So again, why is James’ leadership being challenged, but not Marama’s?


As a Green voter, I must say that this, ah, this does not look good…

National accuses Greens co-leader Marama Davidson of spending more time on social media than doing her job

Newshub can reveal Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson’s issued just eight press releases and introduced no new laws since becoming the Associate Minister for Housing.

And now the National Party’s accusing her of spending more time on social media than doing her job.

Davidson earlier this week praised Whittaker’s use of te reo Māori branding on her social media.

“I grabbed as many [blocks of chocolate] as I could like legitimately and safely hold,” she said.

The Government Minister’s been forced to edit her social media posts though after complaints they appeared to be promoting a brand. That’s against Cabinet rules. 

So Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern asked the Cabinet Office to give Davidson a friendly reminder.

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“Just reminded me of the guidance about endorsing a product. I slightly amended my post so that I could stay as strong and staunch as it was from the start.”

Ardern said: “I left it to them to give some advice, they’ve done that, as far as I’m concerned that’s sufficient.”

But National said the Associate Minister for Housing should spend more time on her portfolio, which has a focus on homelessness, than posting about chocolate.

Newshub can reveal since getting the role in 2020, Davidson’s issued just eight press releases and presented only three papers to Cabine – which were joint with others – and introduced zero Bills to parliament to address homelessness.

…to be fair, virtue signalling to your followers on social media echo chambers is necessary, but the lack of any actual true progress on the social issues we care most about is humiliating.

Shaw has been an incremental disaster when it comes to the climate crisis, but why all the focus on him and not Marama Davidson?

The facts are very fucking clear.

At the end of 2017, of those who asked for help, 108 said they lived in cars. However, last month saw 480 people living in their vehicles.

Who is the Minister for Homelessness?

Marama Davidson.

Marama claims the only reason it is so much worse now is because they do a better job at counting the homeless.

If the Minister could put as much effort into housing the homeless as she does counting them, we’d have this whole poverty issue solved!

It isn’t just Shaw who has been hopeless, Marama shares that ineptitude.

It is outrageous that so many are still living in hopelessness while a Green Minister is in charge!

It is outrageous that a million dollars a day is being spent on motels housing the most vulnerable amongst us in wretched living conditions!

It is outrageous that none of the welfare working groups advice has been adopted!

It is outrageous that almost 27 000 are still waiting for emergency housing!

Now Marama and the Greens will swiftly counter that they have no power in this relationship because Labour didn’t need them for the majority!

I’m sorry, but that’s a bullshit excuse!

YOU KNEW going into this relationship you had no power!

YOU KNEW them giving you Ministerial Baubles weren’t enough to leverage anything meaningful from!

YOU KNEW that this was the risk you ran by agreeing to the Ministerial Baubles in the first place!

You had another option in 2017! You should have threatened Labour with civil war for transformative change on some basic progress.

Instead you capitulated so Labour could obtain political camouflage.

You can’t now point to the predictable and pretend that wasn’t part of the decision you agreed to!

You should have stayed in Opposition! Imagine where the Greens would be polling today if they had spent the last 2 years attacking Labour?

Like they righteously should have!

Instead we get this bullshit and are told it’s the best we could hope for.

How low were your expectations?

The fucking planet is melting and this is the best team we have on the field to play with?

Harvesting middle class virtue signals?

Is that what Left wing activism has fucking deteriorated into?

Pronoun mood rings and hashtag identity gimmickry?

The people we claim to care about are going backwards.

But sure, let’s go on some emotional rampage over Māori on a chocolate wrapper.

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  1. Hey Martyn, you posture yourself as left and green but you spend a huge amount of time slagging the left and green sides.
    In the meantime you are actually a softcock as to your treatment of the right wing.
    You continually criticise the most trivial things while failing to put the boot into Luxon and Seymour with any conviction.
    Why criticise Marama over something trivial like chocolate while letting Luxon off over his “enquiry” into Uffindell of which no information has or will be released or the Nats absolutely hypocritical stance on the changes that were proposed to Kiwi saver.

  2. If they had Chloe as leader and were not part of the Labour Government, then yes I think they would be polling at 13% + today. Leaving Labour polling in the 20’s.

  3. Mentally challenged Minister manages her mental well-being for nearly 5 years before doing any work.

  4. She does have a point though. When I was a case manager, if HNZ (as it was known at the time) were unlikely to be able to find a home for someone, they simply did not add them to the list. I dealt with many homeless people who were not counted in the official statistics as they had effectively (if not actually) just been told to not bother.

  5. Come on Martyn you know exactly why.

    Was it John Tamahere who said of Mahuta “if she had a limp she’d have the trifecta”

    (Or something along those lines)

  6. Let’s face it, everyone is blaming Shaw but it is pretty clear most of the f*cking country needs to wake up about climate change and the opportunities we have to take action on emissions etc including the actual tangible health and cost saving benefits around local pollution ( instead of wanking on about China and we are irrelevant etc).

    Davidson is probably dishing out the chocolate bars, hence the lack of challenge. I wonder if her social media account says she is in one location when she really is somewhere else complaining about Squirrels with big nuts

    • mary-a. Not only is Shaw a pale male, but apparently he was born that way, and stuck with his natal pronoun. That’s a hell of a disadvantage in the gender bender Greens. At least Davidson is not white or male, as far as one knows. I think that she’s also Minister for Sexual and Family Violence, and up and down this country, women, children, some men, and the 72 alternative others, anxiously await the transformation of their lives at her chocolate covered hands. She must be very busy, so be kind.

  7. Bloody good points Martyn. Hopefully both Shaw and Davidson will be rolled, no doubt after election. Too soon for Chloe to step up, but she’s the right leader in the making for the Greens. New blood, new energy required there. What a disgusting waste of salaries, time and suffering the Greens have been this term. Sold us all out.

  8. At a milliion dollars a day, any competent Government over the past five years could have built proper temporary housing (i.e. dry, warm, insulated, enough bedrooms, functional kitchens) somewhere on government owned land – and avoided the Motel slums.

    Don’t make an objection about planning permision, and RMA processes. This Government passed plenty of emergency legislation for the Covid response, so they can do it when they feel like it.

  9. I’m fucken tired of this shit y’know? All o want to do is make people food and watch them eat it. But I can’t cause of all the wonderful economic professors of woke tribal rightwing extremists.

  10. ” The people we claim to care about are going backwards ”

    Well that will not change as these people have NO VOICE and are POOR so even the people who used to offer hope and the will to enact change are gone.

    Going backwards is an acceptable outcome in our capitalist resort for the well off and upper middle class that LINO has tied its mast to.

    Bomber at least MANA held out some hope , a lit candle in the dark before that light went out !!!

  11. Shaw and Davidson are as different as chalk and cheese. There’s no synergy between them on camera, where James will usually defer to his less-articulate Co-Leader.

  12. “I grabbed as many [blocks of chocolate] as I could like legitimately and safely hold,”
    We must buy, she(they) just grab.
    Nothing to complain about as long as the loot is liked legitimately and held safely.
    I look forward to the next legitimate grab.

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