Jacinda dazzles on International Stage (again): Luxon could never generate this level of admiration + soft power


Let’s be very clear.

Jacinda is dazzling the worlds media on the International Stage.


Yes, we can be legitimately furious at the total lack of progress on the real issues that matter on the domestic front, the 27 000 on emergency housing wait lists, the 200 000 kids in poverty, the homelessness, the failed Motel experiment, the underfunded social infrastructure – we should be angry at the lack of progress on those issues –  but we can not deny Jacinda is incredibly powerful for NZs soft power overseas, and for a country as tiny as ours, her charisma and charm is an incredibly powerful tool in our diplomatic arsenal.

There is simply no way in hell any International Media would bother with Chris Luxon, so while Jacinda has failed us domestically, let’s not pretend replacing her with Luxon wouldn’t damage our international standing.

We just need Jacinda to be as dazzling here at home as she is on the International Stage.

I want the transformative Jacinda she promised us in 2017.

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  1. Invite Jacinda from announcements international supporters to live in NZ, then check back with them within 12 months on their views on her…by the way, nearly every NZ leader gets warm welcome across the world from the public due to Kiwis

    • This is the worst thing about Jacinda. She only appeals to the ‘WEIRD’- “Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic”- otherwise known as professional managerial class neoliberal trash who hate the working classes- and she may well attract them here.

      We don’t want awful people in New Zealand. It would be better if they go away.

      • The descriptor is narcissism and it is not just emptiness of positive virtue. These people are dangerous.
        I wondered if this piece was satire. The tragedy is it’s not. This emptiness has infected the purported left. It is a fever burning the left to the ground.

        • It is very sad. This is why I make sure not to read regime media sources, NZ Herald, the Guardian, the Jerusalem Post- either way you’re getting the same nonsense. But read the stuff that the 80% of the people in the world read, the victims of colonialism that pseudo-leftists pretend to care about, the people whose countries aren’t imposing sanctions on Russia to make America richer, and you get a far more normal perspective.

          • Many countries in the world don’t have anything but state owned and controlled media.
            I won’t say anymore.

  2. She is in her element, PR. And she good at it, damn good at it.

    Personally though, I’d prefer a Prime Minister who just cut the ommisions in her plans hoping we wont notice, got things done at home to benefit the majority and never left our shores to a actress overseas.

    Anyway not all the world is fooled by the lack of substance!

    • Seriously.

      This is true: “her charisma and charm is an incredibly powerful tool in our diplomatic arsenal”.

      Well it could be a powerful tool, but our ‘diplomatic arsenal’ in Aotearoa is so boringly consistent since British empire occupation – which is to stick to our alliances with the worlds most brutal and dangerous military empires. So yeah, no substance to the diplomacy, nothing different, nothing ‘independent Pacific’, same old outdated and odious loyalties.

      Actual diplomacy and anti war principles would not include taking NATO’s side, maintaining Five Eyes Spy networks, hosting Spies in Queenstown, participating in belligerent antagonism of China. She’s not using her “charisma and charm” to deter and discourage militarism and the arms race, to build peaceful regional relationships, to not take sides, to point out that the biggest threat is climate change and we want to ally with people that want to fight climate change.

    • orbital panda. “Luxon needs… same speech writer” plus a hair transplant and a brain transplant too. Better working parts like legs – mastery of the head tilt – suits that don ‘t look too tight.

  3. Be nice is she did as well at home.

    She should be here addressing the concerns of New Zealander’s with that same smile. All we (Kiwi’s) get is the frown face scold due to problems beyond her ability to solve.

    Over there she does not have to solve any problems, just be the poster child for WEF in how to dupe your adoring fan base that one is capable to do anything, but actually able to achieving nothing.

    Great at PR, sadly lacking in achievement.

  4. If only New Zealand’s poor and homeless could be fed and/or kept warm and dry by wrapping themselves in these front pages from The Guardian and the New York Times, Aotearoa would be paradise….

  5. So they are the PM of overseas? When has Jacinda last dazzled anyone here in this country? Mind, hopefully they finally got recruited to the UN or some other Think Tank and like Helen Clark one day they will just vanish into overseas where they were so dazzling.

  6. Sadly they don’t dazzle here but rather project nothing more then a glimmer of misery with no light at the end of the tunnel.

  7. Ms Ardern is certainly a leader to be proud of at international forums, unlike “sirKey” who regularly raised the cringe to warp factor 9 with his three way handshake, Royal BBQ, US TV and pony pulling antics.

    Labours adherence to the long lasting Parliamentary neo liberal consensus along with the Natzos is the problem with underachievement at home. Lets not pretend our tory friends here on TDB, that Baldrick Luxon and his merry crew of blue suits would make any more progress than Labour. Quite the contrary, they would be disastrous for working class people if lined up with ACT. ACT’s policy says so quite bluntly.

    So however flawed it is lesser evil for me, Labour/Green/Māori Govt. and voting Green. Labour has actually delivered a lot of small useful reforms, from Provincial Growth Fund projects in the provinces to increased PPL Paid Parental Leave–Torys do realise people still have children right? to refunding many of the NGOs sirKey chopped, good minimum wage hikes, and Fair Pay Agreements soon.

    Jacinda lost any chance of transformation when she bailed on Capital Gains Tax–lack of an effective one, has helped root NZ’s housing market for almost 20 years. She had a chance in the unlikely to ever be repeated 2020 landslide to change tack, bring in CGT and do a state house mega build, but did not take it. That is why this will be a close election, not because there is great admiration out there for “7 pads Luxon’s” increasingly motley crew.

  8. Yawn.

    It is only the woke and the tribal that think that way. I’m sure the feckless will be out in their droves writing sop stories meanwhile back home Rome burns.

    • That’s the real problem Yeti. The things most people on this site want fixed are not going to be. Nat/ACT fix cost of living and housing? I think we know that’s not going to happen

      • That is the fundamental dishonesty of the tory supporters on TDB. Yes criticism of the majority Labour Govt. is well justified on significant items–but–NZ National, let alone ACT are only going to make things worse for the majority of NZers. Their actual public statements and policies say so!

        While I am deeply critical of the Labour Caucus neo Blairist rigidity, can still acknowledge them as a demonstrably lesser evil when compared to Natzo/ACT.

        The Sausages and Rotten Cabbages here are mere tourists, in it for an easy laugh. People like Mike Treen and others on TDB have been into class left action all their adult lives and made a real difference.

        • The lesser evil argument is maintaining an evil status quo. Nothing can ever change within this mental straight jacket. We have no left-wing party because National is worse -…….and National will always be worse.

          And around and around it goes.

      • You cannot fix the global cost of living crisis by giving the poor $104 a year but yourself $18,000 a year. That is National and Luxons answer to the global cost of living crisis.

  9. Yes, we need to give Jacinda another 3 years so she can follow in the footsteps of David Lange, who similarly dazzled on the international stage and created a right royal mess at home.

  10. Tell all this to the vulnerable children whose Commissioner is being so brutally abolished. See if it is transformative for them. See if it stops these kiddies from becoming future tragic stats. At least the Nats want to keep the visible effective protector of New Zealand children, and why not ? Soft power abroad is a fat lot of use to those at home to whom we owe a duty of care, and “we” includes all politicians.

  11. Jacinda and Obama share the same fate loved overseas but achieve little at home .
    She lead a government that saved us from covid .Winston Churchill lead a government that saved UK from Hitler . He was thrown out at the first election held after the war it is on the cards the same think will happen to Jacinda.
    I am sure she would not be without a job for long though as UN would be a good role for her talents following the footsteps of Clark.

    • Meanwhile, countries actually run for their people, rather than American war criminals, can see Jacinda claiming that the people of Luhansk and Donetsk have no right to determine their future in the context of attacks on their own nation or others like Kosovo (the province of Serbia) by the United States.

      Why do the organ traffickers of the Kosovo Liberation Army get to secede from their host nation, but Russian-speakers occupied by Ukraine don’t?

    • blazer, because it’s essential for the UN job aunty helen has reserved for her…that talking shop relies on empty rhetoric promoting aims you have no intention of reaching….she’ll fit right in.

  12. We all agree she has a wonderful script writer (as did Obama) and she, like Obama, will not go down in history as a ‘great’.
    With the shambles she has presided over in the last 5yrs she could not no do any worse than if she stayed overseas.

  13. And the poor woman has to come back to this septic tank of boomer s’ heads mired in their endless negativity and laughing at each others mindless uttering.

    • Kiwijoker What’s so funny about dumping the Commissioner for Children ? Who laughs about that ? Sepuloni ? Ardern ? You ? Vulnerable children? Serco or whoever gets to make big bucks from overflowing prisons ?

      • Let’s face Annie kiwijoker is right. If there was no issue with the Commissioner ( and you are right also) they would still be bitching and moaning about a PM, especially a woman, getting some positive feedback. That’s just what a large number of people in this country do.

        • Wheel. Kiwijoker refers to Ardern as “ the poor woman”, making Ardern into a victim, and that’s the way that the world works now. She’s PM, for heaven’s sake. Just had a free trip to London, stayed in a fine hotel, probably wearing freebie designer clothes again which is totally tacky celeb territory, and showcased herself in a pleasing way, none of which makes an iota of difference to the lives of folk whose lives are hard through no fault of their own – and who will never feature in the glossies- for nebulous doings.

          • Annie, while I agree with you on the issue of the children’s commissioner I certainly don’t on virtually anything else. I respect the Prime Minister greatly and most definitely do not consider her a victim, she’s too intelligent and savvy to descend to that status.
            However, Annie, cheap shots about junkets and freebies and the PMs dress sense makes me think you’re a bit envious, I suppose you’d be happier if she turned out in Adidas trackies, grubby sneakers and a hoodie and finally, I suggest refraining from commenting on events that it would appear you know little. If you’ve ever been on one of these freebie junkets and I’ve been on several, you would find the itineraries and timetables are brutal. How the PM can pop into Ursula’s and then have coffee with BJ and come home with a couple of free trade agreements looking like she’s just walked out of a salon is frankly, amazing. Kudos.

          • How will the Jacinda obsessive malcontents (hi Imright) cope next year – when the country again rejects the sleazy National/Act.
            Looking forward to the up coming changes in the lower tax thresholds that will seal the deal for a Labour/ Green / Maori government.

    • Kiwijoker – what’s your point? Joker as being funny or as in this extract? Which might represent others on this blog. This is diagnosis of character Arthur Fleck in film Joker. Our present trials and tribulations may bring us all to a similar situation.

      For Arthur, it’s a ceasing of normality, of trying to fit in, of being someone you’re not. When Joker starts, Arthur doesn’t have the best life. But he has a job, has his mom, has a dream, and a routine that allows him to feel part of society. One by one, he loses those things. He’s fired, he discovers he was adopted then abused, the relationship he thought he had with his female neighbor was a figment of his overly powerful imagination, and his routine crumbles.

      When those definitions of self vanish, so does Arthur Fleck. What remains is pain, rage, a twisted sense of justice, and a desire to be more than insignificant. The alchemy of those ingredients in the cauldron of Fleck’s trauma and mental illness spawn the clown prince, the Joker.

  14. Jacinda is doing what Jacinda does best. Making announcements to those around who adore her anyway. Surprise surprise, the global leftest media hang on every word she says…or it would appear that way if you listen to our own adoring media fanboys.

    However, I digress, Martyn is 100% correct. On the global stage as a PR person to promote NZ she is very effective (just don’t mention any domestic issues please). And that’s the crux of the situation. If Jacinda ever worked in the private sector (which she hasn’t) she would be a great PR agent for the company. CEO on the other hand? Not in a million years.

  15. Well maybe she should stay there? That way she could do anymore damage to NZs society and harm the widdle poor children living in expensive motels with their families.

    That would be the best outcome for all of NZ.

    It’s worth trying because her government is shithouse at building houses and eliminating poverty!

    • Actually they seem to Mickey. We are forever looking at what the media says about us overseas.

      It doesn’t hurt our tourism. John Key seemed to think it was necessary ( and it is)

  16. ” I want the transformative Jacinda she promised us in 2017 ”

    I think the word transformative has well and truly lost its appeal.

    I just want a leader who is more concerned with how to act for the many who are excluded from this country due to their atrocious lack of a survivable income but pay their share of tax ! instead of making it all about securing their legacy like the current incumbent who must love being away where she is adored and is not judged on her failure to deliver for the many while caring for the wealthy , middle class millionaires and thieving banks and corporates.

    Transformation # lets do this and build back better are all used up. Who can come up with the next marketing slogan for 2023.

    • I don’t want “transformative” – I want a labourer, a teacher or a nurse to be able to support a family on a single wage. That’s “restorative”, rather than transformative.

    • Come on Mosa you know full well the promises were made to win elections she never intended to keep them.
      She admitted to Jack Tame they were aspirations only.

  17. is she actually ‘well respected’ or are people diplomatically nodding and smiling? it’s hard to tell in a PR world…personally I think the latter as these same leaders..will shake hands with putin, trump or any random saudi prince….
    oh and ‘soft power’ means safe to ignore

    • Respect is nearly always extended to the leader of a country.
      Because someone smiles at you it doesn’t necessarily mean they like you.
      It’s diplomacy at best.
      Being a small country many New Zealanders suffer an inferiority complex so when our Prime Minister makes the headlines they feel better.

  18. Jeesus. The natact trolls here have a lot of time on their hands. Sadly they thrive on the ego-bullshit food that Bradbury has become and feeds them. Bye!

    • Stick with The Standard Rodel, they don’t allow any criticism of St Jacinda, you will fit right in with the echo chamber there…bye bye now.

    • Bye Rodel, see ya.
      Jesus that was a dumb stupid comment! You may have noticed (but probably not) that even the heaviest lefty bloggers/trolls here are very scathing of her. We seem to be on the same page at once. Oh oh…hang on…here comes Bert….yes yes…brilliant leadership bla bla…

      • No..no…SK, Bert will serve up his whataboutisms and tell us all it would be worse if National were Govt, or most likely blame Key for it all lol

        • Trouble is Bert has a point. Everything you criticise Arden for is ultimately being too like National when it comes to housing and poverty at least.

          • Ahhh but Wheel, all the lefties were scathing of National and the stats, you were all shouting from the roof tops at housing/child poverty and homelessness, housing the homeless in motels costing a million a year, now it’s a million A DAY! ….5 years later all stats are WORSE!
            So we can shout from those same roof tops that you have vacated lol

  19. Can see it now cushy job in the UN after she gets out of politics. Got to give it to her she continues to survive in the polls when there is no action/improvement on poverty, housing and inequality that continues to widen.
    Hopefully she will take some of the deadbeat minsters with her.

  20. There is simply no way in hell any International Media would bother with Chris Luxon, so while Jacinda has failed us domestically, let’s not pretend replacing her with Luxon wouldn’t damage our international standing.

    We just need Jacinda to be as dazzling here at home as she is on the International Stage.
    I want the transformative Jacinda she promised us in 2017

    Hear, hear, that man!

    • But how would the NZ media have portrayed, for example Luxon, for exactly the same speech in exactly the same setting.

      I bet my bottom dollar that our media would be having a go that actually there was no one was there listening to the Prime Minister.

      Ah but it’s Jacinda, and that $55 million comes with caveats.

  21. “Jacinda dazzles on International Stage (again): Luxon could never generate this level of admiration + soft power”

    Can’t wait to see Tom Hunter turn up on this thread for his latest harebrained, one-eyed attack on Labour. I’ve got the popcorn ready.

    • The queen said ” it is easier to hate and destroy, to build and to cherish is much more difficult ”

      The quote was directed at people like Bob.

  22. I saw a “yawn” somewhere in the middle of this pile of chicken headed clucking.. At least this particular comment section isn’t totally void of relevance then…

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