Time to treat annexation by Israel the same as we do with Russia


It has been refreshing to see the government stand firmly against the Russian invasion and occupation of Ukraine.

While it’s been easy to see the reasons for Russia’s action in the provocative expansion of NATO to Russian borders, there has never been justification for war with all the needless suffering and death which follows.

In response to Russia’s initial invasion in February, the government issued an immediate condemnation and within a few days had announced a first round of sanctions against Russia. These include a 35% tariff on all Russian goods entering New Zealand, bans on exports with military potential and travel bans against Russians with close links to the Kremlin.

Now, in response to Russia’s announcement of the annexation of four Ukrainian provinces after a series of bogus “polls”, the government will shortly announce another round of sanctions most likely to focus on “imports and exports” according to the Prime Minister.

It’s good we stand up against anyone stealing another people’s land. International law and United Nations resolutions should have taken us past the “might is right” approach to conflicts and Russia needs to feel the full force of international condemnation and punitive sanctions.

Russia is not the only country wielding annexation as a weapon however.

It’s hard to keep a straight face with the jaw-dropping statement from Israeli’s Foreign Ministry last week that “Israel supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We will not recognize the annexation of the four provinces by Russia.”

Prominent Israeli writer Gideon Levy is scathing of his government’s hypocrisy over Russian annexations when Israel has been at it for decades.

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“Where to begin? With an occupying state preaching to a different occupying state? With an annexing state announcing that it won’t recognize a different annexation?”

What Levy is referring to is Israel’s ongoing annexation of Palestinian land, with barely a peep from any of the countries now protesting so loudly against Russia.

Israel set the scene for the annexation of Palestinian land in 1967 when it attacked neighbouring countries and took over the entire area of historic Palestine – from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea – which it continues to occupy today. Repeated United Nations resolutions have not been enough to force the withdrawal of the Israeli military and Israel has been progressively annexing this land, area by area, ever since.

Israel has annexed Syria’s Golan Heights and East Jerusalem as well as threatening annexation of vast swathes of the Occupied West Bank – land ear-marked for a Palestinian state. Israel has already turned this area into Swiss cheese by establishing over 200 illegal, Jewish-only settlements, housing more than half a million Israelis. So much so that an independent, viable Palestinian state is no longer possible.

In the early 2000s Israel built what it called a “security wall” (accurately dubbed an “apartheid wall” by Palestinians) which cut through Palestinian areas and annexed further large areas of Palestinian land. This wall was declared illegal by the International Court of Justice but it still stands today as a symbol of enforced annexation.

The latest area facing annexation is at Masafer Yatta in the Occupied West Bank where the Israeli military took over in May and has has turned this area of 20 Palestinian villages into a “live fire zone” to force the Palestinians out.

Bit by bit, annexation is the weapon Israel is using to progressively steal Palestinian land and expel the Palestinians. Israel wants the land without the people.

Israel has its phony justifications to occupy and annex just as Russia has. Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who looks to be on track to regain the Prime Ministerial role in Israel’s November election, says a large area of the Occupied West Bank is named after Jews (Judea) and must be annexed by Israel. The name Judea is used in some faith histories such as the Bible, but this is no justification for annexation. If it were then perhaps the Italians should annex the US because America is named after the Italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci. Or perhaps the Netherland’s should annex Aotearoa New Zealand because this country was named New Zealand by the Dutch explorer Able Tasman.

Justification for annexation is always self-serving.

Gideon Levy makes a stark, withering comparison between Russian and Israeli annexation policies.

“It’s amazing to see how not one muscle twitches on the faces of Israel’s decision makers and ordinary citizens when talking about the Russia occupation…it violates international law and the resolutions of the international community…   What about the Israeli occupation? Is it prettier? More legal? Is it not violent and brutal? Has it not killed thousands of innocent people, including hundreds of children? The Israeli occupation is simply older and more rooted”

Israel has refused to put sanctions on Russia. It doesn’t want to draw attention to its own annexation polices and be called a hypocrite for supporting BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Russia but crying “anti-semitism” when calls for BDS are made against Israel for the same policies.

In the meantime I’ve lost count of the human rights organisations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty international which have, quite rightly, called out Israel as an apartheid state. Apartheid is a “crime against humanity” under international law but New Zealand is all but silent.

It’s time our own government with its so called ‘independent foreign policy’ started to apply the same policies against Israel as we are supporting against Russia.


  1. Apartheid Israel is the only democracy in the M.E, remembering that we the collective west stand beside other democracies and fight for the freedom of the oppressed? I mean this is laughable and the irony is that we ally with some of the worse despot in the world like the head chopping throat slitting Saudi Arabia that isn’t a democracy and noticeably the Yemen genocide has been largely ignored by western MSM and govt.

    The hypocrisy to cry foul at Russia annexation and invasion of the Oblast territories, when in 2014 the coup of the legitimate democratic elected govt of Ukraine & President Viktor Yanukovych who was to secure cheap permanent energy from Russia and distance himself from the EU and NATO, was praised by the ‘collective west’ who marched through the Maidan square linking hands and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu was amongst the prominent western leaders vociferating freedom & democracy for overthrowing a democratically elected govt and president of Ukraine!!?

  2. Stephen as I am sure you know this is a falsehood, a lie.
    Apartheid Israel is the only democracy in the M.E.

    There are at least 65 laws that discriminate against Palestinians living in Israel:

    We do indeed ally with appalling despots in countries where women, gay people and others are seriously discriminated against.

    Mostly we do what the American Government does, and Jacinda has moved us closer to their policies than ever before although saying ‘we have an independent foreign policy’, which is complete nonsense.

    I agree totally on the appalling things that have happened in Ukraine, that the West have gone along with, the 11 parties that Zelensky got rid of, his promotion because the West didn’t like the democratically elected government that was in power.

  3. “In the West It’s ‘Pick and Choose’ Whose Sovereignty You Respect” https://youtu.be/nA2ShBTgUf0

    Israelis Are Not ‘Indigenous’ (and other ridiculous pro-Israel arguments)

    ….”a minority of settlers who came to Palestine to colonize it over the last century are ruling a majority of Palestinians who are the natives of the land.”

  4. I dont understand why the world has allowed this to go on for so long.

    As with the Irish conflict, this is long running and there is plenty of blame to go around. I understand that after the second world war everyone felt sorry for the Jews and wanted to give them a place to call home (amongst other reasons).

    But it beggars belief that the persecuted should become the oppressor especially to this extent. I understand the fear of having it happen again amidst continued Palestinian insurrection but after so much time has passed and Israel’s continued expansion and compassionless aggression, I dont get why no-one has once stood up and said to the Israeli’s -Dont you think it’s enough??

    Is it purely about political power and wealth? How can its influence stretch so far from say the UN across all the developed nations and more? Even here in NZ, the Israeli government (or the local Jewish council?) seems to wield an inordinate amount of power.

  5. The idea of finding a homeland for Jews goes well back before WWII. It was promoted by Shrewsbury and others in the 1830s.

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