MEDIAWATCH: Bronze cat and latest te reo chocolate wrapper scandal


Mass global warming disruption is destroying the planet in real time as a burst of super heated weather catastrophes collide and rupture creating cascading extreme events that are permanently amputating our present while dooming our future.

30% of Pakistan is under water, wildfires in Spain have scorched the countries main olive groves and rivers across Europe have dried up.

In NZ, a Wellington Cat is getting a bronze statue…

…and there is more squabbling over this bloody chocolate wrapper…

Davidson defiant over Whittaker’s post despite PM saying it should come down

The Prime Minister has referred a social media post by Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson to the Cabinet office as it breached ministerial guidelines.

…Jesus wept. The Cabinet manual is very clear, you can’t pimp products when you are a Minister!

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Is Marama really turning this into a identity politics virtue signal?

I wish politicians could spend as much energy on child poverty, inequality, climate change and housing crisis as they do virtue signally te Reo on chocolate wrappers!

Folks, the fucking planet is melting!

Bronze cats and Te Reo chocolate wrappers aren’t issues we should be wasting energy on.


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  1. more invented culture war drivel, don’t play the game, all the right have is the bogus culture war….if you wanna shut them up ask them to define ‘woke’ or name a primary school teaching CRT they never can.

    • I’ve been reading your posts for some time gagarin and have found your views sensible despite the harsh cynicism.
      I’ve reached the conclusion you have more in common with the centre right than the centre left?

  2. The climax deniers are everywhere sadly even on TDB. Just thinking when have human beings or even dinosaurs ever used nuclear explosion in the atmosphere? The yanks were testing it on Bikini Island everyday for over 2 decades not to mention the Japanese fiasco on the 6 August Hiroshima – 9 Aug Nagasaki 1945 even in their deserts and then you have Russia, France, Britain, Israel, China, India, Pakistan, all had to have tested their nuclear weapons at some point. Along with the burning of fossil fuel for over a century must have an effect on our planet? IMO.

  3. How about we refer Jacinda to the same office for endorsing CostCo loud and clear. What a hypocrite she is!!! She is losing serious credibility. But I reckon she doesn’t give a hoot. UN or somewhere else is beckoning. “May as well fuck up NZ good and proper before I go.”

    • You beat me too it .I was going to say what you have about Costa .To me it is a ruse to deflect the stuff up with the payments to the needy.A good idea but poor excution just like so many moves by this Government

    • SK how is touring a new retail site the same as endorsing an individual brand on social media? Was Key breaching the manual when he opened pizza joints etc as PM? Were Bill English and Jonathan Coleman promoting private healthcare when they were photographed opening the Bowen Icon private facility in Wellington ( actually bad example they probably were!) ?

        • the cabinet manual is stupid. end of story. they all breach it left right and centre. as it turns out, Jacinda’s righteous diversion backfired as the focus is now again on her and her inept govt with that massive kiwisaver u-turn. ” I thought we were fixing the system” she says. Yeah? Really? Doooh! We know what you were panning you idiot! We knew you were planning to rob your own people. And they will sting you next year!!!!

          • National…
            Axed the kiwisaver start up deposit.
            Cut yearly government contributions in half.
            Froze kiwisaver funds costing 23 billion dollars from kiwisaver.

            Labour… putting GST on kiwisaver fees to level the playing field for all kiwisaver providers, LISTENING to feedback and withdrawing the policy.
            Coward cabbage you have a fucked up view of politics even when the evidence is right in front of your one blue eye.

            Now read National’s contribution to kiwisaver out loud again and remind yourself that even Seymour agreed with Labour on claiming GST on provider fees, yes provider fees!
            Next year National will pull Government contributions altogether should they be elected!!!

  4. ” I wish politicians could spend as much energy on child poverty, inequality, climate change and housing crisis as they do virtue signally te Reo on chocolate wrappers ”

    Its over and we didn’t listen.

    This chocolate wrapper sideshow encouraged by the leader of the used to be environmental , social justice party gives no hope that we will be prepared for the coming apocalypse.

    Governing by diversion never helped anyone.

    • Mosa. This is Marama promoting Marama. Marama sees bugger all apart from herself sequined on a mythological unicorn leading nowhere. Marama describes herself as ‘travelled’ having travelled from Christchurch to Wellington to Auckland and back again – “Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross – rings on her fingers, bells on her toes ”- prettiest little English village just outside Oxford – but hey, she’s Maori, and ergo above criticism or it’s racism.

      The astonishing thing is Marama doesn’t seem to know that chocolate is a treat, yes, a treat, for ordinary families, and waving a handful of bars around is elitist behaviour when cabbages are now sold cut into quarters to make them affordable and folk forage in litter bins at markets for fruit and vegetables. Ironic that the greens which we’re meant to eat daily are now priced right off the menu and privileged Marama Davidson should be off the menu too. We can’t afford her. The future can’t afford her. Our mokopuna can’t.

  5. This should be ok as long as Joanne Kidman, Prof of Excellent Extremism, Victoria University of Wellington, gets to approve of the cat’s name.Joanne has an historical interest in feline nomenclature.

    ‘Mittens’ is an Old English sort of name, which should happily Green Marama Davidson, who embraces rather basic sort of English words like c**t and f****n, while promoting te Reo named milk chocolate, which surely is biculturalism at its finest.

    The fact that the chocolate is made to disappear down gullets, and the bronze cat will stand until some nutter decides that it should be chopped down on religious or other tortured grounds, doesn’t really matter, as long as the WCC gives it its own rainbow crossing to help it avoid being run over by one of the invisible Wellington buses driven by an exploited immigrant trying to get citizenship for a hundred of his faraway whanau, assiduously studying our political leaders and practising saying c**t and f****n while marvelling at a country deifying the cat just like some do monkeys, cows, penises and politicians.

    • Marama will pile on the weight after stuffing her face with chocolate. Whilst swearing! Others in the Greens will fear for non ethically sourced palm oil and boycott Marama’s virtue signalling cause. No one will read the wrapper or care because who really does with a bar of chocolate?

      Some loser WILL steal the cat and try and sell it for scrap. And or it will be suspected of transmitting mind altering beams and be stolen and buried. The police will be called and drop real criminal investigations for real people because it’s something to do with politicians.

      The bike lobby will call for car bans because one of their cabal gets taken out by a car whilst the cyclist was running a red light but will not call for a bus ban for the same reason.

      Pakistan will have its seasonal monsoons, as it always does. Always!

      China will continue to massively alter its environment and redirect or drain off its waterways everywhere altering its weather patterns and wonder why it all turns to shit!

      The world WILL continue to rotate!

    • Putting rows of asterisks in between letters doesn’t mean you haven’t written or communicated obviously referred to words. It just means you remain subservient to ludicrous standards that encourage the dishonest pretence that the obvious isn’t really in front of your eyes.

      • No Richard, the *’s mean self-protective linguistic avoidance on my part just in case I end up on Joanne Kidman’s hit list, she’s bigger than me, significantly bigger, and even if every Green pollie sounds like a Billingsgate fishwife stuffed with pc chocs, I’ll stick with my Bluff oyster and the possibility of a pearl, but thanks anyway.

  6. ‘I wish politicians could spend as much energy on child poverty, inequality, climate change and housing crisis as they do virtue signally te Reo on chocolate wrappers!’

    Couldn’t agree more.

  7. Maybe Mx Davidson could buy a few thousand of these bars and send them to the people warehoused in rundown motels in our country. The work from home crowd is so fucking lost its actually sad were they not so venal in their purity.

  8. So they are gonna distribute the chocolate to the poor homeless? I mean she is associate of something homeless something?

    • Covid i p. But this is what Marama does, makes mountains out of molehills, embraces issues relatively insignificant to the well-being of the many, while the big stuff like family violence and homelessness which cripple people ‘s lives, continue to do so. But if the PM called her out for this, she needs to get a sense of proportion too.

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