UNDER THE RADAR – Iranian Feminism & UK Labour antisemitism


We here at TDB like to be first at pointing shit out, but in this never ending 24-7 news clusterfuck of a media environment we all live in, even we can slip up and miss something that should get more focus, so from time to time we’ll run Under the Radar News, things of note that escaped attention.

This week, Iranian Feminism, UK Labour antisemitism + UK Free Market madness


Iranian Feminism:

Samira Taghavi in the Herald last week asked Why the silence on Iran and the death of Mahsa Amini?…

Few people in New Zealand can comprehend what it is like to live in a country where the police will arrest you for not “correctly” wearing a head scarf. Let alone beat and kill you for it.

Yet this is happening right now in Iran.

Intensely disturbing is that the bulk of our usual sources of political outrage in this country have nothing to say. The Jacinda Ardern Government’s silence, particularly, needs to change.

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Mahsa Amini, was picked up by Iran’s “morality police” because of her “poor hijab” which purportedly – and fatally – revealed too much fringe. Alas, no high government official will ever be held to account for her death. It doesn’t work that way in a country that takes its view of women from the 12th century.

Street protests have since erupted and some 60 deaths have occurred at the hands of government forces.

I am lucky to live in this country, but I grew up in Iran before leaving at the age of 22 – the same age as Amini.

Had I stayed, my parents would have probably long ago mourned my death.

I know the fear of being picked up by the religious police – I have had that actual experience – without knowing where I was being taken and whether I would leave their custody alive or dead.

For a long time after moving here, I felt my body shiver on seeing a nearing police car. It can be hard to get ever-present fear and frequent terror out of one’s system.

The Western world is, it seems, often convulsed with angst about human rights, and routinely extends the long arm of disapproval even to people who are long dead. Statues are coming down, buildings and places are being renamed, all to express the strongest condemnation of outrages, including ones that happened centuries ago.

But it appears that outrage can be selective.

While Anglo-Saxon colonisers are condemned, that is often not so with Middle Eastern mullahs.

But still as of the date of writing, with the Iranian government killing citizens in the streets, the New Zealand Prime Minister offers no words.

…I think the problem in the NZ context, particularly with Jacinda, is that the Christchurch Terror attack cemented her emotionally into protecting the Muslim Community in NZ and as such, any criticism of something as riddled with problematic problematics like Muslim head scarfs clash with the Lefts desire to protect while promoting human rights.

Let’s remind ourselves as we are all hopping onto our high horses that America kills people during arrest all the time and that there wouldn’t be a medieval Theocracy operating in Iran in the first place if the West hadn’t committed a coup to steal oil and set in motion a revolution against the Dictator we installed.

The unprecedented protest and the predictable looming brutal crackdown will all swirl for the next week our show but the bigger issue I fear in Iran now is how desperate the West has pushed Iran into a nuclear programme.

Trump’s insane decision to shit all over Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran has forced Iran into nuclear production that could lead to a nuclear weapon. Iranian leaders could believe the only way out of the economic sanction death grip America has placed them under is to gain a nuclear weapon.

With such enormous geopolitical threats, the death of a young woman for not wearing a headscarf properly seems more important than ever before.


UK Labour antisemitism

One of the most extraordinary self censorships last week was the total radio silence on Al Jazeera’s damning documentary into how Corbyn was undermined and framed as an antisemite by the Zionist Apartheid Israeli supporters who falsified and lied about the level of antisemitism inside Labour to destroy Corbyn.

Corbin was always a left wing Populist threat to the UK establishment and his pro Palestinian stance terrified the Zionist Apartheid Israeli supporters so he had to be destroyed by Starmer. This antisemite game is one played all the time to silence any criticism of Zionist Apartheid Israels brutal and illegal occupation of the Palestinian people. Starmer’s Labour UK Stasi outed anyone who supported Corbyn by playing woke identity politics cancellation Lynch mobs.

The question in the NZ context is do the Israeli Hawks have the same kind of power in NZ? Maybe we should ask the Free Speech NZ Union if such hypocrisy occurs here?




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  1. It’s interesting to notice the lack of interest in NZ in the Corbyn situation. And if one even praises Jews here there is usually someone who has their antenna up a mile high with an automatic defensive-attack reaction. I understand why that reaction can happen but it doesn’t do away with the discussion that should be aired, it just leaves it suppurating.

  2. Well, the zionist lobby has successfully ordered MFAT to get New Zealand signed up to the so-called ‘IHRA’, a despicable organization that makes the disgustingly antisemitic claim that all jews support zionism (the genocide of the Palestinian people). I’d say that’s pretty significant, given that Labour pretends to support human rights and not be prejudiced.

  3. It’s odd how noone in the regime media pontificating about Iran has any interest in hearing from actual Iranian women
    as opposed to Kurdish extremists, insane royalist fans of the Pahlavi regime, or Mossad agents, who make up the entirety of the protests in the West.

  4. So much is the result of past history. Not so many want to read books these days but the reviews of the book by American journalist Stephen Kinzer ‘All the Shah’s Men’ give a good idea of the 1953 coup carried out by the West to depose the elected PM of Iran Mohammed Mossadegh. The book itself is thorough and revealing. When did the plundering West ever care about anyone or anything except its own plundering and thieving?


    A new documentary ‘Sacrificing Liberty: A USS Liberty Documentary’ is worth looking at before it disappears.

    Then there is the Al Jazeera documentary ‘The Lobby’ In two parts, one dealing with interference in the British Labour Party and the other dealing with influence in Washington.
    No one needs ‘conspiracy theories.’ Information is available. There is nothing new.


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