missing in action government and Prime Minister cared about once their picks got whipped.

    Was it unfair when Labour backed candidates won? Repeatedly? Didn’t seem to matter then! Actually, it suited them!

    And it may astound you that plenty of boomers voted Efeso and plenty non boomers voted Brown. Not because he is the best or because of his movie star looks but because he read the room and saw how pissed off people were with the likes of Auckland Transport. Recall a couple of months back how they were just cancelling road side parking, everywhere? The sheer arrogance of AT who didn’t give a flying shit who paid their wages or who it affected, they were doing it because no one would stop them! That kind of ideological shit was by then several bridges too far. That’s the kind of mindless dictatorial garbage from ideological bureaucrats that causes political change.

    That is why those who bothered voting voted Brown.

    And it was therapeutic reading the outrage on Greater Auckland, who pretty much are the voice of the madness that took over AT. All that scheming and behind the scenes manipulation, dead in the water. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind!

  2. Efeso Collins defeated himself by parroting Labour messages of kindness, diversity – while NOT telling us what is was going to do…

    • Similar to Brown really who didn’t parrot Labour messages of kindness and diversity – while NOT telling us what he is was going to do besides ‘fixing it.’

    • Yep. In the end, he was just a branch of Jacinda’s govt. No thanks! They fucked up enough in NZ, stay away from Auckland.

    • Efeso put out multiple policies on what he was going to do lol. Meanwhile Brown kept mindlessly shouting he will “fix things” without providing further details.

    • It’s true. But I suspect that the ratepayers really saw him only as a ribbon cutting mayor. The real problem is we are beholden to the bureaucracy and that runs things that effects everyday people. The elected officials don’t have the powers to change things all that much- (free transport would have too many vested interests I suspect most voters considered it a pipedream- (a flat fee would seem to be more doable.) Yes Auckland needs a sort out, but by degrees its systems have been locked in to lean one way or another but not change direction. The outsourcing of basic functions as in many other sectors has insured that routine maintenance is not prioritised until it fails… Aucklanders said ‘Clean the house before you buy new furniture.’

  3. The only people who should vote in local body elections are property owners. Renters do not get rates bills so do not pay rates. People who work and live with their parents do not pay rates . If everyone who lives inside a city boundary paid the same amount towards the running of a city then that’s fine. But this does not happen . If you don’t pay you should have no say. Just buy a house…It’s easy….

    • I’m sure landlords factor rates into the rent they charge. If they don’t then they are as dumb as what you appear Robsmob.
      I suppose you still think it was a good idea to get rid of compulsory super. Dumb arses agree.

      • Mike….getting rid of compulsory super was not a good idea..Without a doubt….Not sure if the money would have survived the late eighty’s or the nineties as the free marketeer’s would have been circling around like vultures with great ideas to fill their wallets..I mean add value to the investment money of kiwi battlers…

    • By that logic; the Residential Tenancy Act should be amended to exclude landlords from including council rates as expenses, if the market rent charged by landlords is legally challenged.

      To disagree would be a strong indication that you actually agree tenants indirectly pay council rates via their rents.

      That’s not to say a case couldn’t be made for only property owners voting in local body elections. Though, if only property owners could vote, it might be reasonable that all infrastructure is funded out of property owner’s pockets..

      As the saying goes, “no taxation without representation”.

    • Wrong: renters pay rent, which pays the rates on the property, the owner’s house insurance, the owner’s mortgage etc, so they deserve as much say in local politics as do property owners.

    • the city is faceing infustructure collapse this guy is going stop necessary work for the intrests of boomer property owners who enjoyed 40 years under investment so there
      blessed existence can continue

  4. Harking back to the old days when only landowners could vote aye Robs mob and yet Maori owned most of the land but hey! we will create the natives four seats so they can ONLY vote for their own. And women aren’t allowed to own land so they can’t vote. Now we have newly minted Indian and Chinese immigrants running amok and it’s all about themselves, money and their dairies, something really stinks.

    • It’s not so much the voting that is the issue Covid…Its the fact that only property owners get a rates bill from the council…If you have two homes side by side , one person owns and lives in the house and pays rates , and next to that person is four people renting…The renters don’t get a rates bill but get to enjoy all the cities facilities for free. It’s not fair…Everyone inside the city’s boundaries should pay the same….Is that not reasonable Covid….

      • You should have read the answers to your 7:18 am comment before repeating the same stupid comment that renters don’t pay rates. I can introduce you to a few hard men who will provide their thoughts on the idea that paying exorbitant rent to landlords somehow allows them to enjoy the city’s facilities for free.
        I guess if you own a ghost house where you do not rent it there might be some logic in feeling like you do but your choice to be selfish does not mean that other people who rent do not pay rates in their rent payment.

        • Bonnie…I’m pleased you know some hard men and I’m sure their thoughts are very interesting…Good for you…

  5. As a progressive boomer, I know I’m increasingly in a minority in my own age cohort. I’m also old enough to remember the nightmare of Muldoon, of whom I’m reminded each time Brown opens his angry, crinkled old mouth

    • Yes David, Martyn might be a tad general in his conclusions as to who voted for Brown ( apologies in advance if he has seen demographics around the voting). To me this is part of the problem. Everyone has to be put in a box, left, right, gen x, boomer. It’s lazy and potentially dangerous all at the same time. It’s all about tribes it seems.

  6. Common denominators in local council elections, you can stay in power till you are way past 65 years of age in fact till you almost have one foot in the grave as long as you can stand your fine. And this is especially true if you are white it doesn’t matter. Aucklands’ new mayor looks like Oscar who just jumped out of the rubbish bin, and he could easily be mistaken for a homeless unkept gummy man (whose teeth look like they are going to fall out every time he opens his trap) but it seems to be alright when you are a rich old white man cause NZers don’t judge you by your clothes, body shape or hairdo like they do to many women. Talk about double standards my how the hypocrisy grows in our country.

    • covid you nasty little sore loser leftie.
      Try this: Jacinda could easily be mistaken for a bullshitter every time she opens her trap. Maybe next time you should personally lead your apathetic tribe to go down and vote, instead of bleating afterwards that the other side won.

      • The other side won but effectively all of Auckland lost.

        “You get what you fucking deserve” you nasty grublike ungracious winner.

  7. Still haven’t forgotten too those 700 members of the Remuera golf club who get their $11,700 annual membership paid for by ratepayers for a 100 year contract. About 90 years still to go!!

  8. ‘The land lord class get to vote for every property they own in different electorates, ‘-am I understanding this right=landlords exercise more than one vote?

  9. “Renters do not get rates bills so do not pay rates. People who work and live with their parents do not pay rates”

    Thus they have no direct incentive to vote, fail to vote and fail to get representation.

  10. “Browny” has a terrible history of insider trading, unauthorised personal spending, sacking council staff that dared to be UNION members, etc. He set up a sister city in China to try and get mining happening in the Far North.

    So, Auckland–enjoy!

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