MEDIAWATCH: The existential crisis facing Seven Sharp & The Project


Mass global warming disruption is destroying the planet in real time as a burst of super heated weather catastrophes collide and rupture creating cascading extreme events that are permanently amputating our present while dooming our future.

30% of Pakistan is under water, wildfires in Spain have scorched the countries main olive groves in the worst heat seen in 1200 years and rivers across all of Europe have dried up with hunger stones proclaiming “If you see me, then weep” .

Putin’s gamble at legacy has trapped him in the Ukraine with few options left other than atrocity and carnage, his destruction of the European Economy will occur when spiralling heating costs breach citizens ability to pay later this year in December.

The unprecedented heatwave in China is shutting down an economy already terribly weakened and an Authoritarian Leader about to be granted god powers for life in November and who needs an external threat like Taiwan to turn to conflict.

On top of this the US Economy braces for recession while hyper inflation grips most developing nations.

So I decided to tune into the bastions of 7pm current affairs in NZ, Seven Sharp and The Project, to see how the great and good of 7pm current affairs were navigating the swarms of circling Black Swans.

Now, I have to hand on heart tell you all that I don’t watch Seven Sharp or The Project much because I have a basic reading age, don’t consider ZM or The Edge entertainment and I have an internet connection.

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Sadly however,  large swathes of our population tune in at 7pm to worship at the altars of lite infotainment on both channels and I thought I’d choose the Monday episodes to review so I can see what the masses are thinking about our looming geopolitical explosions.

Seven Sharp is on. It’s not Hillary. It’s Sarsha and Jeremy.

Straight into the first hard hitting story, and it’s cars speeding past schools.


Cars. Speeding. Past. Schools.

They then cut to some cop to tell people to slow down past schools.

It’s like a remedial class for people with foetal alcohol syndrome.

Jeremy pulls a face when he thinks about people driving while using their phones.

Sarsha tut tuts and nods.

Next story – the cost of living crisis, Thank Christ! An actual issue impacting everyone that we can debate!

Tell us Seven Sharp about how neoliberal hegemonic economic structures are impacting our day to day living and robbing us blind while the corporate elite and 1% wealthiest laugh at our misery!

The story is about date-flation where the cost of dating is making people share the cost of the date and doing cheap dates.

That’s Seven Sharp’s exploration of global capitalism and its impact and wage slavery upon us.

Workers of the World, go to Tinder.

The next fourth estate examination of power by Seven Sharp is a story about how people look like other people. They then waste time talking to a scientist about how people who look like you might share the same behavioural outcomes. Why the fuck this is even on the screen is utterly unexplainable to me. This isn’t a story, did someone actually green light this as a story? Did the third story fall over and this last one quickly put together by the c team research department?

I can’t tell you what the fuck this story is about, it looks like an expensive way to fill 5 minutes.

So the first segment was cars going fast past schools, cheap dates and something about people who look like you.

Those were the issues of our day?

The first story back from the break is about an artist who draws maps. This is the closest Seven Sharp gets to geopolitics. It feels like the compulsory Wellington Branch of TVNZ story.

Next is a story about female farmers not getting dates.

It’s hosted by a comedian.

It’s as awful as it sounds.

Jesus wept this is so brain numbingly stupid.

Ok, The Project.

There is the huge panel of people, most of whom I don’t know.

They compensate for the lack of talent by having as many people on screen as possible.

Their first story as the planet looms towards conflict is about parents on Tic Tok saying they won’t have their children’s friends sleepover and that sleep overs at a young age might be damaging the precious wee children and anxious and trigger and snowflake and blah blah blah blah blah.

Since when the fuck were Mummy Bloggers producing The Project?

A ‘Family Coach’ is on stating the obvious and all the panel are receiving the fucking obvious as if they are stone tablets being presented by Moses.

This segment is like a head injury.

They can’t agree on what age is too young. They have rules for successful sleepovers.

It’s like a segment on ‘how to put on a seatbelt’.

They are still talking about sleepovers.

The whole second segment is about sleepovers.

There’s a war in the Ukraine.

The planet is melting.

Sleep. Over.

Oh fuck they are still talking about sleepovers!

How do they all need to have an opinion on sleepovers?

The next current affairs segment is about dodgeball. Yes. Dodgeball.

Then there is an interview with Simon Bridges and the sad state of affairs of his career by  appearing on the worst  TV Show in the World.

The Masked Dickhead.

What the fuck am I doing? This podcast on Stuff better pay off!

Judith Collins showed Simon Bridges’ career more respect when she tried to destroy it with her shit encrusted MeToo Harpoon than he has since leaving Parliament.

What the fuck were you doing in that robot costume! David Seymour can get away with being a dick on Dancing with the Stars because David Seymour doesn’t have a functioning personality beyond wide eyed sociopathy, you on the other hand had credibility!

Watching Seven Sharp and The Project is like watching Simon Bridges singing and dancing in a giant robot costume.

I mean that literally, metaphorically, intellectually, culturally and philosophically.

This kind of insipid fourth estate journalism is why Qanon and antivax lunatics are winning.

Ultimately I think there is an existential crisis for Seven Sharp and The Project. As shit gets rapidly worse, the disconnect between this garbage and the harshness of the reality will strip these platforms of relevancy and audience.

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    • Agree entirely.
      Unfortunately good TV doesn’t seem to attract the bill payers. I quite frequently watch Maori TV these days because they have some decent current affairs programs and some good documentary’s.
      You might not agree with their perspective but it does tend to make you think a little.
      Far better than the mindless crap you get on the so called current affairs programs on TVNZ and 3. They are just convenient places for mainly right wing exponents to bleat on.
      Try TeAmo with Moana on Monday nights.

        • Mike and In Vino, my go to channel also. Real T.V. as opposed to reality tv. Julie Christie the reality tv queen brought mind-numbing rubbish to our sets replacing quality journalism programs. Ironically her brother is Leo Molloy a highly controversial and polarizing figure.

  1. Right on !!!!
    Banal, asinine words fail me.
    Told the wide to shoot me if she ever
    Sees me watching the drivel.

    • Agree. This is the kind of shit they get old people to watch in retirement villages on daytime tv over and over again until the poor old buggers give up on living because they just can’t take it anymore!
      Yoofinasia I think its called?

  2. Clearly the scripts for both these shows are vetted by, or even written by some govt department. I bet that Jacinda watched a few episodes and then quietly instructed the TV bosses to get with the programme.
    “Aim for the lowest common denominator, that’s our voter base.” And so they do.

    • Of course it’s Jacindas fault in… coward Krauts world, nothing to do with real journalism like John Campbell holding Key and National party ministers to account, then the master of the dark arts simply exorcised Campbell Live from television, there, problem solved. T.V bosses obeyed their dark arts master Key.
      Joyce the influencer behind Mediaworks.

    • What a load of shit Sour Kraut. I guess your name says it all. You are probably still sour because Nats lost the last two elections.
      For you to believe that Labour has any influence over Herald, Media Works Discovery, NZME shows how dumb you are. They are all paid for and operated by minions of the right. It is as obvious as the nose on my face.

  3. What did you expect? This is like going into Bunnings and looking for a hamburger, not finding it and then complaining wildly. This sort of content will increase in popularity because people want to be distracted – look at the kind of dribble tiktok and Instagram is dominated by.

  4. Bang on MB.
    I can’t understand why some failed second rate comedians haven’t been able to turn the shows into riveting affairs?

    Clearly the producers have decided there is no public appetite for current affairs. John Campbell, Paddy G, Duncan G type investigative entertainment.

  5. Explains why many kiwis are brain-dead morons. Some are highly educated brain-dead morons too!

    I must check Gobbels playbook to see if there’s a chapter on how to keep the population subdued and or, in a moronic state for long periods of time by exposing them regularly to moronic shit daily?

    If these shows are meant to be comedy and the audience akshully laughs. That can be taken as evidence that a big chunk of the population are morons.

  6. To be fair both shows are produced and made for under 40 single females. Like Netflix there seems a desire to exclusively pander to this segment of the market. Sure it is a large one BUUUUUUT nobody else likes the woke, detached and pedantic world the MSM operate in.

    The only positive is MSM is a sunset industry. They neither have the broad appear nor the financial clout to survive much longer. Once government subsidies run out they are toast.

    • Have to agree Frank. That 7pm slot has slowly deteriorated into an extension of the porridge that TV 1s Breakfast offers.

      You look back at the days when Holmes or Campbell (as much I dislike the guy, I respect his journalism) held that much that coveted spot and think that those were really the ‘good old days’

      They both managed to walk the fine line between hard hitting news, as well as soft interest pieces with aplomb.

  7. “strip these platforms of relevancy and audience”

    This already happened, the few remaining punters are the type who think Shortland Street is a current affairs show.

  8. The sooner they are ripped from relevancy and an audience the better.
    Both programmes are an embarrassment and an indictment on their audience.

  9. Brilliantly hilarious stuff @ Martyn Bradbury.
    “…Next is a story about female farmers not getting dates.
    It’s hosted by a comedian.”
    Seriously, I nearly choked on my own coffee. I laughed so loud all the starlings flew off the neighbours roof.
    What you were witnessing was a clever matrix of lies and logical fallacies at work to make sure important elements of the news were touched upon but in a most drivelous manner so as not to arouse suspicion and in so doing, normalising the patently and evidently abnormal.
    Metaphor alert: Imagine if one were in a prison along with everyone else? Is the warden going to tell us how to pick locks? The media ‘could’ tell us how to pick our locks to release us from this deception but unfortunately for us, the media is a jailer all bought and paid for by those who’s actions and inclinations must be kept secret.
    Banging on the same old drum alert: AO/NZ isn’t what it appears to be. What you see is a stage production. A play. A film. A work of fiction. We can spend all day looking at AO/NZ but all we’ll see is the version of it that they’ll allow us to see, the version they’ve scripted. That’s why there are now nine billionaires, most of them are multi billionaires and calling themselves AO/NZ citizens proud of their investment prowess and business acumen and and yet we’re an agrarian export economy, an economy earned by men, women and children who’re openly mocked by paid comedic performers, and that, dear @ Martyn Bradbury is the literal and actual reality.
    We’re prisoners of a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy that reaches back in time to the earliest part of the 1900’s when the first meat exports could be delivered to the UK and Europe as fresh as the day the poor creature was butchered. And in a soon to be desperately starving world, that will mean quite a bit. So ka ching, Aye Boys?
    The Billionaire Boy’s will be in there like seagulls, swooping down over all that lovely free money. Our farmers will be as demonised, vilified and humiliated in that classic controlling fashion as usual and the msm will spread bullshit around to a guffawing crowd of hoi polloi as they’ve done for generations now.
    But there is one small difference to the past ages.
    Me. I’m here. I’m here with @ Martyn Bradbury and others. You @ MB might not know how important The Daily Blog is, particularly to me but let me tell you, it’s vitally important. It gives me a voice but are there others? If so, where are you?
    Banksy wrote, presumably on a wall somewhere.
    “There are four basic human needs; food, sleep, sex and revenge.”

  10. Stopped watching TV News around 2002, the rest of broadcast TV around 2007when I saw The West Wing get stiffed in a late-night Friday slot. Torrent time and never looked back. Still, it’s good to see my choice confirmed by finding out that they’ve become even more awful and shallow.
    Still, those who watch inform me that this shallow, brainless approach worked wonders for Jacinda and the whole Chinese Lung Rot scaredemic, so perhaps you shouldn’t complain too much.

  11. Stopped watching TV News around 2002, the rest of broadcast TV around 2007 when I saw The West Wing get stiffed in a late-night Friday slot. Torrent time and never looked back.

  12. I love that Simon Bridges is no longer taking himself seriously and obviously enjoying life.

    He is like a big kid, full of the joys of the big wide world. Long may it last.

    And hopefully, he will stop before he feels the need to go on DWTS in order to stay relevant!

  13. Oh they are both appalling.
    Everyone I am ssure knows they are not journalism at all.
    The sooner someone gets rid of Mulligan the better
    People talk about the Mulliganisation of RNZ, so true. So much junk. And he is so often away with the fairies and not quite sure who he is interviewing or why.
    Still we do have Kim, I have no idea what they are going to do when she winds up, she is spectacularly intelligent, reads really well, knows lots about science and is genuinely interested in the topic and the person she is interviewing.
    Campbell I am a big fan but rarely see him to be frank I have no idea really what he is doing – I thought he was moving on to investigative journalism.
    Well the NO 1 topic that needs real attention is the $10 billion a year since forever that is government money our government is not getting because of fraud. Do something real about it! The same amount off money spent on this sort of fraud investigation is what is used on benefit fraud which is of course a drop in the bucket compared with these bastards. $10 billion think what that would do for health that has been underfunded by $30 billion over 30 years.

  14. No only you lot, Aye Boys?
    We need Juliana Dal Piva, the reporter who worked this.
    Brazilian president must ‘explain the origins of this money’, says reporter behind seven-month investigation
    The Guardian.
    ‘Bolsonaro under fire over claims family paid for 51 properties in cash’
    “Brazilian president must ‘explain the origins of this money’, says reporter behind seven-month investigation”
    I wonder what she’d find within the dirty laundry of our now nine multibillionaires?

  15. programming for middle class karens and as such becoming increasingly irrelevant. the trouble with being a PR outlet is when people don’t believe the PR anymore you are literally useless and that makes them pointless

  16. Both on a par with the trashy mags No Idea/Womens Wankly, endless regurgitated tabloid clickbait rubbish!
    The way RNZ is going it won’t be long before we reach a new low with tabloid rubbish that they are starting to put out as well!

  17. Oh Bomber god bless you for enlightening those of us that switched off in disgust some years ago because we all could see where current affairs was headed and helped in its destruction by the shyster and the previous Nasty Natz to divert attention of their crimes and the real victims of the neo liberal headlock.

    Bomber the TDB is more important than ever and if only it could reach those misinformed Hobbits.

    Support real stories by supporting TDB.

  18. The political class, policy wonks and “us” ranters have already left TVNZ to tune into The Working Group, Newsroom, Business Desk etc. That means TVNZ can focus on letting scrubbed up Newsboy deliver to people who want to “communally” watch some light weight shit TV and relax at the end of their working day. Those people never watched Gallery with Brian Edwards, Simon Walker and Muldoon or if they did it was only because there was nothing else to watch. And so if TVNZ is so shit why fold RNZ into its Big Brother and get less competition to break stories?

  19. Worse, the planet isn’t melting and we’ll have to endure this carp for hundreds of years. Much better if the oceans boiled and only cockroaches survived. Spoiler, that won’t happen we’re doomed to survive.

  20. I’m advised their audience is the same as those who watched the daily serial The Jacinda and Ashley show.

  21. “the disconnect between this garbage and the harshness of the reality will strip these platforms of relevancy and audience.” I have been operating on the principle that one should “never underestimate the stupidity of the average kiwi”… It has stood me in good stead for decades now, and looking through the comment section, I see that nothing has changed that would make me revisit that principle.. There will always be an audience for the utter pap that passes for intelligence in NZ.. It’s one of the many reasons I will be going back to where I can have a life as soon as I can raise the money to go… I applaud your efforts Martyn, but I despair of you getting the traction your columns should.. NZ is still just an insignificant British outpost, and will be until it’s dragged out of their descendants “cold dead hands”..

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