Putin ratchets up nuclear threats with sham referendum annexation 


Russia Ukraine war: New Zealand Government condemns ‘illegal annexations’

The New Zealand Government has “unequivocally” condemned Russia’s attempts to illegally annex the regions in Ukraine it currently occupies.

Russian President Vladimir Putin proclaimed Russia’s annexation of a swathe of Ukrainein a pomp-filled Kremlin ceremony overnight NZ time, promising Moscow would triumph in its “special military operation” against Kyiv.

His proclamation of Russian rule over 15 per cent of Ukraine has been roundly rejected by other Western countries and the United States and Britain have announced new sanctions.

To the shock of everyone, a desperate Putin has called up 300 000 reservists in his brutal and illegal war in the Ukraine.

I was one of the few pundits who at the beginning of the year said Putin would invade after the failed coup in Kazakhstan because Putin was thinking about legacy against the other great Russian leaders and overlaid with his own complex relationship with the Russian Orthodox Church and his personal Christianity alongside hard right nationalists who view the Ukraine as a historic buffer zone.

The West’s distribution of next generation weaponry with state of the art intelligence has given the Ukrainians an upper hand to not only stall the Russian invasion, but to also push back on previously occupied territory.

Trapped, desperate and needing to save face, Russia has annexed parts of the Eastern Ukraine using sham referendums and now placed that territory under its nuclear umbrella claiming an attack on any newly annexed Ukrainian land is an attack on Russia proper. 

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The economic damage he intends to wreck upon Europe is clear, his intentions however are still blurry.

Will this set back panic a desperate Putin?

Will he launch some terrible weapon to regain dominance?

We just don’t know because this whole legacy based aggression has been emotional rather than strategic.

The fear is that Putin might snap before a Palace coup can take him out.

Putin has been pushing for a new nuclear bunker since 2016.

He saw Dr Strangelove for the first time ever in 2017.

He had his new doomsday bunker finished last year.

His deep Orthodox Christian Faith makes him the kind of lunatic who would see baptism of nuclear fire as a way to purge the world of sin.

These are very dangerous games Putin is playing here.

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  1. Not you too Martyn!
    – In 2020 both Luhansk and Donestsk regions within Ukraine had a referendum to leave Ukraine, and join Russia, they voted to leave Ukraine. Both the USA and Ukraine said tough luck to the redferendum
    – USA blew up both the pipe lines — that will kill many European due to the cold — forcing the EU to purchase very expensive gas from the USA — for at least 5 years.
    – The regions who signed to join Russia stated they desire to do so in 2015, after the coup d’etat by the current USA/EU puppet Government, with strong Nazi leanings — again, told no by the current Government

    • Thanks Nathan. This provides some balance to the picture of what’s going on. The situation is a lot more complex, nuanced and long running than we are led to believe.

    • As part of the collective west, The New Zealand government does what what it is told.
      Absolutely no sense of independent foreign policy whatsoever.

      According one you tube channel I follow, citizens on the ground in those regions just want peace.
      Do those citizens really care what the west thinks?

      Russian political leadership does not care what the collective west thinks either.
      The west are ” non agreement capable “

      • NZ recognises the fake ‘independence’ of Kosovo, which is a part of Serbia. Kosovo is controlled by the ‘veterans’ of the Kosovo Liberation Army, a criminal gang which murdered Serbs and Albanian ethnic civilians alike and sold their organs.

        Of course, the terrorists in Kosovo were supported by the US and ‘israel’, so the NZ government was 100% behind their actually illegitimate deceleration of independence.

    • It’s going to be funny watching the purveyors of the dominant narratives, (of the empire of lies) trying to adjust to reality.

    • Nathan you forever point out the US ‘interference’ but never seem to acknowledge Russia doing exactly the same thing. Were these referendum legitimate or independently verified? There seems to be a long history of armed thugs declaring separation from Ukraine into an independent federation ( not joining Russia) or in fact joining Russia. Doesn’t Ukrainian law require a national referendum on territorial changes?

      Where is your evidence that US ruptured the pipeline? Last time there was a rupture it took something like nine months to fix so not sure where the five year estimate comes from. US motives for doing so are no clearer to me than Russian to be honest. Russia had already turned off the supply for “technical issues” and didn’t look like turning anything back on anytime soon. Before you were saying Russia would freeze out Europe and win, now you saying the US can supply their needs? Where does that leave Russia?

    • A Russian supervised referendum that was dismissed by everyone.

      When Ukraine gained its independence in the 90’s there was a free and fair referendum where over 90% of the population wanted independence from Russia and even in the eastern regions the result was in the high 80’s in favour.

      Look at it this way, what sort of idiot would, at this point, wish to be tied to the ‘economic swing mooring’ that Russia has become? Any sane person would want access to the EU, a decent education, a chance at getting a decent job and a brighter future. Even in the short time Ukraine has been independent their standard of living has grown much higher than their old masters in Mother Russia.

      • Andrew – and yes, they (all of Ukraine) would have received this…as outline in the Minsk Cease Fire Agreement 2014, but Ukraine decided to kill more people in the Donbass, breaking this cease fire…despite Russia warning Ukraine

    • History has a bias and the West has always been at war with Russia. Are people ready to give up their sons and daughters for the killing fields?
      With this move Russia made these territories Russia and any attack on these territories are now an attack on Russia.
      I hope people understand that.

  2. Text of Putin’s Speech Blasting ‘Neo-Colonial’ West
    September 30, 2022

    The Russian president on Friday slammed the West for a history of abuse against the rest of the world as he announced that four Ukrainian oblasts had joined the Russian Federation.
    ” We will protect our land with all the forces and means at our disposal and will do everything to ensure the safe life of our people. This is the great liberation mission of our people.

    We will definitely rebuild destroyed cities and towns, housing, schools, hospitals, theaters and museums, restore and develop industrial enterprises, factories, infrastructure, social security, pensions, healthcare and education systems. ” https://consortiumnews.com/2022/09/30/text-of-putins-speech-blasting-neo-colonial-west/?utm_source=pocket_mylist

  3. While the west no doubt lose their shirts over Putins speech and the pro-russian vote/referendum in Ukraine ,,,the content of Our own PM’s speech has been noted by others….https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2022/09/29/new-zealands-pm-wants-more-online-censorship-for-the-war-in-ukraine/

    “This is the face of authoritarianism – even though it looks different than you were taught to expect. And it’s the mindset of tyrants everywhere:
    This is someone so inebriated by her sense of righteousness and superiority that she views dissent as an evil too dangerous to allow: https://t.co/kmG4zTgPwh
    — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 28, 2022 “

    “Which is a problem, because this is in fact an extremely dangerous proxy war being waged against Russia by the US and its imperial member states. It was absolutely deliberately provoked, it’s showing no sign of ending anytime soon, and its continual escalation threatens the life of everyone on this planet. The US has lied about every war it has ever been involved in, and if ever there was a war to bring scrutiny and skepticism to, it’s the one that is bringing us closer to a nuclear exchange than at any other time in history.”

    Remember when Key got challenged on BBC Hard-Talk,,,,, about scientists & ecologists warning our rivers were being polluted and degraded ,,,, Keys reply was he could produce different scientists stating otherwise ,,,,,

    Ardern would have us only having Approved Govt Facts ,,,, a situation which Key would have loved to abuse ,,,, so much easier than all that effort the Nats put into Dirty Politics.

    Anyway, Blair Faced Ardern certainly has picked up her namesake and mentors liking for war and its associated propaganda ,,,, she’s far more likely to engage in ‘evil Russians’ war-mongering ,,, rather than genuine efforts towards peace.

    Eg, if presented with the choice ,,,,, “ You either support a negotiated settlement right now or you support an extremely long, protracted proxy war that risks nuclear annihilation, ends up costing millions of lives and trillions of dollars, and has no guarantee of success. And the latter position is what’s being planned for:” ,,

    ,,We can safely guess which one of these options she has already chosen/committed to….. ‘slava ukraine.

    Looking ahead,,, Worst case scenario, ‘Ashes in our Mouths’ ,,, most likely scenario , an expanded and extended war with economic hardship in Britain/Europe ,,, probably spreading World-wide.

    “Only a freedom-hating Putin propagandist would oppose spending millions of lives and trillions of dollars in a horrifically brutal and extremely dangerous counteroffensive to reclaim territories full of people who don’t want to be reclaimed. ” caitlin johnstone

    Question ,,, If we have 120 “observers” in Ukraine ,,, and none of them report on the ‘far right’ elements of the Ukraine military,,,,, Kracken, right sektor, Azov etc (some of whom WE WILL be arming and training),, Brenton Tarrents bands of brothers

    ,, and the sanctions war induced economic hardship/dissatisfaction helping the rise of the ‘far right’ in Europe.,,,, does this mean they, and we by extension, are comfortable with this?.

    Who benefits ?.….

  4. 7 years of the Ukranian occupational government trying to murder Russian-speakers in those regions, hundreds of international observers who observed that the elections were far more legitimate than those held in s**thole countries like the USA, and the results are a ‘sham’?

    That’s a pretty big cope

  5. Putin is at his most dangerous right now.

    I was watching the doco Icarus last night about the massive Russian doping programme in sport. And it echoed the situation with the apartment building bombings entirely. Support was waning, he and his ministers engineer a cohort wide testing scam before the Sochi Olympics. His domestic popularity was in the toilet and had been trending way down for ages. Russia wins hugely at Sochi and his popularity soars. He immediately invades Crimea on the back of that popularity.

    So now we really have to worry because someone took out the pipeline (I was almost convinced it was the US backed lot) and we can see how that would benefit Putin in building the victim narrative to go alongside the pseudo referendum results. (Also effectively screws and weakens Europe) Combine this with the call up of 300,000 as nothing more than fodder to stop the Ukrainean advance until Winter sets in and I think we have to be prepared for things to get much worse.

    Over the last 20 years, Putin has got his way over the West every time. He believes that the West are appeasers and it is only a case of coming up with a credible enough threat, alongside energy/economic pain to make the West stop supporting Ukraine. His popularity is in the toilet so we need to expect the worse from him.

    • How many people died in the Crimean ‘Invasion’ Fantail ??

      The number was ,,,,, Zero.

      Can you name any other ‘Invasions’,,, in all of History,,,, where there was zero fighting and zero dead?.

      Perhaps the term ‘Invasion’ is pejorative when their was no fighting or deaths? .,,,,,, is a welcomed invasion an invasion at all?.

      Also I tend to think the same people who carried out the terrorist attacks against the Moscow theater ,,, and the Belsum school bombing/mass murder https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/4D28/production/_95625791_gettyimages-477616825.jpg.webp ,,, most likely carried out the other terrorist attacks you mentioned ,,,,,much more likely than Putin imo.

      Jacindas popularity climbed after the christchurch terror attack ,,,, Keys went up after the Pike river mine disaster happened…..Some-how Theresa Mays went down after the Manchester bombing ,,, But none of us blame Ardern , Key or Corbyn for being directly involved in those terrible events.

      Just sayin …..

  6. The Putinists are pissed off because Ukraine is winning. Lyman is a huge victory. Putin’s days are numbered.

  7. It was interesting to watch the reactions of Stoltenberg and Sullivan to Ukraine’s application for fast track entry into NATO. I do hope Zelensky took notice. The message is clear. Neither Nato as a block or Us independently are going to make a move that would commit them to directly confront Russia just to help Ukraine. In fact i expect that Zelensky’s application was specifically to test this out.
    Once the protocol of legalising the absorption of the new territories into Russia ( under Russian law) the conduct of the special military operation is going to change considerably. I would expect that attacks on these territories from Nato armed Ukraine forces will be dealt with much more aggressively now, using methods that no longer attempt to avoid damage to infrastructure any more. Rail lines will be taken out and power where it helps the military objectives. though they will not endanger nuclear facilities. But I expect they will do far more to stop the supply of weapons coming into Ukraine from Europe and the US. Possibly taking out transport planes bringing it into Poland from US etc. And the air fields being used for this purpose. Also shipping where it is relevant . At least I expect an announcement from Russia to that effect in the next few days leaving NATO to decide whether to stop the supply or decide later what to do when a ship is sunk a transport plane is taken out of the air or an airfield in Poland is take out of commission .I guess that for diplomacy such a warning would best be conveyed privately to allow for an acquiescence without too much public humiliation.
    D J S

    • You really are a wild fantasist David Stone. Do you really think that Russia would risk shooting down NATO transport aircraft? Anyway the Russian military is a rump of its former self and its capability much diminished.

      • If you read the submissions Putin made publicly to the US and Nato in December (20th I think) it is clear that they intend to secure their position in relation to the encroaching threats that Nato’s missile installations closer and closer to Moscow have been imposing.
        I’m quite sure Putin and his country have the balls to do whatever it takes to regain the security that they once had before the NATO encroachment since the fall of the Berlin wall , and the steady abandonment of all the non proliferation and arms control treaties by the US over the last few years.
        Anyone in a position of decision making who thinks Putin is bluffing about anything is a liability to the future of the planet.
        D J S

    • True but for Russia to be reintegrated in to world affairs will involve payment of reparations and trials and punishment for war crimes. Currently frozen Russian assets could be confiscated and passed on to Ukraine to help with rebuilding. If/when Russia is defeated on the battle field a percentage of their future oil and gas revenues would likely go to Ukraine until reparations were fulfilled. “No winners” except those countries that Russia is now too weak to invade. A depleted Russian military and Russian economy plus a strong enlarged Nato on Russia’s border plus a democratic free Ukraine still in existence surely will look like a loss to Russians. How much if any of the illegally occupied Ukranian territory Russia manages to hold on to remains to be seen but it is downhill for Russia from here until this war ends.

      • Great. Not only is this ad-hoc plan to control Russia wonderful, we still have to limit Chinese expansion for this truly well thought out and precise plan to work.

        Need more cope-ium/sarcasm?

        How do we claim Gazprom profits when Putin’s stated goal is to turn it off?

        You can’t control someone like that who has the power to switch off all of Europes energy!!!

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