Why Efeso will win 2022 Auckland Mayoralty


Another week, another launch of Efeso’s Auckland Mayoralty campaign.

I’ve known Fes for almost 30 years.

As far as I am concerned, he is one of the most brilliant political voices of our generation.

His independence and personal moral compass mark him as a true trailblazer.

His authenticity and true mana as a real voice for the Community was tested over Covid when he became an all important bridge between the Community dealing with Covid and the Community frightened of catching it.

He balances that nexus of power with courage and humility!

He was part of a new  Pacifica wave that Helen Clarke created through Tertiary education and his independence to champion causes that impact the poorest has led him to challenge Labour from time to time.

That’s true bravery, being able to criticise your own side when they aren’t living up to our values.

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Efeso Collins as Mayor of the largest Pacifica City in the world is a future facing Mayoralty that shows the meritocracy in action.

While many Aucklanders are still undecided, I believe the TV debates will be the thing that convinces most Aucklanders to vote for Efeso.

Despite the CnR support, Viv’s campaign has too many internal problems regarding money for her to win (in fact of all the candidates you can say she’s the only one who can’t win) and while Wayne Brown is a perfectly capable technocrat, his limp debate performances drift like Biden and it’s so apparent and obvious that I just think that even Aucklanders who were Wayne Brown supporters going into the debates will be surprised by how poorly he comes across. Wayne’s social media campaign is also embarrassingly bad.

I just don’t believe real Aucklanders can watch the debates and not see Efeso win them by a country mile.

Efeso should win because he is the best candidate to lead Auckland by an enormous amount.

Efeso should win because Auckland is a meritocracy and we believe in that value.

Efeso could transform this city, but most importantly he has the courage to try.

That’s worth voting for.

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  1. Not too fast batman. His problem is he’s woke and by association by been in cahoots with labour, he’s fuck’d. Remember LINO isn’t the flavour of the month anymore and the blue rinse brigade within LINO doesn’t like him.
    With the Nats getting behind Wayne Brown now that Becks has been given the bums rush.
    It’s even stevens.

  2. Hope so… but he needs to drop the $1 billion Auckland Harbour Bridge walkway/cycleway project…which he is still promoting…Auckland has far bigger needs than that

  3. Hope so… but he needs to drop the $1 billion Auckland Harbour Bridge walkway/cycleway project…which he is still promoting…Auckland has far bigger needs than that

  4. From Fes’s soundbites leading up to this election I cannot help but conclude anyone or anything “north” of his comfort zone will feel the chill of his resentments and prejudices should he be elected mayor.

    But having said that should he decide to concentrate the entire cycling budget out “south” to smite Cracker, well God bless him. He’ll get my vote!

  5. Efeso Collins should indeed win if there is any good at all left in our cold, quantum universe. The papers are printed now and even were there further pullouts to leave just one right wing candidate, it would likely not make a huge difference to the result.

    But two things remain:
    • Turnout–pathetic is the only way to describe Aucklanders participation rates in recent years, 32–38%!
    • Postal Voting–transient renters, alienated non enrolees, and a crumbling postal infrastructure (apart from online shopping couriers) will all hinder efforts to raise the return rate.

    So yes, Efeso should win, but the contest still looks like a lottery at this stage.

  6. You’ve known him for 30 years so I guess you know what your talking about.
    I’ve never met the man and only know him through the media.
    What I have heard and read does not inspire me.

    • We care about what policies he is pushing, not what party is endorsing him.
      He could be endorsed by ACT and I would STILL vote for him.

  7. Well whoever wins the race they will have a big job on their hands navigating this complicated and fast changing world.
    Good luck to the winner.

  8. Nice guy that he is I hope he doesn’t win. We need people with business acumen not nice guys. He’s just too vanilla

    • Sorry SK but the reason we have shiite infrastructure is people in local government traditionally trying to run things like their own business, or a business, rather than laying the groundwork for businesses and people. Things like public transport should have been addressed way earlier. It’s simply brain dead strategic planning to think you can build enough roads and car parks for a growing city and neglect mass transport. Ok it needs central government investment too but certain factions use the same “run it like a business” mantra for the beehive too.

      • Ya can’t say Akls in good shape and that’s after 15 years of mayors who have been MP’s whose Used By dates had expired.

        Also the last 2 mayors signed the same contract as Effeso has that dictates they bow to the Labour Partys wishes not the peoples. Hardly a glowing reference for the cities independence or getting shit done.

    • When will people realise that business people are among the worst candidates to lead a city/country? Neither cities or countries are businesses. They are for the people. Business are for profit.

  9. I went to Tangaroa College for this launch. It is the 3rd time I have witnessed Efeso in action. He is the most beautiful person I have ever met, in terms of a politician. He is so natural, so educated, so hilariously funny. The people who are in his inner circle are Dean Kylie Quince, a woman so intelligent, so educated, so Tamaki Makaurau that she makes Helen Clark look a bit dumb. These are his people. I only shook his hand last week, and have only studied a little of his past. But Efeso is the most honest person that we could ever hope for, and he knows what needs to be done for Auckland. He knows how the unevolved have frustrated progress, he knows Wellington owes this city billions of dollars for infrastructure. He knows that we are half the population of Aotearoa and he knows how to ensure that this city receives the financial input it deserves from Wellington. Not from “ratepayers”, otherwise known as old grumpies. We need to “get out the vote” to ensure a democratic election because if everybody votes. he will take 90% in the first. But South Auckland must vote. Young people must vote. Everybody should vote, then we could call it DEMOCRACY! You may say that I am a dreamer, and you can go fuck yourself because hope is all we have so don’t tell me you cannot see the light in EFESO Collins and the Pasifika rising of this great Pasifika, diverse, city. VOTE if you really care about anything, or even if you don’t care about anything. We need to give our kindergarten tamariki a chance, and that needs aspirational climate, social and transportational infrastructure progress. EFESO can lead that change and must lead that chancge. No other mayoral candidate comes even close to the calm brilliance of a beautiful son of Otara, resident of Otahuhu, and next MAYOR of TAMAKI MAKAURAU AUCKLAND

    • What rubbish! he’s woke and a messenger for labours ineptitude. he’s in bed with eke Panuku’s chairman who will sell everything that is bolted down and has so many conflicts of interest, he shouldn’t be on the board but Efeso stays silent even though hes the councils delegate sitting on the board!
      Also, he cant count!!

      • The whole Panuku thing stinks to high heaven. Surely their Chair is conflicted with his iwi connections picking up land Panuku are selling??

        • Well there is this LB.

          Now. If you were in a powerful position in Auckland Council and also a developer. Which part of the council would give an advantage over your competitors? Panuku? Town Planning & Consent? Legal? Finance? Or, have people in all of the above areas to service your needs as well as appoint a few of them to some of your companies?

          Paul Majurey is the chairman of eke Panuku who also is a director or chair of 27 companies related to development, construction, Housing, iwi, finance and investment amongst other roles. His oversight is by Efeso Collins on behalf of Auckland Council.
          With Majurey holding so many roles that are in conflict with most of the agenda items and matters that comes before the board, he spends most of his time out of the room when board meetings are held because of the conflicts of the many interests he has. It’s probably not worth having him as chairman or even involved with eke Panuku because of all of his conflicting interests??


    • Thank you Mathew, very measured, articulate and personal. Compare that too..

      “He’s in my view not up to running such a large enterprise.”
      “I’ve never met the man and only know him through the media.”

      The less said the better.

      • “He’s in my view not up to running such a large enterprise.”
        “I’ve never met the man and only know him through the media.”


      • So Bert have you met Efeso?
        Have you met Jacinda?
        Have you met Luxon?
        If not then like me you are basing your opinions on what you have read or seen.
        So your comments have relevance.

        • Yes, met them all fortunately. LUxon at an Air NZ promotion at a mental.health awareness week and the other two at a Labour party conference.
          Liked them all, just don’t like the politics of Luxon and the whole black Mercedes introduction. But less about me and more about you, you need calling out for your continued pathetic posts on anything that doesn’t align within your right wing circle group. It simply shows you have zero credibility in posting sensible balanced opinions.
          Every post and I mean EVERY post is designed as a “wind up” or to use your own words ” it’s a bit of fun though”.
          Diminishing others may be a favourite pastime for you but it lacks maturity when discussing real life issues.
          Thank you for at least admitting you base your comments on second hand information.

          • Gosh Bert had no intention to offend you rather I rarely share your views.
            The vast majority of voters form their views from what they read and see not being privileged like you to personal encounters.

    • Gosh Matthew that’s passionate spoiled by your need to use the “ f” word and the manner in which you used it.

  10. Efeso
    is and has been a member of Auckland City Council
    Wayne Brown has not nor has Viv Beck, experience matters !

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